Printed-in the Spirit of the Mid-Town Journal and Dedicated to Being the . .! Collective Conscience of Urban Renewal and Eminent Domain in the City of Boston. ; VOLUME 21, NO. 2 June 2005 James Campana, Editor/Publisher 0 Email: j.i:[email protected] 0 (617) 628-2479 J Camp Gannett Reunion ·Museum dedicated to "The Lost Neighborhood" by Jonathan Schwab Date: Saturday, Ju!le 18, 2005 Memories of joy and suffering have inspired four former West ; Time: 9:00-a.m. to 5:00 p.m. l Enders to put together a museum ! Place: Gamp Gannett to preserve what could be left of 174 Lakeview St., Sharon, MA the neighborhood's history-the Admission: Free forgotten land. Please Come Picnic The four men, along with other and Relive Your members of the historical associa­ Camping Days on tion they belong to, are working I Lake Massapoag with Councilor Michael P. Ross r' of District 8 to share what one f film, "The Lost Neighborhood," I describes as a fantastic place to ' live-before urban renewal in the 1950s and 1960s, that is. The museum Is located at 150 .- Staniford St., part of the West End 't Place, a circular building that has ' 183 mixed income residential j units and five commercial units, (1-r) Arthur and Paul Joltki greet visitors to the,West End Mu- seum on Tuesdays and Fridays. including an architect's office and a physical therapy facility. from the old neighborhood and Dorchester' and Arthur Venditti of In its heyday, the West End news of support to preserve its Wilmingt9n. Together, and with was home to a mixture of immi- history. The newsletter, begun in about a dozen others, they make grants and Am~rican citizoos. Of- the mid-1980s, also welcomes let­ up The West End Historical As­ ten described in books as "a bus- ters, announcements of _reunions sociation and the Old West End Directions: Take Rt. 93 (S.E. Expressway) or Rt. 2 toRt. 128. Take 1-95 tling neighborhood,"·it is one of and other events and photographs Housing Corporation (OWEHC). j­ South (Providence)- Third exit from "128" is Exit 10 (Marked Coney j the oldest neighborhoods in Bos- stretching back to the early 20th Joltki points out how the group Street, Sharon/Walpole). Takt: a left to Sharon Center. Cross busy intersec­ tion and take immediate right after the intersection. Pass the high school. ton. In fact, as co-founder James -_ century. started and how it came upon es- When you come to the Lake Massapoag there is a rotary. Go half way Campano,the side of Beacon Hill The other founders are Paul tablishing the museum. · around the rotary and bear to the right. Keep on the lake side (follow the that goes uphill from Cambridge Joltki of Malden, Joe Peterkin of Continued on page 10 lake). Bear right after the Sharon Community Center gate. Take a right on Street was originally part of the Morse St. (small side street). Continue on Morse St. about one quarter mile West End. : ahd take a right onto Lakeview St. (about 100ft.). You will see the Camp The museum's four founders, ! Gannett sign on the right Gust before you reach the lake). Distance: 29 who have known each other since miles (S.E. X-Way) or 36 miles (Rt. 2). growing up in the West End, were - 5AVE THE DATE - able to keep in touch over the years, with periodic droughts in Sunday, September 25, 2005 I Mass 11:30 AM contact. I All four men are in their mid- I St. Joseph's Parish welcomes back former West Enders _i Celebrant Rev_ Gabriel Troy. Pastor - 60s and retired, though one­ As in the past, Mass intentions will be for living and deceased Campano (known as Jimmy to I West Enders_ Plans are underway for a reception to follow. Vin his friends) of Somerville-runs - . and Theresa Raso will chair the reception _More news to follow a newsletter, The West Ender. In it one can find different tales at a later date / 1 If you haven't renewed your subscription to m e We!it QI:nber, now's the time- $10 Per Year ~be West <!Enber • P.O. BOX 440~413 I' SOMERVILLE, MA02144 (617) 628-2479 . ! PAGE2 ~be West Qfnber JUNE2005 West End Museum donations Letters submitted If you are a West Ender and your name is not on the West End Museum's donation list-it should be. Fill out to newspapers the donation form below and drop it in the mail. Letter ran in Boston Herald, March 29, 2005 SUPER PIDLANTHROPIST - $3,000 Malcom Zimmerman Theodore Kocyk When Boston demolished the Mary Lyons or more $50 West End, it destroyed all of the SUPPORTER- Josephine Maranto Frank Privitera S. James Alberino signs, plaques and tributes dedi­ Virginia Melito SILVER PIDLANTHROPIST - $2,000 Santo Aurelio cated to West End veterans. The JoanMihach or more Francis Cartolano Sgt. Louis Klaman sign ("A sign Gerry Moscaritolo Bruce Guarino Irene· Collyer - In memory ofher of the ·times," March 26) was the Christopher Nikolla PHILANTHROPIST- $1,000 deceased parent!i only one that survived. It survived Rose Parisi Sean Jackman-In honor ofhis Mother Salvatore CoQdelli because it was on Cambridge Adelle Bomstein Pechet and Father Jim And Claire Jackman Joe DiFazio Street, which was not destroyed Anthony Sarno BENEFACTOR- $500 Josephine Zizzo Dzygala- In loving with the rest of the West End. Now ­ Cannella Scott . John DeMarco m_emory ofparent s Rose & Joe Zizzo they are trying to get rid of the Ms. Molly Ship Paul Joltki Mrs. Helen Feeney last vestiges of our neighborhood. Frank & Margaret Spinale Gloria Fernandez Our veterans died in World War I SPONSOR - $250 SandraS tein Elizabeth & Dick Fitzgerald World War II and in Korea. It is a Kevin McGrath Carl & Betty Tedder Edward Fitzgerald shame that their supreme sacrifice · Leonard Nimoy Lois & Richard Testa Herbert Gans should be ignored by Boston and Dorothea (Koresky) Pastore Peter K. Toli Laurence Goodman its new residents. Eleanor Venezia PATRON- $100 Theresa lmbomone Every Veterans Day and Me Lucy Venezia James (Jay) Almeida Joe & Barbara (White)Indelicato morial Day, the media says we Gloria Welch JoeAnnello Agnes lwanow should not forget our war dead Mary E. Wright Beth & Marshall Arkin Tom MacDonald then they ignore our situation Corinne Zeman - In memory ofher Louis & Laura Caccia Barbara Ruchames - Boston should remedy this situa mother Rosalie Warren AI & Anna Cohen - Patron in 2004 & 2005 Mary Ann Russo - In memory ofher tion but is too busy trying to forget Bernard Condelli _ parents Bernard & Francesca Bettinelli OTHER what it did to the old West End. John Cucinotta - Patron in 2004 & 2005 Vincent J. Russo Pearl Brodsky . -Jim Campano Tony DeMarco Mr. Vincent Saraceno Gertrude Botrnan Somerville Joe DeSantis Mark Skiffington Loraine Carvalho· Letter submitted to Bostori · Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Franchina Richard Settipane _Leo S. Cipriano Globe, but-has not been run Arthur Geller Dorothy and Leonard S11denfield Irene Collyer I am extremely glad the city is Conrad Geller Bill & Carolyn Wood John Corso going -to honor deceased veterans Alan Gropman Nadine Zdanovich Kathleen Daloisio from the oid West End. But I would Joe Leece Catherine Flammia ·like to correct afew points about the John Locatelli - In memory ofhis FRIEND- $25 Alfred Ferrara article (''Memorial WISh," April 30 brother Lee Beth and Marshall Arkin r , Lillian Kawa - In memory ofher husband 2005). It was stated in the article that William MacAuley Richard Bradford EdwardKawa Ninq Arria Richard Cassaro the City of Boston and the develop­ Joseph J. Matara George MacNeil Salvatore (Terry) Castro ers had no Idea who the veterans JimNoe • Cheryl Marcorelle · Cecelia Delessio from the West End were and that Dorothy Pastore Ann Minichiello Carol Downs Barrett came up with the names after JohnRaso ' Gail P. Minichello & seeing my letter in the paper. Both Vincent Raso Mr. Mrs. Gandolfi Eileen Morrill· June M. Getchell the city and Rappaport have known City Councilor Mike Ross Angelo Noe Florence Gillman about this issue for at least 15 years Judge Santo Ruma · James O'Keeffe Agnes Iwanow The city may have lost their list but l:. william sharrio Dino Papadakis , the developers had it and were sitting Spina & Delia Families Joe & Patrica Jackman DinoPapas on it as they were the ones who ~oti William Tomczyk Edwin Kaufman Myer Sherman fied the city. I have been advocating · ' Robert Vatalaro Cecelia A. Kelly r Lillian Spero for it in my newsletter for at least 15 Michelle Turner years. it only jogged the powers to ~ ' The West End Museum will open on a limited part time basis on William Hume Vance i be memories when it reached the Tuesdays and Fridays from 12 to 6 P.M. It will be open only John Vatalaro public forum. As far as I know the Eleanor Venezia r for drop-in, research and for scheduled lectures. Continued on page II 'I 'r , m:be West <fnber - II wish to donate to Th~ West End Museum to hasten its progress so the st~ry ofthe West End will ~ be _I t : P.O. BOX 440-413 • SOMERVILLE, MA02144 I forgotten. Send donatwns to: PO Box 8996, Boston, MA 02II4 _ · I TEL. 617-628-2479 1 S~per Philanthropist $3,000+ Name 1 I Staff r 1 Silver Philanthropist $2,000+ I Editor .... ~ ...•...•.•....•••.•....•....•....•...• JAMES CAMPANO Address 1 r 1Philanthropist $1,000 Co-Founder ..•....•....•.....•............. ~YMOND J. PAPA i 1 Benefactor $500 City I I . All letters, 'articles and photos submitted to this publication r • · become the property of The West Ender. 1 Sponsor $250 I Ir , Jim Campano is the only person authorized to accept 1 Patron $100 StatE~/Zip I memorabilia for The West Ender.
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