322 THE BELFAST GAZETTE, 12th DECEMBER, 1947. STATUTORY NOTICE TO CKED1TOKS. said sum of £100 to be applied by such parisn In the Goods of DAVID MCMEEKIN, late of Artna- priest as aforesaid for such Roman Catholic gullion, Kells P.O., County Antrim, Fanner, de- charitable purposes in the said Parish as in ceased. his discretion he shall select. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Statute 22 5. £200 to the parish priest of Ballykinler at the and 23 Vic., Cap. 35, that all persons claiming to time of her death, charged on her farm in be creditors of or otherwise to have any claims or North Tyrella, to be applied by him for such demands against the estate of the above-named Roman Catholic charitable purposes in the deceased, who died on the 5th day of February, Parish of Ballykinler as he shall think fit. 1947, are hereby required, on or before the 17th Probate oE said Will was on the 17th day of day of January, 1948, to furnish (in writing} par- October, 1947, granted forth of the Principal Regis- ticulars of such claims or demands to the under- try of the High Court of Justice in Northern Ire- signed Solicitors for 'the Executor of the Will of land, King's Bench Division (Probate), to Edward said deceased, to whom Probate was granted on the Magennis, of North Tyrella, and William Hanna, 18th day of August, 1947, forth of the Principal of. Clanmaghery, both in the County of Down, Registry, King's Bench Division (Probate), of the Farmers, the Executors named in said Will. High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland. Dated this 8th day of December, 1947. And Notice is hereby further given that after the said 17th day of January, 1948, the Executor will JOHNSTON & McCOURT. Solicitors for proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased said Executors, 142 Royal Avenue, Belfast; amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard and Downpatrick. only to the claims of which notice and particulars To the Ministry of Finance for Northern Ireland, shall have been given as above required. and all others whom it may concern. Dated this 9th December, 1947. JOHN K. CURRI.E & SON, Solicitors for Executor, 7 Donegal! Square West, Belfast; NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. and Ballymena. In the Goods of SARA HAMILTON, late of 55 Don- aghadee Read, Bangor, County Down, Spinster, deceased. STATUTORY NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute In the Goods of ROBINA ADAMS, late of 17 Eastleigh 30 and 31 Vic., Cap. 54, that the above-named Sara Drive, Belfast, Spinster, deceased. Hamilton, who died on the 26th day of March, 1946, made the following charitable bequests out of NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute the residue of her estate:— 22 and 23 Vic., Cap. 35, that all persons claiming to be creditors of or otherwise to have any claims One fifth thereof to the Qua Iboe Mission, the or demands against the estate of the above-named receipt of the Treasurer for the time being of deceased, who died on the 5th clay of July, 1947, said Mission to be a sufficient discharge to my are hereby required, on or before the 16th day of Executors. January, 1948, to furnish particulars (in .writing) One fifth thereof to the South Africa General O'f such claims or demands to the undersigned Sol- Mission, and the receipt of the Treasurer for icitor for Margaret Adams, the Administratrix, to the time being of said Mission to be a sufficient whom Letters of Administration of the estate and discharge to my Executors. effects of the said deceased were granted forth of Probate of the said Will was granted to Jessie the Principal Registry' of the High Court of Justice Hamilton, of 42 Groomsport Road, Bangor, County in Northern Ireland, King's Bench Division (Pro- Down, and Gilbert Greeves, of "Lislea," Armagh bate), on the 30th day of October, 1947. Road, 1'ortadown, County Armagh, the Executors And Notice is hereby further given that after the in the said Will named forth of the Principal Pro- said 16th day of January, 1948, the said Adminis- bate Registry o-f the High Court of Justice in tratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the Northern Ireland, on the 23rd day of October, 1947. said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, Dated the 6th day of December, 1947. having regard only to the claims and demands of VV. C. WILSON & SONS, Solicitors for the which notice and particiilars shall then have been Executors, 86 'Main Street, Bangor, County given as above required. Down. Dated this 9th day of December, 1947. To the Ministry of Finance, Northern Ireland J. TERENCE FARRELL. Solicitor for the (Charities Branch), and all others concerned. said Administratrix, 11 Chichester Street. Belfast. NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. In the Goods of WILLIAM J. McGRATTAN, late of NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. 58 Beechfield Street, Belfast, Merchant, deceased. In the Goods of ROSE ANNE DIGNEY, late of Glovet, NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Statute 30 in the County of Down, Widow, deceased. and 31 Vic., Cap. 54, that the above-named deceased, NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute who died on the 19th May, 1946, by his last Will, 30 and 31 Vic., Cap. 54, that the above-named de- dated 30th June, 1945, bequeathed the following ceased, who died on 19th day of January, 1947, charitable legacies : — made the following charitable bequests :— 1. £100 for Masses as directed. 1. £50 each to the parish priest and curate of the 2. £250 to the Superioress of the Mater Infir- Parish of Ballykinler at the time of her death morum Hospital, Belfast, for that institution. for Masses to be celebrated in Ireland for the 3. £250 to the Treasurer of the Royal Victoria repose of the souls of her deceased relatives. Hospital, Belfast, for that institution. 2. £50 to the Catholic curate of the Parish of 4. £100 to the parish priest of St. Matthew's, Baillykinler at the time of her death for Ballymacarrett, for the charitable objects in Masses to be celebrated in Ireland for the that /Parish as he shall select. repose of the souls of her deceased husband 5. £50 to the Treasurer of the particular Council and his relatives. of the St. Vincent de Paul Society for the 3. £100 to Reverend Daniel Magennis, Belfast, objects of said Council. for Masses to be celebrated in Ireland for the 6. £500 to Sister John Gerard of the Community happy repose of the souls of testatrix and her of the Cress and Passion for such charitable deceased sister Mary. objects in Northern Ireland in connection 4. £100 to the parish priest of the Parish of with said Community as she shall select. Ballykinler at the time of her death for Probate of the said Will was on the 27th October, Stations of the Cross to be erected in Bally- 1947, granted forth of the Principal Registry in kinler Catholic Church, and if such Stations of Northern Ireland to Edward M'cGrattan, of 18 Mad- the Cross be erected during her lifetime the rid Street, and John McGrattan, of 58 Beechfield.
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