VAUXHALL VICTOR Canada's Import Leader. THE ·DAILY. NEWS Terra Nova Motors Ltd. .. Vol. 67. No. 138 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1960 (Price. 7 Cents) Charles Hutton &Sons ·:·10S Give Giant Welcome To· President EisenhoWer '. '., POLIC·£ L-AUNCH' 1f MANHUNT. FOR 1,500,000 MURDER. -SUSPECT .*. Turn Out By MARVIN l. ARROWSMITH MANILA AP-A vast throng of wildly joyous Fili­ LEONARD EADE I pin:~s, sometimes surging out of police con~rol, gave ! President Eisenhower perhaps the biggest welcome of CHARGED WITH MURD-ER • his career Tuesdoy. Eisenhower, his persp1rmg face peppered with OF WOMAN IN TRUNK cc1fetti and gaily colored serpc:1tine streamers, rode Tono:-;To tt'P-Police Tu~·- firmed the v:omnn was twice llr· 10 miles through milling, cheering crowds. Hot da)· ni~ht l~unchccl n cross·Cun· · rested in that city on a mm·3ls weather only warmed up the welcome. It wos B5 and ~da manmu~o for a murder ,;u~· , chnr~e <mel for theft. but releas~d • humid. reel in the rlrath of ~h·s. ~Jar- ·on prollnlion. 1 inric Scott. the peroxide blonde ~Irs. Scott, whose maid~n, Official cstimntp, or the tUI'Il· it<• our n;J\ ir.ncll di'fC'Ill:~. You ;;re ,,·ho't' bod_,. 11 as shioped in a name was Sagar, was married :1s: 011\ r:111~cd I rum 1.0110.01111 lo :!_. not a :-;tr;:ni;:!Cr tn till' .. ,. multi~ 'nmk to Ar~r.ntia. :-;nd. a teen-ager to a Clement Scott.· OIKI.OIIII. .ill'! about CI'CI')OIIe itl tudes who tor!n~· (II'(• a<.:ciaimin;: Throu,:h R C ~I p fin~cql"inl He is beliclcd to have hanged I the ~it,· ·<mC: fo:· miles arounrl yo11. Ynu ha,·e madr la,tin)! rcrorcl,. the bodv wns irlt•ntifi•.•d himself in :-;ew ll'e>tminstel' in: IHillred into the 'tr<'et, for ~~~ af­ frif'ncl.~hip_..; <tmon~ them.·· Taesda)·. ~c' en ·days. nftc1· the IU5ll. fcclion~rle "II'~! r o 111 e home" In n·spOl!>l', J·:i'<'IIIHJwcr rlr­ crt~csonlc di't'OI·crv when •l1c .\ Toronto lundlad)'. who>c g:·~etln~ to f-:iq•nhuW{'!. w!w clorerl thill "no prUr rliffrn'lll·r' lrt~nk "as opened in the :\i'gea· identity hns not been discloser!,· onee Wil~ :-;tationcd here ClS :1 nt :my ki!lcl l'an rr('l' lf~ClJ' apm·t tin ex pre'~ oHicc. said ~Irs. Scott and a ::-lewfound. i minor arnw o~ficer. thp.;e l\ro ~real tountric~.·· .\lthou~h the c·au<e of dr~th land man liled in her home fro:nj P~EMIER SMALLWOOD RECEIVING SPANISH CONSUL AT RECEPTION IN HONOR OF MR. SIVAN A few ~ign~ postin~ rrilit·al t-:isenhowcr·s 2'o·dav 1 is it here !las ~n not established Tor- last September to December.; p · c: 11 d · h h lrarh< ma Jc harrllv a <lent in the begin.' ~ W·da\· f-"ilr Ea>lcrn lour onto polic~ issued a 11:arrant when they were el'icted for not- rem1er ... me woo receiving Capt. C. C. De Roc a, I e Spanish Consul and Mrs. DeRoche at a reception :zrnera\ ~u~r.t~·. "Wr drmanrl that could p1:orluce an cntire!v rhar~in:: 39·)· ear-old Lcon3•·d ·paying the rrnt. Their belongin~~-~.: given by the Newfoundland Government al the Old Colony Club in honour of Mr. Ron non Sivan, Charge Pconomie i 1: d e pemlcncc:· one different rert·plinn hcfurr ihe Eadc witlj murder and sou~ht ·.<he said. included a trnnk .iilll· • d'Affaires of the Israel Embassy in Ottowa. (1-r): The Hon. B. J. Abbott, Minister of Municipal Affa:rs and read in a rdcrnece to L'.S. con· pre>idPnl hc~ds home .June tt. help of provincial and RC~IP · ilar to tile one in which the hotly Supply, Mr. Ronnan Sivon, Premier Smallwood, Capt. C. C. DeRoche and Mrs. DeRoche. Mr. Bernard Levi',·z trol of much of the commerce There' i_, somr !rar the Chi­ ~quads in finding him. ~ was found. !1ere. 0 the r s <lskcd: ''l'nitcd in background. nr~e rommuni~ts nw~· time ~ ntll. IS TOROSTM Slates: .-\sin·, hr't friend'?" and IWW allack on the Qti~mo,- or ; ~ ;~- .._ A Toronto police spokrsm~n · s~:roso :\lAS Mr. Sivan came to Newfoundland for the dedication of the new Beth El Synagogue. as a Representative "\l'hy rloes Japan ~ct more )Iatsu i;lanrl< to coincide · u-i1'1 :' :;:. ·~ taid "there's a J:OOd chance he's · Tile landlady added that a sec-· of the Stole of Israel. He was born in Jeru•alem and is a 6th generation Israeli. Prior to h"1s present l'.S. aid than the Phlii;9'inc/' tile prrsi:h,1's li>it lo Formosa. ~till in Toronto.'' · onrl man had lJecn associated· • ·, '· :1 Such quc:-:tions were airc[ld.\· on On Sunclav Ei.~rnhower ~0(':" on - .. Depul~· Chief Geo1·::e Elliott. 'with ~Irs. Scott. who she said: diplomatic position, he was with Public />.dministrotion in Israel, when he was chosen by the President of Israel the prc.,irlcnrs a~rnrla in talk< to Oki,1;m·i1 :or till'ec hm1;·s. Som~ . .. ~. _;· ~aid all a\·ailable officers hn·:e . had been beaten nnd thrcalent'd • to be Head of Office. H, e first served in Los Angeles and from there was sent to Ottawa. with Philippine leaders. unfriendly clemomtralion' arc •;-- . j ' heen assi~nen to the sea1·ch !11r at gunpoint by him. On one oc·! __________ ---------------- ____ ______ _____ _ ___ _ _ _ _ __ _ : .. ~ :1 plmmcd. Eark'. also known as Ernest EtJc. casion !he ll1o men foug_ht in tbr j , ..• ~ 1 ' :\'OT .\ STRA:\'GER Late:· Sunda\· hr anir~s in To· I Philippine Pre>iden! C<n·lns P. kyo-lhc hi~ · qurstinn mark of ro~~~~~ca~~;\. o~a~heb:r~~:tr~~: ,_~~~r~~n·t~ ~~n~~lh~Q~c~~~~~ ll~r~_ Ban Public , Garcia said in grl.'eting Ei.-rn­ the whole trip. Lefti~ts in .Japan licP Com· mons 1 sinct C:-;R expressman TlJo-1 U•- · Fa' ces, · ~n Bel~cnlle, :.1~s. W1lh~m Pro-spect , hower: ha,·e sla;::rl numcrou.< demon· ma. Donovan pried open :h~ mnue, 4r. who smd she IS :.Irs.. c· • i "\\'c rcmcmh~·r you as the strations in a so far futile cffo:·t trunk last W!'ek. :Scott's sister. said she heard th:.t ·arousing <ll'lm· office•· who came to '" to fo•·ce cancellation of the prr~­ Polict de~ crib e d Eade ~~ • her sister was ill in Toronto• In \ray back ir JD:n to help organ- klent ·_, ,-bit. 2 Of L ~1imh· built. fh·r feet 5' inches 'i February. A incssage from a ong su s•tt • . \! 0 S C 0 W t,\p·~ - The tall. 'with brown hail' and eyes, I man, W~lh who~ Mrs. Scott had I I g :lfO.<COW citv council Ttlr>da\' ' machine-operator by trade. l1e been llvmg, sa1d he had come mm;e r n s banned public carousing. · 1 ha~ 51!\'tral t~ttoos on both ar!11s 1 home .. and "[ound her sick with, , , . In a sweeping ordinance ·Warns Of Danger 11nrl. a lo ~~ scar nn the left ~1dr ; do~e, · . 1 ~TTA\~A iCPl -With a re· S~P.:·IJorough to ~hoI i_ < h !he tmdcr which the railw~ys were aiP•crt nl elimin3ling thr (~II· of h1~ neck. 1 foronto pohce _.~,L~pect tile ~lcned air, lhe Common~ faced death penalty for nil cnmcs t'X· paid a 520.000.000 subsid'· 18 ;t Juries-old practice of drinJ;. Born in Delta. Ont.. he is a!· I' ~voman may hal'e died o! polsa~·l the prosfll;ct, Tuesday_ or lengthy ccpt wartime treason. yen.- to l'educc freight rates un,il in)! in the streets and at pub· ~~~ed to ha1·c lired with 3i·>·enr· .11~g. An nutopsy last week m 1 ~umme~ Slt~mgs to wmd up .ma· ~II'. Pearson put in a bid tor July 31, lie 'J>cctncles. the council e.<· old l!rs. scott for about 10 years. :'lew!ou~dland s~owed no out-: JOr le~1sla\iv~ . busine~s outhned gil·ing el'eryone who wanted to tohlished on-the . ;pot fines 1 To Press Freedo1n mo~tb· in Toronto. where he ms wa~d ~1gns or \'lole_nc~ . ..but ('X·' by Pr1m.e Mm1ster _Dlefcnbnker. ~peak a chauce to do so. ercn if Thr rate r e r1 u c t i 0 n ~~'"' for offenders. heen for al least the pn;t yelr. 1 ammahon_s arc contmum~ at ~~-e j. Mr. D1efenbaker hste~l sel'eral 1t me_ant no decision was reached ordered bv the Iloarrl of 'fran<- The ordinanrc also ordered B_v D.WID 0.\:\'CL\ local talent. The two are also hellered to) ~C~IP,crlme laboralory-m Sach· !mportant measu~es st!ll t~ be at th1_s se~><ion. Mr. Argue urged, pol·t Comlnissioncrs in line \li!h ,; ~,, ., and m'l.'ici:u.s to stay ranadian Press starr Writer ALWAYS PROBLE:\! 1 11 1 ~a,·e Jh·ed ir: Kingston. Ont. l'ille, :"\,8, . lmtroduced. lncl~dmg h1s bill_ or I that 1t come to a vote at this government policy not to permit off the streets between 11 LO:\DOX 1CP - Senator \\'. "Some of us are worried thJt Polic~ ~aid Ead~ disappearl'd I An nlternnhre poss1b1hty I~ rights.
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