
, i; I 7 * ' r f\/\W'uA. * ^ ->JLAr4 l/v- Cal cvTT^ , Med K6938 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Wellcome Library https://archive.org/details/b29327799_0001 CATALOGUE OF MAMMALIA. INDIAN MUSEUM. Part I. CATALOGUE OF MAMMALIA IN THE INDIAN MUSEUM, CALCUTTA: BY JOHN ANDERSON, M.D., F.R.S., SUPERINTENDENT OF THE INDIAN MUSEUM, AND PROFESSOR OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY, MEDICAL COLLEGE, Part I. Primates, Prosimise, Chiroptera, and Insectivora. CALCUTTA: PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. 1881. CALCUTTA PRIXTED BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING. 106, DHURRUMTOLLAH STREET. WELLCOME INSTITUTE LfBPAPY Coll Call No. S*jj PREFACE. CATALOGUE of the Mammalia in the Museum of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, drawn up by the late Mr. Edward Blyth, was published by the Society in 1863. In 1865, the Museum of the Asiatic Society practically became the property of the Government of India, although the legal transfer was not completed until 1S76. The various departments of the Museum have very largely increased since 1863, many of them now being four-fold more extensive than they were seventeen years ago. It was, there¬ fore, recently resolved to issue a series of catalogues of the various departments of the Museum, with the object of making their contents known, and thus extending the useful¬ ness of the Institution. Two instalments have already been published, viz., a Fasciculus of the Catalogue of the Mollusca, and the first part of a Hand-List of the same group. The present volume therefore, is the third of the series. It comprises, however, only the first four orders of the Mammalia, viz., Primates, Prosimice, Chiroptera, and Insecti- vora ; but catalogues of the remaining orders will be published as soon as possible. Some idea of the increase that has taken place in the VI PREFACE. collection of Mammalia since 1863 may be gained from the following table; but in other groups the increase is even more marked:— Pbimates. Peosimi.®. CnlBOPTEBA. Insectivoba. 1863. 1881. 1863. 1881. 1863. 1881. 1863. 1881. Genera 11 17 3 7 24 27 13 17 Species 40 73 7 14 67 113 36 52 Specimens . 162 672 22 69 215 1,116 123 426 The Chiroptera in this catalogue, with a few exceptions, were identified by Mr. G. E. Dobson, who published a list of them in his Monograph of the Asiatic Chiroptera, issued by the Trustees of this Museum in 1876 ; and his arrangement of the group has been followed. A list of the donors to the sections dealt with in this part of the Catalogue will be found after this Preface. It includes, as far as possible, the names of all contributors before and since 1863. NAMES OF CONTRIBUTORS MENTIONED IN THIS CATALOGUE. Abbott: Major J. Abbott. Abyssinian Expedition. Adelaide Museum. Allen : Mrs. R. Allen. Anderson : the late Mr. Andrew Anderson. Anderson : Dr. John Anderson, F.R.S. Apcar: Mr. J. Apcar. Armstrong: Mr. J. Armstiong, M.B. Atkinson : the late Mr. W. S. Atkinson. Baker : Mr. E. B. Baker. Baker: the Reverend H. Baker. Baker: the Reverend J. Baker. Ball: Professor V. Ball. Barbe : the Reverend J. Barbe. Barclay : Mr. A. Barclay, B.M. Barrackpore Menagerie, Bartlett: Mr. A. D. Bartlett. Batavian Society. Beddome: Lieut.-Colonel R. H. Beddome. Bell: Mr. Bell. Benson : the late Mr. W. H. Benson. Berdmore: the late Major Berdmore. Berlin Museum. Bidie : Mr. G. Bidie. Blanford : Mr. H. F. Blanford, F.R.S. Blanford: Mr. W. T. Blanford, F.R.S. Blisset: Mr. T. Blisset. Blyth: the late Mr. Edward Blyth. Bourne: the late Lieutenant J. H. Bourne. Boys : Captain Boys. British Museum. Brooke: the late Sir James Brooke. Brownlow: Mr. C. Brownlow, viii NAMES OF CONTRIBUTORS. Burdwan : the Maharajah of Burdwan. Butler: the late Captain J. Butler. Cadell; Lieut.-Colonel T. Cadell, V.C. Caldwell: Mr. J. Caldwell. Carllyle: Mr. A. C. Carllyle. Chcnnell: Mr. A. W. Chennell. Chowdry : Baja Pirtha Bam Chowdry. Cockhurn : Mr. John Cockburn. Coles: the late Dr. W. Coles. Collins : Mr. B. Collins. Corufoot: Captain Cornfoot. Davison: the late Mr. Davison. D’Cruz: Mr. B. D’Cruz. Dillon: Mr. Dillon. Dobson: Mr. G. E. Dobson, M.A., B.M. Egerton : Captain C. C. Egerton. Elliot: Sir Walter Elliot, K.C.S.I., F.B.S. Elwes : Mr. H. J. Elwes. Fayrer: Sir Joseph Fayrer, K.C.S.I., F.B.S. Foster: the late Mr. J. M. Foster. Fraser : Mr. 0. L. Fraser. Frith: the late Mr. R. W. G. Frith. Gammie : Mr. J. Gammie. Ganslaudt: Mr. W. Ganslandt. Godwin-Austen : Lieut.-Colonel H. H. Godwin-Austen, F.R.S. Gregory: Major Gregory. Grote : Mr. Arthur Grote. Gunn : Mr. J. S. Gunn. Gurney : Mr. J. H. Gurney. Haughton: Lieut.-Colonel Haughton. Heatly : Mr. S. G. T. Heatly. Heifer: the late Dr. Heifer. Hodgson : the late Mr. H. B. Hodgson, C.S.I. Homfray : Mr. J. Homfray. Hood : the late Captain T. H. Hood. Houghton : Mr. II. L. Houghton. Huffnagle : Mr. C. Huffnagle. Hungarian Museum. Hutchison : Mr. H. M. L. Hutchison. Hutton: the late Captain T, Hutton. India Museum, London. NAMES OF CONTRIBUTORS, IX Jenkins: Colonel Jenkins. Jerdon: the late Mr. T. C. Jerdon. Johnson : Mr. W. H. Johnson. Karachi Museum. Kelaart: the late Dr. E. F. Kelaart. King : Mr. George King, B.M. Laidlay : Mr. J. W. Laidlay. Laj'ard: Mr. E. L. Layard. Lewis : Captain Lewis. Lindstedt: the late Keverend T. W. Liudstedt. Lister: Mr. J. M. Lister. Lockwood : Mr. E. Lockwood. Lydekker: Mr. R. Lydekker. Madras Government Central Museum. Malherbe : the late Mr. A. Malherbe. Mandelli: the late Mr. L. Mandelli. Masters : Mr. W. Masters. Mayo : the Countess of Mayo. McClelland : Mr. J. McClelland. Medical College Museum, Calcutta. Moxon : Mr. W. G. Moxon. Mullick : Raja Rajendra Mullick, Bahadur. Murray : Mr. W. F. Murray. Murray: Captain W. G. Murray. Nevill: Mr. G. Nevill. Nevill: Mr. H. Nevill. Nicholls: Mr. W. Nicholls. Northbrook : Earl Northbrook. Oakes: Mr. Oakes. Payter : Mr. J. Payter. Peal: Mr. S. E. Peal. Persian Boundary Commission. Peters : Professor W. Peters, Berlin. Phayre: Sir Arthur P. Phayre, K.C.S.I; Phillip : Mr. II. Phillip. Rahman : Moulvie Ator Rahman. Reilly: Mr. E. P. Reilly. Riddell Museum, Agra. Ruppell: the late Dr. E. Riippell. Rutledge : Mr. William Rutledge. St. John : Lieut.-Colonel 0. B. C. St. John, C.S.I. X NAMES OF CONTRIBUTORS. Sanders : Mr. E. Sanders, B.M. Sceva : Mr. G. Sceva. Shaw: Babu E. E. Shaw. Sherwill: the late Major W. S. Sherwill. Shillingford : Mr. G. W. Shillingford. Shillingford : Mv. S. W. Shillingford. Skipwith : the late Mr. T. Skipwith. Smoult: Mr. W. H. Smoult. Stewart: Mr. L. C. Stewart. Stoliczka: the late Dr. Ferdinand Stoliczka. Strickland : the late Mr. H. E. Strickland. Swaries: Mr. C. Swaries. Swinhoe: the late Mr. E. Swinhoe. Sydney Institution. Templeton : the late Mr. E. Templeton. Theobald : Mr. W. Theobald. Thwaltes: Mr. W. Thwaites, F.E.S. Tickell: the late Lieat.-Colonel R. S. Tickell. Tytler: the late Lieut.-Colonel R. C. Tytier. Whitwell: Mr. W. Whitwell. Wood-Mason : Mr. James Wood-Mason. Wroughton : the late Major Wroughton. Yarkand (Second) Mission. Yunnan Expeditions. Zoological Gardens, Calcutta. SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page. Page. I.—Order PRIMATES. Semnopithecus johnii . 45 33 obscurus . 46 I.—Sub-Order Catakrhini. 33 maurus . 47 I.—Family HoMiNlDiE. 9) barbei . 48 99 phayrei . 49 I.—Genus Homo, Linn. 1 » holotephreus . 50 » cristatus . 50 99 siamensis . 51 99 femoralis II.—Family Simiidje. 52 99 melalophus . 53 I.—Sub-Family Simiin^:. Sub Genus Nasalis— Semnopithecus larvatus . 54 Genus Anthropopithecus— Genus Colobus— Anthropopithecus troglodytes . 1 Colobus guereza . 55 „ gorilla . 2 Genus Simia— II.—Sub-Family CercopitheciNjE. Simia sat.yrus ... 2 Genus Cercopitbecus— „ abelii . .24 Cercopitbecus pygerythrus . 55 „ sabasus . 56 II.—Sub-Family HvLOBATiNiE. „ albogularis • 57 „ mona • 57 Genus Hylobates— » leucampyx , 58 Hylobates syndactylus . 25 „ ruber 58 hoolook . 26 „ petaurista • 58 lav . 28 „ diaua 59 33 agilis . 31 Genus Cercocebus— leuciscus » . 33 Cercocebus fuliginosus . 59 33 leucogenys . 34 benus Macacus— Macacus siuicus . 59 „ pileatus . III.—Family Cercopithecid.®. 61 „ cynomolgus 61 I.—Sub-Family Semnopithecin^:. ,, var. carbonarins 9 64 ,, silenus . Genus Semnopithecus— 66 „ rhesus Semuopithecus entellus . 35 67 „ assamensis „ var. schistaceus 37 70 „ leoninus „ priamus . 38 • 71 „ nemestrinus „ hypoleucus . 40 • 72 „ arctoides. „ pileatus. 40 I • 74 „ maurus . „ cepbalopterus 43 j • 76 „ ocreatus . „ var. ursinus . 44 • 77 Genus Cynopithecus— „ var. senex . 45 j Cynopithecus niger 78 xii INDEX. Page. Page. III.—Sub-Family CynocephaliNjE. Lemur varius . .91 „ macaco . ... 91 Genus Cyuocephalus— „ albifrons . .92 Cynoceplialus liamadryas . 80 „ collaris . .92 „ doguera . .81 ,, nigrifrons . .92 ,, porcarius . 81 „ mongoz . .93 ,, maimon . 82 II.— Sub-Family Indeisine. II.—Sub-Odes Platyeehini. Genus Propithecus— Propithecus diadema . 93 I.—Family CEBiDiE. Genus Indris— Iudris brevicaudatus . 94 Genus Mycetes— Mycetes ursinus . .82 „ seniculus. .82 II.—Family Nycticebide. „ palliatus. .83 Genus Ateles-— I.—Sub-Family Nycticebine. Ateles ater . .83 Genus Nycticebus— ,, paniscus . .83 Nycticebus tardigradus . 94 „ geoffroyi . 83 ,, var. cinerea . 95 „ cbuva. .84 ,, var. malaiana . 95 Genus Cebus— ,, var. javanica . 97 Cebus flavus. .84 Genus Loris — „ capucinus . .85 Loris gracilis . 97 „ hypoleucus . .85 Genus Nyctipithecus— II.—Sub-Family Galagonine. Nyctipithecus felinus . , 85 Genus Pitbecia— Genus Galago— Pitbecia nocturna. .86 Galago senegalensis . 98 „ satanas . .86 „ garnetti . .98 Genus Chrysothrix— Chysothrix sciurea . 86 III.—Family Taesiide. I.—Sub-Family Taksiine. II.—Family II apalid.33. Genus Tarsius— Genus Hapale— Tarsius spectrum . .99 Hapale jacchus . .87 „ penicillata. .88 „ pygmaea . .88 „ rosalia . .88 „ oedipus . .88 III.—Oedee CHIROPTERA. ,, leucopus . .89 I.—Sub-Order Megachieopteba. ,, ursula . .89 I.—Family Ptebopodide. I. —Group Pteeopi. II.-Oedee PROSIMI7E. Genus Pteropus— I.—Family Lemubide. Pteropus poliocepbalus . 99 ,, rodricensis . 100 I.—Sub-Family Lemueinje. ,, edulis . 100 Genus Lemur— „ medius . 101 Lemur eatta. 90 „ var. assamensis . 102 INDEX XU1 Page. Page. Pteropus nicobaricus . 102 Pbyllorhina diadema . 115 „ keraudrenii . 103 ,, var. ?nasoni . 115 Genus Cynonycteris— „ nicobarensis .
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