A March, 1996 4Ar abah: Evangelism at its Best Page 8 From Nashville, Tennessee, to Goshen--Sabah. Evangelism at Its Bes together with one purpose and one purpose only—to share with the Sabahans the gospel of Jesus Christ. The team included: Betty Fields, Rina Marbun, John Hourigan, Dixie Selby, Roberta Hagar, Keith Cov- erdale, Michael Torres, Beth Carter, Judy, Jim, and Jonathan Thurmon. The medical aspect of the mission was coordinated by Tony Torres, pastor of the Bordeaux and Ashland City, Tennessee, churches. The evangelistic thrust was conducted by Jack DuBosque. A Sabahan receives tooth extraction at the The team members set up a dental clinic. complete medical clinic consist- ing of registering, gathering infor- spiritually nourished. Evangelist Twenty-two pastors baptized 436 Sabahans mation from the patients, and Jack DuBosque conducted a 22 in the Waran River at conclusion of the evan- preventive medicine classes con- night series of meetings entitled: gelistic effort. ducted by Fred Hewitt, of Tennes- "Keys to Health and Happiness." by Kay Fowler see Christian Medical Center. There Average attendance was approxi- were also physical assessments and mately 2,000 with hundreds more estled in a tropical para- examinations by a dedicated team standing outside. Church choirs, dise setting, you will find of physicians and nurses, a dental quartets, and groups playing vari- the Sabah Mission, Tam- clinic, and a pharmacy. More than ous instruments indigenous to the N paruli, East Malaysia, for- 2,200 patients received treatment region, inspired those who at- merly known as British North and many more were given medi- tended. Borneo. This amazing region is cation. During the largest of the three notorious for its luscious tropical As early as sunrise people came separate baptismal services con- fruits, its unique oranguntan popu- streaming to the clinic anxious for ducted, 22 pastors baptized 436 lation, majestic rain forests, and medical care. The medical team individuals in the rapidly moving mountains. Above all it is known made many trips to remote villages waters of the Tuaran River. The for its friendly and hospitable where there was no electricity or total number baptized was 566, people. running water. with more than 120 continuing to The Land of Goshen was first In accordance with Christ's ex- study in preparation for baptism settled by Madatang Gaban and ample, the medical team met the in the near future. five other individuals who, in 1946, needs of the physical first, and Pastor DuBosque also conducted cleared the jungle for the site now then invited the people to be a school of evangelism for 40 occupied by our Mission. Gaban, pastors from throughout Southeast his family, and five others accepted Asia. These dedicated pastors re- the message brought to their vil- ceived instructions in the morn- lage by an Indonesian missionary. ing, and then visited prospective They used buffaloes to clear the Bible interests in the afternoon. land and built the first house which They were also in charge of teach- still stands. The six families agreed ing a baptismal class one hour to settle at least five miles apart before the nightly meetings. and spread the message to the David Haugsted, publishing di- surrounding villages. A stronghold rector for the Kentucky-Tennessee for the Seventh-day Adventist Conference, held a successful message is the result of their ti- seminar for 45 literature evange- tanic efforts. lists. Alex Rodriguez, a lay pastor This corner of the world became for the Collegedale Spanish church, the home for the medical team for provided an inspiring youth pro- six weeks of thrills and adventures. Sabahan children await examination at the gram each night for more than 550 The team of 18 individuals from medical clinic on the campus of Goshen young adults. Swiftley Gonzalez, a the Kentucky-Tennessee area came Adventist Secondary School. lay member of the Bordeaux, Ten- Volume 90 SOUTHERN TIDINGS (USPS 507-000) Number 3 Published monthly by the Southern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Second- 2 ■ Southern Tidings class postage paid at Decatur, Ga., and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: March, 1996 send changes of address to SOUTHERN TIDINGS, P.O. Box 849, Decatur, GA 30031. Evangelist Jack DuBosque (right) and translator Qinduk Laung preached to a capacity crowd of 2,500. Swiftley Gonzalez teaches crafts to 150 Sabahan children each night. nessee, church shared her love of Jesus with 150 enthusiastic chil- dren, ages six through eight, with songs, stories, and crafts. Clifford Carter, an active layman and builder from Eastern Kentucky, completed a number of much needed projects on the campus of Goshen Adventist Secondary School. This boarding academy has an enrollment of 700 students. Some of these projects included expanding a milking barn, paint- ing the gymnasium where the evangelistic meetings took place, and renovating and sanitizing the school cafeteria. Needless to say, the students, teachers, and staff greatly appreciated these efforts. Goshen Adventist Secondary School cafeteria was remodeled. God is praised for the financial help made possible by the South- Tony Torres, M.D., examines one of 2,200 patients at the clinic. ern Union to this adopted Union of Southeast Asia. Also, praise is given for lack of rain, no power failures during the meetings, traveling mercies of the 18 people from America, and the prayers of all the people interested in this mission. Memories of smiling children, mouth-watering tropical fruits, songs of praise, and new friends will forever remain etched in the minds of the entire mission team. It was with sad hearts and many tears that the team bid farewell to fel- low coworkers and friends. There will be a grand reunion in heaven very soon. El Kay Fowler is communication di- rector of the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference. Cover: Scenic photo by Pamela Vaughn. March, 1996 Let the Celebration Be by Martin Butler 4/14P.fit 4r#441F,40,011011,0 • During the day more than ome July, eyes • .y* • a dozen choral groups, vocal- around the world ists and instrumentalists will will focus on Atlanta when minister through music. Included are the centennial olympic games the Collegedale Caroliers; Connect 5 C of Oakwood College; Die Meistersinger begin. Thousands of individuals will actually come to the city to experi- Male Chorus of Southern College; Teresa ence the sporting activities first-hand. Morton and Jubilation and Praise Millions more will watch the events of the Marietta Shiloh church; The at home on television. Inspirational Voices of Berean; and Four months earlier—on March 23— from the "Hands Across the World" Vestitorii Sperantai, a select chorale several thousand Seventh-day offering. Hearts will thrill to learn from the Atlanta First Romanian church. Adventist church members will come about new churches being built in Outstanding young talent high- to Atlanta for a very special "Hands unentered areas. Then attendees and lighted will be Amy Jang, an 11-year Across the World" rally. Every South- viewers will be given an opportunity old violinist; Jonelle Allen, a 10-year ern Union Conference member is to share financially in these projects old vocalist; Joseph Backer, a 13- invited to participate. and other projects around the world. year old pianist; 17-year old vocalist Thousands who cannot attend in Ten "Hands Across the World" rallies Kelli Williams and Faith First, a con- person will view the high Sabbath have been held over the past 15 months temporary mixed quartet. celebration on television at home or in such places as New York City, Many of these artists will be fea- in their local churches. The satellite Edmonton, Kansas City, Dayton, and tured during the lunch hour's "Brown- programming will begin at 10 a.m. Loma Linda. More than one million bag Gospel Concert" hosted by Jim EST on Galaxy 4, Channel 9, over dollars has been raised through offer- Teel, former accompanist for the King's the Adventist Communication Network. ings received at these gatherings. Heralds. You are invited to bring a What an opportunity this uplink sack lunch and enjoy the music in will provide for churches in North Kelli Williams, 17, of Nashville, will the fellowship hall while you eat. America to incorporate this event as share her ministry in music dur- Beginning at 2:30 in the Cathe- part of their Sabbath services! ing the rally. Kelli records on the dral, the Collegedale Caroliers will The rally will take place in the 7,000- Word/Epic label. At age 13, she present a mini-concert prior to the seat Cathedral at Chapel Hill, 4650 was teen vocalist champion 3 p.m. meeting. A two-hour concert, Flat Shoals Parkway, Decatur, Geor- on Ed McMahon's Star Search, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., will feature gia. The facility is surrounded by which eventually led to a record- many of the guest artists who per- plenty of free parking. contract. formed during the day. The final hour Doors to the Cathedral will open will feature Chapel/Bridge recording at 9 a.m. and the program will begin artists Faith First, David Pitt and Jen- one hour later with a music segment nifer Lauletta, as well as Word re- by David Pitt and Jennifer Lauletta, cording artist Kelli Williams. Nancy Wallace and Betty Bellamy, In whatever way you decide to at- and Back to Basics. tend this high Sabbath celebration— "Hands Across the World" events whether in person or by satellite— provide an opportunity for Adventists you will have a new vision—a new to hear the latest reports on the global perspective—of God's power- church's mission outreach, learn of ful leading in the Adventist church. mission opportunities that exist to- Surely this is a time to do some- day, and receive an update on plans thing big for the Lord.
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