Extending and renewing party democracy Introduction from Gordon Brown Leader of the Labour Party photo: C.Smith photo: But we know that while the British people are increasingly politically interested, joining pressure groups and campaigning on local and global issues, traditional party political activity has never been so low. So just as in the past we renewed our party in preparation for government, now the new circumstances we face mean we must reform our party again. I want a policy making process that honours the fact that all of us have joined the Labour Party to make a contribution. On the 24th June I was elected Leader of We must be clearer about the importance the Labour Party. I want to thank you as a of party membership, and recognise more member of our party for this great honour explicitly the responsibility it brings for and responsibility. shaping the future direction of our party. Immediately, I want to begin a dialogue So I propose new rights for members to be about how together we can renew and consulted on policy and a new duty on the rebuild our party. National Policy Forum to involve and engage the widest possible audience in policy All of us joined the Labour Party because we discussions. This will mean an obligation see it as the vehicle to give expression to our on the National Policy Forum to consult values – and our vision of a good society. members on policy issues. We know and value the fact that Because I want every member to have the political parties are an integral part of a opportunity to take part in policy debate we thriving democracy. will provide more support to local Labour parties so that policy forums can be held in every constituency. There will be wider use Extending and renewing party democracy of local policy forums on key issues regularly Local parties will be empowered to consult, throughout the year and we will make involve and engage their local communities better use of technology to allow for regular in debate and dialogue about future policy. consultations on contemporary issues. So this time of change must also be a time I also want to strengthen Annual for renewal. Conference’s role in directing the National Policy Forum by giving Annual Conference I believe that it is time to fundamentally representation on the National Policy Forum. reform the way we the Labour Party, listen Where issues of policy arise at Annual to the British people, and involve them and Conference we will oblige the National Policy engage with their needs and aspirations. Forum to consult the membership including the individual and affiliated membership and By seeking as party members to engage the public so that our decision-making can more with the public and by placing the be informed by the widest possible cross membership in the driving seat of doing so section of opinion. and of shaping our policies for the future, we can usher in a new era of participation And because there will be a new duty on where Labour is renewed, speaking to and the party as a whole to involve and engage reflecting the concerns and aspirations of the members in the making of our policy British people. programme, the programme will be voted on by the whole membership in the future. Throughout the summer we will consult on these reforms - reforms which make the We need to turn outwards and draw those Labour Party the listening party and show who share our values but not our party into the whole of Britain that involving and our work. We must become a focal point for engaging people is at the heart of our desire community concerns and action, listening to and determination to serve the public best. and working with residents in every locality in pursuit of social justice. I look forward to discussing these ideas with you in the future. So alongside these new rights for members to be consulted and involved, we will provide more support for local Labour Parties to do what the best Labour parties do locally now: to involve the public in the widest Gordon Brown MP possible way. Leader of the Labour Party Extending and renewing party democracy Overview There should be a duty on the Labour Party NPF. The Joint Policy Committee (JPC) will itself to consult, involve and engage the take on an enhanced executive function membership of the party as we make our in relation to the operation of the NPF and policies. And there should be a duty on local the Partnership in Power (PiP) process, Labour parties to forge connections with all meeting every two months. A new group local community groups in their area. of JPC Officers will lead the committee and have regular meetings with government To fulfill these duties, we need to modernise ministers to ensure ongoing dialogue. and adapt the roles and responsibilities of Annual Conference will be given a more the National Policy Forum (NPF) and Annual substantial role in directing and monitoring Conference to ensure they function more the work of the NPF. Twelve NPF effectively and facilitate the widest possible representatives will be directly elected by engagement of our membership. Conference in order to reinforce the links between the two institutions in light of a This document sets a path forward to meet new contemporary issues process. these challenges through: 4. Giving all members a say on the policy 1. Involving every member in policy making programme. The final policy documents with a commitment to give greater support agreed by the National Policy Forum will to local Labour Parties in holding Policy be the subject of an One Member One Forums and creating a duty on the NPF to Vote OMOV ballot. better consult, engage and involve party members in policy discussions. 5. Support for local parties to better engage local communities. 2. A strengthening of local policy forums and the NPF: including strengthening the All party members are invited to have NPF with a regular workplan and meeting their say on the reforms set out in this schedule, an open and constant dialogue document. with ministers and a greater ability to provide feedback to party members and The closing date for receipt of stakeholders. submissions is noon, Friday 4 September 007. 3. Strengthening the role of Annual Conference in directing the work of the Extending and renewing party democracy 1. Involving every party member in policy-making Our policy-making process must honour the providing NPF members with up-to-date fact that we have all joined the Labour Party briefings on government policy. to make a contribution. • More opportunities for party members and Under new proposals we will ensure that the NPF to debate current as well as future every member has the opportunity to policy. contribute and engage in policy discussions. • More feedback on policy submissions so We will provide support so that policy forums that members can follow the debates can be held in every constituency and every and see how their concerns have been member will be invited to take part in our discussed by the NPF and the policy policy discussions. commissions. The NPF will be strengthened to better • A new requirement that all party involve and engage party members in policy members are consulted on the final policy formation. programme. There will be a new duty on the Labour Proposal : Creating a duty on the NPF to Party to more widely engage and consult better consult, engage and involve all party all members in policy discussions. This duty members in policy discussions. would include: • Greater support for CLPs to hold local policy forums in each constituency. • Regional Policy Forums every year. • An invitation to every member to take part in policy discussions. • More support for stakeholder representatives on the NPF including 4 Extending and renewing party democracy 2. Strengthening the NPF The role of the NPF and decisions taking place within the policy commissions and at the NPF. There Over the last ten years, PiP has is still a feeling among some members that demonstrated that party members and submissions just disappear into a ‘black hole’ affiliates are keen to engage in positive, and that the commissions do not provide wide-ranging policy discussions. enough feedback. The final policy programme agreed at Specifically, the NPF would be Warwick in 2004 demonstrated the strength strengthened by: of the NPF in formulating a party programme which all members can unite around. • More regular meetings of the PIP institutions, including the NPF and a new However, despite the successes of the NPF, executive of the NPF, to ensure greater party members want to be more involved in governmental accountability and an open discussing long-term policy challenges, and and constant dialogue on key policy issues. to see the results of that involvement better reflected in policy outcomes. • A clear timetable of consultation on documents and greater visibility for the In 2005 the NEC and NPF reviewed NPF’s policy commissions. the working of the PIP process and recommended a number of improvements, • More opportunities for party members and including increased opportunity for real the NPF to debate current as well as future time discussions of policy issues, greater policy. ministerial engagement with the NPF’s institutions, and more structured and • Using new technology there will be deliberative work plans for the NPF’s policy better communication with members on the discussions of the NPF and commissions. policy commissions. There will be more But there is still more that could be done communication between NPF reps and to address the main concerns raised by CLPs.
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