Published by the New England Vexillological Association Nº5 DR. WILLIAM CRAMPTON: AN APPRECIATION by Whitney Smith While every vexillologist will when it was in his power to to express his spirit than those have a different memory or pursue them. he himself wrote in an imagi- image of him, it is significant That power is gone, but his nary interview on the occasion that there can scarcely be any spirit lives on. The lessons he of his 60th birthday, just last vexillologist in the world who taught — and the ones he year. Responding to the ques- does not know of our late tion he was frequently asked colleague. From the early by real interviewers — “How days of our nascent science, did you first get interested he worked at every oppor- in flags?” — he responded: tunity in every way with This is always a star- every one to create and so- tling question for a lidify and expand knowl- vexillologist, because it edge and understanding implies that his interest and activities regarding is an unusual or peculiar flags. If not all his efforts one, instead of being the were successful, he well very stuff of life. It is like understood the principle asking, when did you that only boundless enthu- first start breathing? siasm, dogged tenacity, William started breathing vivid imagination, and re- vexillology before the word lentless energy would help itself was invented and us achieve success. never ceased doing so. Inevitably, others were caught up in that spirit and learned — are now the heri- were moved to make contribu- tage of those of us who remain INSIDE tions which they otherwise to carry on the unfinished tasks Crampton Bibliography .............. 2 would have avoided or per- he held constantly before him Crampton Obituary ....................3 haps not even thought of. No when alive. I imagine William City Flag and Seal of Augusta, Maine..................... 4 gathering, no written word, no in the great vexillological City Seal created by printed illustration or elec- Valhalla, the very image of that Augusta policeman ...............5 tronically broadcast graphic, “great god Vexor” to whom he Proposal for a New Flag for no conversation or meeting, sometimes referred in Augusta, Maine..................... 5 no avenue of research, no op- Flagmaster, laughing at us and Stars & Stripes No More? ........... 6 Old Flags to be Burned ............... 6 portunity for expanding at himself as we struggle with Minutes of Last Meeting.............. 7 vexillological horizons was ig- those tasks. HAVSOM .................................... 8 nored or avoided by William No better words can be found New Members ............................. 8 Books written by William Crampton,1979-1995 Die Welt der Flaggen und die Flags of the United States. The Complete Guide to Flags. Wappen aller Länder. London: Brian Trodd, 1989. 54 New York City: Gallery Books, Augsburg: Battenberg, 1991. p.: ill.; 23 cm ISBN 1-85361- 1989. 136 p.: col. ill.; 23x25 cm. 158 p.: ill.; 33 cm ISBN 3- 114-X ISBN 0831716053 89441-046-9 DEM 48.00 Flags of the United States. The Complete Guide to Flags. Drapeaux et pavillons. New York: W.H. Smith, 1989. 54 New York City: Gallery Books, Paris: Editions Gallimard, 1989. p.: col. ill.; 17 x 24 cm. ISBN 1990; 1989. 136 p. : col. ill.; 23 64 p.: col. ill. ISBN 2-07- 0831717327 x 25 cm. 056471-1 FRF 92.00 Flags of the World. The Complete Guide to Flags. Fahnen & Flaggen : Fahnen, Edited by E.M.C. Barraclough London: Kingfisher, 1989. 136 Flaggen, Wimpel und and W.G. Crampton. - 2nd ed., p.: ill. (some col.), col. maps; 23 Standarten aus aller Welt: with revisions and suppl. Lon- x 25 cm. ISBN 0-86272-466-X Aussehen, Entstehungsgeschichte, don ; New York: F. Warne, 1981. GBP 9.95 Bedeutung. 262 p.: ill. (some col.); 24 cm. The New Observer’s Book of Hildesheim: Gerstenberg, 1990. ISBN 0-7232-2797-7 Flags. 63 p.: col. ill.; 29 cm ISBN 3- Flags of the World. London: Warne, 1984. 190 p.: ill. 8067-4411-4 DEM 29.80 (Sehen, New York: Dorset Press, 1990. (some col.); 16 cm. ISBN 0-7232- Staunen, Wissen) 160 p.: col. ill.; 34 cm. ISBN 1667-3 GBP 1.95 (N 11. The New Flag. 0880295619 Observer’s Series) Sidney: Collins Australia, 1989. Grote geillustreerde vlaggengids. The New Observer’s Book of 63 p.: col. ill.; 29 cm ISBN 0- Helmond: Uitgeverij Helmond, Flags. 7322-0059-8 AUD 16.95 (Collins c1990. 136 p.; 23 x 23 cm ISBN [London]: Warne, 1986. 190 p.: Eyewitness Guides) 90-252-9290-9 NLG 49.50 ill. (some col.); 16 cm ISBN 0- Flag. Guida illustrata alle Bandiere. 7232-1667-3 GBP 2.95 (N 11. London: Dorling Kindersley, Milano: Vallardi, 1991. 136 p.: New Observer’s Series) 1989. 63 p.: col. ill.; 29 cm. col. ill.; 23 cm The Observer’s book of flags. ISBN 0-86318-370-0 GBP 6.95 Kennst du diese Flaggen. London: Warne, 1979. 190 p.: Flag. - Reprinted. Ravensburg: Otto Maier Verlag, col. ill., coats of arms; 15 cm London: Dorling Kindersley, 1981. 59 p.: ill. (chiefly col.) ISBN 0-7232-1598-7 GBP 1.25 1990. 63, [1] p.: col. ill.; 29 cm ISBN 3-473-38692-8 DEM 5.80 (No 29. Series) ISBN 0-86318-370-0 GBP 7.99 (Band 692. Ravensburger The World of Flags. Flag. Taschenbücher) Skokie, IL.: Rand Mc Nally, Kobenhavn: Host, c1990. 63, [1] Le bandiere. 1994. 46 p.: col. ill.; 31 cm ISBN p.: col. ill.; 29 cm ISBN 87-14- Novara: Istituto Geografico De 0-528-83720-6 USD 12.95 29040-5 (Host viden) Agostini, 1990. 64 p.: col. ill.; 29 The World of Flags. Flag. - 1st American ed. cm ISBN 88-402-0791-0 ITL Hemel Hempstead (Herts.): New York (N.Y.): Knopf, 1989. 63 19.500 Simon & Schuster Young Books, p.: col. ill.; 29 cm ISBN 0-394- Observer’s Book of Flags. 1994. 46 p.: col. ill.; 30.5 cm 92255-7, 0-394-92255-7 USD [London]: Frederick Warne, ISBN 0-7500-1496-2 GBP 8.99 12.95, USD 13.99 (Eyewitness 1988. 190 p.: col. ill.; 15 cm The World of Flags. Books) ISBN 0-7232-1667-3 GBP 3.95 London: Studio Editions, 1990. Flag. Observer’s Book of Flags. - 5th 160 p.: ill. (some col.); 34 cm. Toronto: Stoddart, 1989. 63 p.: ed. ISBN 1-85170-426-4 GBP 9.95 col. ill.; 29 cm. ISBN 0-7737- London: Warne, 1991. 190 p.: ill. The World’s Flags. 2330-7 CAD 15.95 (Eyewitness (some col.); 15 cm ISBN 0-7232- London: Brian Trodd, 1990. 94 Books) 3699-2 GBP 4.99 p.: ill.; 17 x 24 cm. ISBN 1- Flag. - 2nd ed. Pocket Guide to Flags. 85361-025-9 GBP 4.95 Don Mills, Ont.: Stoddart, 1993. [New York], Avenel, N.J.: Cres- The World’s Flags. 63 p.: col. ill; 29 cm ISBN 0- cent Books: distributed by New York: Mallard Press, 1990. 7737-2705-1 CAD 16.95 (Eye- Outlet Book Co., 1993, c1992. 94 p.: col. ill.; 17 x 24 cm. ISBN witness Books) 63 p.: ill. ISBN 0-517-08651-4 0-792-45073-6 Flag fra hele verden. Pocket Guide to Flags. Vlaggen. Holte: Flachs, 1995. 46 p.: col. London: Salamander Books, Antwerpen: Standaard, 1990. 63 ill.; 31 cm ISBN 87-7826-065-5 c1992. 64 p.: col. ill.; 20 cm p.: col. ill.; 29 cm ISBN 90-02- DKR 188.00 ISBN 0-85600-021-4 GBP 3.99 16654-0 BEF 395.00 Flagg. Spotter’s Guide to Flags. Vlaggen uit de hele wereld. [Oslo]: Cappelen, 1990. 63, [1] London: Usborne Publishing Lisse: Rebo productions, 1992. p.: col. ill.; 29 cm ISBN 82-02- Ltd., 1980. 64 p.: ISBN 0-86020- 160 p.: ill.; 34 cm ISBN 90-366- 12657-6 NOK 169.00 (Fakta i 421-9, 0-86020-422-7 GBP 0743-4 naerbilde) 0.99, GBP 1.99 The Times (London), June 7, 1997 WILLIAM GEORGE CRAMPTON William Crampton, vexillolo- community. At a meeting held In 1985, at the 11th of the gist, died on June 4 aged 61. in London by Smith in 1967, biennial international con- He was born on May 5, 1936. Crampton met many other flag- gresses, Crampton was Asked when he first became lovers, including Captain Ed- awarded a diploma by the So- interested in flags, William ward Barraclough, the then viet Flag Society, and in 1991 Crampton replied that this was editor of the standard British he was given the International like asking when he first reference book, Flags of the Association’s “Vexillon,” for started breathing. He began World. excellence in the promotion of his research as a schoolboy, This meeting gave a boost to vexillology. Two years later he when he realised that some of Crampton’s activities. He soon was elected president of the the flags in his atlas were out became the most active mem- International Federation, an of date, and his love of the ber of the flag section of the office he held until his death. subject led to the foundation Heraldry Society, editing its Crampton was called upon of the Flag Institute and to a newsletter, which later became by film-makers, and advised presence on the Internet. Flagmaster. In 1971, he and on historically authentic flags As founder and director of Barraclough launched the Flag for The Mission (1986), Tai- the Flag Institute, he was Institute, which maintains and Pan (1986) and The Madness Britain’s foremost authority, distributes up-to-date infor- of King George (1994). He was and was consulted by publish- mation about national flags also invited to create a number ers, librarians, newspapers, and emblems throughout the of new flags, including that for television and film-makers.
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