RAPID COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICAL REVIEW B 66, 041201͑R͒͑2002͒ First-order pressure-induced polyamorphism in germanium Murat Durandurdu and D. A. Drabold Department of Physics and Astronomy, Condensed Matter and Surface Science Program, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701 ͑Received 11 March 2002; published 16 July 2002͒ We report on the pressure-induced phase transition in amorphous Germanium (a-Ge͒ using an ab initio constant pressure-relaxation simulation. a-Ge exhibits a first-order polyamorphic phase transition at 12.75 GPa with a discontinuous volume change of ϳ19%. The transition pressure is also calculated from the Gibbs free-energy curves, and it is found that the transition occurs at 5.2 GPa in agreement, with the experimental result of 6 GPa. The pressure-induced delocalization of electronic and vibrational states is obtained. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.66.041201 PACS number͑s͒: 64.70.Kb, 61.43.Ϫj, 71.30.ϩh Some disordered materials show an unusual response to sure, the model is equilibrated and relaxed with a local- ͑ ͒ applied pressure. H2O Ref. 1 undergoes a first-order phase orbital first-principles quantum molecular-dynamic method change from a low-density amorphous phase to a high- of Sankey and Niklewski.11 The energy difference between density amorphous ͑HDA͒ phase. The existence of such mul- diamond and the amorphous structure is found to be 150 tiple disordered phases is termed ‘‘polyamorphism.’’ A simi- meV/atom in agreement with 120 meV/atom from a heat 12,13 lar transition to that of H2O was reported in amorphous crystallization measurement. This Hamiltonian was ap- silicon (a-Si͒,2 and in SiO .3,4 The general problem of dis- plied to study a first-order amorphous to amorphous phase 2 2 order to disorder phase transitions in tetrahedrally bonded change in silicon, a continuous amorphous to amorphous 14 ! ! materials is little explored with theoretical methods because phase transformation in GeSe2, ZB Cmcm Imm2 tran- 15 of the challenge of constructing realistic models and the lack sitions in GaAs, and a diamond to simple hexagonal phase 2 of the good empirical potentials. transition in silicon. Pressure is applied via the method of 16 Experiment has shown that amorphous germanium Parrinello-Rahman, and it is increased in increments of 2 (a-Ge͒ undergoes a transition to a metallic amorphous phase GPa up to 12 GPa, after which an increment of 0.25 GPa is with a sharp drop in resistivity and the optical gap at room carried out in order to accurately estimate the transition pres- temperature around 6 GPa,5 and it appears that this transition sure. Dynamical quenching at zero temperature under con- was first order. Minomura6 reported that a-Ge transforms to a stant pressure is performed to fully relax the system accord- disordered -Sn structure at 6–7 GPa. An amorphous to ing to the criterion that the maximum force is smaller than -Sn phase transition with a 5% volume drop is seen at 0.01 eV/Å. We use ⌫-point sampling for the supercells’ room temperature near 6 GPa in an x-ray diffraction study.7 Brillouin-zone integration, which is reasonable for a 216- 3 However, the amorphous sample contains some crystalline atom model. A fictitious cell mass of 16ϫ10 amu was grains, and with the application of pressure the crystalline found to be suitable for these simulations. parts undergo a phase change to -Sn ͑only 25% of the As a preliminary, we perform a simulation for crystalline amorphous structure transforms to -Sn͒ while the other Ge (c-Ge͒. At 22–24 GPa the diamond structure transforms parts still remain amorphous, a ‘‘partial structural into a -Sn structure in excellent agreement with experi- 7 ϪSn diamond transition.’’ On the other hand, no phase transition was ob- ments. The computed transition volume (Vt /V )of served up to 8.9 GPa in an EXAFS analysis of a-Ge.8 These the -Sn is 0.65 and the axial ratio, c/a, is 0.52 at 24 GPa. studies indicate that the different types of high-pressure Both values, however, are less than the experimental results structures can form ͑amorphous or crystal͒ depending on the of 0.69 and 0.551 ͑Ref. 17͒, respectively. We calculate the sample preparation and loading condition.7,8 bulk modulus ͑B͒ and its pressure derivative (BЈ) of dia- In a theoretical investigation using the Tersoff potential, a mond and -Sn structure using the Birch-Murnaghan equa- gradual amorphous to amorphous phase transformation was tion of state18 and find Bϭ80 GPa and BЈϭ5.19 for dia- obtained.9 In the same study, however, a free-energy calcu- mond, which are consistent with the experimental values for lation predicts a first-order amorphous to amorphous phase diamond of Bϭ77 GPa and BЈϭ4.6,19 and Bϭ89 GPa and transition in a-Ge.9 It is also argued that the HDA phase of BЈϭ3.5 for -Sn structure, in agreement with Bϭ86 GPa a-Ge is similar to liquid-Ge (l-Ge͒. reported in a theoretical calculation using the local-density Despite extensive experimental studies and one theoreti- approximation with a nonlinear core-valence interaction.20 cal analysis, several issues concerning a-Ge under pressure The details of this simulation will be discussed elsewhere. remain: ͑1͒ What are the microscopic changes in the struc- In the rest of the paper, we will concentrate on the amor- ture which occur with the application of pressure? ͑2͒ Is the phous structure. The pressure-volume curve of a-Ge is given transition is first order? ͑3͒ Is the transition reversible? ͑4͒ in Fig. 1. The volume changes smoothly up to 12.75 GPa, What is the nature of insulator-metal transition? In this paper, and at this pressure an abrupt decline of the volume is seen, we perform accurate ab initio simulations of the response of indicating a first-order phase transition. The volume drops a-Ge to pressure and give unambiguous answers to the issues about 19%, which is close to the value of 19.2% obtained in reviewed above. diamond to -Sn transformation of c-Ge.17 a-Ge transforms The model used here is generated using an improved ver- from a low-density amorphous phase to a metallic HDA sion of the Wooten-Winer-Weaire algorithm.10 At zero pres- phase in agreement with the experiment,5 but the predicted 0163-1829/2002/66͑4͒/041201͑4͒/$20.0066 041201-1 ©2002 The American Physical Society RAPID COMMUNICATIONS MURAT DURANDURDU AND D. A. DRABOLD PHYSICAL REVIEW B 66, 041201͑R͒͑2002͒ FIG. 1. ͑a͒ The pressure dependence of the normalized volume of a-Ge. ͑b͒ The Gibbs free energy of the amorphous and the HDA phase. transition pressure is larger than that of the experiment. The FIG. 2. ͑a͒ The real-space pair distribution function. ͑b͒ The large value of the critical pressure compared to experiments bond-angle distribution function on compression and decompres- is commonly seen in constant pressure simulations and can sion. be attributed to the kinetics because of the short time scale of the simulation and finite size of the simulation cell. In order Upon the pressure release, the height of the peaks at 60° and to obtain an equilibrium critical pressure, we calculate the ϭ ϩ 90° is reversed, and a relatively similar bond-angle distribu- Gibbs free energy (G Etot PV) at zero temperature for tion function to that of l-Ge is formed even though the den- a-Ge and the HDA phase of Ge. The Gibbs free-energy curve sity of the high-pressure phase is larger than that of l-Ge. The of these phases crosses about 5.2 GPa, which is consistent peak at 60° represents a more closed packed structure with with the experimental value of 6 GPa.5 This polyamorphic 1,21 2 typical metallic bonding. Upon decompression, the structure phase transition is similar to that of H2O, a-Si, and 3 gradually changes from a more closed packed structure to an SiO2. open structure with some tetrahedral bonding. Zero-pressure samples upon decompression are mostly 5,7 The high pressure properties of a-Ge are given in Table I. amorphous structure with some crystalline fragments and Pressure yields shortened bond lengths and narrowed bond the sample is denser than the initial amorphous structure be- 7 angles up to the transition at which point the average bond cause of a 5% volume drop at transition pressure. We find angle drops to 98.81° which is intermediate between the tet- ͑ ͒ that the path on pressure release is not reversed Fig. 1 , and rahedral and octahedral values of 109.5° and 90° respec- the obtained structure remains amorphous. The structure is tively, and the average bond length increases to 2.63 Å. The found to be 18% denser than the initial amorphous structure average coordination from the first minimum of the pair dis- indicating an irreversible amorphous to amorphous phase 1,21 2 3 tribution function within a critical cutoff radius Rc transition as in H2O, a-Si, and SiO2. ϭ3.01 Å is ϳ8 and is quite sensitive to choice of the cutoff The pair distribution function is given in Fig. 2. The po- radius. Upon pressure release, the average bond angle and sitions of the peaks shift gradually to shorter distances, indi- bond length exhibit a small change, whereas the average co- cating tighter packing of the network, up to the transition pressure at which the first peak shifts abruptly to a larger distance with a broadened distribution and decreased inten- TABLE I. Structural properties of a-Ge on compression: aver- age bond length ͑ABL͒, average bond angle ͑ABA͒, width of bond- sity while the third peak continues to move to a shorter dis- ͑ ͒ tance with a slightly pronounced intensity.
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