Dt, HAWAIIAN Op ISLANDS OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS VOL. 61 ANGWIN, CALIFORNIA, JULY 17, 1961 NO. 1 doctrines of the Bible, are circu- This Is the Hour lated. "If there was ever a crisis, it is now." such laws in communities which do not 4. Hold evangelistic services in the Testimonies, vol 6, p. 16. "Now is the now have them on their statute books. church on Sunday night. time for the last warning to be given. God's messenger declares, "At one 5. Conduct Bible community schools There is a special power in the presen- time those in charge of our school at and cottage meetings, using visual tation of the truth at the present time; Avondale inquired of me, saying: 'What aids. but how long will it continue? Only a shall we do? The officers of the law 6. Open branch Sabbath schools. little while." Ibid. "We should now have been commissioned to arrest those 7. Conduct lay efforts in schools and feel the responsibility of laboring with working on Sunday.' I replied: 'It will halls. intense earnestness to impart to others be very easy to avoid that difficulty. 8. Plan temperance rallies for Sunday. the truths that God has given for this Give Sunday to the Lord as a day for time." Ibid. doing missionary work. hold meet- 9. Organize children's story hours on ings in different places, and do medical Sunday .afternoon, giving parents Soul-stirring events point to closing time to rest. scenes: The ruling of the Supreme missionary work. They will find the Court in favor of Sunday laws—trek people at home and will have a splendid 10. Hold open air plaza or park meet- toward strict enforcement of blue laws opportunity to present the truth. This ings. now on books in forty-nine states—great way of spending Sunday is always ac- 11. Circulate the Missionary-Book-for- movements under way to unite churches ceptable to the Lord." — Testimonies, the-Year, Your Bible and You. vol. 9, p. 238. —ascendancy of Papacy—rapid spread Our witness for the message should of spiritism—increased tensions, crime, What is our responsibility as members in view of these critical developments? not take the form of offensive activity and disasters—..all declare time is run- on Sunday, such as hanging out the ning out and God's clock is about ready The chapters in Christian Service en- titled, "Religious Liberty," pp. 155-166, washing or using power tools. Of ttimes to strike 12. such bitter prejudice is created against In this one hundred seventeenth year and in Testimonies, vol. 9, pp. 232-238, answer this question. Let us as believers the message that it is impossible to of the Investigative Judgment, fulfilling proclaim the truth. Remember that prophecy points to the close of proba- carefully study these sections as well as the last chapters in Great Controversy "one does not receive the mark of the tion. All heaven is astir. The work is beast because he shows that he realizes faSt closing up. We have but a short which depict the closing scenes. "It is our duty to do all in our power to avert the wisdom of keeping the peace by time in which to proclaim the truth. refraining from work that, gives offense." The message is to ring through our the threatened danger."—Christian Serv- ice, p. 162. "We are not doing one- —Christian Service, p. 164. churches stirring them to universal ac- The result of carrying forward on tion. twentieth part of what God requires us to do."—Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 11. Sunday various forms of missionary At Catamarca, Argentina, the town's work is divinely foretold. "The enemy people set their watches by a four-sided The Spirit of Prophecy clearly out- lines the types of missionary activities will see that he has worsted his own clock that rests high atop a pedestal in cause. the whip will be taken out the business section. As they note the on Sunday that are acceptable to God and would accomplish much for Him. of the hands of the arbitrary zealots."— time they are also reminded of a more Christian Service, p. 164. We will thus important fact. "Es la Hora de Hacer In accordance with this inspired counsel may we propose these missionary proj- "carry forward work that will tell on el Bien"—"This is the Hour to do Good" the side of Christ."—Testimonies, vol. —is lettered across each clock face. This ects for the individual member, or serv- ice company, on Sunday- 9, p. 235. is the hour in the world's history to dedi- "Let none sit in calm expectation of cate our energies to soul winning. 1. Launch a visitation program con- the evil, comforting themselves with the In the wake of the interest aroused tacting every home with truth. belief that this work must go on be- by the recent Supreme Court decision 2. Secure Bible correspondence school cause prophecy has foretold it, and that approving Sunday laws, we can expect enrollments. the Lord will shelter His people. We stepped up enforcement of Sunday laws 3. Start a lending library in which are not doing the will of God if we sit and greater agitation for the message of small books, giving the cardinal in quietude, doing nothing to preserve 0 NoInTHS-..;z ';d7A irta;.V1. yt aptlaa:itjau 1P-141169 Ras-“=„13a's; 2 PACIFIC UNION RECORDER Pacific Union Recorder liberty of conscience. Fervent, effectual the Spirit of Prophecy than they were prayer should be ascendin& to heaven before taking the course. We have en- VOL. 61 NO. 1 that this calamity may be deferred until joyed hearing the testimonies of many we can accomplish the work which has who have completed the course, and MONDAY, JULY 17, 1961 so long been neglected. Let there be they agree heartily concerning the bene- more earnest prayer; and then let us fits derived from it. work in harmony with our prayers."— The Prophetic Guidance Course is a Official organ of the Pacific Union Con- Christian Service, p. 162. ference of Seventh-day Adventists, Box great personal help to all who feel the 146, Glendale, California. J. ERNEST EDWARDS, Secretary, need of assurance and guidance in the Published weekly at Angwin, Calif.; fifty Home Missionary Department, daily routine of life. It is here that we issues a year. General Conference of SDA. want certainty, and we are thankful for this characteristic in the writings of Ellen G. White. Address: Pacific Union Recorder, Box Over 30,000 Enrolled! Join the enrollees without hesitation. 36, Angwin, California. Notice of change of address should give both the old and These are the grateful and happy A real treat and much blessing await the new address. enrollees in the Prophetic Guidance your doing so. The 24 lessons are free. Course. And the number is increasing The only expense is the $1 you send Subscription Price, $1.00 a Year with each passing week. It is good to in for the textbook used with each know that these thousands of church lesson. It is called The Treasure Chest. W. J. BLACKER Editor members will be more confirmed and And you will certainly wish to keep MRS. MARGARET FOLLETT . Assistant Editor strengthened in their belief regarding this book of nearly two hundred pages R. R. BIETZ Assistant Editor Entered as second-class matter Septem- ber 3, 1927, at the post office at Angwin, Last Notice on Squaw Valley California, under the act of Congress of TIME—August 7 to 16 (Registration begins at 3 p.m. on Monday, August 7.) March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage provided for WHERE—Olympic Village at Squaw Valley. in section 412, Act of February 28, 1925, S'IAPP PERSONNEL—The best in the West. authorized September 3, 1927. FEATURING—Voice, orchestra, band, piano, organ, ensembles, theory, composition, private lessons, art. RECREATION—Ice skating, boating, water skiing, swimming, hiking, horseback Sunset Table riding, tennis, volley ball, badminton, horseshoes, table tennis, golf. (Daylight Saving in California and Nevada) GROWING IN—Spiritual fellowship and devotion. Friday, July 21 ELIGIBILITY—High school freshmen this fall through high school graduates this Angwin 8:30 Oakland 8:27 Arlington 7:58 San Diego 7:55 past June. Also: Approval from school principal, music or art teacher, and Chico 8:31 San Jose 8:25 pastor. Above all, a personal feeling of responsibility in maintaining a strong Eureka 8:43 Phoenix 7:36 caliber of Christian morale at the camp. Fresno 8:15 Reno 8:23 Lodi 8:25 Salt Lake City 7:54 SPECIAL NOTICE—You will not need to bring any sheets or blankets. The camp Loma Linda 7:58 Honolulu 7:15 will supply same within our original cost, thus saving you a luggage Los Angeles 8:02 Hilo 7:01 problem; so ignore these items on your application blanks. THE FIRST TWENTY—Campers who need some financial assistance in order to Friday, July 28 attend camp and who are willing to work for the Olympic Village cafeteria, Angwin 8:24 Oakland 8:22 where we will be eating, two to three hours every day following noon and Arlington 7:54 San Diego 7:51 Chico 8:25 San Jose 8:19 evening meals, thereby reducing their camp cost by $2 to $3 per day, Eureka 8:37 Phoenix 7:32 contact us immediately! Fresno 8:10 Reno 8:16 SPECIAL REQUEST—If there are campers who have power boats and ski equip- Lodi 8:19 Salt Lake City 7:48 Loma Linda 7:54 Honolulu 7:13 ment for water sports who would be willing to make a contribution of the Los Angeles 7:58 Hilo 6:59 equipment for the camp, we will be glad to supply the gasoline for the running of same on beautiful Lake Tahoe.
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