manager in prison ‘ITY0 CHRONICLE VOLUME 96, NUM LAS~LI I 1, lvlICHIGAN - WEDNESDAY, APRIL IO, 2002 FIFTYCENTS * 16 PAGES PLUS ONE SUPPLEMENT Board of For Emmert. Storm education racewet Benefit dinner School board races are sct ’ in at least 3 area districts, in- cluding Cass City, following generates $42,000 Monday’s 4 pm.dcadline to file nominating petitions and Affidavits of Identity. The figure is $42,000 and The Cnss City National Tech Center and posters were The regular school elec- still rising as the Cass City Honor Society members and created by the Cass City High tions are scheduled for Mon- and Thumb community the student council provided School Art Class. day, June IO, came to together in an aston- help on the floor and in clean- Family buLtons sold at the A trio of candidates is vy- ishingly successful benefit up crews. Placemats with pic- door were created by middle ing for a single, 4-year term dinner Sunday for 2 Cass turt‘s of Storm and Emincrt school students. There was on the Cass City Board of City youths suffering from came from students at the Please turn to page 5. Education. Newcomers cancer. Larry Bogart and Dawn The money was raised for Prieskorn are challenging Ryan Storm, 14, son of Frank incumbent Trustee Randy and Karen Storm and Alison Severance. Emmert, 16, daughter of Britt retiring In other area districts: Chuck and Amy Emmert. OWEN-GAGE The banquet netted $2 1,000 and that amount was Five candidates will battle matched by the Aid Associa- for a pair of 4-year terms in after 3 / years tion for LutheransLutheran the Owen-Gage School Dis- Brotherhood, branch number trict. THE TABLES were set in the Cass City High School gym for the benefit dinner for 7607. Thc Owcn-Gage Board of guess (and) help us to make The candidates include in- Ryan Storm and Alison Ernrnert. There were 842 seats available and the over 2,000 Total expenses for the din- Education Monday thanked informed decisions.” cumbents Randy Howard, ner were in the neighbor- longtime school principal Board President Randy Pleasc turn to page 5. that attended were served without waiting. hood of $2,500and that cost Bill Britt for his years of scr- Howard supported the sug- was taken care of by the pro- vice following the an- gestion, saying enrollment ceeds of the silent auction, nouncement of Britt’s rctire- projects would also be ben- Kclli Hendrick reported. Our ment effectivc June 30. eficial in the area of contract big expense was for the The board unanimously negotiations. Gagetown seeking 7-mill tax hike meat, which was bought at a approved Trustee Walt Swiastyn also indicated reduced price from Erla’s and Swiastyn’s motion to accept support, but questioned Gage t o w n officials wcn t erate an additional $5,000. $45,750 io run thc vill;yc’\ torney Mic hcl IC B iddi ngcr- support the separate mea- Erla’s also donated the colc- the resignation “with deep whethcr the district should hack to the drawing board on rcgre t .” spend nioney when the eco- “Thc way we were able to pu bI ic works d c-par t 111c n I. adviscd council mctnbers sures approved last week, but slaw, Hendrick noted. ;i proposed 7-mill tax in- Britt has served the Owen- nomic indicators clearly work it out, this will pretty ‘1h:lt leavcs ;Ill expc.crcd clc 1’1- that they would havc tu he indicated the initial re- There was an outpouring of District years, to crease and came back with 2 much let us break wen,” Vil- cit of ncarly $14,000 this adopt a proposal that inore sponsc was cncouraging. help from all over the com- Gage for 37 point a lass of residents starting out as high school due to inassive factory shut- wpar-ate proposals that will lage President Charles year. spcci fically states how thc munity. Walther Farms fur- a teacher for one year and then downs in the Thumb. be presented to voters at a Wright said, rcfcrring to the additional tax revenue “We had a lot of pcoplc at nished potatoes, MMPA and Village officials in lanu:iry moving on to the junior special election sometime in council’s efforts to stem a would bc used. the meeting and the rna.jor- Severance Farms chipped in “We can all look around approvcd phns to ~iskvoiors high for 2 ycars. He took over May. tide of red ink that has ity of them were for it,” he the milk and butter, drinks and sec thc doom and for a 7-mill incrcaso to covcr as the principal for elernen- ‘I’hc Gagctown Village plagued the village the past said. “All we can do is just came from McDonald’s and gloom,” Howard responded, ’ p c ti c r ;I I o p e r ;I t i ti ” C* x - Wright said he doesn’t tary and junior high students Council last week approved 3 ycars. The problem, tic hope.” Caro Burger King. “hui maybe thcrc’s some- a plan to ask for 3.5 mills to added, is that revenues sim- pcnscs. Howcver, villqc at- know if village residcnts will Area thurchcs participated, in 1968, then became el- thing out on thc horizon that fund a police department, ply havcii’t kept up with cx- providing the desserts. Cups ementary principal after the wc havcn’t seen.” which was eliminated last penscs. “And you can’t makc and napkins were donated new high school was built in “It may help us gauge the August when former Chief cuts when you only have one by Thumb National Bank, Owendale. rate of decline,” McKenzid * Ken Currey resigned. The ( fuI1 - t i mc) rnai n tenancc Recall effort targets Wright and take-out containers and Britt continued in that role added. cou nci I wi I I rcq uest another man.” napkins cnme from the until mid-2001 ,.when he was Owen-Gage Schools has 3.5 mills to pay for public named K- I2 principal. Last seen a significant enrollmcnt In fact, Wright notcd, the Gagetown business owner said rccall proceedings can ci ficall y abandoned, di lapi - Krfights of Columbus. All works expenscs. fall, he agreed to accept the decline in rccent years. The village’s revenue totaled Way ne C’ou I t c r ‘s at ie ni p t to not hc started against an of- dated adcollapsed struc- Scason Rent-All furnished If approved, the combined tables. role of high school principal. currcnt enrollment totals $ I 1 6,000 in 1 99 I , compared hcgin rccall procccclings ficial during the first or last tures. 7 mills would raise about Local businesses helped Turning to the future, about 265 students, com- to anticipated revcnucs of ag il i n s t v i 1 Iag c Prc si d e n t 6 months of his or her cur- *Inaction with respect to $20,000 and cost the owner with items for the silent ~LIC-school Supt. Dan McKenzic pared to 288 students last $106,2 IO in this year’s bud- Charles Wright last weck was rent term in office. the appearance and rnainte- of a home valued at $60,000 tion. Schneebcrger’s adver- asked thc board to consider fall. Over the past 6 years, get, which the council ap- put on hold, but Coultcr si~ys Wright has served on the nance of the downtown area, an additional $210 in taxes spending $400 to $500 to thc district has suffered net proved during its regular tic intcnds to procecd at the council since 1976, thc past specifically no downtown tiscd the went and was one a annually 6 years as prcsident. Voters of several firms selling tick- contract with a firm that loss of more than 50 students, month Iy ince t i n g I as t wcc k. proper ti ine. development, lack of main- The village currently lev- cts. Others included Thumb could provide the district each one equal to literally The lion’s share of rcvcnuc. Coultcr, who owns reclected him to that post tenance of street light fix- ies 15 mills, although the Nation,aI Rank, Chemical with enrollment projections. thousands of dollars in state about is gencratcd Illuz/.ions tiittoo and body March I I. tures, cracked sidewalks, de- actual tax has been 13.3808 $45,000, Bank and Suttcr’s Bakery. “1 was advised that this in- funding. by local taxes. Statc sharcd ptcrcing at 6484 1.incoln St., Coulter’s petition claimed teriorated gar,ebo and miss- mills due to a Headlee roll- Two busincssmcn donated a formation could prove help- revenue totals anoihur filcd a rccall pctition Thurs- Wright should be recalled ing American flag in a time IN OTHER BUSINESS pot ato cooker and an bthe I’ ful as we follow the process back. The council last week $40,OOO. day. Howcver, the pctition for 4 reasons: of war. cooker was donated to cook of budgc t i ng ,” Mc Kc n I, i c approved a motion to levy was returned to him, accord- *Apathy towards the ap- “Impassiveness, specifi- In other business during the the full 15 mills, an increase ~xp&scs,iiicanwhi Io. :ire ing to Tuscola County Clerk pearance and condition of the meat. said, adding an analysis of 1.62 mills, which will gen- sct at $1 I9*9lO, InL.lullIng Margie White-Cormicr, who buildings in the village, spc- Please turn to page 5.
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