[ . ' · Soco'nd elm postaoo pold at Moaon, Michigan. P.o.• Box 226, Mooon, Mlchloon 4BB64 Tuesday, [\1,.· ~~~~~--~--------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-------------------------- 1 • fly ,In,• 'check his lists Hundreds of youngsters will be waiting in breathless "This generous offer on the part of the merchants anticipation for the arrival of Santa Claus in Mason this Saturday, ·and the volunteer labor force is a much appreciated endeavor which will allow the city to have all the Coming via helicopter, St. Nick will be landing on electrical improvements completed this year rather than the roof of the Ingham County News building at 222 W. only a port,ion of the work," William Bopf, . city Ash street. at I p.m. Here he will be greeted by administrator, said, · representatives of the Mason Merchants association and City employes are presently checking out the lights. escorted to a waiting Mason fire department truck. and condition of the decorations. They will be placed but Youngsters will then form a line behind Santa for not turned on until the electrical work is completed. the parade to his Mason headquarters at the Ingham Decorations include the $2,000 giant Santa county court house. Here in the lobby he will talk purchased last year which will be put up on the corner of with all children, young and old, making mental notes of each CIU'istmas request.· · (Continued on Pago A-16) "' * * TO MAKE THE WAIT for Santa worthwhile, all . youngsters will be given a pre-holiday treat. Santa's first visit will officially kick off the Clll'istmas shopping season in Mason. He will be touring the city each Saturday to Shepherd gets talk with youngsters until ClU'istmas. So kiddies, you better be good! ' This year Santa will be visiting with youngsters on Friday evenings too. He will be walking around the top spot on downtown business district during evening shopping hours. According to Warner Kean, president of the Merchants association, downtown businessmen will begin their lengthened CIU'istmas shopping hours on December .I development unit ,....•.;t-A ..... 1.. 15. From that day until Christmas Mason stores will be open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday. ... , ~ ;' ~ 1t '· Frank Shepherd, general manager of The Ingham I "1 ,'·.·~.,'~1 ~--.,. Adding to the Christmas spirit will be outdoor ~ .:..,'oil~'? County News, was named chairman of the Mason Area ' ·~ ~ . Cit holiday decorations. Fa~ some weeks now it has looked Economic Development committee Friday. 1 .,.....,.~~·· like the city of Mason would be without the use of its Shepherd will take over ' t\'~. Jt. • ... Christmas lights and decorations. Defective electrical the reins· from William Bopf, · . · I . It is stuff to get stuck in, tr make snowmen of, to roll into snowballs and throw. It is also stuff that wiring made the erection o6 the. decorations too existing chairman, who has lA~ creates a beauty of its own, each flake falling with a crystal-like pattern, And clumped o(l pines, it hazardous. resigned. Bopf will be leaving Sno .,. ..e combines with another element of nature to express another form of beauty, This picture by News This problem has been solved by the Merchants December 16 to accept a . Photographer Sally.Troutexpresses it•all bet~!· association . and an anonymous business. Through the position as city administrator mcrchnnts group; a private firm has dona ted ttc labor to of Holland, Michigan. comet the wiring problems. · The committee was Requesting a sptlcial meeting of the city council last ·formed this past year to help Thursday, merchants proposed that the city spend $1,500 promote the orderly from the budget to help cover the costs and the merchants development of Mason and Mason would supply the labor force to do the electrical work. postoHice geared surrounding areas for the *** betterment of the entire SUPERVISING THE job will be J.C. Greene, local community. electrician. He will apply for the improvement permit and ~ * ot< approve all work completed. SHEPHERD was for rush of Yule mailing co-organizer of the Industrial Development corporation of Christmas mailing is big business and Mason's post collapse spilling the contents allowi1ig postal employes to Santa's dropping in Shelby-Sterling Heights, Utica office is beginning to prepare itself for the onslaught. sort out what belongs to who~. Santa Claus will be dropping in at Kerr Hardware in area and was elected to the Last year during the holiday s~ason the. Mason offic.e On a parcel the address with zip code is to appear on Mason this year-literally. first board of directors. He handled approximately 228,0.00 P!e.ces of frrst class mall one side only of the package which is secured with a Santa will jump from a plane Saturday, Dec, 6, at 2 was also chairman of the Frank' Shepherd not countmg metered or permit ma1hngs. strong cord. Persons mailing parcels are asked to tie cord p.m., and will land behind the store at 222 S. Cedar to promotion committee and new memberships, While in ~o~!al ~mploye~; theme song these days as in years in secure knots and test the knot before putting the talk to children. Utica Shepherd also served on the board of directors of past IS Mml Early! On December 16, of last year the package in the mail. Free candy canes will be given to all children and a the Greater Utica Chamber of Commerce. out-going mail from Mason peaked, according to Richard * * * photographer will be available to take pictures of Santa "New industry is important to everyone, retailers, Ferri~, assistant post master, with the in-coming reaching "MANY OF THE parcels we receive at this office are and his young friends. schools, banks, professional people-and it will be our goal the highest volume on December 18 and 19, wrapped properly and wiU arrive at their destination Ivan Kerr, owner of Kerr Hardware, is particularly of 1970 to conduct an aggressive program for the * * * whole, but there are other packages that I wouldn't want suited to sponsor such an event. He was the 1969 development and acquisition of new industries coupled "STAMPED ONLY mail for 1968 peak holiday to carry across town," Ferris said. · Michigan state champion of ski diving in the novice with the encouragement and expansion of existing mailings reached 23,000 ln one day only," Ferris said. division. "We would appreciate it if persons mailing out-of-town (Continued on Page A-16) industries," the new chairman said. letters would do it the sooner the better." "We can only succeed if we have ·an active Expecting an increase in tlie Christmas mailings this membership and one of our first aims will be to build an year, the post office has ordered I 00,000 special issue active membership. Our main purpose will be to improve Christmas stamps. In the past the office has handled some the b·usiness climate. 60,000 stamps anct run out about two weeks before the "Taxation is always on everyone's mind and another holiday. one of our purposes is to improve the tax base by arriving . Ideal times to mail packages to overseas locations at the proper industrial, residential and business mix. have come and gone, but there is still time to get packages "Mason is ideally situated for expansion and through to servicemen if they are mailed via parcel air lift or air aggressive efforts by everyone we can improve. Bill Bopf mail. will be missed. He set an example of what good, sound, "Package volume this year appears to be somewhat aggressive leadership can do, Let's keep the momentum smaller and there is a chance that packages mailed regular going," Shepherd conclu~ed. mail will be received by servicemen in time for Christmas. but there is certainly no guarantee of this," Ferris explained. 20 apply for iob HOW CAN YOU help speed the mail to its destination? .. ..._, According to Ferris there are many simple little things that postal patrons can do which help employes in as city's top aide sorting and distributing the mail efficiently and safely, Response to Mason's request for a city administrator • First of all with packages, the contents must be has been very good. Following advertisements in . secure. within the box. It is always wise to list the items professional magazines, the city received approximately that .im ·included in the box in addition to the sender's · 20 applications for the job. name and the addressee's. This information sheet is then included in the package, which should its container William Bopf, existing city administrator, 'will be leaving this job to accept a similar one in Holland, Michigan on December 16. According to Bopf, applicants for the job appear to reform be well qualified and scattered all over the United States. Educational So far applications have been· received from men in Pennsylvania, Colorado, New York and many other states. bill topic of forum Members of the council met unofficially Tuesday night to review some· of the applicants and decide which ~ersons in the Mason area will have the opportunity of those they wanted to talk with personally. to rev1ew and learn about Governor Milliken's educational reform package now before the Legislature at a "The good response to the city's advertisement will Community Forum meeting scheduled for Dec, 3, - ',help to insure that the right man is hired for the job," · ' To be held at the Mason senior high school beginning 'Bopf said. at 8 p.m., the program will feature Terry Black, assistant to William A. Ryan, speaker of the House of Representatives, and a representative of the governor's staff.
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