Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……1 Box 218 GENERAL FILES Academic Affairs, Office of the Vice President for (GUA) Peter E Yankwich advises Morton W Weir that the requirement for submission by UIUC of copy to his office for approval to publication is lifted Academic Calendar Draft for the proposed 1978-79 academic calendar w/cover letter from Edward W Ernst, Chairman of the Academic Calendar Comm. Harold Hake advises the committee that the calendar draft looks satisfactory Copy of the UIUC Calendar for Second Semester 1978-79 REM forwards to William M Griffith a letter from C Kay Schade to Steven P Hill, Chairman of the Senate Comm on Academic Calendar. There is some concern about dates as they related to the initiation of registration by mail. She suggests Jan 25, 1979 as the target date for submission of a draft 1980-81 calendar Paul S Riegel request for comments from the Administrative Conference on the proposed 1980-91 calendar Carolyn G Burrell request to remind the faculty of the change in the class schedule for Dec 12 & 13, 1978, on which classes will be conducted as if they were Thursday & Friday Paul S Riegel request to the Administrative Conference for any comments on the proposed 1980-81 academic calendar Morton W Weir forwards a copy of a letter from William Fierke concerning making provision for a 3-week Intercession period between spring semester & summer session, about which he would the Senate Comm on the Academic Calendar’s advice Correspondence concerning the resolution of issues raised in a Dec 13, 1978 memo from Steven P Hill for the proposed 1980-91 academic calendar. Specifically, these issues include the starting date for summer session, the date of commencement, final exams on Sunday, Veterans Day observance, altering the date of the start of registration to Aug 20 Loren E Decker letter advising of publishing deadlines for the 1979-80 academic year Jane W Loeb letter advising that she does not see a need to reconsider changing the first day of registration to Aug 20 from Aug 21 to accommodate the time every seven years when Aug 21 falls on a Thursday, shortening the registration period Academic Council, University Morton W Weir report on the mtg he attended on President John E Corbally’s behalf in Washington, D C on Aug 24, 1978. This mtg was hosted jointly by the National Academy of Sciences & the National Science Foundation, through the Committee for Scholarly Communication w/the People’s Republic of China. He attaches a list of those who attended & an agenda. The topic of the mtg was student exchanges w/PRC, though some time was spent discussing the exchange of scientists on more than a “quasi-tourist” basis Copy of SIBHE program review schedules, 1978-79 & 19890-81 Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……2 Copy of document, Community College-Senior College Articulation in Illinois-Summary of A Report & Recommendations by the Illinois Community College-Senior College Articulation Task Force, August 1978 Cover letter of Sep 15, 1978 & copy of a description of the report of the Illinois Board of Higher Education staff of its preliminary analysis of data related to allied health programs which were submitted in 1976. Also enclosed is a copy of a computer printout for each program which shows the data elements for each program which are included in the study File memo of comments by Earl Neal at the September Board of Trustees mtg on the need for attention to the situation of low-paid (presumably junior) faculty Ernest F Anderson Sep 21, 1978 response w/comments on the Articulation Task Force Report in regard to UI Letter requesting that Peter E Yankwich, Edwin L Goldwasser, William J Grove, Richard Johnson, & Morton W Weir serve as members of UAC for 1978-79 or until successors are appointed Information relating to the University Planning Council & the University Academic Council mtgs on Sep 25, 1978. These include a summary of the mtg, & a copy of Study of Adult Learners, Presented to the Joint Education Committee by the staffs of the Illinois Board of Higher Education, State Board of Education, & State Advisory Committee on Adult, Vocational & Technical Education, Sep 26, 1978 E E Oliver sends a copy of legislation SB238 on competency testing to Admissions & Records Director James W Graham, which has been signed into law Copy of an item on planning for the Nov 2, 1978 mtg w/IBHE staff members concerning the FY1980 budget List of the Planning Comm for the Interdisciplinary Faculty Research Workshop/Symposium on Population/Population Control Revised Planning Statement Calendar Agenda & materials & summary of the Sep 25, 1978 UAC mtg Copy of a revised draft of a Statement of Findings, which represents the general agreement which came out of discussions at the President’s Assembly on State Policy Research at UI held on Oct 4-6, 1978 at Balmoral Woods Inn in Crete, Illinois Peter E Yankwich memo on his understanding of how most searches for dept heads are organized & conducted & details some assumptions he makes in reflection of recent problems that have come to his attention Copy of Statement on Intercampus Relations Adopted by the UAC, Nov 21, 1975 Copy of Document/Agenda Item Identifier System (Oct 18, 1978) Agenda & Summary of the Oct 23, 1978 UAC mtg Agenda & Summary of the Nov 27, 1978 UAC mtg Copy of the Amendment to RAMP Program Review Procedures from IBHE, & a copy of FY1981 Budget & Planning Guidelines Copy of the Nov 27, 1978 UAC mtg & copies of correspondence pertinent to the discussions Calendar of UAC mtg for 1979 Agenda for the Dec 18, 1978 UAC mtg Cancellation of the Dec 18, 1978 UAC mtg, in part because the mtg of the Planning Council on the same day has been cancelled Information on graduate fellowships at UICC, UIMC & UIUC for FY1978 Agenda & materials for the Jan 22, 1979 UAC mtg Agenda & materials for the Feb 26, 1979 UAC mtg Summary of the Feb 26, 1979 UAC mtg Handwritten notes on “Coverage of A-21 changes” Copy of University Academic Council Major Responsibilities list, List of UAC Items Discussed and/or Pending, 1978-79, List of UAC Items Discussed and/or Pending 1977-78 Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……3 Handwritten notes on Feb 26 mtg Peter E Yankwich letter advising the Chancellors that President Corbally does not agree w/many of the presumptions in the attached IBHE item, “Student Access & Choice,” & does not feel that the University should dignify it w/a detailed response. He will draft a limited response & discuss it w/the Chancellors before transmittal Agenda for the Mar 26, 1979 UAC mtg Summary of the Mar 26 mtg Invitation to Vice Presidents Peter Czajkowski & Robert Winter to join the UAC at all future meetings in which they are interested Copy of the Planning Statement: Chapter 1, Scope & Mission Handwritten notes & Summary of the Apr 23, 1979 UAC mtg Agenda for the May 21, 1979 UAC mtg Summary of the May 21 mtg Summary of the Jun 25, 1979 mtg Academic Staff Copy of The Academic Personnel System – An Interim Report, Jan 31, 1979 Copy of a Proposal for an Academic Staff Services & Records Office at UIUC, prepared by Carolyn G Burrell at the request of Morton W Weir. Correspondence w/comments on this proposal. Paul S Riegel memo to Chancellor Gerberding of Mar 20, 1979, which notes that Roger E Martin says this proposal, the “Burrell report” has died. It received such mixed reactions that Morton Weir decided to do nothing with it. The Chancellor might want to raise this question w/Morton Weir, as Roger Martin & Paul Riegel both feel that something such as was proposed will eventually have to be done. Paul Riegel also suggests that Roger Martin be the person to whom the Academic Professionals report Academic Staff Handbook Feb 13, 1979 letter to Chancellor Gerberding w/suggested revisions (not attached) to the Academic Staff Handbook from the Faculty Advisory Committee. Carolyn G Burrell letter advising the FAC that she is requesting that these revisions be made in the next issuance of the Handbook Accountancy, Comm on Copy of Item 2 approved at the Jul 19, 1978 Board of Trustees mtg, Appointment to Board of Examiners in Accountancy President Corbally letter of congratulation to Larry D Blust on his appointment as a member of the Board of Examiners in Accountancy President Corbally letter of appreciation for the service of James G Archer on the Board of Examiners in Accountancy Correspondence w/David Ratner of Penn General Agencies of New York, Inc, who raises a question about the amount of coverage of the Lease Agreement, Certified Public Accountants Examination. Reply from James R Gallivan Office of the Chancellor, FY1979 Archived Files ……4 Copy of Item 18 approved at the Nov 17, 1978 Board of Trustees mtg, Lease of Space in McCormick Place, Chicago. Cover letter for copies of the proposed lease, which are not attached, from Earl L Palmberg, sent to Legal Counsel Copy of Item 3 for the Jun 20, 1979 Board of Trustees mtg, Appointment to Board of Examiners in Accountancy, A Clayton Ostlund President Corbally letter of appreciation for the service of R Neal Fulk on the Board of Examiners for the CPA examination President Corbally letter of congratulation on the appointment of A Clayton Ostlund President Corbally letter of congratulation on the appointment of Warren D Sumers President Corbally letter of appreciation for the service of Ronald H Bates Accrediting Letter from the Council on Social Work Education advising that it has renewed the accredited status of the School of Social Work until Jun 1980 Correspondence concerning a proposal from the American Society of Landscape Architects, “Proposed Policy for Multiple Program Accreditation’s.” In Aug 1978, Chancellor Gerberding advises ASLA that UIUC does not favor the proposed changes Letter from the American Psychological Assoc advising that it has voted to continue the doctoral training programs in the clinical Ph D, Psy D, & counseling psychology on full approval status.
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