A358 Taunton to Southfields Dualling Scheme Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping Report - Volume 1: Main Report HE551508-ARP-EGN-ZZ-RP-LE-000001 23/03/21 A358 Taunton to Southfields Dualling Scheme | HE551508 Highways England Table of contents Pages 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Purpose of the report 1 1.2 Overview of the proposed scheme 2 1.3 Legislative context and the need for environmental impact assessment 3 1.4 Planning policy context 3 2 The proposed scheme 5 2.1 Need for the proposed scheme 5 2.2 Proposed Scheme objectives 6 2.3 Proposed Scheme location 7 2.4 Proposed scheme description 10 2.5 Construction 18 3 Assessment of alternatives 21 3.1 Assessment methodology 21 3.2 Stages 0 and 1 options appraised 22 3.3 Stage 2 Further assessment of selected options 24 4 Consultation 32 4.1 Consultation undertaken to date 32 4.2 Proposed consultation 33 5 Environmental assessment methodology 35 5.1 Approach to aspects of EIA regulations 35 5.2 Surveys and predictive techniques and methods 39 5.3 General assessment assumptions and limitations 41 5.4 Mitigation and enhancement 41 5.5 Significance criteria 42 5.6 Cumulative effects 43 5.7 Supporting assessments 44 5.8 Environmental Statement 45 6 Air quality 47 6.1 NPSNN requirements 47 6.2 Study area 48 6.3 Baseline conditions 49 6.4 Potential impacts 52 6.5 Design, mitigation and enhancement measures 54 6.6 Description of the likely significant effects 54 6.7 Assessment methodology 56 6.8 Assessment assumptions and limitations 62 A358 Taunton to Southfields Dualling Scheme | HE551508 Highways England 7 Cultural heritage 64 7.1 NPSNN requirements 64 7.2 Study area 64 7.3 Baseline conditions 65 7.4 Potential impacts 68 7.5 Design, mitigation and enhancement measures 68 7.6 Description of the likely significant effects 69 7.7 Assessment methodology 69 7.8 Assessment assumptions and limitations 73 8 Landscape 75 8.1 NPSNN requirements 75 8.2 Study area 77 8.3 Baseline conditions 77 8.4 Potential impacts 86 8.5 Design, mitigation and enhancement measures 89 8.6 Description of the likely significant effects 91 8.7 Assessment methodology 92 8.8 Assessment assumptions and limitations 98 9 Biodiversity 99 9.1 NPSNN requirements 99 9.2 Study area 99 9.3 Baseline conditions 101 9.4 Potential impacts 113 9.5 Design, mitigation and enhancement measures 123 9.6 Description of the likely significant effects 124 9.7 Assessment methodology 125 9.8 Assessment assumptions and limitations 127 10 Geology and soils 128 10.1 NPSNN requirements 128 10.2 Study Area 129 10.3 Baseline Conditions 129 10.4 Potential Impacts 137 10.5 Design, Mitigation and Enhancement Measures 140 10.6 Description of the likely significant effects 141 10.7 Assessment Methodology 141 10.8 Assessment Assumptions and Limitations 143 11 Material assets and waste 144 11.1 NPSNN requirements 144 11.2 Study area 144 A358 Taunton to Southfields Dualling Scheme | HE551508 Highways England 11.3 Baseline conditions 145 11.4 Potential impacts 155 11.5 Design, mitigation and enhancement measures 155 11.6 Description of the likely significant effects 157 11.7 Assessment methodology 158 11.8 Assessment assumptions and limitations 160 12 Noise and vibration 162 12.1 NPSNN requirements 162 12.2 Study area 163 12.3 Baseline conditions 164 12.4 Potential impacts 166 12.5 Design, mitigation and enhancement measures 168 12.6 Description of the likely significant effects 169 12.7 Assessment methodology 170 12.8 Assessment assumptions and limitations 175 13 Population and health 176 13.1 NPSNN requirements 176 13.2 Study area 176 13.3 Baseline conditions 178 13.4 Potential impacts 193 13.5 Design, mitigation and enhancement measures 199 13.6 Description of the likely significant effects 200 13.7 Assessment methodology 200 13.8 Assessment assumptions and limitations 202 14 Road drainage and the water environment 204 14.1 NPSNN requirements 204 14.2 Study area 205 14.3 Baseline conditions 206 14.4 Potential impacts 213 14.5 Design, mitigation and enhancement measures 214 14.6 Description of the likely significant effects 215 14.7 Assessment methodology 216 14.8 Assessment assumptions and limitations 219 15 Climate change 220 15.1 NPSNN requirements 220 15.2 Study area 221 15.3 Baseline conditions 221 15.4 Potential impacts 227 15.5 Design, mitigation and enhancement measures 231 A358 Taunton to Southfields Dualling Scheme | HE551508 Highways England 15.6 Description of the likely significant effects 233 15.7 Assessment methodology 234 15.8 Assessment assumptions and limitations 236 16 Assessment of cumulative effects 238 16.1 Introduction 238 16.2 Legislation, policy and guidance 238 16.3 Stakeholder engagement and consultation 239 16.4 Assessment methodology 240 17 Summary 247 Abbreviations List 250 Glossary 255 Appendices i Appendix A Transboundary screening matrix ii Appendix B Major accidents and disasters screening matrix vii Appendix C Species survey scope and methodology xliii Appendix D Detail of landfills within 500m of proposed scheme liv Appendix E Provisional Long List of other developments for Cumulative Effects Assessment lvi Table of Figures Graphic 11-1 Landfill Capacity in Somerset 2005-2019 154 Graphic 11-2 Landfill Capacity in the South West 2005-2019 154 Table of Tables Table 1-1 Structure of the EIA Scoping Report 1 Table 2-1 Junctions in the proposed scheme 11 Table 2-2 Indicative types of structures in the proposed scheme 12 Table 2-3 Treatment to local roads as part of the proposed scheme 13 Table 2-4 Proposed treatment to WCH Routes Part of the proposed scheme 15 Table 3-1 Important features to be included in the shortlist 22 Table 3-2 Final shortlisted options for Stage 1 assessment and reporting 24 Table 3-3 Potential effects from PCF 2 Stage 2 options 25 Table 3-4 Potential impacts from PCF 2 Stage 2 additional consultation options 28 Table 3-5 Economic, traffic and environmental assessment of PCF Stage 2 Pink Modified option 30 Table 4-1 Stakeholder workshops 32 Table 5-1 EIA environmental aspects and their location in the Scoping Report 35 Table 5-2 Assessing significance of potential effects 43 Table 5-3 Descriptions of the significance of effect categories 43 Table 6-1 Air quality objectives and limit values 48 Table 6-2 Diffusion tube results 50 Table 6-3 Defra projected background concentrations for the proposed scheme (2019) 52 Table 6-4 Guideline to number of properties constituting a significant effect 62 Table 7-1 Environmental value (sensitivity) and descriptions 71 A358 Taunton to Southfields Dualling Scheme | HE551508 Highways England Table 7-2 Magnitude of impact and typical descriptions 71 Table 7-3 Significance Matrix 72 Table 7-4 Assessment Criteria 72 Table 8-1 Visual receptor groups 83 Table 8-2 Landscape sensitivity 93 Table 8-3 Landscape magnitude 93 Table 8-4 Visual sensitivity 94 Table 8-5 Visual magnitude 95 Table 8-6 Significance categories and typical descriptions 95 Table 8-7 Significance matrix 96 Table 8-8 Visualisation types 1-4 97 Table 9-1 Ramsar and European sites within the study area 104 Table 9-2 Statutory designated sites within the study area 106 Table 9-3 Non-statutory designated sites within the study area 107 Table 9-4 Value of receptors in the study area for biodiversity 112 Table 9-5 Summary of impact, zones of influence and relevant ecological receptors 117 Table 9-6 Magnitude of impact and typical descriptions (from DMRB LA 108) 125 Table 9-7 Significance matrix – Biodiversity (from DMRB LA 108) 126 Table 10-1 Value (sensitivity) of receptors in the study area for geology and soils 134 Table 11-1 BGS descriptions for construction aggregates 146 Table 11-2 Aggregate sales and reserves in Somerset 2015 147 Table 11-3 Aggregate reserves in Devon for 2018 and 2027 147 Table 11-4 Waste breakdown by disposal route for Somerset and the South West in 2019 149 Table 11-5 Landfill inputs for Somerset and the South West in 2019 150 Table 11-6 C&D hazardous waste production for Somerset and the South West in 2019 150 Table 11-7 Landfill capacity for Somerset and the South West Region in 2019 150 Table 11-8 Waste management capacity for Somerset in 2011 151 Table 11-9 Landfill capacity for Somerset and the South West 2005-2019 152 Table 11-10 LA 110 Scoping questions and responses 158 Table 11-11 LA 110 Significance categories descriptions 159 Table 11-12 LA 110 Significance criteria 160 Table 12-1 Noise Important Areas 165 Table 12-2 Value of receptors in the study area for noise and vibration 166 Table 12-3 Construction time period LOAEL and SOAEL (ref. Table 3.12 of DMRB LA 111) 171 Table 12-4 Construction vibration 171 Table 12-5 Operational noise LOAELs and SOAELs 171 Table 12-6 Classification of magnitude of noise impacts 173 Table 12-7 NPSNN aims and associated actions 174 Table 13-1 Wards within the study area and usual resident population 179 Table 13-2 Age profiles for the total resident population (%), ONS for mid-2017 182 Table 13-3 Index of Multiple Deprivation Score and Income Deprivation Percentage, 2015 184 Table 13-4 Economic Activity, Inactivity and Unemployment (%), Census 2011 184 Table 13-5 Self rated general health (%), Census 2011 185 Table 13-6 Average life expectancy at birth, Public Health England 2013 - 2017 186 Table 13-7 Percentage of people who reported having a limiting long-term illness or disability, Census 2011.
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