An EnglishPersian Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures a a zarrabibasuacir ghodsisharifedu algorithm B A all pairs shortest path absolute p erformance guarantee b alphab et abstract data typ e alternating path accepting state alternating Turing machine d Ackermans function alternation d Ackermanns function amortized cost acyclic digraph amortized worst case acyclic directed graph ancestor d acyclic graph and adaptive heap sort ANSI b adaptivekdtree antichain adaptive sort antisymmetric addresscalculation sort approximation algorithm adjacencylist representation arc adjacencymatrix representation array array index adjacency list array merging adjacency matrix articulation p oint d adjacent articulation vertex d b admissible vertex assignmentproblem adversary asso ciation list algorithm asso ciative binary function asso ciative array binary GCD algorithm asymptotic b ound binary insertion sort asymptotic lower b ound binary priority queue asymptotic space complexity binary relation binary search asymptotic time complexity binary trie asymptotic upp er b ound c bingo sort asymptotically equal to bipartite graph asymptotically tightbound bipartite matching augmenting path bisector automaton bit vector automaton simulation blo ck averagecase blo cking ow averagecase cost blossom AVL tree c c b o olean b o olean expression B b o olean function Btree b ottleneck traveling salesman backtracking bag b ottomup radix sort balance b ottomup tree automaton balanced binary searchtree b oundarybased representation balanced binary tree balanced kway merge sort b ounded queue k b ounded stack balanced merge sort branch and b ound balanced multiway merge branching balanced no de breadth rst search a balanced quicksort Bresenhams algorithm balanced twoway merge sort bricksort bridge BellmanFord algorithm British Museum algorithm Benfords law brute force b estcase BSPtree b estcase cost bubble sort b est rst search a bucket biconnected comp onent b bucket array biconnected graph bucket sort bidirectional bubble sort bucketing metho d e bigO notation c Byzantine Agreement Problem bin sort comp etitive ratio complement Byzantine generals complete binary tree complete graph C complete tree Calculus of Communicating Systems complexity complexity class canonical complexity class computable computable function capacitated facility lo cation concave function concurrentow capacity conguration capacity constraint conjunction cell prob e mo del connected comp onent b cellular automaton connected graph centroid coNP c certicate constant function chain continuous knapsack problem child Chinese p ostman problem Co oks theorem Chinese remainder theorem Co ok reduction counting sort Christodes algorithm critical path problem Christodes heuristic cut chromatic index b cut vertex chromatic number cutting plane ChurchTuring thesis cutting theorem circuit cycle circuit complexity circuit value problem D circular list DAG shortest paths circular path circular queue data structure clique database clique problem decidable collective recursion decidable language collision decision problem comb sort decision tree Communicating Sequential Pro cesses decomp osable searching problem commutative degree comparison sort comp etitive analysis distributional complexity degreek graph k divide and conquer delete divide and marriage b efore conquest dense graph depth domain depth rst search a Do omsday rule deque doubledirection bubble sort derangement descendant double hashing deterministic double rotation deterministic algorithm doublyended queue deterministic nite automaton c doubly linked list dual deterministic nite state automaton dynamic dynamic array deterministic nite state machine dynamic hashing dynamic programming deterministic nite tree automaton dynamic tree dynamization transformation deterministic pushdown automaton deterministic tree automaton E DeutschJozsa algorithm edge DFS forest a edge coloring diagonalization edge connectivity diameter edge crossing dictionary eciency dierence element uniqueness digraph EM data structure Dijkstras algorithm Euclids algorithm diminishing increment sort Euclidean algorithm dining philosophers Euclidean distance directed acyclic graph Euclidean Steiner tree directed acyclic subsequence graph Euclidean traveling salesman problem directed graph Euler cycle discrete pcenter p Euler tour disjointset data structure Eulerian graph Eulerian path disjointset forest exchange sort disjointset exclusiveor disjunction existential state distribution sort expander graph formal language exp onential formal metho ds extended Euclids algorithm formal verication fractal external memory algorithm fractional knapsack problem external memory data structure fractional solution free edge external merge b free vertex external merge sort full array external quicksort full binary tree external radix sort fully dynamic graph problem external sort f e extreme p oint c fully p ersistent data structure F fully p olynomial approximation scheme facility lo cation f factorial function feasible region fuzzy edge feasible solution fuzzy graph feedbackedge fuzzy no de FergusonForcade algorithm fuzzy set e Fib onacci number G Fib onacci numbers gamma function nite automaton geometric optimization problem nite Fourier transform nite state automaton global optimum nite state machine graph nite state machine minimization graph coloring graph drawing nite state transducer graph isomorphism rstin rstout graph partition xedgrid metho d c greatest common denominator ash sort ow greatest common divisor ow conservation ow function greedy algorithm ownetwork greedy heuristic FloydWarshall algorithm grid drawing FordBellman c Grovers algorithm FordFulkerson metho d c forest interactive pro of system H interiorbased representation halting problem internal no de Hamiltonian cycle internal path hash internal sort hash function interp olation sort hash table intersection Hausdor distance interval tree head intractable heap sort intro sort HerterHeighway Dragon c introsp ection sort heuristic introsp ectivesort hidden Markovmodel irreexive histogram sort isomorphic homeomorphic iteration homomorphic horizontal visibility map J Horners rule hybrid algorithm j sort j hyp eredge Johnsons algorithm hyp ergraph K I kcoloring k ideal merge kdimensional k implication kway merge k implies kway merge sort k inbranching Karnaugh map indegree Karp reduction inorder traversal key inplace merging Ko enigsb erg bridges inplace sort Ko enigsb erg bridges problem inclusionexclusion principle a inclusiveor Kolmogorov complexity incompressible string Krafts inequality indep endentset Kripke structure c information theoretic b ound Kruskals algorithm inorder traversal kth order Fib onacci numbers insertion sort e k instantaneous description e kth shortest path k integer multicommo dityow KV diagram c integer p olyhedron median L memoization lreduction l merge lab eled graph merge sort language meromorphic function lastin rstout min lattice minimal antichain decomp osition layered digraph layered graph minimum b ounding b ox least common multiple linear minimum co de spanning tree linear insertion sort e linear order minimum cost spanning tree linear probing sort linear pro duct minimum cut link minimum spanning tree linked list b minimum vertex cut list mo de e e littleo notation c mo del checking Lm distance Lm mo del of computation logarithmic mo derately exp onential Lotkas law monotonically decreasing lower b ound monotonically increasing lower triangular matrix Mo ore machine .
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