Vol. XI1 JUNE, 1934 No. 6 Aerial view of A Century of Progress, 1934, indicating some of the new attractions. In the foreground, the gigantic new fountain, 672 feet long, with its watery dome; opposite it the unique new structure, "The Docidlebug"; adjoining it on the 16th Street Bridge, new Ar- mour Building; at the south end of the Lagoons, the Swift Bridge and the new theatre and stage built out into the waters of the Lagoon. In the far background, the new Ford Building and its adjacent park. In the foreground to left, the new Midway. The Old Midway is now devoted to a series of colorful foreign villages. R. H. CARR MRS. R. F. CAKR T. E. CARR 1 Consolidated Lamp Company LIGHTING SPECIALISTS Agents for R. H. CARR LUMBER GO. WESTISGHOUSE LAMPS 1622 Chemical Building JASPER, ALABAMA St. Louis, Mo. "STRONG AS EVER FOR THE FRISCO " Dense Timbers-Car Decking-Siding-Finish-Framing CHAS. R. LONG, JR. RAILROAD MATERIAL OUR SPECIALTY COMPANY LOUISVILLE CHICAGO C. W Booth & Co. "AB", THE NEW FREIGHT DRAI<E-Through new features Railtcay Supplies in design and mechanism, pro- RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. vides efficiency and economy CHICAGO, ILL. heretofore impossible. THE NEW YORK AIR BRAKE COMPANY Logan Iron and Steel Co. 420 Lexington Avenue All kinds of Railway and In- Genuine Wrought Iron NEW YORK CITY dustrial Paints. Varnishes and Lacquers. WORKS: BURNHAM, PA. Plant-Watertown, N. Y. Magnus Company INCORPORATED JOURNAL BEARINGS and BRONZE ENGINE CASTINGS CHAS. K. SCHWEIZER GO. MA1 LING LIST! RUBBER & STEEL STAMPS Producers of I Time Stamps-Daters-Self-inkers 1 STEAM AND DOMESTIC COAL Pave the way to more sales with actual names and addmwr of Live ptorptftr. Tie Hammers Mines on Frisco. Southern and Stamp Pads-Numbering Machines I. C. Railroads Get them from the oridnal compilers Comer Building af basic list information-up to date 422 N. 3rd St. St. Louis, Mo. accuratcfunrantecd. Tell urn about your hinem. We'll heip you find the prospects. NO oh. I A listion for eonnultation service. CENTRAL BOARDING & SUPPLY COMPANY COMMISSARY CONTRACTORS P. J. EYCLEJIAY. Prerldent JOS. JI. O'DOWD, Supt., Springfield. .\lo. G. I. FITZGERALD. Vice-Pres. and Sre'y GUT KRESS. Pupt., Sl,rln~fleld. Jlo. CHAS. GRAY, Jlanazer. Sprlnf$leld. 110. JI. S. ESCLEJIAA', Vlce-Pres., Dallas, Tex. General Office: Rnllwag Exchange nldg., EASSAS CITY, 110. Gives counts and ricer on Branch Offices: ST. LOUIS. NO., PITISGFIELD. Jlo., FT. WORTH, TES., DALLAS. TES. 8,000 lines of !usine,s. Shows you how to pet special lists by trr- rttortes and Iinc of businrss. Auto lists of aa ki&. Shown you how to use the mails to *!I your products and services. Write today. " H ERCU LES " Owens Paper Box Co. -Red Strand- R. L. POLK & CO. Polk Rldg.-Detroit, Mich. -- - 413-415 N. First Branches in Principal Cities Made Only by Leschen & Sons Row CL World'a Larbest City Directory Ptxblishcn A. Mailing List Corn ilcrs. Business Sla~is. , tics. Producers of girectbhil Advertising. We Fill Your Hospital Prescriptions The PRICHARD-BLATCHLEY DRUG COMPANY The Rexall Store S. W. Cor. Maln Pc Wall Phone 170 PLAIN AND FANCY BOXES FT. SCOTT. KANS. 1 GArfieId 2870.1871 BLUE PRINTING We Guarantee IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Does Depercdab le ART & DRAWING MATERIALS Your Fuel Delivery 11 10 Locust Street St. Louis. Ma. Uniform Contract Quality Protect ? Concpetitiue 1 WeH (Bill) REAVES ( Price 1169 Arcade Bldg. St. Lou.is, Mo. SAINT LOUIS & O'FALLON COAL CO. I Representing the P. 8r M. Co. SAINT LOUIS I C. A. ROBERTS CO. I "SHELBY" St. Louis Surfacer and Seamless Steel Tubing Paint Company CHICAGO ST. LOUIS DETROIT INDIANAPOLIS RAILROAD PAINTS, VARNISHES I LAUNDERING------ ENAMELS At Popular Prices From 21/52 Per Pound Up JJCfferron 0414 Arlington Ave. and Terminal Belt Ry. ST. LOUIS, MO. BECHT LAUNDRY GO. she FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZIN- ROOM 835 FRISCO BUILDING . ST. LOUIS JOHN W. SOURSE, General Passenger Agcnt In Charge MARTHA C. MOORE. Editor -- Val. XI1 JUNE, 1934 No. 6 ON TO THE WORLD'S FAIR! Employes throughout the Frisco system are making special efforts. through club organizations, to solicit Permission is given to reprint with or without credit. and secure passengers to the Chicago in part or in full, any article appearing in this Magazine World's Fair of 1934. The veterans, who met In Pensa- cola in May, pledged themselves to secure at least one passenger to the Fafr, and many more if possible. Contents of This Issue The agent in each town has in his possession literature on all-expense tours or special rates fmm principal Pages towns and cities on Frisco Lines. He 19.74 Fafr Pronrises to Be Bigger and Better ...................3-5 will be glad to furnish literature to those requesting same. and explain Veterans Hold Reonion................................................................ 6 any feature of the trip to Chicago Air Coated Coaches in Servfce.................................................. 6 which may demand explanation. Club membern and veterans are re- Meritorious Service .................................................................... 7 quested, where possible. to ~;etIn Agency Changes 7 touch with the Frisco club presidents. ............................................................................ and the presidents. in tnrn, may take The .June Graduates...................................................................... 8 up any special features with the agent. This to aid the aEent. who is News of the Friuco Clubs ........................................................ 9-11 an extremely busy man. In this way The Pension Roll .................................................................. 13-14 only one contact is made with the agent, in place of many. with the In Menioriam .................... ..................... .................I4 same results. Cars Handled Promptly ............................................................. 16 A report of all passenger business secured by the club nlenibers and Merriment ......................................................................................16 veterans is to b~ made to the office Kews of the Mechanical Deyartn~ent................................ 7-21 of the Frisco club president in each city, who. in turn, will send the re- Frisco Family News ........................................................ 22-32 port to the Frisco Employes' Ma~a- zine for compilation. Let's make a real rerord In sfmr- ing this business fur F'risco Lines from your own territory! I-P- THE FRl8CO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE The Friseo Employes' Magr%Lnb IS r monthly pobllcation devoted prlmurily to the lntereats oT the maire and retired onlployes d the Frisco Llnea. It contains storles. items of eur- rent nern, personal notes about emplo.res and their Iamllica, articles dealinn with various phases of railroad work, poems. cartoons and noticea regardin,n the service. Good clear 4 photographa Slllt~blelor repr~ductloome cspecirll~desired, and will be returned only when requ~sted. A11 cartoons and drawlngs must be in black India ink. % Employes are inrlted lo write aniclev for the ma:aalne. Contributions should be type- written, on one side of the sheet only, and should be addressed to the Editor, Frisco bull din^, <! SI. Louln, blo. Dlstrlbuted lree among Frisco Employes. To others, prico I5 eenls n copy; subscrlptlon *K raw. 81.50 a year. Adverrisiw rate wlll ba rnade known upon application. 178 U 1934 Fair Promises to Be Bigger and Better HERE is every indication that In the new villages are: BLACK Old Features Are the World's Fair to be held at FOREST VILLAGE-a mill pond with TChicago, starting ?day 26. will be real ice skating, a group of typical Made New and New bigger and better than it was iir 1933. German buildings of the Black Forest Features Promise The Fair of 1934 is re-opening with region, decorated with artificial snow a new color scheme, greatly enlarged and ice; COLONIAL VILLAGE- Great In teres t and varied new lighting, arid ail ini- duplicating historical buildings and portant re-arrangement of the grounds eating places of pre-revolution days; to make room Lor new buildings and E N G L I S H VILLAGE -containing exhibits. Chief elenlent in the re- among many other medievat features. mapping of the exposition grounds is a replica of the famous Cheshire may be secured; TUNISIA-typical of the ~nasterstroke of moving the mid- Cheese Inn; ITALIAN VILLAGS the land of the Bedouins; BELGIAK way from the center of the Fair to an with true Italian almosplrere: SPAN- VILLAGE-seen again this year with ideal location along the lake shore ISH VIUAGE-where one may be eddttions and improvements. The new of Northerly Island. served tortillas. frijoles. the paprika Streets of Paris of 1934 will be the With all these brillia?t. new and foods with the fiery sauces and condi- French Village of the World's Fair of improved aspects of the greater Fair ments. nnd others made famous by 1934. The Irish Village will be in a of 1934, there is an entirely new at- Castille: SWISS VILLAGE-built in setting of blue-flowered flax, peat traction that will take this year'e the atino~lphereof Alpine Inns and bogs, fishing smacks, etc., nestling in visitors into another world of enjoy- chateaus : THE OASIS-in the Mvroc- the deep green of the moss, fern and ment and interest. This is the un- coan Village. where food and drinks shrubbery of Ireland. precedented series of foreign villages. of thc Sorth Africa desert country The Hall of States and Government linilding scored the highest attend- ment of burns for diminution of pains antl a replica of the famous "first ance of any building on the \Vorld'? and more plastic healing; methods of engine", the John Stevens, will be on Fair ground last summer, and bids fair medical evidence in crime detection display. Exhibits from bus, air and to repeat its popula~.ity this year. will be sllown hy the medico-legal cx- ship \\ill also interest the visitor. More states llave signified their inten- hibit of the Instit~~ieof Medicine of In the Ford "Drama of Transporta- tion of participatinq than wpre reprc- Chicago.
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