Qlrmtral Htgli §>ritrtnl IStntrr mb ^ummrr I ^S THE CHIEFTAIN H|K C. H . S. 19 18 ®Jj? (EljUftatn VOLUME THREE 11918I • B .., Mxxakn$n (&t rttral 3Htg() ^rltonl Jn Ingaltg auli natrnittam tn mtr arlinnl ann tn mtr rntmtrj}, tn an mm?at ?ffnrt tn nnrtrag % aptrtt nf CH. 3ft. £>. ann tn aunnnri nur gnnrntmrmi tn tta nnltrjt nf thrift ann prnnnmg tltta ICtberitj dUttrfiattt ta nrrawtpn by tltp (Elaaa nf *1B I!' F^ B 3 lll'SI Honor Roll of Central High 1 •HARRY H1NTON 61 LLOYD ANDERSON 2 EDD DUNNIGAN 62 HAROLD PEMBERTON 3 HARDIN NELSON 63 FRED BORUM 4 GEORGE CAREY 64 ROBERT OLENTINE 5 BARON CREAGER 65 ROY FLEAK 6 HENRY NEWBAUER 66 THOMAS MARLIN 7 HORACE FOSTER 67 STRANDER NELSON 8 MARVIN CROOM 68 SPREWEL OWEN 9 KENNETH SHEPPARD 69 ALBERT PYLE HI HAROLD CARTWRIGHT 70 ROBERT ROBINSON 11 CLAUDE MOSS 71 HOWARD WOOLEY 12 RICHARD KELLO 72 EARL HARMON 13 LEONARD SAXON 73 BYRON KIPF 14 HERBERT WINCHELL 74 JERRY HARRISON 15 DIXON PADF1ELD 76 GARLAND JACKSON 16 RAY PARKER 76 JARRY EMMERT ••>•! 17 JULIAN BREWER 77 LEE CROOM 18 WILLIAM WELLS 78 HERBERT MILLER 13 PAUL McMASTER 79 FOREST BEBB 2ii JOHN HARRIS 80 RUSSELL STEELE 21 HUGH ASKEW 81 WILLIAM FRASHER 22 HARRY GIBSON 82 MURRAY TUCKER 23 DON PHELPS 83 ORLAND BRIDGMAN 24 ROYDEN SCHIEFELBEIN 84 PRATT WADE 25 GLEN SWANSON 85 JAMES BURCHALTER 26 BASCOM SMITH 86 FRED MURCHISON 27 WALTER TOWNER 87 HOMER BASSETT 28 JOE GREEN 88 CHAPMAN BARTLESON 29 DAMON DOUGLASS 89 FLOYD CRAFT 30 WILLIAM OLENTINE 90 TOM STERLING 31 SAM YANKEE 91 TOM SNEED 32 FRANK NEWCOMB 92 CARYLE KARGES :;:, JAMES JACKSON 93 CARL SCHLOSSER 34 HOWARD MORRIS 94 WILLIAM HACKLER 35 JAMES AUSTIN 96 REID WHITAKER 86 ALLEN BROWN 96 STEPHEN CORREY 37 PLEASANT PORTER 97 WESLEY HENRY 38 JOHN CANFIELD 98 MR. JEFFORDS 88 REX CRISWELL 99 HAROLD FRANCIS 10 RALPH ROBE 100 LLOYD CANNON 11 EDWIN LOCKARD 101 MOSELEY deGRAFFENRIED 42 FELIX CHAPMAN 102 HUBERT MCDONALD 43 CLARENCE VOGEL 103 HARROL VALENTINE 44 HENRY FIST 104 SHERMAN KIRKLAND 45 HOMER MONTGOMERY 106 CLARENCE McCOY 46 VIRGIL HINE 106 SHELDON VEALE 47 EDWARD BUDDRUSS 107 THEODORE HALL a WARREN WALKER 108 JOE CROOM 49 ROBERT ARBUCKLE 109 LEDYARD WALTON no JAMES HAIZLIP 110 GEORGE FRANCIS 51 WAIN HOLLINGSWORTH 111 MEREDITH HICKEY 62 FRANK KELLEY 112 ZACK ROSE 53 JOSEPH HOLT 113 EDISON KIPP U DAN MALONE 114 BERT VOGEL SB THURSTON HOLMES 115 PAUL PATTERSON 66 JAY ANDERSON 116 LACY deGRAFFENRIED 57 CHESTER HECKMAN 117 BETTY BOSTIC 88 DE MOSIER 118 CLARENCE NYE 59 C. C. McKINNEY, JR. 119 EARL SAMS 60 FRANK HAZLETT 120 ELLIS GARRETT •Deceased T 11 1. CHIEFTAIN C. H . S . 19 1 Board of Education H. M. CHESNUTT, President FRANK LEE, Vice-President E. C. MORTON OSCAR A. WELLS H. B. NELSON EDWIN S. MONBOE, PH. B., A. M., Superintendent of City Schools University of Indiana, Ph. B., A. M. University of Chicago ROY V. IIAXNUM, A. B. Principal Central High School University of Iowa, A. B. Columbia University F. V. MADDIN, Clerk E. D. CAVE, Truancy Officer E. F. BAKER Superintendent Buildings and Grounds THE CHIEFTAIN C. H. S. 19 18 FACULTY [minium KJ 5^ T 11 i: CHIEFTAIN C . H . S . 19 18 C. F. ANDERSON, A. B., English Southern Illinois State Normal University of Illinois, A. B. SUSIE K. BAKEB, English Kirksville (Mo.) State Normal Central Wesleyan College (Mo.) University of Chicago STELLA LEE BARTON, A. B., History University of Oklahoma University of Chicago J. B. BIANCHI, Spanish University of Missouri MAHION I). BBOWN,PhysicalCulture (dirts) New Haven School of Gymnastics MARY L. BRALY, Howe Economics University of Arkansas S. E. State Normal (Durant, Okla.) University of Chicago STELLA M. (^AKLAHAN, A. B., Librarian SpauldinK College (Muskopree), A. B. Cottey College (Nevada, Mo.) University of Missouri H. LEE COOKE, Physical Culture (Boys) Illinois State Normal (Bloomingrton) . [a] in iKlllllllllllM ml :'t M.\m M.CBAIQ, A. IL, B.S.,English University of Missouri, A. B., B. S. Columbia University (N. Y.) \Un\ L. GULP, History North 'iVxas State Normal (Denison, Tex.) Colorado State Teachers' College University of Chicago P. S. DAVIS. A. Ii., A. MM Mathematics and English University of Illinois, A. B. University of Kansas, A. M. -IIAMIA PINK, A. B., English University of Missouri, A. H. PBANCIS FlTE, A. B., French V;issar, A. H. P. L. PORDICE,A. B., A. M„ English Wabaab College, A. B., A. M. Colombia University University of Chicago PLORA FRAZIER, A. B., German IV l'juiw University, A. H. Indiana University ( !ORA PRAZIER, A. B., Latin De PMUW University! A. B. University of Chicago iSiiiiiiiiiJin *. ^_ a ; MRS, VIRGINIA B, GRESHAM, A. B., Art Columbia University (N. Y.) Carson-Newman College (Tenn.), A. B. ETTA HARLAN, A rt Texas State Normal Art Institute (Chicago) Columbia University (N. Y.) MINNIE E. HAYWORTH,A, B.yHome Economics & Indiana. State Normal Stout Institute, A. B. University of Denver MOSSIE HOLMES, A rf Chautauqua Art School (N. Y.) Colorado State Teachers' College VIOLET B. HOWELL, (Commercial Kansas City Business College BESSIE HUFF, A. B., English University of Kansas, A. B. MABEE MURLIN, Supervised Study Northeastern State Normal (Tahlequah, Okla.! JAMES A, PADGETT, Arithmetic and English Maryville College iTenn. I University of Oklahoma '••^. C. E. PAUL, Industrial I'olytechnic Institute (Peoria, 111.) EDITH PAYNE, B. S., Home Economics I'airmount College (Wichita, Kans.) Kansas State Agricultural College, B. S. B. GSACE PEAK, A. B., A. M., Science Qreenville College (Greenville, 111.) Kingfisher College, A. B., A. M. University of Chicago ('. II. PBAGEB, M. AOCT'S., Commercial Chillicothe i Mo. I Nornuil and Business College, M. Acct's. I IKI.KX PI I,K. A. B., History University at Oklahoma C. K. K'KH'I', A. M., Commercial Indiana University, A. M. Columbia University (N. Y.) K". M. RYDER, A. !->., Mathematics University of New York, A. B. Union Theological School (N. Y.) KENNETH SE BPPABD, Physical Training ^ i In the Service :i UTi;rH-i;;K'l'>unrininniuiiiiiUllLiimilnilulliaiimm jSBrfcimmM THE CHIEFTAIN w C. H. S. 19 18 II. I). SHIFFLETT, B. S.. Agriculture Oklahoma A. anil M. College, B. S. MINNIE E. STABB, Supervisor of Music Detroit Conservatory of Mvisic Thomas Normal Training School of Music (Detroit) Central State Normal School I Mich. I BETTIE STEPHENS, A. B., Mathematics University of Oklahoma, A. B. AILEES Si-Horn, Physical Culture (Girls) Warrensburg t Mo. j state Normal Palmer School ''t' Penmanship (Cedar Rapids) University of Chicago .1. E. SULLIVAN, A. B., Mathematics ('.Mitral Normal (Danville, Ind.) Indiana University, A. B. (JLIFFORD THORNS, I mlasf rial Northeastern State Normal (Tahlequah, Okla.) [ONE TURNER, Supervisor of Penman­ ship Whitewater (Wis.) Normal School Cedar Rapids ila.i Business College Evanston Summer School ( !ORA VANCE, History and Civics Warrensburg i Mo.) Normal University of Chicago ^ \^^^ [K]niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini[Sl IjSllllllllllillillllll GLADYS VANCE, Music Warrensliur.Lr I Mo. I State Normal FRANK E. VAN SLYKE, A. B., Principal of Junior High School University of Oklahoma MARY L. WHITE, A. B., Latin University of Illinois, A. B. University of Chicago (i.e. Wii.i.i.\MS, B.S.inC. B., 15. S., Science Cornell College lla.), B. S. in C. E., B. S. University of Illinois University of Chicago Mus. CMOGENE BEBBIMAN,Clerk Central High School MBS. I. T. BII.ES, Munat/cr Cafeteria GBACE M. MILI,EB, A. B., Commercial James Millikin University (III.) Indiana University, A. B. [Sjllllllllllll (SliliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilHJ ™lj|pmBa THE CHIEFTAIN C. H. S. 1 9 1 "Class '18" Just yestermorn beheld us forlorn, Timid Freshmen, groping our way O'er boulders of Latin and lessons with "math" in, And of light ahead — not a ray! As we look back o'er the less'ning track Imprinted by vanishing Time, I tender the palm as a Gilead balm To this falt'ring Freshman line. For we stood alone, not fully grown, In a land all strange and new. Then magic arose with our Sophom,ore clothes, Which we quickly, as Juniors, outgrew. Now, as Seniors grown, with a world our own We pause on the threshold here With a smiile in our eye and a tear close by And a joy just tinged with fear. We're starting again, with women and men, As Freshmen once more to fare, And we're leaving these walls for larger calls In the world of Do and Dare. Here we're put some stars on our flag of wars, And Mary, and Tom, and Gene Have worked without pause for our country's cause And the name of "Class '18." We've saved and knit, each doing his bit For our boys somewhere in France, And buried ourselves in libr'y shelves Our grades in class to advance. But we've toiled in vain and pleaded in pain, In the walls of C. H. S., If a sheepskin roll is the only toll We exact at the end of the test. So give us good will, as our places you fill; And write our names subject to call. We've not gone yet to the land of Forget Out there past Mem'ry Hall. So lend a hand to our trusty band, Ere Fate tread in between; Old ties, and tried, may yet decide The future of "Class '18." |H;IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII;,KI lUlllllllllllll •it llll Ilillllllllllll ,«; 'KlUIUIII ';;' BliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniilHl iB'uiiniir Senior Class Officers BERRY COTTON ..President CHANDLER NELSON Vice-President RUTH SWANSON Secretary GRACE HARPER. Treasurer a '•'• illllllllllllllllllllllli" r .; .milium Hi !!(iiiii:niiiiiii;miiiii> MMJamron THE CHIEFTAIN iiiiiiiiiiHSJ MYRTLE FISHER College Preparatory — Entre Nous '18; Y. W. C. A.
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