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G. 4 Pyruvate Pyruvate Pyruvate Pyruvate Pyruvate Pyruvate Ethombu tol S!ºq) o5No..º"$§92Ù Có>.5±=5Ev. Cº–•• • (SS(/)O© 5 oOOO__•o F.G. 5 OO(OæCNIO Control Ethornbutol Zn Eth - Zn U.S. Patent Jan. 28, 1997 Sheet 5 of 6 5,597,809 8OO ca? +j, nM 3. Zn Eth Eth/Zn NVDA NMDA F.G. 6 + Zn O Eth Eth-- Zn Notive State: NMDA Receptor Zna Endogenous Glutamate Crce) hOS no effect in the presence of Zn. In the presence of ethambuto: NMDA Receptor Ethambutol/Zn?" wa RGC Endogenous Glutomote is toxic to cell if Zn is cheloted. FG. 7 U.S. Patent 5,597.809 F.G. 8 5,597,809 1. 2 TREATMENT OF OPTIC NEURITIS is more common in young females and patients with mul tiple sclerosis. STATEMENT AS TO FEDERALLY SPONSORED The inventor's discovery that optic neuritis associated RESEARCH with certain drugs is mediated through the N-Methyl-D- 5 aspartate (NMDA) receptor gave rise to the recognition that This invention was made with Government support under NMDA antagonists can protect retinal ganglion cells. Thus, K08 0.1395 and R01-10009 awarded by the National Insti a second aspect of the invention features a method of tutes of Health. The Government therefore has certain rights reducing drug toxicity in a mammal by administering a drug in thc invention. either concurrently or sequentially with a protective agent 10 which inhibits glutamate-mediated retinal cell damage. Pro BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION tective agents can act either by reducing the functional impairment of optic nerve cells or their destruction. The The invention relates to optic neuritis. drug administered with the protective agent may be any Ethambutol is an essential drug in the management of Substance suspected of causing damage to optic nerve cells, mycobacterial infections. Ethambutol, a water-soluble and e.g. retinal ganglion cells. Examples are antibiotics, e.g., heat-stable compound, is active against nearly all strains of 15 ethambutol which, is a drug used to treat mycobacterial M. tuberculosis and M. kansasi as well as many strains of infections such as tuberculosis. The antibiotic should be one M. avium complex. It has no effect on other bacteria. which remains chemotherapeutically active in the presence Ethambuto suppresses the growth of most isoniazid-and of the protective agent. streptomycin-resistant tubercle bacilli. This drug has few 20 Preferred protective agents are NMDA antagonists such sidc effects, with the unfortunate exception of optic neur as uncompetitive open channel blocking agents, e.g., opathy. This can develop in up to 15% of patients taking memantine or dizocilpine (MK-801). Other uncompetitive ethambutol. Ethambutol can lead directly to a decline in NMDA antagonists are, e.g., derivatives of dibenzyocyclo visual acuity, the loss of the ability to differentiate red from heptene (Merck; Somerset, N.J.), sigma receptor ligands, green, the development of a central scotoma on visual field e.g., dextrorphan, dextromethorphan and morphinan deriva testing, or the development of concentric constriction of the 25 tives (Hoffman LaRoche, Nutley, N.J.), such as caramiphen visual field. In many cases, ethambutol-associated visual and rimcazole (which also block calcium channels), Ket impairment is reversible. However, visual loss can be per amine, Tiletamine and other cyclohexanes, Phencyclidine manent in up to 3% of patients taking ethambuto. (PCP) and derivatives, pyrazine compounds, amantadine, The recent outbreaks of multidrug-resistant (MDR) TB 30 rimantadine and derivatives, CNS 1102 (and related bi-and pose an urgent public health problem and require rapid tri-substituted guanidines), diamines, Conantokan peptide intervention. As a result of the increasing prevalence of from Conus geographus, and Agatoxin-489. drug-resistant TB in the United States, approaches to treat The protective agent may also be a competitive NMDA ment of tuberculosis have changed.
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