All the News of All the Pointes * * * Every Thursday Morning rosse ews Complete New:} Coverage of All the Pointes Home of the News VOLUME 23-NO. 28 Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office at DetroIt. Mtc'.h. GROSSE POINTE. MICHIGAN, JULY 12, 1962 7c Per Copy $4.00 Per Year 20 PAGES-THREE SECTIONS-SECTION I IIEADLINES Summer Typist Courses Popular ',. ~~- , --, :"':,'~:;;:,::':;',:':"',~:;,;",:"i' ,"'l 01 the , "':i1'-'''''';:-'-::::, Progressing!ParI\: Spends $,•. Work \\lEEK t. •• i $194,500 to As Compiled by the Grosse Pointe News On AudItorIum at:Meet Edict I Large Sewer and New Thursday, July 5 Memorial Center ' Equipment Installed to SEVEN STRIKING Saskatch- ; Keep Pollution Out of ('wanhave doctorsheen threatenedand their famili,csby V1O- I: Expect Structure to be Completed on SchedLile by Fox Creek lenee. A Swift Current group, I November I Despite Delays Brought About by The Park council author- zpnscallingSafetvthemselves,Committee:'the "Citi-!has I Strikes During May_ I i:-::ed the Clty manager and selJt an ope'n letter to the area's i Despite delays due'to strikes, which held up work ! en~inefers i,o Cl'hock in~o t~e '1 D . d dl'ng that "so h W'll' H F' A d't' th I t tl cos~ 0 conlC2 screemng ~o ." . seman - on t. e I lam aye~ nes u lonum 10U le: 1"1' t d b'I' tIe called doctors return to their Sprmg, the completIOn date for the addltlOn at the; 1t.leI' ou tel s . a 1 l respective practices or they will G P' W lilT • I Ct' N 1 ' S orm waer pumpmg s a- f" h h t th 1 es rosse omte ar .memona en er r0malUS ov.. " d th t f .t _ sutheir[er familiessue armand0 theiremseprop-v , Beginning in Ma",J) a series '-f--------,----- __':,~JOn, an 1 e tItc~s 0 reWlr erty as the organization may i I 1 I of walkouts by structural steel Tl W l! t 10 C, CC rIca sys em deem fit." R. C. Dahl, Mayor I workers, roofers, waterproofers OOl ~;I 111t 10 statlOn. of Swift Current, immediately tree and plasterers tenders delayed .... -, t. !, On 1\landa,Y. ,Julv" 9, Ci1y notified the Royal Canadian construction, but all disputes 81 R bb I! :\Ianager Hobert Slone \\'as di- :\launted Police and ordered were settled by the end of June. topS 0 el: rectec!' to look into the cost local law offiCers to guard the i and the work schedule is being of the scn?eni:ig: and the finn doctors, who have' until Friday i : speeded up to offset time lost. I By Bur o-lt1rs :of Hubbell. Roth and C~ark morning to obey the "Citizens' , Shell Now Complete', ~ ! was JI1structcd to cheek lllto Safety Committee" ultimatum. , ., I ~ The "hell of the addition is I ,the eost of the wirin!!, The letter, first direct threat! now complete, with walls up, Thieves Score After Three; Slone told the couneil in the provmcial doctors' four-; roof on, and framework put ,to- U fiAtt t t ; dcbris filtering screens ha\'c clay strike. came on the heds! ' ","'" gether, All plumbing and elec- Ensuccesst Oth u PI emp Ns tQ :I ne\'er been used, either in t.he of' a strike rebuke from the i "y trical connections, as well as all n er er aces; e i old s~'stem, or in the aln'Qst. Canadian Medical Association's: duct work" have be,:,n installed, About $230 ; completed new system in the Quebec leaders. International: and the ~Ollers arc In, . I station, However, he said, it. has protests are building up against I Accordmg to Center Dlre~tor Burglars scored on thre(~ ; now become a necessity. b t' th ~1D . d t h PI'O' -;';;'.,';,:,',' ' Jahn Lake, Fries AuditOrIum f . _ ' S d . I: rIo" n'ed ('Il Pump o 11 e:", s an e - I 'will be officially opened on 0 SIX t nes atur ay nlg 11, , ~ . or, , vinelal Govunment, who s e ; ; schedule. Tentative plans call July 7, in breaking inh! He saId. t1~at dUrIng the last eompulsory medicare plan trig- ;".AY~'A' . "", I [or Dedication Ceremonies fol- bus i n e s::; places in the; 11ea\'y ral,nfal1, storm \vater gcrec! the walkout. :in its lct-: ":> ':;.-,;., I I pumped II1to t.he Improved tel', copies of which were rc- I lowed by an "Open House," at Woods, according to police, f tI t l' t t1 ccived by the. seven doctors, a I P'IC t urec I are a rOOln i'UII 0 £' ]UnlOr, h'Ig11 SCh 00 1 th' elr e d uca t'lOn In, l'lIg h er gra d es an d co 11ege, Th e which all Grosse ,.'Pointers will reports ,sewcrDetrOIt. rom,sal1ltarv1e svstemsa lOn at0 Jef-1(' radio station and a newspaper, I students industriously learning to type, They are group pictvred, 28 in all, represent students from seven hav,e an oppo~t.,umty to mspect Entered was a gas sta1.icll1:ferson and Alte'r r~ad, contained the committee stated that a accluiring this skill in the summer school session being different schools in the area, public and parochial. En- their new faCIlIty. owned bv Robert Szejbach, 40, :. 'd '3bl db" . La k e a 1s 0 hopes for an ~', . '" , : conSI el e ellS. group of "young men" were rc- conducted in the Grosse Pointe public schools June 19- rol1ment in all courses in the summer school session "Opening Week" to show off of 81. Clan. ShOles. ~ she,'p i The debris, he said, entered tsortingh t to a "premeditated July 27. The class, a two-hour one, is filled, as are are about the same as last year when more than 1,500 b 'ldi .u owned by Halold D, WlIght .Jf, one of the ~\\'O new pumps. pr('- OO 'th th' b' t f" n the uses of the UI ng WI 1 1082 Hampton at 184" Lan-' , " ' . rea WI e 0 jec 0 e - three other sections. These students will use this skill pupils seized the opportunity to strengthen skills, ac- special theater perfOlillances, . '. ' ,). ' ventll1g fUll capaelty operat.lOn. suring the lights of the peo- to prepare more attractive' assie-nments, transcribe celerate their proe-ress, or broaden their program. .t 'd 'h . .t ex caster, and the DetrOIt blandl i The pump had t.o be cleaned pIe." This threat, the letter ~ ~ ~~~.Ctels an pel aps an al ,- of t.he Smith-Hague Company,: out.. :::tated, was "no more ruthless notes from other classes, and more as they continue 1 l. Two Swries Tall brokers, 20155 Mack avenue. \ Tlw electrical wil'ing will than thc ~ituation thl- doctors U e <;f 1 att tel' 'I t1 ' , The add i t ion will be two nsucc ~ u cmp s \Vcr In WIt 1 1e pumpll1g eqwp- have subJ'eeIed. the people to T 1 fIe - Th H A -Z R - de tc nt MaI-garete EI' t J' I tIt . stories tall, with the auditorium ma e er mar. men w l.lC 1 opera es e ec rlC- with callous disregard for a e 0 ..Jost ommum ty, eater ODors prl atnS on the ground floor, a banquet- Beauty Shop. 1800 Norwood; Ially and aut.omatically. health and safety." F 1 F II ballroom overlooking the lake Olive Kayga Beauty Shop, 20099 Installation of new macl?inery As the strike moved into its Dog Brings Actors and Technicians ai to a on the second. level. Entrance to Mack; and the Woods l\1"ark€t,Iand other Improvements 111 the fourth day. both the doctors the banquet-ballroom will be 20385 Mack, I station. and the locating of a and Socialist Premie'r Wood- B - R 'A AdD - D U -l J via a covered colonnade, and Screw Driver Used larger se\\'er pipe from the r;)w Lloyd remained adamant, "g esponse t war SInner ance . ntl une the entire upper structure, Del. Sgt. \'Vaiter q'Dell and building to the Detroit system, the M,D.'s refusing to practice made chiefly of glass walls in~ Del. Leroy Tobian said that i,l cost the Park S194.500. of which tlntl'l th med'care pr g l' --------- , 1 $185,863 has already been paid crappede Llo1v 0 ram s John Peters, Member of Group S.,nce Inception In terspersed with DOrIC co umn' each of the burglaries and 8'- 'd refusI'ng to More Than 100 Calls In 0_ P • -t t. Th t t.o contl'actors, The final pa.v- ,; , . • - T L I fA. rec,p' a Ion on ree supports, is planned 0 resem- tempted break-ins. a hea\y l11('nt will be taken care of consider rep*eal~ * elude 10 Offers to Re- 1948, Yo/ins op aure s or ctlng; Days Last Month Sur.. ble, in its simplicity, a Greek screw driver was used to pr~' after minor v.-ork details are place Missing Beagle; Dean Erskine Scores Again passed Total of Both temple. ODen windows and doors. finished, Friday, July 6 --'-------. The Fries Auditorium was A The officers said that. in each A TRIPLE-TOWER~D 36- Family Makes Plea Closing its 14th consecutive seas or" with a traditional April an,d May made possible by a donation, case, the method of opera'cion Obe;,rs Stale Edict million-dollar sky s c rap P. r is Awards Dinner Dance, the Grosse Pointe Community I fully covering the cost of con- was the same, and that it ap- The Park, by completing t.he pl;;,nned for Detroit's Civic Memb~rs of the William Theatre last week honored both actors and backstage 1 d "truction, from the William H.
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