June 13, 1994 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 12755 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IF WE WAIVE BUDGET RULES FOR career will be honored at the University of and Slovaks, the Hungarians and many oth­ GATT, THEN WE SHOULD WAIVE Redlands on June 25 as he retires from his ers, including one quarter of the German THEM FOR HEALTH BILL WHICH position as Redlands Unified School District people, could not be saved from Soviet op­ pression and supremacy. But without D-Day ALSO INVESTS IN FUTURE OF superintendent of schools. and what followed, all of Central Europe and AMERICA Dr. Franklin's career began in 1956 at the El possible parts of Western and Southern Eu­ Rancho Unified School District in Pico Rivera, rope as well would have fallen into the lap of HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK CA where he held nine different positions, be­ Soviet imperialism. For had the United ginning as a teacher and later becoming the OF CALIFORNIA States not effectively become a European superintendent. In 1970 he became the super­ power in 1944-which Brezhnev finally ac­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES intendent of schools in the Novato Unified cepted in Helsinki three decades later-even Monday, June 13, 1994 School District. Following this, in 1987 he be­ the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union a came the superintendent of schools in the few years ago might not have led to the free­ Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, a number ing of Eastern Europe. of people are raising the idea of Redlands Unified School District. As the elderly Westerners who participated waiving the budget rules in order to Dr. Franklin's dedication to education and to in the Normandy landings and the march to pass the GATT Uruguay round agree­ his community went far beyond his position as Berlin look back, it is natural that they ment. The administration estimates superintendent. In his efforts to improve and should remember their victory with pride. that implementation of the treaty will reform education through the revitalization of But the wish of a few German politicians cost about $14 billion over 5 years and programs he has participated as a member on who are too young to have been drafted into $40 billion over 10 years. Press reports the board of directors of various organizations Hitler's Wehrmacht to be invited to the grand such as the Rotary Club of Redlands, the anniversary seems to me quite inappropri­ indicate that the administration has ate. only found about $3.4 billion in savings Redlands Education Partnership Foundation, Thanks to the Marshall Plan, to John to pay for the legislation. and the Redlands Boys and Girls Club. Other McCoy (the United States' postwar High Thus proponents argue that since the facets of the community that Dr. Franklin has Commissioner in the Federal Republic), and treaty will lead to so much expansion been involved in include the United Way, the to enormous American help towards shaping in world trade that it will more than Redlands Music Association, and the Red­ a normal society and democracy in Ger­ pay for itself in a healthier economy, lands Symphony Association. many, the will for reconciliation on the side increased employment, and increased Mr. Speaker, I ask that you join me, our col­ of the American victors has been apparent to tax collections, that we should there­ leagues, Dr. Franklin's family, fellow adminis­ me for decades. Having been a conscripted trators, teachers, students and community in German soldier at that time, I have long fore not worry about the $14 billion. been a convinced and co-operative ally and Fine with me. But what's good for honoring this dedicated individual for his ex­ friend of the United States. And the same is the goose should be good for the gan­ tensive service to his community and to the true of millions of German combatants who der. field of education. Throughout the years Dr. are still alive. We don't need any symbolic In the health bill, we are offering Franklin has touched the lives of many people handshakes so late in the day. amendments for preventive health, for in our community, and it is only fitting that the Nevertheless, it might still be interesting more mammograms, colorectal screen­ House recognize him today and wish him the for the descendants of the soldiers on either best of luck in the years ahead. side to know how German troops of that ing, for immunizations for children, for time understood the significance of the Nor­ first dollar well-baby care, and on and mandy invasion. From my school history, I on. LOOKING BEYOND D-DAY knew that Charles XII of Sweden and Napo­ We should waive the budget rules for leon had both been defeated when they un­ these programs too. dertook to invade Russia. So was I convinced Can anyone argue that having HON. ROBERT K. DORNAN as soon as Hitler invaded the Soviet Union healthier people, cutting down the OF CALIFORNIA that Germany in turn would be defeated. To number of assembly line sick days, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES me, after June 1941 , it was just a matter of saving trained workers from early Monday, June 13, 1994 time, and also a question of how great the sacrifices would prove to be. The disastrous death won't help the economy, won't Mr. DORNAN. Mr. Speaker, as we continue end was inevitable; only the timing was un­ make America more productive, won't to remember the 50th anniversary of World certain. help us compete better in the world War II including the recent ceremonies at Nor­ To those of us fighting under such condi­ economy? mandy, I would like to include in the RECORD tions, the arrival of the Americans on the Good health care for all Americans is the following editorial by former German European continent did not make a signifi­ as good investment in the economy as Chancellor Helmut Schmidt entitled, "Looking cant difference. During the Battle of the Bulge, I suggested to my commander that we lower tariffs on our exports. Beyond D-Day." Waive on! should let the Americans come as far east as LOOKING BEYOND D-DA Y they wished, instead of fighting them, and (By Helmut Schmidt) instead push back " Ivan", who had already A TRIBUTE TO DR. RON FRANKLIN Historians, looking back on the decisive entered German territory. acts and events which shaped our bloody cen­ I was not court-martialled for that re­ tury, see June 6, 1944, as a watershed. The in­ mark, since the commander was a sensible HON. JERRY LEWIS vasion of Normandy by American, British man, but my tragedy was to be fighting only OF CALIFORNIA and Canadian troops certainly marks a turn because of a deeply ingrained sense of duty to my country. This was the tragedy of innu­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in the fortunes of the century. Without it, domination of much of Europe by Stalin merable Germans at the time: we did not be­ Monday, June 13, 1994 would have been a menacing probability. lieve in Hitler's genius and leadership, nor in Mr. LEWIS of California. Mr. Speaker, I Hitler and his empire were likely to be his Third Reich. We had not believed in him would like to bring your attention to the fine crushed anyway. But the presence of the for quite some time-but nevertheless we did American Army and Air Force prevented the as we were told by our superiors. A parallel work and scholarly leadership of Dr. Ron replacement of one dictatorship by another to this psychological and moral complex can Franklin of Redlands, CA. Dr. Franklin who hardly less cruel. perhaps be found in the brave behaviour of has demonstrated remarkable dedication to It was worse than bitter that the Polish French and American soldiers in Vietnam the education of young people throughout his nation, the three Baltic nations, the Czechs two decades later. •This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 12756 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 13, 1994 Owing to the invasion of Normandy, the Jester to pursue a singing career and financed wishing, Dr. Jester Hairston many more years United States was able to contain Soviet im­ his musical studies with private instructors in of continued joy, harmony, and prosperity. perialism through four decades of Cold War. Boston. Jester Hairston graduated cum laude The reconciliation between France and Ger­ from Boston's Tufts University in 1929, and many which Winston Churchill encouraged A TRIBUTE TO THE EMPLOYMENT in his speech at Zurich in 1946 (when he also also studied extensively at the Juilliard School of Music in New York. PROJECT GRADUATES-A PRO­ envisaged the creation of a united states of GRAM TO EDUCATE PHILADEL­ Europe) was, like the initiatives of Jean For 13 years he was assistant conductor of Monnet and Robert Schuman- made politi­ the famous Hall Johnson Negro Choir of New PHIA'S HOMELESS cally possible by the American presence in York. It was under Mr. Johnson's tutelage that Europe. Jester developed aspirations of preserving the HON. LUCIEN E. BLACKWEIL Today, after the Soviet Union's collapse old Negro spirituals. During this time he OF PENNSYLVANIA due to domestic exhaustion and decay, al­ trained choirs for many Broadway and radio most half a century of global bi-polarity has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES come to an end.
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