2014-2015 • Austin, Texas Dear Friends: on Finance, Natural Resources, Great challenges are pre- Transportation Funding, Higher sented to us. Great opportunities Education, Redistricting, Health are entrusted to our care. These and Human Services and Ad- inspiring words by the late Texas ministration. Gov. John Connally of Flores- In representing you in the ville are as true today as they Texas Senate, count on me not were in 1963 when he delivered simply to prepare, but, rather, his first inaugural address. to over-prepare. What’s more, My top priority as your state my commitment always is to senator is to address the oppor- cast every vote by balancing tunities and challenges that will the needs and interests of SD 21 shape the future for the families families with those of our great of SD 21. state. Blessed with bountiful natu- Senator Judith Zaffirini Because effective com- ral resources and unlimited hu- munication remains critical to man potential, our large, diverse our success, we will continue district stretches from the Rio My top priority is to address the to maintain our open door pol- Grande to the Colorado River. It icy and respond to every letter, includes borderlands and ranch- opportunities and challenges facing email and telephone call. Your lands, small towns and fast- Senate District 21 families. suggestions and feedback are growing cities and the major- important to me, which is why ity of the booming Eagle Ford Senator Judith Zaffirini Reports Shale. to the Families of District 21 More than 800,000 constitu- is not only an award-winning ents live in the district’s 18 coun- progress report, but also a call ties, namely, Bee, Caldwell, Du- for action and collaborative par- val, Jim Hogg, Karnes, La Salle, ticipation. Live Oak, McMullen, San Patri- In his 1963 speech Gov. cio, Starr, Webb, Wilson and Za- Connally issued another re- pata; and parts of Atascosa, Bex- minder that is relevant today: As ar, Guadalupe, Hays and Travis. we strive to realize the fullest Our shared priorities include EVEN YOUNG CONSTITUENTS like Viva Bonita Guillen of use of our natural resources in educational opportunities for all; Starr County can learn from Senator Zaffirini’s newsletter. Texas, let us strive with greater good jobs; safety and security; purpose to realize the highest transportation; wise stewardship of our natural resources; use of all our human resources. and health and human services, especially for the very young, My prayer is that the Lord will continue to guide our the very old and persons with disabilities. work and actions and inspire us to help all Texans realize Because of my committee assignments, I am uniquely their full potential. positioned to make a positive impact in these arenas. I am grateful to serve as Chair of the Government Organization Committee; Co-Chair of the Legislative Oversight Com- Judith Zaffirini mittee on Higher Education Governance, Excellence and State Senator, District 21 Transparency; and as a member of the Senate Committees www.zaffirini.senate.state.tx.us Mental Health Advocates Honor Senator Zaffirini Senator Judith Zaffirini’s decades est in mental health issues to volunteer mental health services for Texans, es- of advocacy in the mental health arena for organizations such as MHAT and to pecially in the community. Her mental have been inspired by her belief that advocate for persons with mental ill- health legislation has included bills pro- all Texans should have access to qual- nesses at the State Capitol and in their tecting patients at psychiatric hospitals ity mental health services. Recognizing communities. from abuse and neglect, facilitating her contributions to improving mental “Those who struggle daily with rapid access to mental health treatment health in Texas, Mental Health America mental illnesses depend on our contin- for persons in crisis and helping prevent of Texas (MHAT) honored the senator ued leadership and advocacy on their child relinquishment for the purpose of 1 2 3 with its second annual Mary Elizabeth behalf,” Senator Zaffirini said. “Our obtaining mental health services. COLLABORATION GETS RESULTS for Senator Judith Zaffirini and local leaders, including 1. Ena Peña, Celia Ruiz and Lorene Ruiz, Live Oak Holdsworth Butt Award. solutions must focus not only on diag- The Texas Department of Fam- County; 2. Luling ISD educator Barbara Cubit, Caldwell; and 3. County Commissioner Murray Swaim, McMullen. MHAT is the state’s premier ad- nosis, prevention and treatment, but es- ily and Protective Services currently vocacy organization concerning men- pecially on education.” is working with stakeholders to imple- tal health issues, and its mission is to A member of the Senate Finance ment the senator’s child relinquishment Texas Economy Strong, but Key Investments Needed promote mental health; prevent mental and Health and Human Services com- legislation and already has secured slots Buoyed by the robust development national economic downturn in 2011, ment to create two funds that will en- illnesses and addictions; and facilitate mittees, Senator Zaffirini was an ardent at state mental health facilities for chil- of the Eagle Ford Shale oil and gas play, the Texas unemployment rate was more able the completion of the projects in recovery through education, advocacy advocate for legislation and funding dren who need them. Texas’ economy is booming, and state than 8 percent—its recent worst. By the the state water plan. and services. that improve the lives of persons with As a member of the Senate Finance revenues now are available to address summer of 2014, however, it had recov- Similarly, in November, 2014, vot- Charles Butt, CEO of H-E-B, es- mental illnesses long before she was Committee, Senator Zaffirini has helped adequately the critical needs of our ered to a low of 5.1 percent, the best of ers will have the opportunity to approve tablished the award in 2012 in memory elected to the Texas Senate. secure $15 million for additional state state’s rapidly expanding population. any similarly sized state. a plan to divert some excess oil and gas and honor of his mother. She served on At the age of 22 the future senator hospital capacity and led the success- Texas’ vast supply of natural resources, Other economic statistics as of Au- tax revenue directly to the construction the Board of the Texas Department of was named to the Board of Directors for ful effort for the more than $248 million including oil, natural gas, timber, ura- gust, 2014, are equally positive. Single- and maintenance of our state highways. Mental Health and Mental Retardation the Texas Mental Health Association redesign and enhancement of the state’s nium and other minerals, and abundant family building permits increased by The plan is estimated to generate only (TDMHMR) when Senator Zaffirini, (MHAT’s precursor) and served as its mental health crisis services. In 2007 and inexpensive land long have served 12.2 percent from July, 2013, to July, $1.7 billion of the $5 billion per year then a graduate student, worked there as State Chair for Community Health Ser- she also helped secure $6.1 million for the state well. 2014, reflecting the large number of per- needed to maintain our current roadway an information specialist. vices and as State Co-Chair of Legis- Bexar County’s Detox/Mental Health “Now that the national economic sons moving to Texas and the growth of conditions, and the legislature will need “I am delighted to continue to cham- lative Action. She volunteered her time Project. downturn largely is behind us, Texas is our families. Similarly, Texas remains to appropriate additional funding for uniquely poised to continue its success- a top choice for businesses seeking to Texas’ transportation infrastructure. pion independent living and quality to lobby the Texas Legislature and to Her proudest moments include the th health services for persons with mental testify in support of community mental legislature’s appropriating $109.4 mil- ful growth, especially because of in- relocate and expand, and the value of When it returns for the 84 Leg- illnesses,” Senator Zaffirini said. “This health centers and independent living lion for enhanced adult crisis mental creased demand for the energy resourc- non-residential construction has ex- islative Session in January, 2015, the honor is especially meaningful because for persons with mental illnesses and health services in 2009 and her happi- es our state is so skilled at developing,” ploded, increasing by 204.4 percent in legislature also will need to address an it is named after Miss Mary, an inspiring intellectual disabilities. est include eliminating waiting lists for said Senator Judith Zaffirini, a member the same period. inadequate public education funding early leader for mental health. Over the Since 1987 she has won more than mental health services in 2013. of the Senate Finance and Natural Re- “This is great news for Texas, but system that was ruled unconstitutional. last 50 years, we have made tremendous 10 awards for her mental health advoca- “Our society has made significant sources committees. it is critical that the legislature seize the What’s more, health and human services progress in the mental health arena, but cy, including from the Depression and progress in addressing mental health, One of the greatest indicators of the opportunity to invest in infrastructure will need to be supported to ensure that there still is so much more to do.” Bipolar Support Alliance of Texas and but our state continues to lag behind strength of the Texas economy is the now to preserve our state’s ability to more Texans remain healthy, productive The inaugural recipients of the the Texas Alliance for the Mentally Ill. when it comes to funding,” Senator sales tax.
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