CENSUS OF INDIA, 1971 SERIES 19 TAMIL NADU PART X-B DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK Village and TOWDWise Primary Census Abstract THANJAVUR Volume I K. CHOCKALINGAM of the Indian Administrative Service DIRECTOR OF CENSUS OPERATIONS, TAMIL NADU AND PONDICHERRY. 1972 Es. 15-00 CONTENTS Pages Preface (v)-(vii) Figures at a glance (ix)-(x) District Primary Census Abstract 1- 9 1. Sirkali Talnk ViUagewise Primary Census Abstract 11- 29 Urban Blockwise Primary CeD'SUS Abstr lC~ 30- 44 2. Mayuram Talnk ViHagewise Primary Census Abstral,j( 45- 77 Urban Blockwise Primary CenslUs Abstraet 78-123 3. Kombakonam Talok Villagewise Primary Census Abstract 125-157 Urban Blockwise Primary Census Abstract 158-219 4. Nanuilam Talnk Villagewise Primary Census Abstract 221-264 5. Papanasam Talnk Villagewise Primary Census Abs(rac~ 265-297 Urban Blockwise Primary Censu~ Abstra..;t 298-320 6. Tbanjavnr Taluk Villagewise Primary Census Abstract 321-355 Urban Blockwise Primary Census Abstract 356-421 7. Oratbanad Talnk Villagewise Primary Censu~ Abstract 423-451 Urban Blockwise Primary Census Abstract 452-456 MAPS District Map of Tbanjavur Frontispiece Taluk Maps 1. Sirkali Facing 12 2. Mayuram Facing 46 3. Kumbakonam Facing 126 4. Nannilam Facing 222 5. Papanasam Facing 266 6. Thanjavur Facing 322 7. Orathanad Facing 424 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It is my pleasant duty to acknowkdgc the able assistance given by the folloWIng {)fficers and staff of my office in the preparation of this volume. 1. Sri V. Arumugam, Deputy Director of Census Operations 2. Sri M. K. Subramanian. Asst. Director of Census Operations (Tech.) 3. Sri M. Panchapakesan, Investigator 4. Sri R. Narayanan, Tabulation Officer 5. Sri V. V. Manohar. Senior Technical Assistant 6. Sri S. EthlTaj, Statistical Assistant 7. Sf} M. Jayaraman. Statistical Assistant l'). Sri G. Winston Paul Samuel. Computor 9. Sri R. Thirunavukkarasu. " 10. Sri S. Vivekalingam, " 11. Sri M. B. Arumugam, " }2. Sn R. Arumugam, " 13. Sri M. Rajasekaran, Asst. CompIler 14. Sri A. Rajamani, Draughtsman 15. Sn N. Chandran, , , K. CHOCKALINGAN, Director of C ensus Operat~s. PREFAOE GENERAL The District Censub Handbook for each District contaimng all basic details of population for all villages and towns in the District along with other administrative ~tatistic~. was first brought out by Census Organisation in 1951 and was published by the State Government. The contento; of the Handbook was improved upon during 1961 Census. and was found to be useful as a reference book for research scholars, State and Central Governments, Local Bodies and Private Institutions. Dudng 1971 Census also. it was decided to improve the contents of the District Cen'>us Handbook further :md continue this useful publication by the State GO\ crnment. As a consequence, the Di~trict Cen~us Handbook of 1971 CCTl~US is being published in three volumes viz., Part A-Village and Town Directory, Part B-Village and Townwise Primary Census Abstract and Part C-Analytical Report and Administrative Statements and District Censu!'. Tables. The present vol ume viz., Pan B. gives Village and Urban Blockwise Primary Censu!> Abstract which il> similar to the information contained in V iUage and Town Directory published in 1961. PRESENTATION OJ:' STATISTICS FOR REVENUE VILLAGEjPANCHAYAT The Primary Censu~ Abstnld, as it is caned, pre!-.cl1t::. data for each village or segment of a village in the .• Villagewise Primary Census Abstract" and for each ., Enumerator Block" of a Town in the "Urban Blockwise Primary Census Abstract ". The data are given by sex and industrial categories of workers besides non-workers. In the case of towns, the total figures for each ward and the town total are also given at the end of the concerned Enumerator Block figures. In the 1961 Census Handbook, lhe data for rural areas were presented for each Panchayat while figures were presented for villages alone wherever these were not comtituted into a separate Panchayat. With a view to ensure comparability and to enable data users to derive the figures either for a Revenue village or Panchavat '{ccording to their requirements, the data are now presented for ~egments of villages also wherever portions of one village happen to form part of two or more Panchayats. For example, if portion:. of a revenue village bearing L. C. No. 12 forms part of two Panchayat!>, the figures are given separately for each portion of the village against L. C. No. 12 aJb and bib. The total figures for the entire revenue village may be ,)btained by adding the figures given against both the segments viz., 12 alb and 12 bib. If instead, the Pancbayat figures are required, the cross references for the other segment of the Panchayat, if any, printed in the Appendix to the Vlliagewise Primary Ccnsu,> Abstract may be taken note of and the figures for concerned Location Code number" ,ldded to arrive at the total figures for the respective Panchayats. ([,HANGES IN THE INDUSTRIAL CATEGORIES, 1961-'71 The Industrial categories of workers for which the data are presented m this V0htme are· I Cultivators II Agricultur~l Labourers HI Live<;tock, Forestry, fl<;hing, Hunting &; Plant.itlon'-., Orchard ... and Allied activitie,> (vi) IV Mining and Quarrying V Manufacturing, Processing. Servicing and Repairs (a) Household Industry (b) Other than Household Industry VI Constructicn VlI Trade and Commerce VIII Transport, Storage and Communications and IX Other S~f\'ices. In this table, the departure from 1961 Census Table is in respect of assigning a separate category to Mining and Quarrying, i.e. category IV as against a combined category of Mining. Quarrying. Livestock. Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and Plantations, Orchards and Allied activities in 1961. The 1961 category IV-Household Industry is now included in category V -Manufacturing. Processing, Servicing and Repairs­ treating it as a sub-category. [V (a)]. At the 1961 Census, .. Household Industry" covered establishments falling under Divisions " 0 " and " I ., of the National Industrial Classification e.g. Cattle rearing, Orchard keeping, Plantations etc., apart from Divisions "2" and "3 ". At the i971 Census, Household Indu<;try is confined to Divisions '2' and • 3' only i. e., it covers Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing or Repairing services only. MODE OF PRESENTATION The consolidated figure<; for the district and each taluk are given in the beginning for Total, Rural anJ Urban areas llnder the caption' District Primary Census Abstract '. An alphabetical list of revenue villages is then given along with the Census Location Code Numbers of 1971 anJ I Y61 to enable c,.)mparison. Then the Villagewise Primary Cenc;us Abstract is printed. In the aprendix given at the end of the Villagewise Primary Census Abstract. the Panchayats consisting of pOl tions or whole of 2 or more revenue villages are furnished with nec.essary cross-references of Location Code numbers, so as to enable collection of data for Panchayats. Then follows the Urban Blockwise Primary Census Abstract. In the appendix to the Urban Blockwise Primary Census A.bstract. the details of the number of House Numbering Ward,'Block and the name and numbers of streets as well as the door numbers which constitute each Enumerator Block are given. This arrangement is followed for each taluk and independent sub-tal Ilk in the district. MAPS Apart from the District Map given as frontispiece, • map relating to each taluk showing details of Revenue Village numbers along with their boundaries are also printed and appended at the appropriate places As compared with the maps presented in 1961 District Census Handbook several improvements have been effected in the maps presented in this volume. 1 he depiction of revenue village boundaries in the maps is a notable change in 1971 Census. All towns are shown in the District and Taluk maps with shading screens and also spheres according to the population size of towns. AREA FIGURES In the Dlstrict Primary Census Abstract, the area figures are given in Square Kilometres for TotaL Rural and Urban area.;;. In the Villagewise Primary Census (vii) Abstract, the area figures for each Location Code Unit are given m Hectares. The area figure for each -town is also given at the end of the Urban B10ckwise Primary Census Abstract in Square Kilometres. In the District Primary Census Abstract, the area figures of the District Total represent the "Geographical Area" figures supplied by the Surveyor-General. Figures for Urban areas are those supplie1 by the Local Bodies. The Urban area of a district has been arrived by adding the urban area figures of eacf, taluk within the district. Area figures for the rural areas of District/Taluk are derived by subtracting the urban area figures from the total alea of the District/Taluk. I he total of the area figures of the taluks will not tally wi.th the district figure<; b~causc the taluk area figures represent the • land u:.e' area and are derived f(om the figures supplied by the Tamil Nadu Directorate of Survey ,1l1d Land Records, while those of the district represent "Geographical Area" supplied by the Surveyor-General of India. The total of the village areas given in the Villagewise Primary Census Abstract may not tally with the rural area of the taluk given in the District Primary Census Abstract as the taluk area figures take into account hills, forel>ts, flvers, etc., wherea~ the village area may not include the same, For conversion, the ratIO is 10) Hectares= I Sq. K m. URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS During 1971 Census, a ne\\- conc~pt called "Urban Agglomeration" has been introduced. It is COll1mOn knowledge that in several places, around a core CJty or a statutory Town, there is sub-urban growth comisting of railway and other residential colonies, university campuses, port area", industrial areas, etc., and these areas are sometimes outside the statutory limits of the core City or Town.
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