Locally grown veggies bring community together 4 The Waco Downtown Farmers Market attracts a variety of vendors and shoppers every Saturday. see NEWS, page 3 baylorlariat com By FENIT NIRAPPIL The BaylorLariat Associated Press WE’RE THERE WHEN YOU CAN’T BE ECHO LAKE, Calif. — Califor- nia Gov. Jerry Brown ordered of- Contest: Retweet @LariatOpinion for a chance to win a free T-shirt ficials Wednesday to impose state- Thursday | April 2, 2015 wide mandatory water restrictions for the first time in history as sur- veyors found the lowest snow level in the Sierra Nevada snowpack in 65 years of record-keeping. Standing in dry, brown grass at a site that normally would be snow-covered this time of year, Brown announced he had signed Let there an executive order requiring the State Water Resources Control Board to implement measures in cities and towns to cut the state’s overall water usage by 25 percent compared with 2013 levels. The move will affect residents, be light businesses, farmers and other us- ers. “We’re in a historic drought and that demands unprecedented ac- LED lights are newest tion,” Brown said at a news confer- ence at Echo Summit in the Sierra Nevada, where state water officials addition to I-35 bridge found no snow on the ground for the first time in their April manual survey of the snowpack. “We have By Kalli Damschen “It’s an opportunity for us to to pull together and save water in Staff writer highlight both Waco and Baylor,” every way we can.” Getterman said. “It will serve as After declaring a drought Baylor is helping bring light a welcome to everybody coming emergency in January 2014, to the surrounding community through our community, and it’s Brown urged all Californians to through the installation of new just another great way for us to cut water use by 20 percent from color-changing LED lights on the partner with our community.” the previous year. access road bridges along Inter- Waco City Manager Dale Fis- Despite increasingly stringent state 35. seler said during the construc- regulations imposed on local wa- The lights were a project of tion review that the city received ter agencies by the state, overall the Texas Department of Trans- monetary aid to help make up for water use has fallen by just half portation to improve the design a lack of funding. that amount, prompting Brown of the bridges. Baylor provided “During the construction re- to order the stronger action by the $500,000 for the installation of view, it was determined there water board. color-changing lights. wasn’t enough money in the “We’re in a new era; the idea of Baylor joined the I-35 bridge budget from TxDOT to pay for your nice little green grass getting lighting project because it was the controller that actually con- water every day, that’s going to be a an opportunity to highlight the trols the different colors of the thing of the past,” Brown said. university’s partnership with the lights,” Fisseler said. “It was about Brown asked for a 25 percent community and to help install a $500,000 deficit. Baylor stepped cut in water use in 1977 during his lights that will “showcase and be a up and paid the difference so that showpiece for Waco and Baylor,” we could have colors in the lights said Smith Getterman, Baylor as- instead of just plain white lights.” KEVIN FREEMAN | LARIAT PHOTOGRAPHER sistant director of sustainability Lights added to the I-35 bridge over the Brazos River illuminate the bridge with a variety of different colors on Wednesday night Baylor helped finance SEE page 4 and special projects. LIGHT, the addition. The bridge will be illuminated with festive colors for home games and special events. Fraternities compete for Greek life spot at Baylor By Rebecca Flannery are about five to seven steps to Staff Writer complete before a fraternity is chosen.” The university will be adding Cypress senior Omar Fierros, an additional fraternity by the end an IFC representative, said he and of the spring semester in an effort other members of the council will to expand Greek Life at Baylor, ac- come to a conclusion about which cording to several sources within new fraternity to suggest to the the department of Greek life. expansion team. Baylor IFC as- Matt Burchett, director of SKYE DUNCAN | LARIAT PHOTO EDITOR sists with chapters and member- Student Activi- Various departments will be moving into the Hankamer School of Business building after one year of renova- ship de- tions. The business department will move into the Paul L. Foster Campus for Business and Innovation which ties, said Kappa velopment will open in July. Alpha Order, “The organizations come and educa- Lambda Chi tion of the Matt Burchett and Pi Kappa pitch themselves to the member Alpha, also group and we’re able to fraterni- Business school’s relocation known as Pike, deliberate from there who ties, ac- going to suggest.” have given pre- cording to The expansion team is com- sentations to the we’re going to suggest.” their web- prised of representatives from Interfraternity site. the IFC Board, the Multicultural leaves empty spot for others Council over Omar Fierros | IFC Representative “ I t ’ s Greek Council, National Pan- the past couple very much Hellenic Council and the Baylor By Rebecca Flannery vating and deciding which vari- been such a great building and set of weeks. Only a custom- Pan-Hellenic Council as well as Staff Writer ous programs will move into the of offices for the time being.” one organiza- er-seller at-large members from the Greek building,” Maness said. “There’s Maness said the name of the tion will be selected. relationship,” Fierros said. “The community and professional staff. Baylor’s Hankamer School of definitely a need for the space, no new building was purposefully “All organizations have been organizations come pitch them- “Until the vice president of Business’ relocation is leaving a question about that.” titled as a campus because of its previously chartered at Baylor selves to the group and we’re able student life has signed the charter, gigantic footprint on the campus In August, business students ability to foster a more sociable University,” Burchett said. “There to deliberate from there who we’re map. What the university plans will begin classes in the 275,000- community. McCormick said SEE GREEK, page 4 to do with its old building is still square-foot Paul L. Foster Cam- the campus will become a space under debate. pus for Business and Innovation. to learn throughout the entire While a number of depart- Maness said the school’s faculty course of a day. ments have expressed interest in and staff will be responsible for “It’s going to become a home- the building, Tonya Lewis, assis- moving personal computers and base for students,” McCormick tant director of media communi- House considers raising office materials to their new offic- said. “It’s a great learning environ- cations, stated in an email to the es beginning the last week of June. ment set up with a variety of areas Lariat that plans have not yet been “Part of what this move will do students can take advantage of.” finalized. is change the culture of the busi- The new building will be “There are a number of possi- ness school,” Maness said. “We equipped with 36 team meeting juvenile criminal age to 18 bilities currently being considered want this new place to serve a lot rooms for students to reserve as [for the old building] but no spe- of different purposes for the stu- needed, a cafe, a centralized com- By Eva Ruth Moravec would raise the age of those con- federal standards governing in- cific plans have been made at this dents.” munity space and several enclave Associated Press sidered adults from 17 to 18. mate housing. time,” Lewis said. Dr. Blaine McCormick, chair areas scattered around the build- The bills will be left pending Even if the committee and the Dr. Terry Maness, dean of the of the management department, ing in which students can study, AUSTIN, Texas — A Texas before the House Committee on full House pass the proposals, Hankamer School of Business, said he is unaware of the plans Maness said. House panel is hearing the case Juvenile Justice and Family Issues. though, they will be challenged by said although he’s not involved for the soon to be empty business “So much of learning today for — and against — changing the Since 1918, Texas law classifies Democratic Sen. John Whitmire, with the plans for the current building. takes place outside the class- state’s definition of who is consid- 17-year-olds charged with a crime who oversees criminal justice is- business building, he is aware of “I know any department on room,” Maness said. “That’s why ered an adult in the criminal jus- as adults. A bipartisan commit- sues in the Senate. Baylor’s plan to renovate it. campus would be blessed to have we want to create this space for tice system. tee recommended raising the age, Whitmire has said he’ll oppose “Baylor will spend time reno- this space,” McCormick said. “It’s Proposals by three Demo- noting that state law clashes with raising the age. SEE SCHOOL, page 4 crats being presented Wednesday Vol.115 No. 86 First copy free. Additional copies 25 cents each. © 2015 Baylor University Opinion Thursday|April 2, 2015 2 The Baylor Lariat A title don’t make a teacher good past 100 years, the average annual num- Editorial ber of Ph.D.’s awarded has risen by nearly Watch “The Big Bang Theory” and 77 percent, according to the National you’ll certainly pick up on some great Science Foundation.
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