THE LONDON GAZETTE, JUNE 29, 1894. 3739 The County Courts Admiralty Jurisdiction Act, Edward Charles Dubois Phillips, Hargreaves- 1868. buildings, Chapel - street, Liverpool, Retired THE following is the List of Nautical Assessors Staff Commander, R.N. for the County Court of Lancashire, holden at William Quine, 22, the Willows, Everton, Liver- Liverpool, duly approved by the President of the pool, late Master Mariner. Admiralty Division of the High Court of Justice Godfrey Jpsiah Rudolf, 51, Fern-grove, Liver- on the 22nd day of June, 1894 :— pool, late Master Mariner. Charles Semple, 57, South Hill-road, Toxteth Henry Armstrong, 28, Chapel-street, Liverpool, Park, Liverpool, late Master Mariner. late Master Mariner. John E. Skillicorn, 36, Dale-street, Liverpool, John Tbrelfall Bragg, 3, India-buildings, Water- Engineer. street, Liverpool, Commander, R.N.U. Robert Thomson, 71, Green-lane, Stoneycroft, Henry Davison, Ismay, Imrie, and Co., 10, Liverpool, late Master Mariner. Water-street, Liverpool, late Master Mariner. James Selanders Warden, K>, Halstead - road, Thomas Durrant, Halton-buildings, Chapel-street, Seacombe, Special Pilot. Liverpool, Commander, R.N.R. Robert Wilson, 85, Durning-road, Liverpool, Edmund Miller Hughes, 74, Norwood-grove, Nautical Assessor to Board of Trade. Liverpool, late Master Mariner. Tho. Bellrinqer* ) ,, John Keay, 160, An field-road, Liverpool, late William Cooper,\ • Master Mariner. Arthur J. Maginnis, Central-buildings, North John-street, Liverpool, Marine Engineer and Surveyor. WE, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for Samuel No well, A23, P^xchange-buildings, Liver- England, acting in pursuance of the Act of the pool, Marine Surveyor, late Master Mariner. twenty-ninth and thirtieth years of Her Majesty, Andrew Pearson, A23, Exchange-buildings, Liver- chapter one hundred and eleven, section five, pool, Marine Surveyor, late Master Mariner. do hereby, subject as hereinafter mentioned, Edmund Riohard Peel, 8u, Rumford-place, Liver- grant to the Incumbent of the district chapelry pool, late Master Mariner. and benefice (hereinafter called the benefice) of Edward Charles Dubois Phillips, Hargreaves- Saint Saviour, Preston, Brighton, in the county buildings, Chapel-street, Liverpool, Retired of Sussex, and in the diocese of Chichester, and to Staff Commander, R.N. his successors, Incumbents of the same benefice, William Quine, 22, the Willows. Everton, Liver- one yearly sum or stipend of one hundred and pool, late Master Mariner. fifty pounds, such yearly sum or stipend to be Godfrey 'Josiah Rudolf, 51, Fern-grove, Liver- payable out of the. common fund under our pool, late Master Mariner. control, and to be calculated as from the first Charles Semple, 57, South Hill-road, Toxteth day of May, in the year one thousand eight Park, Liverpool, late Master Mariner. hundred and ninety-four, and to be receivable Robert Thomson, 71, Green-lane, Stoneyoroft, in equal half-yearly portions, on the first day of Liverpool, late Master Mariner. May and on the first day of November in each James Selanders Warden, 10, Halstead-road, and every year: Provided always, that if at any Seacombe, Special Pilot. time lands, tithes, or other hereditaments sufficient, Robert Wilson, 85, Durning-road, Liverpool, in our opinion, to produce the said yearly sum or Nautical Assessor to Board of Trade. stipend, or any part thereof, shall be annexed Tho. Bellringer,) -n . by us to the said benefice of Saint Saviour, William Cooper,\ Reg's*ars- Preston, Brighton, in substitution for such yearly sum or stipend, or for such part thereof, our liability for the payment of such yearly sum The County Courts Admiralty Jurisdiction or stipend, or of such part thereof, as the case Amendment Act, 1869. may be, shall thereupon and thereafter cease and THE following is the List of Mercantile determine. Assessors for .the County Court of Lancashire, In witness whereof, we have hereunto set holden at Liverpool, duly approved by the President our common seal, this twenty-first day of the Admiralty Division of the High Court of of June, in the year one thousand eight Justice, on the 22nd day of June, 1894:— hundred and ninety-four. (L.S.) Henry Armstrong, 28, Chapel-street, Liverpool, late Master Mariner. WE, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for John Threlfall Bragg, 3, India-buildings, Water- England, in consideration of a benefaction, con- street, Liverpool, Commander, R.N.R. sisting of one hundred pounds sterling, which has Henry Davison, Ismay, Imrie, and Co., 10, Water- been paid to us in favour of the vicarage of Saint street, Liverpool, late Master Mariner. Peter, Cricklewood, in the county of Middlesex, Thomas Durrant, Halton-buildings, Chapel-street, and in the diocese of London, do hereby, in pur* Liverpool, Commander, R.N.R. suance of the' Act of the twenty-ninth and Walter Glynn, 27 and 29, James-street, Liverpool, thirtieth years of Her Majesty, chapter one Merchant and Shipowner. hundred and eleven, sections five and eleven,' Edmund Miller Hughes, 74, Norwood - grove, grant and appropriate out of our common fund to Liverpool, late Master Mariner. the said vicarage of Saint Peter, Cricklewood, to John Keay, 160, Anfield-road, Liverpool, late meet such benefaction, one other capital sum of Master Mariner. one hundred pounds sterling, to be applicable Arthur John Maginnis, Central-buildings, North towards defraying the cost of providing boundary John-street, Liverpool, Engineer and Surveyor. walls and other works in connection with the site Samuel Nowell, A23, Exchange-buildings, Liver- for the proposed parsonage or house of residence pool, Marine Surveyor, late Master Mariner. for the said vicarage, according to plans and a' Andrew Pearson, A23, Exchange-buildings, Liver- specification approved or to be approved .by UF, pool, Marine-Surveyor, late Master Mariner. such capital sum, or the balance thereof unapplied Edmund Richard Peel, SB, Rumford-place, Liver- to such purpose, to remain in the'meantime in pool, late Master Mariner. - ' - our hands at interest after the rate of two pounds.
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