CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM & PLANNING COMMITTEE Thursday, September 20, 2018 10:00 AM VTA Conference Room B-106 3331 North First Street San Jose, CA AGENDA CALL TO ORDER 1. ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS: This portion of the agenda is reserved for persons desiring to address the Committee on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to 2 minutes. The law does not permit Committee action or extended discussion on any item not on the agenda except under special circumstances. If Committee action is requested, the matter can be placed on a subsequent agenda. All statements that require a response will be referred to staff for reply in writing. 3. ORDERS OF THE DAY CONSENT AGENDA 4. ACTION ITEM - Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of August 16, 2018. 5. INFORMATION ITEM - Receive the FY 2018 Transportation Systems Monitoring Program (TSMP) Report. 6. INFORMATION ITEM - Receive the Valley Transportation Plan (VTP) Highway Program Semi-Annual Report Ending June 30, 2018. 7. INFORMATION ITEM - Receive the 2000 Measure A Transit Improvement Program Semi-Annual Report Ending June 30, 2018. 8. INFORMATION ITEM - Receive the Programmed Projects Quarterly Monitoring Report for January - March 2018 Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Congestion Management Program & Planning Committee September 20, 2018 REGULAR AGENDA 9. ACTION ITEM - Recommend that the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Board of Directors adopt a sponsoring agency resolution for the BART Phase 2 Extension project and authorize the General Manager to enter into a Master Agreement and program supplemental agreements with the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) in order to gain access to $750 million in grant funding from the Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program (TIRCP). 10. INFORMATION ITEM - Receive Fiscal Year 2018 SR 237 Express Lanes Operational Report. 11. INFORMATION ITEM - Receive information on the proposed Silicon Valley Express Lanes Toll Ordinance. 12. INFORMATION ITEM - Receive an update on the North First Street Light Rail Improvements. OTHER ITEMS 13. Items of Concern and Referral to Administration. 14. Review Committee Work Plan. (Augenstein) 15. Committee Staff Report. (Augenstein) 16. Chairperson's Report. (Khamis) 17. Determine Consent Agenda for the October 4, 2018, Board of Directors Meeting. 18. ANNOUNCEMENTS 19. ADJOURN In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, VTA will make reasonable arrangements to ensure meaningful access to its meetings for persons who have disabilities and for persons with limited English proficiency who need translation and interpretation services. Individuals requiring ADA accommodations should notify the Board Secretary’s Office at least 48-hours prior to the meeting. Individuals requiring language assistance should notify the Board Secretary’s Office at least 72-hours prior to the meeting. The Board Secretary may be contacted at (408) 321-5680 or [email protected] or (408) 321-2330 (TTY only). VTA’s home page is www.vta.org or visit us on www.facebook.com/scvta. (408) 321-2300: 中文 / Español / 日本語 / 한국어 / tiếng Việt / Tagalog. Page 2 Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Congestion Management Program & Planning Committee September 20, 2018 Disclosure of Campaign Contributions to Board Members (Government Code Section 84308) In accordance with Government Code Section 84308, no VTA Board Member shall accept, solicit, or direct a contribution of more than $250 from any party, or his or her agent, or from any participant, or his or her agent, while a proceeding involving a license, permit, or other entitlement for use is pending before the agency. Any Board Member who has received a contribution within the preceding 12 months in an amount of more than $250 from a party or from any agent or participant shall disclose that fact on the record of the proceeding and shall not make, participate in making, or in any way attempt to use his or her official position to influence the decision. A party to a proceeding before VTA shall disclose on the record of the proceeding any contribution in an amount of more than $250 made within the preceding 12 months by the party, or his or her agent, to any Board Member. No party, or his or her agent, shall make a contribution of more than $250 to any Board Member during the proceeding and for three months following the date a final decision is rendered by the agency in the proceeding. The foregoing statements are limited in their entirety by the provisions of Section 84308 and parties are urged to consult with their own legal counsel regarding the requirements of the law. All reports for items on the open meeting agenda are available for review in the Board Secretary’s Office, 3331 North First Street, San Jose, California, (408) 321-5680, the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday prior to the meeting. This information is available on VTA’s website at http://www.vta.org/ and also at the meeting. NOTE: THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MAY ACCEPT, REJECT OR MODIFY ANY ACTION RECOMMENDED ON THIS AGENDA. Page 3 4 Congestion Management Program & Planning Committee Thursday, August 16, 2018 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The Regular Meeting of the Congestion Management Program & Planning Committee (CMPP) was called to order at 10:01 a.m. by Chairperson Khamis in Conference Room B-106, 3331 North First Street, San Jose, California. 1. ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Dev Davis Alternate Member N/A Johnny Khamis Chairperson Present John McAlister Member Present Raul Peralez Vice Chairperson Present Rob Rennie Alternate Member N/A Savita Vaidhyanathan Member Present A quorum was present. 2. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS There were no Public Presentations. 3. ORDERS OF THE DAY Member McAlister requested Agenda Item #5: 2018/19 Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA) Program Manager Fund, be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed on the Regular Agenda. M/S/C (McAlister/Vaidhyanathan) to accept the Orders of the Day. RESULT: ACCEPTED [UNANIMOUS] – Agenda Item #3 MOVER: John McAlister, Member SECONDER: Savita Vaidhyanathan, Member AYES: Khamis, McAlister, Vaidhyanathan NOES: None ABSENT: Peralez NOTE: M/S/C MEANS MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED AND, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. CONSENT AGENDA 4. Regular Meeting Minutes of May 17, 2018 M/S/C (Vaidhyanathan/McAlister) to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of May 17, 2018. 5. (Removed from the Consent Agenda and placed on the Regular Agenda) Recommend that the VTA Board of Directors approve the programming of FY 2018/19 Transportation Fund for Clean Air County Program Manager (TFCA 40%) funds to projects. 6. Bay Area Bike Share Revenue Return M/S/C (Vaidhyanathan/McAlister) to recommend that the VTA Board of Directors: 1) Direct staff to return $59,520 in Bay Area Bike Share revenue return to 2000 Measure A; and 2) Provide $113,088, $54,659, and $20,733 in Bay Area Bike Share revenue return to the cities of San Jose, Mountain View and Palo Alto, respectively, to support their local bicycle programs. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] – Agenda Items #4 and 6 MOVER: Savita Vaidhyanathan, Member SECONDER: John McAlister, Member AYES: Khamis, McAlister, Vaidhyanathan NOES: None ABSENT: Peralez The Agenda was taken out of order. Member Peralez arrived at the meeting and took his seat at 10:05 a.m. REGULAR AGENDA 5. 2018/19 TFCA Program Manager Fund Committee Members discussed the following: 1) criteria for projects to be eligible for funding; 2) VTA can initiate dialogue with the Bay Area Air Quality Management District to determine their receptivity to changing the TFCA Cost/Ton thereby allowing more bicycle projects to qualify; 3) signal timing projects; and 4) importance of spelling out acronyms. M/S/C (McAlister/Vaidhyanathan) to recommend that the VTA Board of Directors approve the programming of FY 2018/19 Transportation Fund for Clean Air County Program Manager (TFCA 40%) funds to projects. Congestion Management Program & Planning Committee Minutes Page 2 of 6 August 16, 2018 RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] – Agenda Item #5 MOVER: John McAlister, Member SECONDER: Savita Vaidhyanathan, Member AYES: Khamis, McAlister, Peralez, Vaidhyanathan NOES: None ABSENT: None 7. Story-Keyes Complete Streets Study Brent Pearse, Transportation Planner, provided an overview of the staff report and a presentation entitled “Story Keyes Complete Streets Study,” highlighting: 1) Study Background; 2) Study Background – Complete Streets; 3) Objectives and Community Outreach; 4) Community Design Process; 5) Outreach Impact; 6) Design Vision – Willow Street/Graham Street; 7) Design Vision – Keyes Street; 8) Design Vision – Story Road, and; 9) Next Steps. Members of the Committee and staff discussed the following: 1) expressed support for the study; 2) responsibility for on-going maintenance of streetscape; 3) community concern about relocation or loss of bus stops; 4) narrowing of lanes; 5) parking; 6) protected bike lanes; 7) community opposition to lane reduction; 8) signal priority, and; 9) future phases of the study will return to the Committee before any lane narrowing projects commence. Committee Members requested additional information on Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s (MTC) list of Communities of Concern and examples of how narrowing lanes reduced traffic speeds. Public Comment Blair Beekman, Interested Citizen, commented on the following: 1) expressed support for the project; 2) consider lessons learned from the Alum Rock project; 3) environmental
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