RACEWALKER voµng XVIILiW ~ coWMlIDs,oRm M# M SCULLY, LIERS41E:5TERFIELDCAPUTRE T1TU!S AT I(-' . ll'iaga.ra. Falls, July 17--Accottpinied by the roar of the Falls, Todd Scully and Susan Liers-Weeterfiel.d strode to victory In National Tl£ walk ing races today. Scully won the JO K1111n 2:28:45, good time ln aid-eummer heat and humJdity, and Liars-Westerfield took the 1.5 Ka in 1:11 :11. Master's titles went to Jack Boitano in 2 :56 ,4<>and G1oria Brown 1n 1,36 137 . An accompany ­ ing Junior 1.5 K111went to Andy Liles 1n 1:14:17 . Scully was challenged early in the race by Canada•s Francois La.Pointe . The two went through the first 5 Km 1n 22 :08, having a lready dr opped the rest of the field (Pete Timmons 2J•Jl , Steve Pecinovsky and Glenn Swea zey 24,<Xj. At 10 Ka, Scully led by only 4 seconds 1n 45,n, with Tiamons DO'lf 2½minutes back and Pecinovsky and Sweazey another .50s econds behind hill. Scully managed to open some distance over the next 5 lal, as be recorded 1:08:49 at 1.5. Ia.Pointe was now 18 seconds llack and droi:ped f'r o111the race at this point . Thtls Todd:onhis own, as Timlllons was nearly 4 11inute s back, with Pecino vsky and Sweazey closing ground on him. Collling into the picutre at this 'POint was veteran Ray Somers (just 1 year fro11 t he Masters ca tegory). who moved fro1111th to seventh between 10 and 15. By 20 Km, Timmons bad slowed appreciably and Pecinovsky- had hit the wall hard, so Sweazey was 11oving out on his own in second , but was now more taan 6 minutes lack of Scully's l:JJ•22, Mel McGinnis, moving stead ily throughout, now lay fourth behind Timmons, and although Somers had moved up another spot, he had been Je,ssed by Plartin Xraf't, who had been moving through with him, Scully was untroubled the rest of the way and had no need to push the piee . Marty Kraft continued his move, and was up to third by 25 Km, having opened nearly a 11inute on SOiiers, with Timmons still between them. However, that seemed to be a dying spurt, as he needed nearly 31 minute s t o cover his f"ina.l 5. Somers , covering the final 10 km faster than eith er of the leaders, finished a solid third, with Timmons calling it a day afte r 25 Ka. Don Winiecki caught ff.cCinnis on the final lap to take fifth. In the women's race, Sue L-W had things pretty much her own way throughout, with the expected challenge :froDI SUe Brodock never coming , Sue struggled through to ninth place. Detroit• e June i'lacDonald walked well to take second from HoI'IDaArnesen and Teresa Vaill. Results: • NYACJO Km: 1 . Todd Scully, Shore AC 2:28145 (22 08, 4.5:11, l s08:49, l:JJ :22, 1:59:36) 2. Glenn Sweazey, Canada 2:J5:0l (24 :oo; 48:9J, 1:1 3: .54, l :J9 :41, 2=o6:J8) J. Ray Somers, ?t!.Ac2:39,10 (26.0 1, }1:54 , 1 :17 :56 , 1: 44 :08, 2:11:2.3 ) 4 . Jiartin Kraft, Wolverine Pacers 2 :41 : 10 · (26 :20, .52:12 , 1 :17 :58, 1:43:45, 2 :10:27) 5. Don Winiecki, Niagara 2•41122 6. Mel McGinnis, un • •2 :41:48 7. Jerry Young, Team Kangaroos 2 145,2.3 8. Don Iawrence, 'lX 2 ;45 56 9. Steve Pecinovsky , 'l'K 2 1"8108 10. Martin ~bault , Camda 2 i48• 37 11. Ja1 BJen. PA~ 2 }'AGE HEIRINGSHOWS WELL IllTERHATlDNALLY The Ohio R:lcewa1ker (USPS JQ6-0,50) is published a1onthl,y in COlUflbus Ot.1* Subscription rate is $5.00 per year ($7.00 for First Class Mail). ' • Since his easy win in the National TAC 20 km in Knoxville, Jim Heiring Eiitor and Publisher : John E. (Jack) ~ortland . Address all correspca!­ had two excellent n.ces in dual T&F 111Betswith two of the world's l.eacilng ence regarding both editorial and subscription natters to1 Ohio llaoe­ walking powers. In Indiana.polis on July 3, he finished a close second to walker, J184 Summit St., Columbus, OH 4)202. Second-elass postage p1id Yevgeniy Yevsyukov, ranked fifth in the world the last 2 years and the wi.tlnar at Colum~, Ohio. R>STMASTERt Send address changes to the Ohio Ba4»­ of that Ber~n race . A week· later in East Germany, he just missed second walker 11:l'JSummit St. Columbus Ohio 4 02 . place, but 1.J11provedhis Indianapolis time. Green & Gold AC 2:49,31 12. Michael Runnelhart, C&C AC 2;49:51 lJ. Bob The Indianapolis race was walked in very hwllid conditions that took Falciola , Shore AC 2,5():44 14. Richard !'.ark Fenton Greater BostOb '1C their toll before the race aas finished. Joining Yevsyukov and Heiring on 2:.52.0J 15. Allen Price, Potomac Valley Sr. TC 2,;41o8 16. Steve Vaitomlat the starting line were Ray Sharp and Nikolai Matveyev. The four s~ed 1 Greater Boston TO 2155:20 17. Howard Jacobi.en , .East Side TC 2,5lt'J2 lS. sMllt!~~eiJ~ t~m~ ~~JR0ffle8.fti~~ '6~1YilJi thr~~ b_tc, Cary lforgan, Wolverine Pacers 2157:51 19. Paul Kalek, un. 2'.58124 20. Saa km in 42 :41. Sharp had 44 t 10. De Los Santos , Shore AC 2,58 :JJ 21. Sal CO:aallo, PVSTC2,59:44 22. Bob Plim, Shore AC J;OJ:40 2J, Bob Kitchen, PV'?SCJ:08155 24 . Willi.a.a Creeaaa, The race started to open up over the next lap and Jill couldn't quite liagara 3;09114 25. Paul Robertson, PVSTCJ =24:40 DHF: Mark Henders on Cata, match the pace of Ievsyukov, who finished 15 klll in 11041~1. At the same ifill Presschel, UCTC1David Talcott, Syr. Chzrgers; Pete Timmons NYAC; ti.me Matveyev was 5 seconds in arears of Jim's 1:04:J5 and appeared to be Da.ve Iaw::ence, Niagara; Max Gould, Can: Dan Stanek, N~; Rob~ S11eau17 s~gling, Indeed, that was the case as Heiring moved well clear of hill Can; and Francois IaPointe, Can. TealllS: 1. Shore AC (Scully, Falciola. ' over the last 5 lcJIand yielded ground only grudgingly to the strong, fluid 1 De Los Santos) 8:18 :02 2. Kangaroos (Young, Iawrence, Pecinovsky) 8119129 Yevsyukov. At the finish it was Yesyulcov 1 :26 42, Heiring ls27:05, and J. Green & Gold AC 8:54122 4. Poto!JlaC Valley Sr. 9:02:47 Matveyev 1:29:29. Sharp, once he lost contact, found the rest of the race l'a.sters1 1. Jack Boitano, NY Masters 2:56:40 2. Jacobse .n J. Tom Knatt a. real struggle and finished in 1137:02. He knew the early :i;ace was too 'l{ew ii:n&!andWalkers 2:591JJ 4. Corrallo, 5. Kiaa 6. Bob Timmons, un. ' much for hiJ, on this day, but in a. four-man race, -..hat do you do? Ray will, 3;~ :)9 7- Joel Holman, PVSTC J:20:00 8. Frank Soby, Motor City St.riders see much better days, as he demonstrated a 11eek later. J:20!53 9. Robertson 10. Don Johnson , Shore AC 3=J7 :06 DITT7itHugh YeOI.Wlll All we have on that race, held in Karl-1".arx Stadt, S.G. are the Clliton TC; Gould, Stanek. • results: 1. Werner Reyer, E.G. 1:24:25 2 . Michael Boenke, E.G. 1:26 11) lio:ien's TAC 15 Km: 1, Susan Liers-Westerfield, Island TC 1:18:11 2. JUDe J. Jim Heiring, USA 1 :26:1) 4. Ray Sharp, tJSA 1:29:49 !".ecDonald, M~tor City Striders 1122.56 J. Norm Arnesen, Shore AC 1:23:54 4. :'e:::-esa Vaill, Island TC l:24;4o 5. Debbie Spino , Kangaroos 1:25:10 6. One other International dua.l meet was held in Durham, ttC. with West Ca..""01Brown, Island TC 1:26:09 7, Joan Bender, Canada 1:26:30 8. Chris Germany, this one including a 10 Km walk. Todd Scully and l'larco Evnniuk Ande.--son, Liberty AC 1:26:49 9, Sue Brodock, SC RR 1:27:03 10, Ji!aooy Hollu4 represented the U.S . Can. 1:28:21 11. Nanci Sweazey, Can. 1:JO :J .5 12. Simone Pavlides, Island ' West Germany's Franz Joseph Weber took the early lead mider a blazing TC l :Jl:25 l'.3. Gloria Brown, Niaga.za l :J6:J7 14. Ernestine Yeoria.ns Cli:f'tcn sun, and was not to be beaded. ScuD.y slipped a'><ayfrom Evoniuk about hal:t TC 1:51:22 15. Ann Pascoe, Niagara 1:55:21 16. Mary Jane Mahnke, Niagara way through the race and inade some inroads on the Ge="s lead froll there 1:55:Jl Tealll: 1. Island TC 4:09100 2. Etobicoke Str iders 4:25:26 to the fin ish. But the margin was too great for Todd to pose any real •O!lleo.'s Plasters: 1. Glori.a Brown 2, Ernestine Yeomans threat and Weber finished an easy first. The results: Ju:uor 'wo.nens: 1. Simone Pavlides 2. Tracy Hebron, Isl.and TC· l1J7 :09 J. 1. Franz Josein Weber, W.G. 4J :51,l 2, Todd Scully, USA 44:20.5 J. Marco ~ia Sacco , Island TC 1:40 :06 4, Pascoe Evoniuk, USA 45:29,9 4.
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