m ;^H! ^^w^mmK^^^ to bring tba lanoe of 2B4T8 > ) I*08 annuul report of triment,!' will not to lorgotienor itbtm tbe arfMMaaeat and c-wmencefMnnt law* of peace and good order promptly into ac- Hope is too apt to tbeTreaaurerof the Western Show, which I WebJ^tnebottowrtobe,-- - - -' - - '- ins and nUbvtB system tltrougbont taw ion upon sucb wffl to W* before you in a few dnya, will fur-J With gMt wiuM**bm-*A rtsfcev i i1»uai>fe***Mn*«jlb* enleolnted fa witanl* exlansioB, when iline1 us to toe extant or Btrful nature of re­ ^ mote dangers, sad each oM,ba***d about fan niafa you with ample detail* of the receipts and ^ fthe law, then p****4 on then* subject*, Tbat r great fendn w* ban fpokan of avail expenditure, of the p*Jt year, and the probable ,, . lanan b*W b*j*»i effWted upon *v*a totter town*] Dome applicable thereto. own c^enie, and taking ewe of hi. indtodnal interests, becomes laeaswabrjr, or for the tisjc, revenue and expenditure* of tbe present. Mr. Hesml anbtBittod *a f***i*t**n •/'-i',<* * required by Ine law aotborlsing then*. naetad with tbeee subjects 1* the oonsjde- In compliance with the roquet* of the Gen*. Ordered that fire hondred copies: of the Et ' .. - TV* taksV sinking fund, created from the bonoa ^ tb* disposition to b* made by tho To- fortvtfal of the great stoke be holds in the gen­ eral welfare, and lea»e* it to be guarded and rol Assembly, we transmitted to Hi* Excellency, entire Mensago bo printed ^rbr tbe one of i Mit^V, asjeerved, be* been invested U bar own stocks rremnwnt of the public hind* of the U tbe Governor ol Virginia, a copy of Iho report hoove. •. ' £ » an anwwnt motv than ansVant, by it* own Surely tbe time ho*i ajrivad for doing preserved by others; and these feeling* actua- ling all, all alike Icaro the general good fo be of a special committee of tho last House of De­ Which WM read. tenlar accumulations, lo discharge tbe princi­ i to the original ttatci in thssifarticulsr. legates, ind of the rewlu.ion* with which it Mr. Ducket moved to amend Hid order, pal d*bt by tbe stipulated lime of payment. tmense revonoe derived from that source protected by others, while the lawless' and li- contious are permitted to go.forward in their conclude*, in relation to the Southern and Wes­ striking out tho words 'five hundred,' Tbe work* arot being prosecuted with a x»al, a [ only BO longer wanted by ibe federal go- tern boundary of this State, which were adop. ling in liou thereof'one thousand.' vigor, and a persevering intrlligunce which can­ .. Bsat, bat is actually burtbcDKxne to it. work of violence and destniclirw, in the most densely populated districts. ^A* calculated in ted and passed by Iho lost General Assembly, Determined in tho negative. not foil of success. Every stroke of the spade, Tbe*batioMl treasury ii lull to overflowing, and and we herewith submit for your consideration Tbo *aid order waa then rend tha naoond I U not now some measure to correct Ihis'ovll and bring in Ihe pick or the hummer seem* to devclopo new tb« qucftio* with that government the correspondence which has passjod between and adopted. how way* and mean* are lo bo rawed to meet aid of the obligations of public duty the more source* of wealth, to awaken new and livelier Governor Tazcwe.ll and as upon that subject. Tho bouse then adjourned. bupee lor the future, and to impart fn-sh vigor U id legitimate and necessary expenditures, readily perceived and more awakening motive* but it u, bow are they to gnl rid of superabun­ of private interests, wo recommend to your cc.i You will receive hart with Ihe annual report Bod activity to commercial and agricultural which hae »l*t. enterprise* *re dant revenue. Nothing would seem to fit the sidcration the propriety of passing a law render, pf the pirectors of tbe Penitentiary, Thursday, December rotnrnunity. Other and kindred Tho Speaker laid before the Haunt, either in progreai or eonU-mpl.ition m.-rarifoa occasion better, or to be more consonant with ing it obligatory upon Ihu Inhabitant* of each been sent to us it so Into a period, that we have direction* to connect with these and poor 'In'eir tho principles of equal juitico and thogeniuso county, city or incorporalcorarn, within which not been able lo give it an attentive, cxamlna- from tbc commissioner* of tb<r lax for tribute of wealth through these great, channels our institutions, thin tho distribution of these a mob or riot shall hereafter uke place, to ro. lion. The Institution being ope of great im- Gcorgv'is Worcester, and Frederick into our commercial emporium, and Maryland Undi, or Ihn rcYciiue Ihince arising, amon| numerate from their public purse all individua portoncc, the report w.;'l. of counc, claim and containing a summary list of all tbe Real cents now destined by three mean* lo reg.un all the several states, injuit and fair proper sufferers to the lull amount of their loss or in receive, your deliberate attention. Personal property in said counties). .. <jbe natural advantage* of ber loc.il situation, lion, for the purposes of education and in jury sustuined from such mob or riot; and we Il ii with regret thnt I bare to inform you of- Abo, A communication from the dern of ft ' nnd to advance in her snmrsjb to greutnciis with tcrnal imvrovenv-nii. II cannot be that Con would ulso respectfully suggest a careful revi the donlh of Captain Jacob Scnmuck, late of tbe House, containing a list of , the BQk, Re rapid and unfnulleriiifl Strides, No roasnnalile grues will hearken to the proposition once made of the criminal laws applicable to such United Slate* Army, to whom the lost General lions, and Report*, which originated in Ik duuo(,il*oen»*loii*, can now be entertained ol iho of ceding three lands gratuitously to Ihe stain* and th- piasnge of such new enactment* a* U Assembly had directed us to pre*cnt a *word House of Delegates, and were referred fronj t sufficiency of the s. curiiy even lo the Treasury within whose respective limits they lie. It can. your wisdom shall seem best calculated eflcctu with suitable dcvicis and ornaments, as a testi­ session of 1834, to tbe succeeding i uf the Blnto fur Ihi p.iymcnt, by Ibe euvcr.ilj not bo that tho ju-iior members of our political ally to insure iho punishment ol all similar ol mony uf the high sense entertained by his na­ Mr.-Wharton, presented peiition of Elii rorjvriralions, of lire iinnii il interest upon tne re family have so engrossed the affections of the fonder* in luturo. tive stole, of hi* distinguished and gnllant Mr- belli, sml Henry Kouko, and others, pnyingt spective loans, and still lem, with their bright, Federal bead a* thai the common parents of ^ Since Ihn adjournment of the late Legists vices to his country oh the north western fron­ passage of an act requiring Ihe Court of App* cned prospect*, of Iheir uliirrrlle ubilily, und both ore to bo discarded und forgotten, ll cap^ lure, the Country has oeen much and deeply a tier, during the Inlc w»r with Great Britain. lo reinstate a certain law cat* on tbe docket t thai nl no very distant diy, lo it-fund the prin not be that iho original stales will over palitfnt. gilalod b thi machination* ol sundry muguic We und. rstand Ihnt Csplnin Sclimuck has left aid court. I sums udv.tnccd. Il i» Ihe .ppropnolion of ly nibirul to such n ft grant violation of the prin- ed and wickedly dispneed cilitens, rcsidin widow nnd n dnuglif-r, his only child. Under Mr. Wharton, also presented a petition th'-*,' lucnt, wh n so refunded, lli.it Rive* tu thi* cipks of the original ccjmon, and tho dues of .chiefly in tho Northern and E-.sU.-rn Stales these circumstance*, it lias not been thought nc. I/eonard Householder, of Washington countjl ).,w it*, moil eitiinihlc nnd interesting featurr. equal jmlico. We recommend thin siibjocl to tho.Union, who, nxeoei.iting themsrlve* ceawiry to procure Iho sword directed by tbo lo- praying to be divorced from bit, wile Elk Grout and highly b.-n> iici.il ns Iho direct results your serious co^*"ffrvtio.i, -:*J +ou!<i i<.h|Jcci* certain unprincipled foreign emissaries, have jisiafurc lo be presented lo thai meritorious of- Householder. which will (low fmm the completion ol thr**1 full) «opprnt the propriety of presenting lo Cun. sought, and it is believed ore still seeking, by jcer, and mo rvspoctlully recommend an appro­ Mr. Tr*ckle, presented a memorial and peti.1 tujicndous work* muni br. j«.-i they arc short ol grcsa and the nation, iho view* entertained by every means within thi ir power, to destroy priation in mime form b> tier suited to Ihe pre- lion of sundry citizen* of Somerset counlvj tb McxMiig* lo b". dilfiiscd amongst our po*tori- this state upcn thu siibjrct, in nuch a IIIO<|L< as tho peace, hnppiness and security nl Iho cilixcn* nl condition and situation of Iho family of the praying Iho establishment of a Real Es ty by the repayment nnd faithful application, you may deem m«sl oVuirnblc anil npprnpri.ilc. of this and ol all our sister Stales in the South. dcccnsi d. Dink, according lo the provisions of the act, of Inn We herewith submit rrporln recently nceiv.
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