World Federation of Chiropractic March 31, 2009 WFC QUARTERLY WORLD REPORT A REPORT FOR: I N S I D E WFC Member Associations President's Message .................................................1 WFC Associate Members 10th Biennial Congress—Montreal..........................3 WFC Council and Past Councillors Administration & Committees.................................5 WFC Research Council Public Health Committee Report ............................6 WFC Committees FICS Report..............................................................7 Regional Organizations: World Notes .............................................................9 APCDF, ECU, FLAQ Associate Members ..................................................11 ACC, FCER, FICS, WCCS PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE ments and planning for others – sia, where a new chiropractic including improvements in clini- school is being established at the cal training and a wide range of International Medical University. research projects. This initiative is in partnership with RMIT University of Mel- Two weeks before that I was at bourne, Australia, and is being the WFC’s 4th Annual Eastern led in Malaysia by Dr. Michael Mediterranean Region Seminar, Haneline, formerly of Palmer this year held in Dubai, United West, San Jose, California. Arab Emirates, February 27-28 and attended by 40 chiropractors Meanwhile, Dr. Molly Robinson representing 10 countries in the from Minnesota is three months region - Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, into her year as the first ever doc- Dear Friends and Colleagues: Lebanon, Libya, Qatar, Saudi tor of chiropractic working full- It is a privilege to serve as your Arabia, Syria, Turkey and the time for the World Health Or- President, and to have an oppor- United Arab Emirates (UAE). ganization at its headquarters in tunity to see how strongly and Immediately before that, WFC Geneva, Switzerland. This is pur- steadily our profession is growing Secretary-General, David Chap- suant to a contract between WHO throughout the world. You and I man-Smith and I were in Iran and the WFC, and is made possi- and the World Federation of Chi- hosted by the Iranian Chiroprac- ble by funding support from ropractic are embarked upon a tic Association, where we were NCMIC Insurance, Standard large and exciting journey. most impressed with the ad- Process and the National Board vancement and status of the pro- of Chiropractic Examiners. Molly Two weeks ago on your behalf I fession. (See World Notes). is working on many projects of attended the annual Association importance to the profession, At the same time WFC Council of Chiropractic Colleges – Re- from revisions of WHO’s ICD-10 members Dr. Dennis Richards of search Agenda Conference (ACC- Codes (e.g. broadening the codes Australia and Dr. Terrence Yap of RAC), this year held in Las Vegas for subluxation) to production Singapore represented the WFC from March 12-14. Over 400 of and editing of policy documents at the Asian Pacific Chiropractic the profession’s leaders in educa- in the field of manual health care. tion and research were there re- Doctors’ Federation annual as- porting many important develop- sembly in Kuala Lumpur, Malay- 1 There will be reports on these nal motion in chiropractic prac- many of you will remember and many other matters at the tice, Dr. David Eisenberg’s ex- from the last WFC Congress in WFC’s 10th Biennial Congress in planation of chiropractic ser- Portugal, will again be with us Montreal at the end of next vices at Harvard, and the pres- and there will be a further fund- month. Significant dates are: entations on full integration of raiser for her orphanage led by chiropractic services in the core Activator Methods and Dr. Ar- April 27-28: sports medicine team at the lan Fuhr. Vancouver Winter Olympics in Assembly of Members Thank you to our hosts at the 2010. April 29: Canadian Chiropractic Associa- VIPs now include the remark- tion for all their work and FICS Assembly and Sports able Chantal Petitclerc, the preparation for our visit to the Chiropractic Symposium wheelchair athlete who won four exciting city of Montreal – I look April 30 to May 2: track gold medals at the Beijing forward to seeing you there. Paralympics in record times and Yours sincerely, Main Conference was subsequently voted Can- I am confident you will agree ada’s overall Athlete of the Year that the program for our Con- 2008. Following a video Petit- gress is simply outstanding – clerc will speak at the opening whether your preference is clini- session of the Congress, includ- cal sciences, research, technique ing comment on her positive or philosophy and motivation. experience of chiropractic, and receive an award. I am particularly looking for- Efstathios Papadopoulos, DC ward to Dr. Alan Breen’s pres- The equally remarkable Sister President entation on a new, valid and Brigette Yengo of the Congo, the practical way of measuring spi- chiropractor and Catholic nun PREVIEW WFC’S10th BIENNIAL CONGRESS April 26—May 2, 2009 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Member national associations— have you completed your delegate forms and filed your country reports due March 31? Individuals — have you completed your registrations for the Con- gress, hosted by the Canadian Chiropractic Association and incorporating the WFC’s and FCER’s International Conference on Chiropractic Research and FICS’s Assembly and Symposium. Please note: ♦ In response to the economic times, and as is happening for many meetings, the registration fee is now being held at the early bird rate of CAN$495 (US$395) until April 27. ♦ All rooms at the Hilton Bonaventure Hotel have now been taken. However, there are still rooms at the Marriott Hotel—right next to the Hilton, and the second main Congress hotel. ♦ 18 hours CE credits for Canadian provinces, most US states and Europe—see website for details. ALL INFORMATION AND REGISTRATIONS — www.wfc.org/congress2009 Continued on next page ► 2 Here is a flowchart of main events, followed by comment on these Sunday April 26 WFC Council Meeting – 8:30 am to 6:00 pm Monday April 27 WFC Assembly — Day 1 – 8:30 am – 5:30 pm Evening Reception – 6:00 – 7:00 pm Tuesday April 28 WFC Assembly — Day 2 – 8:30 am – 5:30 pm FICS Commissions and ExCo Meetings – 8:30 – 5:30 pm Wednesday April 29 FICS Assembly and Symposium – 8:30 am – 6:00 pm Pre-Conference Seminars and meetings FCLB/WFC meeting: International Issues and Regulation - 2:00 — 6:-00 pm Welcome Reception and Registrations for Main Conference — 6:00 — 7:00 pm Sports Chiropractic Dinner to Honour Dr Tom Hyde - 7:00 — Thursday April 30 Conference — Day 1 – 8:30 am – 5:30 pm Associations/CEOs Meeting—2:00 — 5:-00 pm Friday, May 1 Conference – Day 2 – 8:30 am – 5:30 pm Women’s Leadership Forum – 3:45 – 6:30 pm Forum on Osteopathy: International Developments Relevant to Chiropractic: 6:00 — 7:30 pm Speakers’ Dinner Saturday, May 2 Conference – Day 3 – 8:30 am – 1:00 pm Afternoon Workshops Pre-Gala Cocktails - 7:00 pm— 7:30 pm Gala Banquet and Dance — 7:30 pm —12:00 midnight COUNCIL MEETING—APRIL 26. This is open to all members as observers—be there to see your Coun- cil and regional representatives at work. ASSEMBLY OF MEMBERS—APRIL 27-28. ♦ The two-day Assembly features 5 minute country reports from member associations, general busi- ness (policy, new memberships, financial and other reports, etc.) Special reports and keynote pres- entations. For the full agenda go to www.wfc.org/congress2009/Assembly. ♦ All WFC members, associate members and individual members are welcome to attend either as delegates or observers. ♦ Notice of delegates and a country report were due from member associations March 31—if not done yet, please complete and file without delay. For the Notice of Assembly and related documents go to www.wfc.org posted at members’ only site, or contact at Sarah Yabut at [email protected]. 3 ♦ Forum on Health Policy. Health policy experts addressing the Assembly on international develop- ments relevant to chiropractic include Bram Briggance, PhD, Health Policy Consultant, Alameda, Caliornia, Cheryl Hawk, DC PhD, Vice-President of Research, Cleveland College, Kansas City and Rick Branson, DC, who has a hospital-based private practice in Minneapolis, Minnesota. FICS ASSEMBLY AND SYMPOSIUM AND TOM HYDE SPORTS CHIROPRACTIC DINNER—APRIL 29 FICS has new statutes, a newly elected Council and an expanded and exciting agenda for 2009—be at the Assembly and Symposium to keep current with developments of importance for the whole profes- sion. Register at www.wfc.org/congress2009. In the evening there is a dinner to toast and roast sports chiropractic legend Dr. Tom Hyde of Miami—all information and tickets at www.fics-sport.org. FCLB/WFC MEETING—INTERNATONAL ISSUES AND REGULATION OF THE CHIROPRACTIC PROFESSION—APRIL 29—2:00—6:00 PM This meeting is open to representatives of regulatory bodies—both statutory (pursuant to legislation) and chiropractic associations—where there is no legislation. There is no registration fee. For more de- tails contact Sarah Yabut at [email protected]. MAIN CONFERENCE APRIL 30-MAY 2. Join over 1000 DCs from approximately 40 countries for a truly outstanding academic and social pro- gram—all details and registrations at www.wfc.org/congress2009. WOMEN’S LEADERSHIP FORUM—MAY 1—3:45—6:30 PM Many from both genders will want to attend this Friday afternoon and evening event, which is an inte- gral part of the Congress with no additional fee, generously sponsored by the Canadian Memorial Chi- ropractic College. Featured speakers are: ► Dr Stina Berg—Sweden ► Dr. Sira Borges—Brazil ► Dr. Elaine Dembe—Canada ► Ali Postles—New Zealand ► Sister Brigette Yengo—Congo FORUM ON OSTEOPATHY—INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS RELEVANT TO THE CHIROPRACTIC PROFESSION—MAY 1—6:: - 7:30 PM Osteopaths from France are building a new osteopathic profession in many countries, with part-time courses for MDs, PTs and others.
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