![CHESS FEDERATION Reshevsky](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
1 TIME ADJOURNED-WHITE._ ___ WHITL_EI S"G II ER_ 8 9 14 19 , 4 - • .:. UNITED STATES Volume XIX Number 1 J a nuary, 19&4 EDITOR: J. F. Reinhardt ROUND 1 ROUND 6 l'I1ednis .............. 0 Fischer .............. 1 Fischer .............. 1 Steinmeyer ........ 0 R. Byrne ............ 0 Benko ................ 1 Weinstein .......... 0 Bisguier ............ 1 CHESS FEDERATION Reshevsky .......... 0 Weinslein .......... 1 Benko ................ 0 Evans ........ .......... 1 Addison .... ...... .. lh Steinmeyer ...... ~ l\1ednis ................ 0 Saidy ............ ...... 1 D. Byrne ............ 0 Bisguicr ............ 1 R. Byrne .......... If.: D. Byrne .......... '1.1 PRESIDENT Evans .......... .... If.: Saidy ................ 1h. Rcshevsky .......... l Addison ............ 0 Major Edmund B. Edmondson, Jr. ROUND 2 ROUND 7 VICE·PRESIDENT Fischer .............. 1 Evans .................. 0 Addison .............. 0 Fischer .............. 1 David Hoffmann Bisguler ............ 0 Saidy .................. 1 O. Byrne .......... lh Reshevsky ........ 1f.: Steinmeyer ...... If.: D. Byrne .......... '1.1 Saidy ................ If.: R. Byrne .......... ~ REGIONAL VICE·PRESIDENTS Weinstein .......... 0 Addison .............. 1 Evans .................. 1 Mednls .............. 0 NEW ENGLANO £11 Bourd.on ,TlUl\ea Bur,cas Benko ....... ....... lh Reshevsky ........ J.,i Bisguier .............. 0 Benko ................ 1 StaDley Kin, Mednis ................ 0 R. Byrne ... ...... ... 1 Steinmeyer ........ 0 Weinstein .......... 1 EASTERN Donald &chula ROUND 3 ROUNO 8 Charlet Keyaer Peter Berlow R. Byrne ............ 0 Fischer .............. 1 F'ischer .............. 1 Weinstein .......... 0 Reshevsky .......... 1 Mednis ................ 0 Benko .............. If.: Steinmeyer ... ... ~ MID-ATLANTIC Addison .... ...... lh Bcnko ................ ¥i Mednis .............. 1 Bisguier ............ 0 D. Byrne ............ 0 Weinstein .......... 1 R. Byrne .......... % Evans ................ lh SOUTHERN Or. Stuart Noblin Saldy ................ lh Steinmeyer ...... Vi Reshevsky .......... l Saidy .................. 0 JOlT)' SuWnn Evans ..................1 Bisguier ............ 0 Addison ............ 1 D. Byrne ............ 0 Dr. RoMrt Froemke ROUND 4 ROUNO 9 GREAT LAKli5 F. WID. Bauer Dr. Ho,... rd Cab. Fischer .............. 1 Bisguier ............ 0 D. Byrne ............ 0 Fiscber .............. 1 Norbert .IUbe... SteinmeYer ........0 Evans .................. 1 Saidy .................. 1 Addison .............. 0 NORTH CENTRAL DI'. aeorc. '!'\e... Weinstein .......... 0 Saidy .................. 1 Evans ................ If.: Resbevsty ........ Ik Funk 811.ofl 1Ar: 1Ar: lohn o.lIUS Benko .............. Jfz D. Byrne .......... '4 Bisguier .......... R. Byrne .......... Mednis .............. ¥i Addison ............ ¥i Stelnmcyer ...... ¥i Mednis .............. *' lua n J . Reid Jobn 8eltilluf R. Byrne .......... lh Reshevsky ........ 1h. Weinslein .......... 0 Benko ................ 1 Kl nne th SmTih ROUND S _ ROUND 10 PACIFIC Rcshevsky ........ 0 Fischer .............. 1 Fischer .............. 1 Benko ................ 0 Addison .............. 0 R. Byrne ............ 1 Medais .............. 1 Weinstein .......... 0 D. Byrne .......... Ih Mednis .............. If.: R. Byrne ............ 1 Steinmeyer ........ 0 SECRETAR,,( Saidy .... .............. 0 Benko ................ 1 Rcshevsky ........ "h Bisguier .......... If.: Marshall Rohland Evans .............. .. 0 Weinstcin .......... 1 Addison ............ 0 Evans .................. 1 NATIONAL CHAIRMEN and OFFICERS Bisguier .... ...... Ih Steinmcycr ..... Jf.t D. Byrne ............ 0 Saidy .................. 1 ARMED FOReli, CHU'.. ___ M ___ ._.Robert Karch ROUND 11 BUSINESS MAN... O.R ...... __ .... __ J . F . Reinhardt Saidy .................. 0 Fiscber .............. 1 COLLEGE CHIi"••.• __......... __ ._. __ ._.Owe n Ilarrlll Evans ................ 1 D. Byrne ............ 0 Bisguier ............ Addison ............ INDUSTRIAL CH... ... _•..• _.$unlcy W. D. Kin, 1 0 Steinmcyer ........0 Reshevsky ........ 1 INSTITUTIONS CHEII_.. .. __ ._.Dr. Ralph Kuhns Weinstein .......... 1 R. Byrne ............ 0 INTERNATIONAL AI""AIItI. ........... Jerry Splnn Benko .............. .. 1 Mcdnis ... .. ......... 0 JUNIOR CHEII ............. _•.. Mordee.' O. Treblow MASTERS AI'FAIRS .. .............. _ ........ Robut ByrDe MEMBERSHI'.... _. ............. Edward A. Dlckenon JOIN THE UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION MEMBERSHIP SECR.TARy ............G rela Fuehl NOMINATIONS ....... __ ._.Dr. Alex J a nu&!lkowaky UJCF 1& a nen.preftt 4emooratlc oc,anlutieD. the efltda! ,ove rnln, body an4 FlDE ... nll PRESIDENTIAL ASSISTANT ... __Fred Climcr for cb.. lft the USA. ADl'on. iAte... ate4 I. advaaclft, American cbeu g eliJl.ble for melllbenhip. RATING STATISTICIAN... __• ___ .Davld Daniels RATING SYST.. 4 .... ___ ~_.~~ ...... ..Arpad E. Elo Membenh1p, lDelu~ CH£SS LlFI: aublcrtptloll, eu,tbWb" fe r USCF·ratlnr, and all SWISS SYSTEM MIiTHOOS._ Arpad Eo £to prhile.. : 1 yr.: ..... 2 In.: ...00; , pn.: '120M: Su.talnmr- '10.00 (becomu llte Member.hlp TAX OIiDUCTIIILlTV_. __ D.vld HofhRaIlR alter 10 pa.)"lI:l.ellb): We: 'lao.OO. "emily IMmbenhl, (t.o or more famlly membera .t &l.lDe TOURNAMENT ADM-_ Ge«ce Koltano.-.k! ad4reu, onb' 011. o,'Bu S LIFB nbaerlJltloD.l: ratu ...bove for first hmtly member. plua TOURNAMENT IlULU __ ._.~_.Jam" Sberwbl TIlEASUIlEIl._.______ • ___ MU1on Rulkln foUowInI: for eam additional m_bel: 1 yr.: P 50: 2 )TL: $4.7$; 3 ,.n.: $6.7$. U. $. CHAMPIONSHIP... _____ M.urice K.sper WOMEN'S CHISS•.•. ___ .... _...... ____ Eva An;lIlIon CHIiSS LIFE it publllhe4 mOllt.b1» by USC" and ntered II seeond.clau matter at Dubuque, le.a. Nou.member l·yI' . .... 1:>K:ilpUOII.: $4.00 ($S.OO outdde USA); .In,le cepy: o&Oc ($Oc eutalde USA). Ch ...... of adclrea.,: Allo. fCNr ••eu AOUce; pie.... II1ve .... both the De .....dd"u and WORLD CHESS FEDERATION (F.I.D.E.) the elcl addrels. lncludbl, the II.wnb.,... ....... d.t,. on the top Une of YolI.r lteDeU. G. Spann , AddreSll aU ~'OI1UI1UIUC.t10U. and nak, all cheeka payable te: UNITIO STATIS CHE .. "IC)IUTION... I.., 11th St,...t, NIW YOIlK S. N.Y. 2 CHFSS LIFE FISCHER SWEEPS u.S. CHAMPIONSHIP , by J. F. Reinhardt 1 2 3 • 5 6 • 9 10 II 12 W L D Tot. On the evening of January 3, 1964 Bob· 1 Robert Fischer .. ............. ..... x 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 0 Oll 2. Larry Evans .... .................... 0 x 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 , 2 3 by Fischer once again made chess his­ I> I> I> 'I> 3. Pol Benko ...................... .. .... 0 x 1 1 1 1 1 5 2 , to ry. Playing in a small room in New 0 I> I> I> I> Reshevsky x 1 1 4 2 • ,I> York's Henry Hudson Hotel before a 4/ 5. Samuel ............ 0 I> I> I> 01> 1 1 I> 5 1 handful of spectators, Fischer won his 4/ 5. Anthony Saidy .................... 0 I> 0 0 x I> 1 1 1 1> 1 5 3 3 6'h 6. Robert Byrne x adjourned game against Dr. Anthony ...................... 0 I> 0 I> I> 0 I> 1 1 1 I> 3 3 5 51> Saidy and became the first player ever 7. Raymond Weinstein .......... 0 1 0 1 0 1 x 0 0 0 1 1 5 6 0 5 to achieve a perfect score in the United 8. Arthur Bisguier .................. 0 0 o I> 0 I> 1 x 0 1 I> 1 3 5 3 '1> 1 Stales Chess Championship, Saidy was 9/10. Edmar 1'I1ednis .................... 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 x 'h 'h 'h 2 6 3 3'h the eleventh player to face Fischer and 9/ 10. William Addison ................ 0 o I> 0 0 0 1 0 I> x 'h 1 2 6 3 3'h the eleventh to turn down his king 10 11 Robert Steinmeyer ............ 0 o I> o 'h 0 0 I> I> I> x I> 0 5 6 3 defeat. 12. Donald Byrne ...................... 0 0 I> I> o I> 0 0 'h 0 'h x 0 6 5 2'h By virtue of }o'ischer's stunning per­ the opening day, December 15, matters ever won from Evans and it marked the formance, the 1964 U. S. Championship were placid enough. Fischer was paired real beginning of his sensational drive will undoubtedly be remembered as one with Mednis and only a minor surprise to victory. From that point on, it seemed of the greatest chess events of all time. ensued: Mednis played the Giuoeo Piano. that everything Fischer tried resulted Though the winner was never in doubt, The game was adjourned with F'ischer in another won game. few tournaments have produced as much having an obvious edge in position and Another "First" excitement. The tension built up, round a pawn up. by round, as onc player after another Round Three produced the most bril­ Round Two gave Fischer white against resigned to the 2O·year·old grandmaster liant game of the tournament. Once former champion Larry !.'vans. Now, for again Fischer was paired against a play· from Brooklyn. The question in every· the first time, there was a clear indica­ one's mind was "Can he do it?" Slowly er whom he had never beaten, a player, tion that this tournament would produce moreover, who had not been beaten by the atmosphere became charged with something out of the ordinary: Bobby the kind of suspense that hangs over a anyone for more than two years- Robert played the King's Bishop's Gambit! For Byrne. The short gem which Fischer baseball stadium when a pitcher is work­ the technical analysis of what happened produced on this occasion will undoubt­ ing on a no·hitter. The other games were in the game, the reader may refer to edly find its way into future anthologies. all but forgotten as spectators followed Fischer's own notes, elsewhere in this Shortly after the game was concluded, Fischer's moves on the demonstration issue. From a psychological point of Byrne himself annotated it before a board. There came a growing realization view, however,
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