NovEMBER 27, 1931 WORLD-RADIO )l93 (London) NATIONAL PROGRAMMES (Northern) 1,148 kc/s (261 ·3 m.) 995 kc/s (301.5 m.) (68 kW.) (Daventry) 193 kc/s (1,554·4 m.) (35 kW.) (7o kW.) 11.0 p.m.-12 .midnight.-Dance 7.Io-7.25 p.m.-" The Countryside." 4.Io p.m.-Jack Payne and his B.B.C. 8.o p.m.-The Wireless Military Band. SUNDAY (NOV. 29) Music. Ray Fox aiid his Band, Mr. Frarik Prewett. Dance Orchestra. Conductt>r, B. Walton O'DoQnell. from Monseigneur. 7.30 p.m.-" What is Man ? "-IV. 4.30 p.m.-The Grosvenor House Phyllis Scott and John Rorke in 3.0 p.m.-Twenty-Eighth Annuol Orchestra, directed by Joseph Scottish FestiYal Service. Relayed Dr. John Baker (University Demon­ Duets (with Phyllis Scott at the strator in Zoology, University 1\!Ieeus. Pianoforte). from St. Calumba's Church of 5· I 5 p.m.-The Children's Hour. Scotland, Pont Street. TUESDAY (DEC. 1st) Museum, Oxford) : " The Evolu­ Q.O p.m.-" The Second News. u tion of Mind." 6.o p.m.-" The I•'irst Ne"·s." 4.0 p.m.-M~ssiah (Handell. Part I. 9-IS p.m.-Shipping Forecast; New IO.I5 a.m.-The Daily Seryice. S.o p.m.-Jnterval. 6.30 p.m.-The Foundations of Dora Labbettc (Soprano) ; Betty 10.45 a.m.-_'' British and Overseas l\1usic. Beethoven's Pianoforte York Stock Market Report. Bannerman (Contralto) ; Eric Dishes "-VII. · S.I 5 p.m.-B.B.C. Symphony Concert Sonatas. Played by Dorothy 9.20 p.m.-" The Way of the 'NoHd.'' Grccnc (Tenor) ; \Villiam Barrand II.O-IL5 a.m.-Housewives' News. -VII. Relayed from The Queen's Moggridge. Mr. Vernon Bartlett. (Bass). The B.B.C. Studio Sym­ 12 noon.-Edward O'Henry at the Hall, London. Myra Hess. The 6.50 p.m.-German Talk. Mr. Otto 9·35 p.m.-A Concei-t Version of the phony Orchestra and The Wireless Organ. · B.B.C. Symphony Orchestra Siepmann. Comic Opera " Tantivy Towers. ., Chorus, conducted by Stanford 1.0 p.m.-Leonardo Kernp and his (Leader, Arthur Catterall), con­ 7.20 p.m.-Notices of Sen'icc Re­ Libretto by A. P. Hcrbert. Music Robinson. Piccadilly Hotel Orchestra. ducted by Sir Landon Ronald. unions, etc. · by Thomas F. Dunhill. The 5.30 p.m.-A Pianoforte Recital by z.s p.m.-For the Schools. Orchestra : Overture, Egmont 7.30 p.m.·-" Can Democracy Sur­ Wireless Chorus. The B.B.C. Light Gertrude Peppercorn. 4-25 p.m.-Interval. (Beethoven). Myra Hess and Or­ vive ? "-X. The Rt. Hon. Lord Orchestra, conducted by Thomas 6.o-6.2o p.m.-For the Children., 4-30 p.m.-The Trocadero Cinema chestra: Concerto, No. 3, in C Eustace Pcrcy : " Patching." F. Dunhil!. 8.o p.m.-A Religious Service from Orchestra, directed by Alfred l\'linor, for Pianoforte and Orches­ 8.o p.m.-The Ridgeway Parade-V. the Studio, conducted by Dr. tra (Beethoven). 1 r.s p.m.-12 midnight. - Dance ·Van Dam. Typists', Brunettes' and Dukes' Music. The Savoy Orpheans from Alexander D. Lindsay, C.B.E., 5-IS p.m.-The Children's Hour. 9·5 p.m.-" The Second News." Night (New Series). A Song and the Savoy Hotel. ~ Master of Balliol College, Oxford. 6.o p.m.-" Thto, First News.'' Dance Show. Written by Halt 8.45 p.m.-The Week's Good Cause. 6.30 p.m,-The Foundations of l\1usic. Marvell and Philip Ridgeway. 8 .so P .m.-"The N ews. " · · . Beethoven's .. Pianoforte Sonatas, Musical Arrangements by D'orothy 9.5 p.m.-Tom }ones and The Grand played by Dorothy Moggridgc: TIME SIGNALS (Greenwich) Hogben. .. SATURDAY (5th) Hotel, Eastbourne·, Orchestra. 6.50 p.m.-FrChch Talk. l\ions1eur Sunday: 10.30 a.m., J.o p.m., Q.o p.m.-" The Second News." 10. IS a.m.-Thc Daily Service. Joan Leggatt (Soprano). E: M.- Stephan. 9.0 p.m. 9-I5 p.m.-Shipping Forecast; New 10.45-1 r.o a.m.-" 'Vhat's in the 10.30 p.m.-Epilogue. 7 .. 20 p.m.-Vaude,·ille. Jack Payne York Stock Market Report. Papers ? "-XIII. and his B.B.C. Dance --Orche~tra. Weekdays: IO.JO a.m. 1.0 p.m., 9.20 p.m.-" What I would do with I.0-2.0 p.m.-Thc Commodore Leslie Weston (Comedian). The the World "-IX. The Very Rev. Grand Orchestfa, directed by MONDAY (30th) Kentucky Singers (by courtesy of 4·45 p.m., 6.30 p.m., W. R. Inge, K.C.V.O., D.D., Joseph Muscant. Ciro's Club).· T\YO Pairs.: Claude 10.0 p.m., l!.Jo p.m. Dean of St. Paul's. z.20 p.m.-~'ales v. South Africa. ro.rs a.m.-The Daily Service. Hulb.:::rt, Enid Trevor, Paul Eng­ 9.50 p.m.-A Popular Recital. John A Running CommentarY on the 10.45-I r .o a.m.-" Great' Occasions larid, Pat Paterson. Jean lVIelville DANCE MUSIC Thornc (Baritone). Eisa Karen International Rugby Match, by in Other Lands "-XII. l\1rs. and Billy Thorburn at two Pianos. 5-Is-6.o p.m. each we~kday (Pianoforte). Captain H. B. T. Wakelam. From Noel Baker: " Greece." "O.K. With Me," by Philip Wade. 10.30 p.m.-Short Mid-Week Ser­ St. Helen's Ground, Swansea. 12 noon.-A Light Classical! Concert. The programme ,.,_·ill be compered from London and Northern vice, conducted by the Rev. \V. H. 4.0 p.m.-An Orchcstrar Concert .• Mo\ly Mitchell (Contralto). · The by l\.1abel Constanduros and transmitters. Elliott. Relayed from St. J\lichad's, Edward German Programme. The Wigmore Trio. Michael Hogan. Chester Square. B.B.C. Studio Symphony Orch­ r.o p.m.-The Commodore Grand 8.30 p.m.-" The Ncv;r Spirit in 10.45 p.m.-12 midnight.-Dance estra. Conductor, Adrian Bou1t. Orchestra, directed by Joseph Literature "-X. The Hon. Music. Jack Payne and his B. B. C. 9.20 p.nz.-Symphony Concert (con­ 4·45 p.m.-Reginald Foort at the 1\tluscilnt. Harold Nicolson, C.lVLG. :"Read­ Dant.\.~ Orchestra. Organ, 2.0. p.m.-Gramophone Records. ing as a ]\leans of Self-Education." tinued). Orchestra: Sy"lJ'hony 12 midright-12.5 a.m. (Friday).­ No. 2, in E Minor (R:ichmaninov). 5.15 p.m.-Thc Children's Hour. 2.25 p.m.-For the Schools. Re- g.o p.m.-" The Second News." Experimental Transmission for the 6.0 p.m.-u The First !~ews." ception Tost. 9.15 p.m.-Shipping Forecast; New 10. I 5 p.m.-Shipping Forecast ; New Radio Research Board by the 6.25 p.m.-Interval. 2.30 p,m.-World History. Mr. York Stock Market Report. York Stock Market Report. Fultograph Process. 6.30 p.m.-The Foundations of Norman H. Haynes, F.B.~I\. · g.2o p.m.-" A Voyage to Lilliput." I0.20 p.m.~" Idle Thoughts." Music. Beethoven's Pianoforte 3.40 p.m.-Interval. From " Gulliver's Travels/' by Sonatas, played by Dorothy Mog­ 3-45 p.m.-Kathleen Jacobs (Violon­ 10.35 p.m.-I-2 midnight.-Dancc J on a than Swift. 1\Iusic. Ray Fox and his Band FRIDAY (4th) gridge. Sonata in E, Op. 109. cello). Joyce Kadish (Pianoforte). 10.50 p.m.-Iz midr.i"glzt.-Dance from .l\Ionscigneur, Vivace ma non troppo; Prcstissimo; 4· I 5 p.m.-Moschetto and his Or- Music. IO.I5 a.m.-The Daily Service. Theme and Variations. chestra. I0.4S-II.o a.m.-" Grandmothers' 6.so-7.5 p.m.-" The Week in the 5-I5 p.m.-The Children's Hour. THl,TRSDAY (3rd) Tales "-VI. Miss M. Sidgwick: Garden.'' Mr. C. H. Middleton 6.o p.m.-" The First News." WEDNESDAY (2nd) " The Governess wbo became (Arranged afti:r consultation with Famous." the Royal Horticultural Society). 6.30 _p.m.-The Foundations of xo.I·5 a.m.-The Daily Service. IO.I5 a.m.-The :qaily Service. !2 noon.-A Concert. Cuthbert Music. Beethoven's Fi2nofortc 7.IO p.m.-'~ The \Vorld ot'Business.', I0-45-II.o a.m.-" The ·\Vtck 1n I0.45-II.O a.m.-" The Child's Reavely (Baritone). Margaret Mr. A. P. L. Gordon. i Spnatas, played by Dorothy Westminster." World "-XIII. Professor S. J. Haslctt (Soprano). Muriel Hay 7-3op.m.-Vaudeville. Cicely Court­ Moggridge. 12 noon.-An Orchestr::tl Concert. Cowell : " Food that makes Bones." (Violin). 6.50 p.m.-"- New Books.'' Miss V. 12.45 p.m.-Organ Recital. By H. A. neidge (Comedienne) ; Syd Bright The Northern Studio Orchestra, I2 noon.-·ReginalU Foort at the and Donald Thorne (Syncopated Saekville-West. directed by John Bridge. Organ of The Regal, Morble Bate. ~ 1.30 p.m.-A Recital of Gramophone Piano Duets and ~Steel Guitar 7.Io-'].25 p.m.-Topical Talk or Meirion l\'lorris (Bass~Baritone). Arch. Solos) ; Marnie Soutter and Blake Reading from New Books, by I.I5-2-I5 p.m.-Organ Recital by r.o p.m.-Gramophone Records. Records. By Christopher Stone. Adams : " An Omnibus Romance ,, Miss V. Sackville-West. 2.25 p.m.-Fol' the Schools. Dr. Harold Rhodes. r.I5-2.o p.m.-Luncb Hour Con­ (Episode Ill), by Daisy Fisher. 7.30 p.m.-" Why does Poverty 3·45 p.m.-Concert to Schools. The 2-25 p.m.-For the Schools.
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