ANTHROPOL L RESEARCH IN SOUTH EAST EUROPE PROSPECTS FOR OGICA - Moscow, Russia N. N. Miklouho-Maklay Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology Russian Academy of Sciences, and , Belgra e, Serbia Institute of Ethnography Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts d Prospects for Anthropological Research in South-East Europe Editors Marina Martynova N. N. Miklouho-Maklay Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology IvanaRussian Baši Academyć of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Institute of Ethnography, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia MOSCOW – BELGRADE 2019 UDK 39 BBK 63.52 47Querl Editorial board: Dragana Radojičić (Institute of Ethnography SASA), Srđan Radović (Institute of Ethnography SASA), Natalia Belova (Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAS), Marina MartynovaThe reviewers (Institute: Marina of Ethnology Simić and Anthropologyty of Pol RAS) Sceince, University of Belgrade), lena Filip ova ( Moscow, Russia)(Facul itical E p Institute of Ethnology and anthropology RAS, PROSPECTS FOR ANTHROPOLOGICAL RESEARCH IN SOUTH-EAST EUROPE / Ed. Marina Martynova & Ivana Bašić. – Мoscow: IEA RAS & Belgrade: EI SASA, 2019. – 238 pp. ISBN 978-542-110-238 0 The book marks a new phase in the fruitful collaboration between the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Ethnography Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. It is an important publication for any future research on the development of ethnology and anthropology in Southeast Europe. The papers presented here, the topics they raise and the methods they employ, comprise an overview of the issues, concepts, phenomena and research methodologies anthropology in this has been dealing with in the early 21st century. Positions of the discipline itself, transformations of traditional culture and various phenomena of contemporary culture in Southeastern Europe are subjected to a theoretical scrutiny in the papers of this volume. © Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, 2019 ISBN 978-542-110-238 0 © Institute of Ethnography, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia, 2019 CONTENTS NTRODUCTION I AND IDEN ITY CONTEMPORARY ETH OLOGICAL7 –AND12 L I. “NETWORKING” T – N ANTHROPOLOGICA Delivery(SELF of) REFLECTIONEthnographic Material. The 15 25 Work of Eth ologists in e Conditions f ‘Project Ines Prica, n th o – Interdisciplinarity’ ultidimensional Identity and National Tradition under the Condition of Pan- 27 39 Petko Hristov, MoM Is y of a Un ted Europe Possible? s – European bility. Ethnolog i HE EW C THES OF II. T N LO nthropologicalTRADITIONS Interpretatio of 43 65 Popular Cos ology: Research Pers ives. Milan Tomašević, A n – inship some Calendar m pect 67 88 brations. A Case tudy f the bration of VesnaEpiphanyPetreska, in MacedoniaRitual K in Cele S o Cele – ubarac Matić, Fr Serbian Epics to The Hague Thematic C rcle and 69 113 ĐorđinaBack:Tr Decasyl abic Singing omas a theLinguistiClassical Register Seen from the Functional Perspi – l c Katerina P Kuzma , A ective 115 131 ch of t e Role of R Processions in Folk Traditionetrovska nova spects of the Resear h usalian – 5 DERN GAMES AND RITUALS III. (POST)MO J a he Celebration of Childre 's Aleksandar Krel, adrank Đorđević Birthdays in Belgrade and Consumer Society 135 152 Crnobrnja, T n – itics on the Fo ll Fie d. An Overview of the Relationship between Id ology Ivan Đorđević, Pol otba l and Sport in erbia 153 177 e – S MMORPGs and 179 206 Ljiljana Gavrilović, me Ba ic Fa torsNationalism of – Pilgrimage in Contemporary Serbia Biljana Anđelković, So s c 207–229 6 UDK 39+726.95 DOI: 10.33876/978-542-110-238-0/207–229 ana Bilj Anđelković SOME BASIC FACTORS OF PILGRIMAGE IN CONTEMPORARY SERBIA1 Pilgrimage tourism in Serbia represents a developed, yet highly d a ty. Se ng al tou st org th s t p i t, t unregulate t ctivi w ei as offici ri A l anizations, c eoSerbianer Orthodoxty Church tour(SOC) ors thed tate ake nof art in ts developmours en a l i mostly l akes i place ithin the s “gray zone”. w ack wof ontrol v v athisnd activi vesleaves utilizedguide an organizerse ips. o hispilgrimage kind t with” ot of eeway nonchoosing s thed acredin eryplaces evenhich conceptsill be isitedOC narrati p during a th tr i T r of “libertyp s in (re)presentatiem. In his paperi reflecteI will v eun s of rchof S sacredted placeseenamong ndilgrims, 2017 ons well as ne differenttours in eligious he ractiim ce t th r t o t present th result resea conduc betw 2013 i a w pilgrimag t Serbia. T oa of he papeoups,is te pointnds ou the vesmost usedimportant n these traits ofs, contemporarys well as pilgrimage a s n Serbia – aysp of organizing, h i he structure “f pilgrimal gr th ki ofalnarrati or x believers.o voyage a the role nd ignificance that ilgrimages ad n the process of spiritu growth”Keyof tradition words: lgrimagethodo sm, steries of n h, pi touri pilgrims, mona the Serbia Orthodox Churc Serbia Even organized t h b p in erbia or he ast ree s, t is till n though pilgrimage ourism as een resent S f t p th decade i s a unexplored T t a r t t p Identity strategies: contemporary1 culture and religiosity No. 177028, hich s nced ntirely by M he ext S is esulta Tof he work onA he roject o R public f Serbia. w i fina e the inistry of cience nd echnological dvancement f the e o 207 a A ------------------------------------------------------ Biljan nđelković ts oots lie, n part, in he ncrease f the numbers f religious eople2 in erbia, and in art in he pilgrimagesphenomenon. Ihrinesr f ie n tOrthodoxi hurcho which o a significantp role n theS tionp f thet national-politicpulace nd heal to t s e o th Serbia i S C i had and early 1990’s. i ecause mobilizaf the double oole that poilgrimagesa layedt awakening t of he i thnic/national – e dentity of erbs v n the late a simply1980’s religious r spiritualB o s. his periodr p behind p in histivesperiod, and ideasit s difficult about monasteriesven today s – to iew themones fs spiritual o Mileusnićvoyage 1997)T materialleft vidence certainof longnarra radition nd3 ontinuity of he ion”a “border Perica st2006, o Ser Tbian the space” nd( l aspects andof “ilgrimagese s 4 thec discourset – area hardc to separ t nat ( 40). hus, religious a nationa p – a in publi Three s ago, ate.hen the ess of uilding and tion f numerous hurches and monasteries f the Orthodox Churchdecade in Serbia andw Former Yugproc begb a number restora o c o 5 Serbian oslavia an, I t t pilgrimage religious tourism i b 2 , including official hurch agencies, because the m tourism in title refersn toSerbia the wayhe of organermizing and not/ the purpose of thes trip.accepted y all organizers T w o co a t S ter O rch,the founded3 in 90, p until ly t was written: ugh iting he ebsite f the fficial a gency t bof he erbian o rthodox Chuh 19 u y recent A iu O “Thro ovis the Serbian ourmonasteries and churchesonal which Ere he p order stonesi a f Serbian istory, ‘Dobročinstvo’, y o each ear afrom r pril ntil c ctober, a takes s you tty f thesources of spiritual (Taken romnati the officialident websiteity. very of “Dorogramročinstvo”s an innthol 2013).ogy, stemming from ears uchf experience nd esearch s basedof onulture he actnd atpirituali onasterieso SerbianS people” f b 4 c t a r o f m the ages, on Sthe (re)presentationdealized i hip they t d f towardth m of ( erbian a foundingOrthodox Churchteries,ontain andombs laternd on,emains ngf Serbian ks),rulers s wellro omiddle gnificance fi the ole whichrelations and ha playedmonasteries n the dventsuch ofs literacy, monasne nd art becomierbia, thatmon y a a orerunneras n the simuseums witho rich rtreasuries andmonks librariesmonasteries etc. i a mediciS t a1 church t S in S O the were h ef a of restored5 bout 500 churches nd onasteries. The majority f urches re erected at ince equesthe 990s f localhe believerserbian whorthodox mostlyChurch elp withas therected uildingnd/or of churches.a Besides generous a ionsm rom believers, hurch oldingch is fundeda s thef r a t o f o h ć andb 2014 , 37). donat f c bui from tate unds nd he unds f local communities ( Spasojevi Milojević 208 Some ic rs of Pi in Co ry S ------------------------------------------------------ Bas Facto lgrimage ntempora erbia p a p t c o o prominent organizers f ge ours rom s wishedof riests to: nd eople close to he hurch – as ne f the most o pilgrima t f Belgrade state – “(...) ring he mportance of x sacred ites spiritual healing ll cred closer to he people,b t elli developorthodo bond etweens and people nd rthodoxin a sasteriesplaces and monks in t er to as closew as to d aation forb the thefit b a o F t mona p e s ord foster t contacts san cooper t m bene w of othtionsides. and otheror he needs”.eople to xperience piritual healing at he acred ites, and help he onks ith restora a w t o b m l s ity and Christian s to laypeople,After decades n theof othertheism, handthe oprimary ve inancialgoal as,idon o he neer projectshand, to of ringbu onastery and restorationife, piritual of monasteries. value and o t gi f a t furth When ildingilgrimage tourism S f b o v w t d t o ap t S in erbia C irst a egan,i p ests.the organization t m f sucha oyages i as he s omain p of he fficialnes grew,patriarchate the mbergency ofof he erbianizers fOrthodox pilgrimagehurch, ndrewts sri .
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