V O L . X X I V . PH ILLIPS. M AINE. FRIDAY. OCTOBER. 18. 1901. N O . IO. SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES SPORTSMEN'S SUPPLIES SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES. ways he taken not to cut skins as it FUR TRADE FORECAST. lessens their value and also makes it bad about stretching. All furs that are Fox Skins Will Probably Not ? Go cased should be stretched about the Order U.M .C. Ammunition 5 Out of Sight. wi ith of their body or a little wider aud as long as possible without overstretch­ ing which means pulling the skin so the Ladies Taste liesponsible For \ W mINCH : ESTER fur looks thin. If anyone shoots or ac­ REPEATING SHOT GUNS Some Changes In Price. cidentally cuts a skin, it can be sewed up while green and if done well it will are cheap in price, but in price only. “ Take Down ” Skins That Are Unprime, and not show on the fur side when dry. guns list at $27.00 and Solid Frame guns at $25.00, but It is very easy to do all these things Unscrupulous Dealers Hurt. they will outshoot and outlast the highest priced right and it is a source of satisfaction to double barreled guns, and they are as safe, reliable [Special Correspondence to the Maine Woods] trapper and purchaser alike to sell aud N ew Po r tla n d , Oct. 9, 1901. and handy besides. Winchester Shot Guns are made buy skins that are carefully stretched The trapping season is near at hand and cured. N. C. Bu r b a n k . of the very best materials that can be procured, a Sportsmen have learned that it is dangerous to simply order “ A good and no doubt many hunters are anxious thoroughly modern, system of manufacture permitting twelve gauge shot shell” or, a “ box of 30-30 cartridges.” So they call for to know the prospects for the coming them to be sold at buyable prices. & fi season in the fut trade. It is about as U. M C. and get the best at the same cost as other makes. Catalogues jree. TRADE NOTES. FREE—Send name and address on a postal card for 164 page illustrated catalogue. bard to teli this as to forecast the com­ ing weather. But I think I am safe in THE UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE CO., W INCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., NEW H a v e n , CT. saying that the average prices will t>3 Infallible Making An Enviable Agency 313 Broadway, N. Y. Factory, Bridgeport, Conn. Depot, 425 Market St., San Francisco. fair. No extravagant prices as were Record. paid two years ago on certain articles as ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ for instance, fox, which created such a At the tournament held at Erie, Pa., t furor in the trade and sold away above on October 9 and 10, Mr. Harry D. Kirk- H E RANCELEY LAKES, its value. Since then they have steadily over of Fredonia, N. Y ., was high gun, Via the PORTLAND & ROM FORD FALLS RY. declined and it is very doubtful if the with 93 5-10 per cent. L. B. Fleming of FAVORITE RIFLE. j 6 Through PARLOR CAR service during the Tourist season, best skins go much above the usual quo­ Pittsburg, Pa., was second with 92 3-10 W e mail, free of charge, a book show ing half-tone cuts of hotels tations the present season. per cent and Mr. Hood Waters of Balti­ and camps at all Rangeley Lake Points. The reason why settled prices canuot more, Md., was third with 88 3-10 per PORTLAND & RU£Y1 FORD FALLS RAILWAY, be made early in tlie season is that each cent all shooting Laflin & Rand Infall­ R. C. BRADFORD, Fraffic Manager, Portland, Maine. year new style fur garments and trim­ ible Smokeless. This is another addi­ mings are put upon the market. Some­ tion to the “ Infallible” records. times a certain style will take the women’s fancy and there will be a great No Other Make of Rifle at the Price ^ BEST The Hunting District of rage for it. On such furs as the new Trap Shooting Notes. COMPARES WITH OUR FAVORITE. style garments are made of the price the G re a t--------.w There was some clean shooting done at Shooting and Fishing will advance. If it fails to meet their With open sights, $6. With target sights, $8.50. ♦ Northwestern the recent tournament at Titusville, Pa. fancy, it will lessen the demand for the AlLdealers in sporting goods handle our complete line. X *•" flame, Every event of the two days competi­ Our.Complete Catalogue full of valuable information upon request. 2 Territory, j* raw material and prices decline. This tion was run off successfully, and the --- IS ON LINE O F---- applies to Europe as well as this coun­ J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY, } victories scored were so decisive that try. ► No. 155 Broadway, - Chicopee Falls, Mass. ♦ King & Bartlett there was no room for question as to the Washington County R. R. Consequently the sending out of fur —^-VAND-V^— superiorly of the victors. Garry Kirk- lists for the winter of 1901 and 1902 as 7 hrough Pullman Sleepers Boston over of Fredonia, N. Y ., won high aver­ to Calais without change. some will do is not telling the truth. HOTE N D 8 f H Kibby Township. age, with 89 4-10 per cent. James At­ Every dealer is influenced by demand For Particulars, Address ......... kinson of New Castle, Pa., was second Rang elk y Lak e s. and rise and fail of the market. If he Camp Bemis and Birches. Write for free cir Washington County Railroad, with 86 per cent, and L. B. Fleming of does not change his prices, he does his cular. Caet. F. (J. Barker, I’rop’r, Bemis. MOOSE, Pittsburg, third with 85 7-10 per cent. Calias, - - Maine. selections; if he does that, he practices Via Rangeley ok Be.’.iis. Deer, Partridge, Each of these contestants used 24 grains deception and if the buyer changes se­ Mountain View House- of L. & R. Infallible Smokeless powder and Plenty of them. lections, the shipper can never tell what Th e Game Section of j i j i with 1^ oz. of No. 7 chilled shot. H. M. PIERCE, Prop’r, to expect and if he is buying and ship­ MOOS EK E A P. ping he is most likely to lose on what j Moose hunters make lieadqarters here. Tests were made with two batches of Spencer, Maine. There Is plenty of deer and bird shooting he buys. The only proper and honest j L. & R. powder, one of which had been near. Territory unlimited. For tree cir­ way to do is to change the values from cular, address. “ in soak’’ constantly since June 26, 1899 CH \kLES E. WILSON, IVosehead, He. time to time as the market advances or and the other since May 19, 1898. In Via Ra n g eley. declines. each instance the powder responded in­ Another thing that every trapper York’s Camps. stantly to the spark from the primer, FOR SPORT: should bear in mind is not to begin j Loon Lake, within 5 miles of Rangeley vil­ and the velocity, pattern and pressure bring rod and gun to Kineo, the trapping too early in the season. Mil­ heart of Maine’s best game region, were found to be practically unimpair­ lage. There are ten ponds within two miles; lions of dollars are annually lost by Here is situated a hotel ot rare attractive- What 0/ “ Black Edward V' Just one word's and stop at ed. nt-G in beautiful location P i snmmt r board ■ , „ ,.,1; good fishing in all and for hunting it can’t be catching unprime skins, which allowed ers and at the same time in close proxU ^y ; jf,8 heart’s as tender as his tales are "tuff." Velocity.—Comparative tests of veloc­ to the best places for fishing on Rangeley , . .. ___ beat. Camps neat and eacli party has a camp TIT. KINEO HOUSE, to run a few days or weeks, would bring Lake. Hunters in the season ;$so find plenty i see it s this v ay. A visit to the Range C. A. JUDKINS, Manager, Kineo, lie. double the price it will be sold for. As ! ity proved interesting. A serieB of shots of deer, partridge and woodcock near the I ley Lake region without a little run up to by themselves. If you want to get a deer, hotel. The cuisine here is such as to hold Beaver pond is as ran k a failure as half a No hay fever there. Everything long as it is warm in the fall fur will j with the immersed (29 hours) L. & R. patrons year after year, the rooms are what pair of scissors, or the hole of a doughnut come to York’s Camps. Plenty of small people from the cities like, large, well lighted with the dough gone. Yes, “ Going up to lor comfort—electric lights, steam not grow and skins will not get prime. Smokeless for a distance of forty yards and pleasant. We serve vegetables, berries, Ed’s” is like smoking opium lying, or game. For further particulars, address, heat, baths, telegraph and post i showed a mean result of 848 feet per fish and game at appropriate times in the “ warts”—it grows upon you; and the man The first animals to get prime are who once sets his happy foot on the sh >res of office, unsurpassed cuisine.
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