- ‘A- T / » ♦ Mki FRBSS m m THE WEATHER AVERAGE DAILY OIBODLATION f i r e ^ of D. & WesCher lor Ite Montli ol November, 1980 Ba«tfw«' ‘' 5,572 Cloudy tonight 'Sunday fdl> Members of the Audit Bureau lowed ^'TBin Tfanisdaiy afternoon of Oroulattons. or Mght. yOE. XLV^ NO. 60. SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1930. PRICE im E E CENT9 ZULU, A LOOLOO AT SOVIET TREASON TRIAL TO ASK TOWN IN WOES THROES <9- Tells Court With a Snort of FOR $50,000 TO Pin Through His Nose—So Now, Tee! Heel! He’s Free! CREmWORK Los Angeles, Dec. 10.—(AP.) —^With rings on his fingers and rings on his nose, the Zulu is happy wherever he goes, but Selectmen Call Special Meet­ Wheeler J. Johnson’s content, if you please, with nothing to Senator McKellar Demands stop him in case he should Electric Fish Scares ing For December 17; sneeze. So he severed his mari­ tal ties yesterday, when the Apology From Chief Exec^ Have Several Projects In court heard his argument, stat­ ed this way; Fishermen at Boston “The study of African man­ ntiye For Saying ^Tolitics Mind To Employ Labor. ners and life engrosses the time and the thoughts of my wife. Boston, Dec. 10.—(AP)— The these waters. W. C. Schroder of the Are Being Played At the To this I have never objected,’’ dragger Vasco De Gamma of Glou­ department of fisheries said the Manchester will be asked to ap­ he said, “but I fear that the cester came into the fish pier today fishermen probably escaped a shock propriate $50,000 as an emergency subject has gone to her head. from Georges Banks with as because of their rubber boots. Expense of Human Mis­ strange a denison of the deep as unemployment relief fund at a For while deep in the study, en­ The ray, according to Schroder meshed in the throes, a hat-pin has been seen here in many a day. carries electric organism just be­ ery'’—Sen. W aper Says si>ecial town meeting called for Wed­ she recently stuck through my None of the old salts about the pier hind the- head, which has been found nesday night, December 17. The nose. could name it so the fish was taken in experiments sufficiently powerful Board of Selectmen voted to sisk for “ ‘You’re a Zulu,’ she cried, at over to the Museum of Compara­ to light a small bulb. It WiD Take Six Months To this appropriation sifter hearing a which rightly I’m vexed.’’ tive Zoology at Harvard. The crew The ray brought in today weigh­ committee from the town imemploy- “You’re divorce plea is grant­ of the Vasco De Gamma did not ed 78 pounds, measured 52 inches in ment commission consisting of ed,’’ the judge murmured, know it but they had been flirting length and 32 inches in width. It Put Road Funds In Use; Charles Ray, chairman, Stephen “next.” with a very severe electric shock was flat, resembling a flounder or Hale and Thomas Ferguson. The Death was the doom that Rushan I for the fish was identified as a tor- skate, but had an ordinary fish’s Selectmen will be asked that the Supreme Court judges decreed for j pedo ray, a very rare species in tail. Bingham Defends Hoover. sum be appropriated for unusual ex­ five of the eight engineers who were penditure in town work at the dis­ tried m Moscow for treason against cretion of the highway committee UVAL STANDS the Soviet regime. But the execu­ Washingrton, Dec. 10.—(A P )^ of the board. tion of the conspirators later was Democrats renewed their assault Want To Make Work commuted to ten years’ imprison­ upon President Hoover today for his The rmemployment committee ment by the Soviet Centrsd Elxecu- OVERPRODUaiON, ROOT went before the board with a speci­ W ITHTARDe tive Committee. The tribunal Judges demmeiation of non-administratlou fic proposition in mind, that of im­ are pictured above as they listened relief measures as toe emergeniry proving Middle Turnpike West. The to testimony in the trial which at­ OF FARMERS’ TROUBLES $110,000,000 appropriation for pub­ spokesman, Charles Ray made it D E S ^F O E S tracted world-wide attention. The lic works w^ted a final vote. ’ clear that the point the committee jurists are, left to right: IvSnov, a wanted to stress was that work Leningrad factory worker; Antanov- Chairman Jones, of toe appropria­ must be created. It was believed Saratovsky of the Supreme Court; Sec. Hyde Declares Tariff tion committee, sought immediate that the Middle Turnpike proposi­ French Senator To Form and Prof. Andrew Vishinsky. Pro­ ARREST OFHCERS action on toe construction bffl ap­ tion offered the greatest possibilities fessor Leonid Ramzin, at the left, for manual labor at this time of and Victor Larichev, at the right, Protection is Very Impor­ proved yesterday by toe House. year. However, the committee want­ Cabinet No Matter How both shown as they testified, were As debate continued, Senates Mc­ ed to see work started on some pro­ among the doomed men whose lives FOR BRIBE TAKING Kellar, Democrat, Tennessee, jump­ ject that would give employment to were spared. tant tn Balancing Ameri­ ed in to attack Mr. Hoover, demand­ the idle laborers and some trades­ Bitter Radical Socialists men here. ing an apology for yesterday’s:fiecla- Other Projects Protest; Financial Scandal can Crops Against Market Wolcott's Grand Juror and ration. The Selectmen thought that the In a prepared speech, .McKellar Middle Turnpike proposition would said toe Hoover statement'(fioargihg not give the town a proper return Boston, Dec. 10.—(AP)—An or- Two Constables Accused on its investment since it is quite Paris, Dec. 10— (AP) — Uneasi­ proponents of extin refief bills wdth possible that within a few years the ness and uncertainty as to what gani^tipn of farmers broad enough “playing politics at to© expense of may develop from investigation of state would be building a permanent to plan production and control mar­ of Accepting Hush Money. human misery” -was “unworthy (if highway through that artery. The the Oustric bank failure appeared keting, coupled with adequate tariff Selectnifen liave other projects in today to be influencing the course toe Cbi'ef Magistrate of this nation of events In the efforts of Senator protection, are the hope of agricul­ mind, it wjub pointed out, that vari­ Waterbury, Dec. 10.—(AP) — or of any- nation.” ous sections o f the town have been Pierre Lavsd to form a new Cabinet DISBUCF MERGE ture,. Arthur M,. Hyde,, secretary of Asks Apology seeking for many years euid it was However the Senator seemed | de­ BRIGHT DAYS ARE AHEAD agriculture, told the American Farm Wolcott is seething today with ex­ termined to form a govemme^ no citement and rumors because of toe “If he is worthy of his office, h^ their idea that these jobs should be Biureau Federation today. will apologize to toe Senate,” the done first. matter what happened. MEETING JAN. 14 arrest of three of its officers. Grand Emergency IbSsts Today he conttoued to stand by “TbV ro ^ ( d our Lroubles ovei- itiuror Osew' ‘Todd and C6hstafile» Temmsseeajx\^c(mtinued. “If he Js 'M' hlB “dd friend? Andre Tardieu de­ JSAYS INSULL IN pl^^ctic^” he asserted. “The job ,miwprthXK4lfr-?dJl.fi()t apologize.” Mr. Ray stressed the fact thst the Julius; C6Wles and John Fulgham. town appreciated what wao Leing spite .the opposition of the Raiflwd' - _ . ahead of us is two fold: to stop un- ’ -jHiere was no opposition to the Socialists. It Was not considered Todd" ii?d ‘ Fulgham are ''charged House appropriation, but toe Senate done by the Selectmen but sdso Ul ' TvChOOl^ ■ eeondmit' expansion to- new lands; to wito extortfoh whfif Staods pointed out that allevia&ig 'the likely that he would announce his trial oiir charges of breach of the raSto were still resentful of Mr. list of Cabinet members before to-^ Fmaimier Tells P hdad^^ ^ get unprofitable submarginal-' Hob-veris attaidc. The Demcx:rats present situation was a business peace. # man’s problem. An emergency exists morrow. out of crop production and by direct took toe occasion to belittle toe ef­ Here To Be Discussed h The charge involve $15 given by 4k and it is up to the town to meet it, The (iustric failure, and the Chamber of Commerce positive action on the part of farm­ fect of toe eme^ency bill. nunors of scandal which accom­ McKellar said it would do little Mr. Ray insisted. He said that at FASCISTS’ WAR CRY ers themselves, to regulate the (Conttamed Ob Page 2.) present 157 men and 18 women need panied it, are taking a prominent Seission At High School. good in toe near future. Senator work in Manchester. Of these 103 position in the political situation be­ That We Are In the Midst acreage in crops.” Walsh, Democrat, Massachusetts, are 'heads of families representing cause of accusations in the Radical In the balancing of American asserted toe funds were merely an about 463 people. Further, 53 are Socialist newspapers that Raoul against market demands, 'he appropriation that would have been urgently in need. Mr. Ray suggested Peret, the former minister of justice of a Test of Courage. Hitlers Slogan Shouted At ’The consolidation of the school “tariff protection is of funda- NEW HAVEN BANK made eventually, regardless of the that 100 men could be employed for in Tardieu’s diabinet, received regu­ i districts of Manchester will be dis­ mental importance xmemployment situation. 13 weeks at |20 per week at ordin­ lar pa3 unmts from the Oustric com­ cussed in public meeting at the High Funds As Needed Philadelphia, Dec.
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