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They are mic growth. more interested in their political survi- Matsapola says the DA leader, The Democratic Alliance has reacted to val and will use any means to achieve Mcgluwa is a member of the provincial the executive mayor, Kgotso Khumalo’s this. legislature. When he wants the reports pronouncement in Ventersdorp that ‘The DA will request a full asses- of the merger, he must go there and get the merger did not live up to expecta- sment of the merger and the extent of them. tions. the damage that this has had on the ‘I reiterate what the secretary-gene- Khumalo told a hostile crowd that municipality. We will also ask for clarity ral of the ANC, Ace Magashule said in he would write to President Cyril Ra- on how the ANC-led government plans his statement after the meeting of the maphosa, admitting to the failed mer- to fix this failed merger,’ he said. national executive committee (NEC) on ger of these municipalities. He concluded that ‘In 2019, the peo- 28 September: Joe McGluwa, the DA NW provincial ple of J.B. Marks should vote for ‘The ANC is addressing the issues leader says the party will write to the a government that will prioritise servi- that impact on the lives of our people: Minister of Cooperative Government ce delivery and build a safe South Afri- the package of stimulatory measures and Tradition Affairs, Zweli Mkhize, ca for all, instead of a government that for economic recovery; the cost of li- asking how much of the people’s mo- wastes millions of rands to win electi- ving; local government and basic servi- ney was wasted on the failed amalga- ons.’ ces; land and agrarian reform; gender- mation of the former Tlokwe and Ven- ANC has achieved a lot post-2016 based violence and the broader safety tersdorp local municipalities. elections, says ANC Whip of our communities.’ In the Potchefstroom Herald report, Mpho Matsapola, the ANC Whip in She added that the NEC had discus- the mayor admitted that the merger the J.B. Marks municipality has reac- sed the wide-ranging measures for re- had failed because they had expected ted to Mcgluwa’s statement and says covery and to stimulate the economy R500 million for the merger but only this is ‘nothing but cheap politicking, that the president announced. ‘It resol- received R13 million. demagogue and playing to the gallery ved that we must unite as a nation, McGluwa says the DA has always towards the 2019 elections, to say the work tirelessly with all stakeholders been vocal about the amalgamation of least’. and with a sense of urgency in imple- these municipalities. ‘In 2015, we spe- ‘The ANC has achieved a lot, post- menting these measures: the R400 bil- cifically warned against it. But the ANC 2016 elections and the merger. There lion infrastructure fund, R56 billion continued with their gerrymandering is nothing wrong with what the executi- for much needed municipal infrastruc- to sway the outcomes of the 2016 local ve mayor said during his imbizo in ture, measures to increase confidence, elections in their favour. Ventersdorp. He was explaining to the and the R50 billion reallocation to ‘The communities of both towns public that we have only received R13 township economies, for skills, youth have been vocal in their disapproval of million so far as part of the grant. All unemployment and so forth.’ the merger. Residents have protested he will do is get the attention of all the ‘The NEC also looks forward to the The JB Marks executive mayor shows the and called for the merger to be stop- relevant offices at the national level. He job summit this week, so that all stake- Ventersdorp community the document of ped. It is now election season and the will continue to ask them to release holders can present their proposals to the N14 mixed housing development that ANC is, again, hitting the campaign another merger grant to solve the chal- address job creation, especially youth will create job opportunities for the com- trail and trying to appease communi- lenges the municipality is facing. Then employment. munity. Photo: Selogile Leshage ties by using the merger,’ he said. we can continue improving the lives of ‘The NEC also cautioned the party Millions of rands wasted on the our people, especially the poorest of members against perpetuating fake and poverty. ‘Despite challenges faced merger the poor,’ he said. news and rumours, via the media, and by our municipality like many munici- He says this comes after a near col- She said the situation in Venters- social media. We must resist being palities across the country, our munici- lapse of service delivery in both com- dorp is calm, peaceful and stable at the drawn into the campaign of our detrac- pality is financially viable, and we still munities and after millions of rands moment. The office of the executive tors, who would like to see a divided continue to render basic services to our have already been wasted on the mer- mayor is engaging with the community and weak ANC,’ she said. people. ger. leaders to come up with permanent so- In my closing remarks as Africa’s So far, we have connected water, se- ‘The merger is a result of the ANC lutions to issues like job creation, in- oldest liberation movement, we will not wer and sanitation and built roads to steamrolling processes and undermi- frastructure development and econo- rest to fight poverty, unemployment most of the villages and townships.’ ning the concerns of the communities in a bid to win elections. The costly fai- lures of this exercise should fall direc- tly on their shoulders. Farmers suffer loss due to electricity ‘The ANC is, once again, proving they are not interested in uplifting the failures in J.B. Marks The Democratic Alliance (DA) has wer failures have also caused borehole ‘This makes farming and the called for urgent intervention in problems, leaving the farms without day-to-day running of agricultu- the maintenance of, and electrici- water.’ ral businesses nearly impossible. ty supply to, farms within the mu- ‘The dilapidated infrastructure has Agriculture is the main contribu- nicipal boundaries. collapsed and has started fires in so- tor to the GDP of our province The DA councillor, Jeanne me areas. The residents complain that and creates employment,’ she la- Adriaanse says the party has con- they get no feedback or results when mented. tacted the relevant role players they phone the municipality. ‘We must reduce poverty, crea- and the head of the electricity de- ‘Another commercial farmer who te job opportunities and improve KITSGRAS partment in the J.B. Marks mu- uses pivot irrigation says all the far- the lives of the people of North nicipality. ming activities grind to a halt without West, particularly the lives of the • Bestel by 086 123 5296 of In a press statement, she said electricity. The power dips and unan- poor. To do this, we need to ensu- a farmer in the area lost almost nounced failures can also damage the re that our infrastructure is well www.trompiegroup.co.za 600 chickens due to electricity electronic equipment they use in these developed and maintained. Only failures. activities,’ she said. this will enable economic partici- • Kaartfasiliteite ook beskikbaar. ‘They have spent nearly R56 According to Adriaanse, the areas pation and create jobs. The DA is 000 on fuel for three generators in Ventersdorp and outside the town the only party that is committed • Selfl aai: Ma - Vry (8:00 - 16:30) to ensure that no more of their are without electricity for up to three to this and building one South Af- poultry dies,’ she said. ‘These po- days. rica for all,’ she said. en Sat. op bestelling. It has been agreed between the Advertiser and Media24 that the Advertiser is solely responsible for the correctness off all details concerning its advertisement placed herein, including compliance with all relevant legislation. Therefore, Media24 does not accept any liability for any damage resulting from any advertisement placed herein. 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