TRY SOME FORD MASON THE ECHO BALL GUM "Ye Shall Know the Truth"—John 8:32 VOL. XXXIII, NO. 31. TAYLOR UNIVERSITY UPLAND, INDIANA TUESDAY, MAY 24, 1949 Commencement Program Outlined Large Class of Seniors Only ten days separate Taylor students from Commencement To Receive Diplomas weekend activities. The final unit of four services will all be held in Maytag Gym­ At Annual Exercises nasium. The Baccalaureate service ! Eighty-three Seniors are can- begins at 10:30 a.m., Sunday, June | didates for degrees to be . given 5. Dr. Meredith will be the speak­ June 6, at the annual Commence- er, while Professor Kenneth Wells | ment exercises. This year's class of the Chicago Evanglistic In- will be the largest ever to be situte will be guest soloist. i graduated from Taylor University. In the afternoon the A Capella Sixty-nine will be receiving the Choir will present a concert at I Bachelor of Arts degree, and four- 3:00 p.m. | teen wll be receiving the Bachelor of Science in Education degree. The traditional missionary ser­ The Seniors who will be grad­ vice will be held at 7:30 p.m., uated and their respective major Sunday evening. The Reverend fields are listed below. Those to George Strohm, President of the receive the Bachelor of Arts de- St. Paul Bible Institute, will be giee are Warren Alnor, sociology; the speaker. The Gospelaires Wallace Anderson, psychology; Trio and Ambassadors Quartet Genevieve Beischer, speech; Evan will present the musical numbers. Bertsche, sociology; Ruth Bert- Dr. Tcrrey Johnson will speak sche, zoology; Dorothy Boyer, in the Commencement service to mathematics; Beatrice Chambers, be held at 9:30 a.m. Monday English; Wilbur Cleveland, psy­ morning, June 6. chology; Rcger Clevinger, psy­ chology; Maurice Coburn, history; Marvin Cockman, history; Albert Cramer, history; Clyde Decker, Copley to Head psychology; Carol Dixon, English; Virginia Dober, history; Jual Ev­ Philosophy and ans, psychology; Leon Fennig, Biblical literature; Glenn Frank, Religion psychology; Shirley Gaerte, so­ Club ciology; Gaylord Gerig, sociology; Chi Sigma Phi Presents Elmer Copley has been chosen Inez Gerkin, Biblical literature; to lead the Philosophy and Re­ Vernon Goff, Biblical literature; Style Show of Latest Fashions ligion Club in the coming school Keller to Lead I Robert Henthorn, Biblical litera­ year. Choir in Annual ture; Jerry Hesler, sociology; — "American Fashions Go to Paul Hoff, history; and Bryon Fellowship Hour to Paris" on Friday evening, May After three years with Uncle Presentation Hunt, history. 27, at 8 p.m., when the Chi Sigma Sam, Elmer enrolled as a Sopho­ Others are Dorothy Ingwerson, Continue Through j Phi and the various sewing classes more at Taylor so that he could "The Elijah," an oratorio by | psychology; Velna Johnson, Bibli- will present their annual spring prepare to serve Christ at home Felix Mendelssohn, will be pre'-;cal literature; Natalie Jukoff, Summer I style show. Many weeks of hard or on the foreign field. He is sented by the chorus of sixty-five ' home economics; Jeanne Keys, bi- lwork and ach majoring in Biblical Literature; voices under the direction of Pro-'ology; Bill Kimbrough, zoology; "Your Fellowship Hour" will con- , ™ imagination have 1 ne mt0 and with the Lord's help, minor- fessor Keller Wednesday evening, Betty Kinstler, music; Eileen La- tinue to be broadcasted during the S° u, this review to make it ing in Greek. summer months at 8:15 a.m. on Sat-; ^ biggest and best ever. May 25, in Shreiner Auditorium at geer; Biblical literature; Marjorie All guests will find themselves His contribution to Taylor's 8:00 p.m. j Leary, sociology; Glenn McHatton, urdavs, Professor Kellar has an­ Bill Kimbrough wilf,sing the part religious education; Norman Mar- nounced. Transcriptions have been seated at tables in the French program this year include the of Elijah, and Ernie MacDonald, d5r:; Biblical literature; Beteve® made during the past se /eral weeks Salon created for them in the Chaplaincy of the present Junior Louisa Mize, and Ruth Dixon, will 1 ¥e, 1°"' hlst°ny; Stella Miller, Bib- by the regular Fellowship Hour staff. gymnasium. With a background of Class, President of the Holiness 1 1 French music, Bill Kimbrough, League thiswho o^iucotcx,semester, ctuciand workingwunviii" have the tenor, soprano, and contral- •. \ literature; Louisa Mize, mu- Working behind the scene during s the seemester have been several fac­ the M. C., will carry them away to as one of the co-secretaries di- to solos, respectively. Eddie Phinney,' te . Elmer N. Nussbaum mathe- ulty members and several students. Paris to view such creations as: recting the work of the Gospel i eldest son of Dean Phinney, will matics, Rhena Petch, Biblical lit- Dr. Jons has served as script writer; Sun Dial Dresses, New Designs Team activities. sing the part of Youth. Mae Jean erature; Vernon Petersen, history; Gilbert and Elaine Millhisler will be dohn Poison, Biblical literature; Prof. Kellar, music director; and Dr. in Silk, Cottons, and Party Dress­ Those who are working with him accompanying at the piano, and Dr.1 Ciirth Poison, Biblical literature; Rediger and Dean Forest have given es. Following the style show, are Vice-president, Rcger Smith; Frew Mo.hr, Head of the Music De- Edward Poser, Sociology; Frances the weekly messages. Eileen Lageer open house will be held in the Secretary, Barbara Volsted; Trea­ partment, will be at the console of Pr°u!?h> Biblical Literature; Nor- has served as student program direc­ home economics department where surer, Judson Shoemaker; Chap­ refreshments will be served. the organ i V£d Rich, chemistry; Myra Roes- tor; Tim Warner, announcer; Bob lain, Ivan Sammuels; and Sponsor, ler Fenstermacher, had engineer, assist­ Among those in charge of the Dr. Rediger. The oratorio is based of the Bibli- ' sociology; Ellsworth Run- yon h to Prl n ce Scha ed by Paul Stockman, Paul Aruther, various committees are: Co-chair- cal story of Elijah and the worship- '- ^ 7\ u a , , , ^-' and Harold Berk. Musical accom- men Natalie Jukoff and Elaine pers of Baal. It opens with the proph- masl,c' ° JL .? f,Y' . 1 er ure painment has been supplied by K n o w 1 e s; Publicity-Lauradean ecy by Elijah that there would be no 2, .! t ^.T ' ^ ™ Sheagley, Elaine Millhisler, Marilee Brown, Snooks; Music—Myra Roesler; Students Relieved of dew or rain. Then comes the plea, English; Margaret Sherman, Bibli- c and Mae Jean Gilbert. The Gospel­ Script Writers—June Hanson and "Help, Lord!wilt thou quite destroy ? , literature; George Silburn, so­ Carlene Mitchell; Programs-Phyl­ us?" A description of the land'-fol- «°,logyL Damel Stein«- sociology; aires trio, composed of Betty Executive Posts John Stockman, zoology; Ruth Thompson, Mary Jones, and Phyllis lis Beers; Decorations-Zoe Bren- lows—"The deep affffords no water, Strohm, English; Edward Thorn- Harvey, have sung the theme song. nema;n; M. C.-Bill Kimbrough; By automatic action of the Admin­ and the rivers are exhausted!" Again and Head Ushers-Bob Long and the plea is made, "Lord, bow than burg, history; Wilhelmiena Van Other musical groups have appeared istrative Council four students hav Egdom, English; Cora Mae Walter, on the program from time to time. Bob Woodruff. ear," and then the promise comes, been disqualified to hold executive Biblical literature; Herbert Wig- positions at Taylor next year. The If with all your hearts ye truly. see gir.s, sociology; Merlin Wilkins, ruling which states that students who ^ me, ye_ shall ever surely find Spanish; Donna Williams, Bibli­ Alumni Day Marden Victor in appear before the discipline com- Lhe voices of the worshippers cal literature; Lois Williams, Eng­ mittee are automatically disqualified jfa" are then heard as they cry, Activities Planned Sermon Contest we cr lish; Jeanne Wimberly, sociology; has been applied in the case of the: Baal, Y to thee. The fire de- Evangeline Witmer, English; Har­ Norman Marden has been an- editor elect of the Echo, Dave Tropf, i ?=ends from heaven, and the chorus For June 4 old Zart, sociology; Ralph Wol- nounced as winner of the Senior S_er- [ Business Manager elect of the Gem, ls heard in the numbers of praise foyd, religious education; and Lyd- Between 250 and 300 Taylor mon Contest held recently. The prize Phil Lunde, John Nelson, Sophomore anh thanks to God. ia Zinke, Spanish. University alumni are expected to of twenty-five dollars is given by Student Council representative, and arrive on campus for the Alumni Candidates for the Bachelor of Mrs. Chester Thomas, mother of C. president elect of the Thalonian Lit- Science in Education degree are Day activities on Saturday, June 4 Lyle Thomas, '33. erary Society, Dave Hopwood. Elec- Presenting: John Bontrager, education; Martha and the commencement week pro­ Others participating in the contest tions will be held again for these gram to follow. were Wallace Anderson, Rhena Culture Plus Busch, physical education; Mrs. posts before school is ended this J. R. Gilbert, English; Mary Grant, Mr. Sherman Spear, general Petch, Ellsworth Runyan, and Herb year. chairman of all preparations for Wiggins. Judges for the affair were Scene: The flower decked lawn home economics; John Hambidge, the day's program, announces that President Meredith, Dr. Rediger, and of Mr. and Mrs. Crosse. mathematics; June Hanson, home the activities will begin at 10:00 Dean Phinney. Seniors Out to Launch Time: 8:00 P.M., Tuesday, May 17. economics; LaVern Hein, elemen­ a.m. when the Board of Directors Characters: Thirty formally at­ tary education; Shirley Holmgren, tired, culturally minded Taylor secondary education; Marion Kra­ of the Alumni Association is "The greatest expenditure of time scheduled to meet in Coach Odle's couples—members and guests of mer, public school music; Robert Netu Council and effort and finances ever made Girls' Society no.
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