FORMERLY THE THE SCOTCH PLAINS TIMES AND FANWOOD TIMES INDiPENDiHT VOL. 8 NO. 49 SCOTCH PLAINS-FANWOOD, N.J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1987 10 CENTS A COPY Big Turnout For Testimonial to Mayor Hulsizer Fanwood's Mayor E, Sidney Hulsizer, who did not seek re- election last month, was feted at a testimonial dinner sponsored by his friends and attended by over 300 civic, business, political and other community leaders on Tuesday night at Wally's Tavern on the Hill. Billed as a "Thank you, Sid" testimonial, the dinner honored the Mayor for his 12 years of elective service to the Borough of Fanwood, Hulsizer was elected to the Council in 1951 and served two full terms. In 1961 he was elected Rinaldp Heads Mayor and will complete his third term on December 31st, GOP Delegation Mr. Stuart Truitt, a former long-time resident of the Bor- ough and friend of the Mayor, The Union County Republican delivered the testimonial address. legislative delegation has in- His address featured several an- formed O.O, P, County Chairman ecdotes involving the Mayor since Loree "Rip" Collins that Senator the Hulslzer's moved to Fanwood -Elect Matthew j, Rinaldo of in 1939, Truitt is presently a Union has been chosen delegation resident of Fairfield, Conn, Also speaking was Mr. Augustus W. Friends, business acquaintances, and community associates gathered,..from F"an\vui^,. /J leader and will head the county's ^ _ ^in team in the State's Kelley, Vice president of Bris- from communities far and near, to pay tribute to popular Fanwood Mayor E. Sidney HulsizeV>--'' upper housej*Tnb*ftyfi-man As- tol-Myers. Co. where Hulsizer Hulsizer, who has served on the Council since 1951 and as Mayor since 1961, completes sembly , delegation haa^-ft(fossa. manages "he" local and state tax his final term on Dec, 31. Left to right Stuart Truitt, of Fairfield, Conn, who delivered a Assemblyman-elect Charles J. v-The invocation was testimonial, Hulsizer, and Mayor-elect Rolrtnd M. Ee»tbcmn. Irwin of Mountainside as its lead- delivered by the", R er. George L, Hunt of Ftnwood Pres- byterian Church, where Hulsizer Rinaldo was elected to the State is a ruling elder. Senate last month along with As- semblyman Frank X, McDermott The program for the evening of Westf ield who will be majority was recorded and the tape was leader, and former Elizabeth presented to Mayor Hulsizer by Board Studied by Mayor Nicholas S. LaCorte, Councilman Roland M. Beetham, Chanee In addition to Irwin, other Re- the Borough's mayor-elect. He publican Assemblymen are Her- also presented a tape recorder Township Committee bert J. Heilmann of Union, Her- as a gift from those attending. bert Kiehn of Rahway, Peter Borough Administrator John H. An ordinance establishing an uses already established by Zon- j. McDonough of Plalnfield, and Campbell, Jr., presented a cari- architectural control board of the ing Ordinances, and would adhere Hugo M. Pfaltz of Summit. cature of Hulsizer which was en- circled with the signatures of all township of Scotch Plains was to good traffic planning, the per- Senator-elect Rinaldo, an in- those attending. introduced" at Tuesday night's mit would be approved. Public The Scotch Plains - Fanwood dustrial and labor relations con- meeting of the Township Com- hearing and final vote will cake Board of Education will present sultant, is a former president The entire evening was a com- mittee. The Board would strive place at the Township Commit- a proposal to amend the state's of the Township of Union zoning plete surprise to the Mayor, Oth- to avoid "excessive uniformity, tee Meeting on December 19, all-pupil busing law when the Board of Adjustment and served er features of the evening in- dissimilarity, in-appropriate - Another ordinance approved state Federation of District on the Union County Board of cluded music by Ray Barton and ness or poor quality of design makes parking illegal on the Boards of Education meets in Freeholders in 1963 and 1964, the Electronic Trio, long a fav- Trenton, In the appearance of buildings south side of Church Street from In 1965 he was selected as the orite of the Mayor, and a "Do you remember when?" corner constructed or altered in the Park Avenue to Forest Road A Scotch Plains-Fanwood re- "Outstanding Young Man of the featuring many photographs of Township". It was pointed out and on the east side of Forest solution, supported by 10 other Year" by the Union junior Cham- the popular Fanwood Recreation that these factors prevent the Road between Bartle Avenue and boards, seeks immediate repeal ber of Commerce. Association minstrel shows in most appropriate development of Westfleld Avenue. The parking Assemblyman-elect Irwin, an of the law that requires most which Mayor Hulsizer partici- the community as a whole and af- prohibition is effective immed- attorney, is manager of Bell Fac- local boards of education to pro- pated. fect the taxable land value of iately. vide transportation at public ex- tory Terminal in Oarwood, an the buildings being constructed Persons, companies, firms or pense for students who attend officer of Douglas Motors in Best wishes messages were and/or altered, and also of the corporations would be prohibited non-public schools within a 20- Summit and Councilman in Moun- read including a telegram from surrounding buildings. from digging or excavating the mlle radius. tainside, Congresswoman Florence P, The committee, as set up in surfaces of any streets, side- The newly elected legislators Dwyer. the new legislation, would con- walks or public pavement with- The resolution, if adopted at will be sworn into office in Tren- John M, Coulter, chairman of sist of five members; one mem- out a written permit under terms the meeting, will be forwarded ton on January 9, when the Re- the Borough's Board of Adjust- ber of the Township Committee of another ordinance introduced to the state Board of Education publicans will assume control of ment, was toastmaster. for a term of one year; two for the first time. The ordinance and the legislature for action, both houses of the legislature, members of the Planning Board sets up extensive qualifications "Beautiful Snow, for a term concurrent with their to be met before excavation of Planning Board term; and two Bomb Scare It can do nothing Wrong" any kind can begin. Applicants Department would be those pre- residents. The Board would be would notify the Supervisor of scribed by statute or ordinance, John Whiitaker Watson appointed by the Chairman of Vacates School Public Properties 24 hours in and by resolutions the Commit- 1824-1890 the Township Committee with advance, eliminate any liability tee may adopt. The Department Fourteen hundred Scotch the Building Inspector serving on the part of the Township, would include a Township Engin- Plains-Fanwood High School stu- as an ex-officio member. All pay a fee in advance of $20 eer, nominated and appointed by dents spent an uncomfortabltj Not Quite True! members would serve without for the first SO foot length the Township Committee for a hour and a half out in the snow compensation. to be dug up and $5 for each term of up to three years. He last Thursday as a result of a David Schoenbrun was un- Under terms of the ordinance, additional 50 feet, Applicants would have full charge of the phone call to school authorities able to appear at Westfleld every application for new build- for such permits would be held other members of the Depart- claiming "there is a bomb in High School last Thursday ing or alteration of industrial, responsible for providing the ap- ment and would keep records the school". While fire compan- evening due to snow condi- commercial, or multi-familyre- propriate barlcades and night- of all transactions. He would ies from Scotch Plains and Fan- tions. He has promised to sidential nature would be sub- time lights and flashers, for advise on short and long-term wood stood by, police cleared reschedule his appearance mitted to the Board of Archi- proper guarding of the opened planning, act as advisor to the and searched the building. for January. FACE, the spon- tectural Review for considera- roads, and for proper backfilling Planning Board, and fulfill the This was the third such in- and finishing of roads. soring organization, wishes to tion. As long as the proposed duties of township Surveyor in cident in local schools since apologize for any inconven- building or alteration would not A new local department, to be charge of new construction, re- October 9 when Terrill Junior known as the Engineering Depart- High School was the victim of a ience which this might have be detrimental to property val- construction, drainage, sewers, caused. The new date for the ues, would not impair the stab- ment was established. To be streets, etc, The public hearing similar "scare". The second 'illty of surrounding properties, subject to approval of the Town- and final vote will be held on occured at Union Catholic High lecture will bo announced would not conflict with approved ship Committee, the Engineering December 19. School on October 26, shortly. December 7, 1967, The TIMES...3 2...The TIMES, December 7, 1987 Ision. Long active in Rutgers vide unrestricted gifts which the Senator Hughes alumni affairs, he is employed University President can assign Israeli Security Threat Two From Area as a methods analyse with the to projects serving the institu- Bill Protects Prudential Insurance Company, tion's educational purposes. Most The Rutgers Fund, formally of last year's gifts came from Remains Says Rep. Dwyer on Rutgers Fund established in 1935, last year alumni, faculty and staff mem- Firemen raised more than $400,000 ex- bers, but a substantial amount State Senator Mildred Barry ceeding all previous records.
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