RALEIGH HISTORIC PROPERTIES AND LANDMARKS June 2015 (◊ indicates property also individually listed as a National Historic Landmark) (• indicates property also individually listed in the National Register of Historic Places) TRADITIONAL NAMES OF ORDINANCE SITES DESIGNATED BY CITY COUNCIL PERIOD NUMBER (DATE) (former) Branch Banking & Trust Building 1965 142 (12/5/2006) (333 Fayetteville St.) • (former) CP&L Car Barn & Auto Garage 1925 457 (11/17/1998) (116 N. West St.) • (former) Pine State Creamery 1928 456 (11/17/1998) (414 Glenwood Ave.) • (former) Raleigh Electric Company Power c. 1910, 1930 481 (12/1/1998) House (513--515 W. Jones St.) • (former) Royal Baking Company 1941-1947 780 (9/7/2010) (3801 Hillsborough St.) (former) Saint Monica’s School 1930-1967 485 (11/18/2008) (15 North Tarboro Street) Agricultural Building of the Berry O'Kelly 1926 905 (5/4/1982) School (514 Method Rd) • Agriculture Building 1923 213 (9/4/1979) (2-20 W Edenton St) • Alpheus Jones House c. 1847 560 (5/1/1990) (6512 Louisburg Rd) Andrew Goodwin House 1903 331 (3/4/1980) (220 Hillsborough St) Andrew Johnson House before 1808 572 (5/1/1990) (1 Mimosa St) • Andrews-Duncan House 1874 310 (9/18/1972) (407 N. Blount St.) Andrews-London House 1918 304 (9/18/1972) (301 N Blount St) Arkansas Delaware & Vermont Connecticut c. 1865; c. 1892- 484 (11/18/2008) Royster Confectioners Building 1965 (207 Fayetteville Street) TRADITIONAL NAMES OF ORDINANCE SITES DESIGNATED BY CITY COUNCIL PERIOD NUMBER (DATE) Atwater-Perry House c. 1898, c. 1924, c. 350 (10/7/2014) (904 E. Hargett Street) 1945 Badger-Iredell Law Office c. 1810 394 (8/7/1984) (1 Mimosa St) Bailey-Bunn House 1922 303 (9/18/1972) (302 N. Blount St.) Borden Building of the Methodist Orphanage 1900 982 (5/5/1987) Complex (Fletcher Park) • Boylan Apartments 1935 141 (12/5/2006) (817 Hillsborough Street) • Briggs Hardware Building 1874 809 (6/16/1969) (220 Fayetteville St.) Cameron-Maynard-Gatling House c. 1860-1920 986 (12/6/2011) (504 E Jones Street) • Capehart House 1898 573 (5/1/1990) (424 N. Blount St.) Capital Apartments 1917 553 (5/1/1990) (127 New Bern Pl) • Capital Club Building 1929 554 (5/1/1990) (16 W. Martin St.) • Caraleigh Mills 1892; 1900; 1910; 337 (12/2/2002) (421 Maywood Ave.) 1919 Carey J. Hunter House c. 1882; c. 1900 336 (12/2/2002) (400 N Person St) Carolina Pines Hotel 1933; c.1950 611 (7/20/1999) (1526 Tryon Road) • Carolina Trust/Mahler Buildings 1876; 1902 103 (10/17/2001) (228--232 Fayetteville St.) • Carousel at Pullen Park pre-1912 285 (8/17/1976) (Pullen Park) Chapel, Saint Augustine’s College 1895 822 (6/16/1969) (St. Augustine's Campus) • Chapel, St. Mary's School 1856 818 (6/16/1969) (900 Hillsborough St) TRADITIONAL NAMES OF ORDINANCE SITES DESIGNATED BY CITY COUNCIL PERIOD NUMBER (DATE) Chavis Park Carousel c. 1916; 1937 487 (11/18/2008) (Chavis Way & Park Road, Chavis Park) ◊ Christ Episcopal Church 1854 813 (6/16/1969) (120 E Edenton St) City Market 1913-1914 556 (5/1/1990) (214 E. Market St.) David & Ernestine Weaver House 1922 488 (11/18/2008) (1203 East Lane Street) Delany Building 1926 89 (11/4/1992) (133 E Hargett St) • Dodd-Hinsdale House 1879 824 (6/16/1969) (330 Hillsborough St.) • Dr. E. N. Lawrence House c. 1922; c. 1960 212 (5/21/2002) (2121 Lake Wheeler Rd.) • Dr. Hubert Benbury Haywood House 1916 896 (5/21/1996) (634 N . Blount St.) • Dr. M. T. Pope House 1900 637 (9/1/2009) (511 S. Wilmington St.) Dr. Z. M. Caveness House 1916 701 (8/1/1995) (1804 Hillsborough St) E. L. & Ruth Fogleman House 1926 513 (2/16/1999) (1807 Wills Ave) • E.B. Bain Water Treatment Plant 1940 564 (5/18/1999) (1810 Fayetteville St) Early Store Building (Heilig-Levine) c. 1870 726 (2/21/1978) (137 S. Wilmington St.) East Rock, St. Mary's School 1834 818 (6/16/1969) (900 Hillsborough St) Eliza Battle Pittman Auditorium, St. Mary's 1906 211 (9/4/1979) School (900 Hillsborough St) • Elmwood c. 1813 827 (6/16/1969) (16 N. Boylan Ave.) • Estey Hall 1874 370 (1/2/1973) (E. South St. on Shaw University campus) TRADITIONAL NAMES OF ORDINANCE SITES DESIGNATED BY CITY COUNCIL PERIOD NUMBER (DATE) • Executive Mansion, Burke Square 1883-91 558 (5/1/1990) (200 N. Blount St.) • Fadum House 1949 300 (12/7/1993) (3056 Granville Dr.) • Federal Building (Century Post Office) 1874 309 (9/18/1972) (314 Fayetteville St) First Baptist Church (1859) 1859 812 (6/16/1969) (99 N Salisbury St) First Baptist Church (1904) 1904 204 (9/4/1979) (101 S Wilmington St) First Presbyterian Church 1900 808 (6/16/1969) (112 S Salisbury St) • Free Church of the Good Shepherd 1874, c. 1899, c. 987 (12/6/2011) (110 S East Street) 1914 • G. Dewey and Elma Arndt House 1960-61 61 (6/5/2012) (1428 Canterbury Rd) • G. Milton Small & Associates Office Building 1966 768 (11/8/1995) (105 Brooks Ave.) Garland Scott and Toler Moore Tucker House 1915 374 (12/2/2014) (416 N Person St) Glenwood Fire Station (Engine Company 1924 13 (11/19/1996) Number 4) (505 Jefferson St) Grand United Order of Odd Fellows Building c. 1880 - 1961 988 (12/6/2011) (115 E Hargett Street) Gray-Fish-Richardson House 1881; before 1903 524 (12/13/1994) (530 N Blount St) • Grosvenor Gardens Apartments 1939 90 (11/4/1992) (1101 Hillsborough St.) • Harwell Hamilton & Jean Bangs Harris House & 1968-1977 781 (9/7/2010) Office (122 Cox Avenue) • Hawkins-Hartness House c. 1882 305 (9/18/1972) (310 N. Blount St.) • Haywood Hall c.1799 829 (6/16/1969) (211 New Bern Place) TRADITIONAL NAMES OF ORDINANCE SITES DESIGNATED BY CITY COUNCIL PERIOD NUMBER (DATE) • Heck-Andrews House 1870 308 (9/18/1972) (309 N. Blount St.) • Heck-Lee House between 1872 218 (9/4/1979) (503 E Jones St) &1875 • Heck-Pool House between 1872 220 (9/4/1979) (218 N East St) &1875 • Heck-Wynne House between 1872 219 (9/4/1979) (511 E Jones St) &1875 • Henry L. Kamphoefner House 1950 886 (10/18/2000) (3060 Granville Dr.) Henry Porter House before 1850 215 (9/4/1979) (555 New Bern Ave) Higgs-Coble-Helms House 1878 312 (9/18/1972) (417 N Blount St) Holladay Hall 1889 817 (6/16/1969) (Primrose Ave) • Isabelle Bowen Henderson House and Garden 1930s 559 (5/1/1990) (213 Oberlin Rd.) • J. S. Dorton Arena 1952 283 (8/17/1976) (1025 Blue Ridge Rd, North Carolina State Fairgrounds) James S. Morgan House c. 1900 486 (11/18/2008) (1015 Oberlin Road) • Joel Lane House c.1760 307 (9/18/1972) (728 W. Hargett St.) John & Belle Anderson House 1923 250 (12/2/2013) (1201 Park Drive) • John E. & Mary Frances Beaman House 1929 195 (6/4/2013) (2120 White Oak Road) John T. & Mary Turner House c. 1900 14 (11/19/1996) (1002 Oberlin Rd.) John W. Thompson House c. 1910; 2003 749 (12/7/2004) (1117 Hillsborough Street) ◊ Josephus Daniels House (Wakestone) 1920 557 (5/1/1990) (1520 Caswell St.) TRADITIONAL NAMES OF ORDINANCE SITES DESIGNATED BY CITY COUNCIL PERIOD NUMBER (DATE) • Lane-Bennett House 1775 561 (5/1/1990) (7408 Ebenezer Church Rd.) Latta House and University Site c. 1892 to 1930 759 (7/6/2010) (1001 Parker Street) Lee House 1899 306 (9/18/1972) (422 N Blount St) Lemuel & Julia Delany House 1917 638 (9/1/2009) (210 and 212 North State Street) Leonard Medical Hospital 1912, c31920, 428 (4/21/2015) (800 S. Wilmington Street) 1968 Leonard Medical School 1881, 1910, 1996 429 (4/21/2015) (816 S. Wilmington Street) • Leonidas R. Wyatt House 1881-82 756 (4/2/1991) (109 S Bloodworth St.) Lewis-Joyner House 1878-1914 0 (3/3/2015) (304 E. Jones Street) • Lewis-Smith House c. 1855 574 (5/1/1990) (515 N. Blount St.) • Lumsden-Boone Building 1896-1903 562 (5/1/1990) (226 Fayetteville St.) • Marshall-Harris-Richardson House c. 1900 563 (5/1/1990) (116 N Person St) • Mary Elizabeth Hospital & Medical Arts 1920; 1960 143 (12/5/2006) Building (1100 and 1110 Wake Forest Rd) • Masonic Temple Building 1907 564 (5/1/1990) (427 S. Blount St.) • Matsumoto House 1954 767 (11/8/1995) (821 Runnymede Rd.) • Merrimon-Wynne House 1875, 1910 252 (12/2/2013) (500 N. Blount Street) Montague Building 1912 214 (9/4/1979) (128-138 E. Hargett St.) Montgomery House c. 1906 396 (8/7/1984) (214 New Bern Pl) TRADITIONAL NAMES OF ORDINANCE SITES DESIGNATED BY CITY COUNCIL PERIOD NUMBER (DATE) • Mordecai House c.1785; 1826 311 (9/18/1972) (1 Mimosa St.) Murphey School 1916 186 (6/21/1988) (433 N. Person St.) • NC Agricultural Experiment Station Cottage 1886 750 (12/7/2004) (2714 Vanderbilt Ave) • NC School for the Blind & Deaf Dormitory 1898 209 (9/4/1979) (216 W. Jones St.) • NC State Fair Commercial & Education 1928 565 (5/1/1990) Buildings (NW corner Hillsborough St and Blue Ridge Rds) Needham B. Broughton High School 1929 552 (5/1/1990) (723 St. Mary's St) • Norburn Terrace 1899 209 (9/4/1979) (216 Lafayette St.) • Oak View c. 1855; c. 1900; 92 (11/4/1992) (Jct. of Poole Rd. and Raleigh Beltline) 1940-41 Oberlin Cemetery 1873-1971 156 (2/19/2013) (1014 Oberlin Road) • Occidental Life Insurance Building 1956 751 (12/7/2004) (1001 Wade Ave.) • Odd Fellows Building (Commerce Building) 1923-24 302 (12/7/1993) (19 W Hargett St.) • Old Masonic Temple Building 1907 210 (9/4/1979) (133 Fayetteville St.) Old Raleigh Post Office (Early Office Building) c.
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