Sunday 25 April Day of Prayer for Vocations St Mary’s Killyclogher, St Mary’s Knockmoyle, Corpus Christi Mountfield, Christ The King Strathroy Mǂǔǔ SDŽljdžDžǖǍdž St. Mary’s Church, Killyclogher Christ the King Church, Strathroy Sunday Mass: 9am & 11am Sunday Mass: 10am & 12noon. Vigil:6.30pm Daily Mass: Mon-Sat: 10am Daily Mass: Tues, Wed & Thurs: 7.30pm Rosary: Mon-Sat: 9.30am St. Marys Church, Knockmoyle Corpus Christi, Mountfield Daily Mass: Monday at 7.30pm Daily Mass: Friday at 7.30pm Current social distancing means that capacity in these 2 churches is very small. We therefore ask that the Masses in Knockmoyle and Mountfield are left available for the parishioners who live in these communities. Thank you. Derry Diocesan Vocation Prayer Lord Jesus Christ, gentle shepherd, you know your sheep, and you know how to reach their hearts. Give to the people of the Diocese of Derry hearts that are open to the call of the Holy Spirit. Speak to the hearts of the (young) men of our diocese that they may hear your call To follow you and serve your people as priests. Awaken in them the courage to answer “Here I am, Lord, Send me.” St Eugene, pray for us. St Columba, pray for us. St John Vianney, pray for us. Prayer to Know One’s Vocation Lord, my God and my loving Father, you have made me to know you, to love you, to serve you, and thereby to find and to fulfil my deepest longings. I know that you are in all things, and that every path can lead me to you. But of them all, there is one especially by which you want me to come to you. Since I will do what you want of me, I pray you, send your Holy Spirit to me: into my mind, to show what you want of me; into my heart to give me the determination to do it, and to do it with all my love, with all my mind, and with all of my strength right to the end. Jesus, I trust in you, Amen. PǂǓNJǔlj LJLJNJDŽdž: Tljdž OLJLJNJDŽdž CǍǐǔdžDž ǐ ljdž ǖǃǍNJDŽ. DŽǐǏǕǂDŽǕ ǚ: PljǐǏdž EǎǂNJǍ OǏǍǚ - MǐǏ-FǓNJ: 9ǎ-2.30ǎ. 028 8224 3375 / ǏLJǐ@DŽǂǑǑǂLjljǑǂǓNJǔlj.ǐǎ Contact the parish office to book Baptisms, Weddings, Mass Intentions, (month’s minds and 1st anniversaries take precedence - booking is subject to change) WȱɄȳȸ MȱɃɃ LȹɆȵ Ⱦ ȸȵ ɀȱɂȹɃȸ ȵȲȳȱȽ: www.cappaghparish.com Select WEBCAM to view Mass from St Mary’s Church, Killyclogher & Christ the King Church, Strathroy. PȱɂȹɃȸ WȵȲɃȹɄȵ: www.cappaghparish.com Fȿȼȼȿɇ ɅɃ Ⱦ: Facebook / Instagram / Twitter @CappaghParish FǓ KdžǗNJǏ MDŽEǍljdžǏǏǐǏ P.P: 028 8225 8108 / [email protected] FǓ DdžDŽǍǂǏ MDŽGdždžljǂǏ C.C: 028 8225 1055 / [email protected] EǎdžǓLjdžǏDŽǚ MǐǃNJǍdž: 07561838455 Safeguarding Children Contact Details for Relevant Agencies and Services Pope Francis Tweets PSNI 0845 600 8000 | Gateway Services 028 8283 5043 God wants to tell you that you are Alternatively, if you or anyone you know has a child safeguarding concern in relation to any member of precious and unique in His eyes. church personnel and wishes to report it to church authorities please contact one of the diocesan designated No one can take your place persons, who will, in turn, report this concern to the relevant statutory authorities. in the heart of God. Noel O’Donnell 075 9650 0793| Celine McKenna 075 9666 7773 Killyclogher Knockmoyle Mountfield Strathroy AǏǏNJǗdžǓǔǂǓǚ Mǂǔǔ Thursday 29 Apr: Noel McGinty, McIvor Villas / 10am / KC Thursday 29 Apr: Months Mind for Eugene Maguire, Glen Park Road / 7.30pm / CTK RdžDŽdžǏǕ ǂǑǕNJǔǎǔ: We welcome through the Sacrament of Baptism: Clodagh Marie Tierney & Aoife Julia Agnes Mallon. RdžDŽdžǏǕ džǂǕljǔ: We pray for the families of Briege Treanor of Deverney Road, Eamon Harvey of Cookstown and Josephine Topping of New York. May they rest in peace. PǂǓNJǔljNJǐǏdžǓǔ ljǐ ǕǕdžǏDž Mǂǔǔ ǖǔǕ Džǐ ǐ ǏDždžǓ ljdž ǖNJDžǂǏDŽdž LJ DŽǖǓǓdžǏǕ CǐǗNJDž -19 džǔǕǓNJDŽǕNJǐǏǔ: 1. Anyone who is feeling unwell or displaying symptoms of COVID -19 should not attend Mass. 2. Masks/face coverings must be worn in Church and upon entering and exiting. 3. On entry, an usher will welcome you and spray your hands with sanitiser (also upon leaving). 4. An usher will show you to a seat. We ask for your patience if an usher is not immediately available. 5. When entering and exiting the church please maintain a safe social distance from others. 6. When arriving and leaving Mass please do not gather outside. - PǓǂǚ FǐǓ VǐDŽǂǕNJǐǏǔ On this World Day of Prayer for Vocations we pray for all those called to lay down their lives as priests, deacons, and in the consecrated life, that they will be faithful witnesses to the Good Shepherd in our midst. We pray for vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life, especially for our diocese. If you are considering such a vocation, speak to your local priest or email Fr Christopher Ferguson, Diocesan Director of Vocations; [email protected] “Dǐ TljNJǔ IǏ MdžǎǐǓǚ ” 2021 We welcome and support the children of our parish preparing to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion. The next “DTIM ” Mass will take place on Sunday 2 May at 12noon in Christ the King Church. Mass can be viewed on the webcam: www.cappaghparish.com/ webcam2.html LNJLJdž IǏ Tljdž SǑNJǓNJǕ SdžǎNJǏǂǓǔ Will take place in conjunction with the Thursday evening 7.30pm Mass in the Sacred Heart Church, Omagh. Please join at 7.30pm via the parish webcam at www.drumraghparish.com. 29 April: Salvation - Fr Joe Gormley 6 May: The New Life - Bishop Donal McKeown 13 May: Receiving God ’s Gift -Fr Christopher McDermott 20 May: Baptism in the Spirit - Fr Eddie Magee 27 May: Growth - Fr Colum Curry 3 Jun: Transformation - Fr Kevin McElhennon “Let him who is thirsty come; Let him who desires, Take the water of life without price ” Rev 22:17 CdžǏǕdžǏǂǓǚ CdžǍdžǃǓǂǕNJǐǏǔ ǐǓ Tljdž LLjNJǐǏ OLJ MǂǓǚ As part of the centenary celebration for the Legion of Mary, there will be a special Mass for the Legionaries of the Diocese live -streamed from St. Theresa ’s Church, Sion Mills, on Wednesday 28 April at 7pm. You are invited to participate in this Mass via the webcam: http://melmountparish.com/sionwebcam.html KdždžǑNJǏLj UǑ Tljdž CǐǏǗdžǓǔǂǕNJǐǏǔ WǕlj Tljdž YǐǖǕlj OLJ DdžǓǓǚ DNJǐDŽdžǔdž The Derry Diocesan Youth Ministry Team are hosting a series of webinars covering some of the themes that young people are struggling with today. Each webinar will broadcast live on Derry Diocesan Youth Facebook page at 7pm. Wednesday 28 April: The final webinar with be on the theme “You are the now of God ”. Guest speaker will be Elam Walsh, Donal Walsh #LiveLife Foundation and Bishop Donal McKeown. Tljdž DdžǓǓǚ DNJǐDŽdžǔǂǏ CǂǕdžDŽljdžǕNJDŽǂǍ CdžǏǕǓdž ǐǓnjNJǏLj Ǐ ǂǓǕǏdžǓǔljNJǑ NJǕlj SǕ. MǂǓǚ ’ǔ UǏNJǗdžǓǔNJǕǚ, TǘNJDŽnjdžǏljǂǎ, LJLJdžǓǔ ljdž MǂǔǕdžǓ Ǐ CǂǕljǐǍNJDŽ SDŽljǐǐǍ LdžǂDždžǓǔljNJǑ This post graduate degree is dedicated to the professional development and spiritual formation of Catholic school leaders. It is an opportunity for those already in leadership roles or for those who aspire to be. The next intake will be Autumn 2021. An information session via Zoom will be held on Monday 7 June at 3.30pm. For information contact 028 7126 4087 or email [email protected] ADŽDŽǐǓDž Ǐ: MǂǓǓNJǂLjdž PǓdžǑǂǓǂǕNJǐǏ All Accord Marriage Preparation Programmes will be virtual interactive programmes until further notice and can be booked with any centre as they take place via Zoom. To book visit: www.accordni.com Tljdž NdžǕ The monthly magazine is available on the Diocesan website www.derrydiocese.org. Email enquiries to [email protected] .
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