Patented July 13, 1948 2445,029 UNITED STATES PATENT office METHOD of DISPERSING KERATIN PRO TEN WITH AMMONUM THOCYANATE AND THE COMPOST ON RESULT ING THEREFROM Chase B. Jones, Waltham, Mass, and Dale K. Mecham, Richmond, Calif., assignors to United States of America as represented by the Secre tary of Agriculture No Drawing. Original application November 7, 1944, Serial No. 562,326. Divided and this ap plication May 8, 1947, Serial No. 746,850 4 Claims. (Cl. 106-155) (Granted under the act of March 3, 1883, as amended April 30, 1928; 30 O. G. 757) 2 1 . neutral or practically neutral reaction, and at This application is made under the act of relatively low temperatures. These conditions March 3, 1883, as amended by the act of April produce less degradation of the original keratin 30, 1928, and the invention herein described, if than occurred in the prior art and the dispersed patented, may be manufactured and used by or keratin may be recovered in a form substantially for the Government of the United States of 5 similar to that of the original keratin in regard America, for governmental purposes without the to its composition, isoelectric point, solubility, payment to us of any royalty thereon. and other properties. This application is a division of Our copending The method involved in this invention is based application for patent, Serial No. 562,326, filed partly on the reduction of the disulphide bonds November 7, 1944. 10 within the keratin molecule by treating it with This invention relates to a method of dis Sulfur-containing, reductive disulphide-splitting. persing keratin proteins obtained from a keratin agents such as monoethylene thioglycol (thio material such as feathers, hoofs, horns, wool, and so forth, and has among its objects the use glycol), thioglycolic acid (present as the thiogly of such keratins, either in the dispersed or re 5 colate in neutral Solution), and sodium bisulphite, covered forms, in the preparation of artificial The presence of alkali is obviated by the use of fibers, films, plastics and the like. any of a number of protein-denaturing or pro Keratins, like the more soluble proteins, can tein-dispersing agents, such as urea, guanidine be readily dispersed by hydrolysis in strong acids hydrochloride, ammonium thiocyanate, form or alkalis, but the keratin thus dispersed cannot 20 amide, acetamide, thiourea, sodium salicylate, be recovered except as simple degradation prod urethane, phenol, lithium iodide, and surface- - lucts, such as amino acids or complex degradation active agents, such as synthetic detergents com products, such as peptides, peptOnes, and pro- s posed of Sodium alkyl aryl sulfonates, sodium teoses, the properties of which differ radically alkyl sulfates, and so forth, and dispersion of the 25 keratin is thus effected at neutral or practically from those of the original keratin, neutral reaction. Keratins can also be dispersed in alkaline solu Therefore, under the above conditions of emi tions of metallic sulphides and such sulphides ploying disulphide - splitting and protein - dis are commonly used in cosmetic depilatories and persing or protein-denaturing agents to effect in the removal of hair from hides in the tanning 30 the dispersion in neutral or practically neutral industry. reaction and at relatively low temperatures, the Keratins have also been dispersed at neutral keratin molecule undergoes minimal degradation, reactions but in these cases heat and high tem the only chemical attack on the covalent link peratures were employed to the point of charring, ages of the keratin being the cleavage of the di which produced drastic degradation of the pro sulphide bonds of the cystine moiety. teins. 35 Also, keratins may be dispersed in strong alka The following examples are illustrative of our line solutions by treatment with reducing agents, invention: and the recovered protein is more similar to the Eacample I Original protein in regard to solubility, molecular 1.4 parts of monothioethylene glycol and 27.2 size, and so forth, than are the peptides, proteoses, 40 parts of guanidine hydrochloride are dissolved (etc., referred to previously. However, the pres in water. Sodium hydroxide solution and water ence of the strong alkali is undesirable because are then added as required to obtain 35 parts of . it presents an opportunity for the hydrolysis of Solution at about pH 6.9. 2.5 parts of cattle hoof the keratin, destruction of the cystine constituent. of the keratin (keratins being unique among pro filings are treated with this neutralized solution teins in that they contain exceptionally large in a water bath at about 40° C. about for 18 hours. amounts of cystine), and destruction of the hy- . The mixture is stirred at convenient intervals. droxy amino acid residues of the keratin. During this period about 74% of the hoof keratin According to our invention, keratin materials is dispersed in the solution. After removal of the are dispersed under mild conditions, that is, in 50 undispersed hoof by filtration, the dispersed 2445,029 3 . 4. keratin may be precipitated either by dilution chicken feathers are added. The solution is with several volumes of water, by salting out with gently boiled for about one hour with frequent MgSO4, (NH4)2SO4, etc., by acidification, or by stirring. The undispersed residue is removed by dialysis. If desired, the guanidine may be re suitable filtration and is washed several times in moved from the dispersion by dialysis and may s hot water. The combined washings and filtrate be recovered from the dialysate by precipitation are evaporated to dryness, 75 parts of dry prod as the nitrate or by other suitable eaS uct are obtained having a nitrogen content of Eacample II 8.5% to 8.6%. This material has been found useful for the preparation of artificial fibers. 1.1 parts of NaHSO3 and 21 parts of urea are O dissolved in water. Sodium hydroxide solution Eacample V and water are added as required to obtain 35 parts of solution at about pH 7.1. 2.5 parts of 1.6 parts of thioglycolic acid and 21 parts of wool are treated with this solution in a water bath urea are dissolved in water, Sodium hydroxide at about 40 C. about for 18 hours, during which solution and water are added as required to ob period the mixture is stirred at frequent inter 5 tain 35 parts of solution at about pH 7.0 (-0.2). vals. 52% of the original weight of the wool is 2.5 parts of duck feathers are added, and the dispersed by this treatment. The dispersed wool mixture is heated at about 40° C. about for 18 hours. About 78% of the feather keratin is dis may be precipitated and recovered from the solu persed by this treatment. tion either by dialysis, by salting out with MgSO4, 20 Eacample VI w able(NH4)2SO4, amount etc., of acid or by Or carefulalkali. addition of a suit 1.4 parts of monothioethylene glycol and 24 Eacample III parts of ammonium thiocyanate are dissolved in 40 parts of a synthetic detergent composed of water. Sodium hydroxide solution and water are sodium alkyl, aryl Sulphonates, and 4 parts of 25 added as required to obtain 35 parts of solution NaHSO3 are dissolved in water. Sodium hy having a pH of about 6.9. 2.5 parts of chicken droxide solution and water are added as required feathers are treated with this solution for about to obtain 400 parts of solution at about pH 6.6. 18 hours at about 40° C. During this period This solution is heated to boiling and 64 parts about 82% of the feather keratin is dispersed. of chicken feathers are added. The solution is 30 kept boiling gently for about 30 minutes with Eacample VII frequent stirring. During this period consider 1.4 parts of monothioethylene glycol and 20.7 able dispersion of the feathers occurs and the undispersed portion becomes very soft and loses parts of acetamide are dissolved in water, So its original shape, 200 parts of boiling water 35 dium hydroxide Solution and Water are added to are now added and the solution is boiled and give 35 parts of solution having a pH of about stirred for about another 30 minutes. The un 7.2. 2.5 parts of chicken feathers are treated dispersed residue is removed by suitable filtra With this solution at about 40 C. about for 18 tion and is washed several times in hot water. hours. During this period about 59% of the The washings and filtrate may be combined and 40 feather keratin is dispersed. evaporated to dryness to obtain 0 parts of a Eacample VIII water-soluble product that has been found use ful for the preparation of artificial fibers. This 1.4 parts of monothioethylene glycol and 27.2 material contains 85% to 8.6% nitrogen on a 45 parts of guanidine hydrochloride are dissolved dry basis. in water. Sodium hydroxide solution and water . are added as required to obtain 35 parts of solu Example IV tion having a pH of about 7.0. 2.5 parts of hog 50 parts of a synthetic detergent, composed hair are added and the mixture is heated at about of sodium alkyl sulphates, and 10 parts of 50 40° C. about for 18 hours. About 56% of the NaHSO3 are dissolved in 940 parts of water. A hair is dispersed during this period. saturated solution of sodium hydroxide is added In addition to the foregoing examples, many until the pH of the solution is about 6.0. The other experiments were performed, the results solution is heated to boiling and 80 parts of of which are shown in the following tables: ABLE Dispersibilities of ceratins in different dispersing agents upon reduction by 0.5 M thioglycol 2.5g of keratin was treated for 18 hours at about 40°C.
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