THE STODAia OREQCENIAN, POBTIND; 3IAECH! 12, 190o. elect was that of being a. disreputable vagabond. It was not at all a serious chargo nor an uncommon one. although It was highly Inconvenient at this time. MARY BAKER G. EDDY NOT DEAD A strong appeal was made for Hill's re- lease, but the, court had views of his own on the subject. He thought a man who was going to get married ought to FOUNDER OF CHRISTIAN SCIENCE IS LIVING HAP- have some pretentions to decency, how- -' CONCORD AND ever slight. PILY AT ENJOYING NORMAL HEALTH The not affect the YjI prisoner visibly, for he was evidently J From one. end of country to thinking of his release which was tq fol the the low, according to Phillips assurance. The '4kPRA other it has been, whispered for weeks charms of a "pull" are many. PCRE03 that Mrs. Mary Baker G. Eddy, the But the "pull" missed. To his surprise founder of Christian Science, has been Hill was ordered to stand up for sentence dead for months, and that her devoted, The smile faded from his face. He thought immediate followers had concealed the of the terror of serving ten days In Jail. fact, even going so far as have a dummy Ten days In a dingy jail Is not a pleas personate Mrs. Eddy. The New York ant wedding present. falsity of "Six months" said the court. "You Herald has demonstrated the will" be confined to the County Jail for and EXTRAORDINARY SALE that rumor by a signed communication during a period of six months." and an interview with Mrs. Eddy herself. OF-- The communication reads: TIfasant View. Concord. N. H.. Saturday. Money Is Asked for Editor New York Herald. Jfew York Dear Mr. Kdltor: A renresentatlve of the Herald called today to Inform me of the rumor Sacajawea Statue . that I had deceased some three months aso. ThU is an falsehood. I granted him a moment's interview, hoping; you would refute tills rumor in the next Dr. T. L. Eliot Ask Public, to - your paper. am in my usual Folding edition of I Subscribe Liberally to Raise Bal- health, every day and attend Go cood drive out Carts ance $2500 Ii to my regular business. ' of That Needed. MARY BAKER G. EDDY. Embargo Is Raised. PORTLAND, March 11. (To the Editor.) ONE WEEK ONLY Mrs. Eddy's despatch raised an embargo I have been asked by the earnest women reporter who are engaged In building the memorial that had forbid a Herald from to Sacajawea, the Indian who guided Go-Cart- -, taking advantage of a few minutes in the Lewis and Clark to this coast, to make a No. 50 Folding Iron Frame, Regular $3.50 Sale presence of Mrs. Eddy in her library to - $2.45 statement and appeal In behalf of then- Go-Ca- obtain an Interview with the author of work. In order to "qualify" for my task. No. 20 P Folding rt, Iron Frame, Regular 3.75 Sale "Science and Health" for newspaper pub- carefully gone 2.85 dem- I have over the history of Go-Car- t, lication. The meeting was really a their enterprise with the officers and com' No. 51 Folding Iron Frame, Regular 4.00 Sale onstration, audience was granted 2.95 for the mlttee, and have een the books and sub- Go-Ca- to convince the Herald reporter that scription lists It appears that of the No. 20 A Folding rt, Adjustable, Rubber Tires, Reg. 5.50 Sale was really in the flesh; that the low, TV to 3.45 she hoi a Aiim rmiilrut nvm th.M ClWt Go-Car- sweet, musical voice wap of Mrs. Eddy already secured, in actual personal sub No. 52 Folding t, Adjustable, Rubber Tires, Reg. 5.50 Sale and the hand extended to the visitor 3.60 that scription?, and entirely outside of Port Go-Car- t, in welcome to Pleasant View was really land. The list represents the of No. 23 A Folding Adjustable, Rubber Tires, Reg. 6.00 Sale Christian Science. efforts 4.40 that of the founder of members of woman's clubs, lodges of Red Go-Car- pleasant in- No. 57 Folding t, It was and it was not. a Men and other orders, and innumerable Adjustable, Rubber Tires, Reg. 6.25 Sale 4.7G terview. In the first Instance, it was a Individuals In 'the Northwest, making the pleasure to see and chat with her of memorial so far essentially a people's whom so much has been talked and writ- gut. ten and about whom there has been to The actual cost completed GO-CAR- TS un- of the statue, ALL OTHER much room for speculation. It was when ready for shipment from New York, REDUCED pleasant in the sense that to establish is by contract, J3000. The work has been the fact whother or not Mrs. Eddy stiH often described. It is of bronze, of heroic lived it became necessary to have the size (about seven feet tall), representing FOR CASH woman, now in her SOth year, present Sacajawea with her baby slung on her herself that the question whether alive eagerly " back and pointing to some dis Ten Per. Cent on Ail New or dead might be answered for good and covered mountain pass or trail, towards Patterns. nil at this time. In these days Mrs. Eddy MRS. MARY BAKER G. EDDY. which she takes a step forward. The Twenty Per Cent on All Last Year's Patterns lives quetly, giving no audience? to those j sculptor is Miss Alice Cooper, of Colorado. pilgrims who Journey to Concord that , . She Is a pupil of Lorado Taft. and some they might speak with her. Even by her of her work was him." the maid replied, "but I will with a short gray mustache. Delight- seen at the World's Fair, own townspeople little is known of Mrs. Eee." Chicago. The conception and execution glimpse to A letter explaining my reason ful of manner, easy and graceful, Mr. Eddy, for there is but a of her for callincr and addressed to Mrs. EJJv Frye has a bright, smillng'eye. of the statue have been approved by rood 5)6 had daily, as she takes her usual af- was given to critics, as conforming to the principles of wrapped in costly the maid. She took it He greeted me cheerfully and said and. one may ternoon drive, her. ana to close door. he my art, if judge from photo- sables and seated within a coupe drawn started the that liad read letter to Mrs. graphs, it is a work of artistic merit and H Eddy ...by a pair of handsome black horses. Sees Mrs. Eddy. and that she would see me in her inspiration, like the McNeil bronzes now Only in actual contact with her private library for a few minutes. It was In the City Park. "I would like an answer, please," 185-19- 1 secretary, Calvin A. Frye. I stipulated that there was to be no 570CO and the four said. The girl's face expressed The balance of the Is a careful es First Street PORTLAND, OREGON maids who constituted the members of doubt, interview for publication nml T nn timate of the expenses of niacins: me and again she said, "I do know quiesced. the tho household of "Pleasant "View," and not that In a few minutes, possibly J mortal, with Its base, eta, and Includes the coachman who drives the pair of I can see Mr. Frye." She closed the three. Mr. Frye said Mrs. Eddy was I tfiA Mat A f .lntlnf. nwA I blacks, there is as little known of Mrs. door to rea.lv to BPft m nnl T fnllnnro.l him about $400. No and left me wait on the porch. up salaries whatever have Eddy in Concord, through personal con- In a few minutes door opened the front stairs, where at the left been glven. New the and .no aoor open. year ago Mis3 was a. tact, as there Is In York of the ti an elderly man, garb, jiurary stooa I let Mr. At this stage the of the Bateman member urchin of a tenement in the lower in clerical bade Frye precede mo to the door and citizens of Portland Is sought 9 of a stock company in San, Francisco. niest me enter. in a to complete 6 east side. I entered the vestibule and few seconds Mrs. Eddy came toward me the 52500 still wanted. Of this sum, al- ' At that time she was engaged to marry How remarkable is the shrouding of taen the hallway. It was bright and and extended her hand In greeting. ready $400 has been provided In two gen All Aboard' for Portland Fair Coulter Brlnker, tho leading man. Brin-k- er Mrs. Eddy's movements can be eaeily un cheerful and withal homelike and com- As Mrs. Eddy spoke, her face lighted erous suosenpuons. met a tragic death, and. it Is said dorstood when it is learned that after in fortable in its oaken finishings. eweetly. a motherly expression, and the The present statement Is written in the Mis3 Bateman never fully recovered from quiry made among the citizens of Con- I was ushered into the costly but not brightness of the large, full eyes be- earnest hope that volunteer subscription?. the shoek. With Ada Patterson. Miss cord, comparatively few are found who extravugantly furnished parlor the spoke in any sums, California Business Men, Headed by Governor Pardee, Bateman wrote a book called, "By the at the owner's mental activity.
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