Y. M. C. BOYS IN ANOTHER COURT VICTORY-ROOSEVELT AND METUCHtN BOWLERS WIN 1 SCOOP REPORTER Only Two More Days Till Christmas By HOP" - 1 5tCûND 5 THIR.D CHANG€- ; CHANGÉ. I CHANGE, j .OF MIND OF MIND/ ? OFMlND^i - VERN1 LATEST , RtC&_ / 5TITCH B12NUSS0F sTmv(H(r u <J CHANGE. TO CROCHET^—^ AN XMA5 PRESENT OFMtHT) FOR W\F "(SPORT 5CARF-CAP> AND SWEATtR- , Western Miner After Middleweight Crown IN ROUGH GAME, ST. PETERS Described As Second Stanley Ketchel ROOSEVELT BOWLERS Ï. IH. G. DEFEATS AMBOY 5; JUREE STRAIGHT FROM THE - HORNSBY GETS 14 FOULS LEADERS, METUCHEN WINS match t On the parish house court las* out of five chances in the second . W. L. Per. In the respective game». In this arid night Ray Weldon's blue-garbed toss- period he accepted four. Ma>ir,u.e 45 28 17 .644 "Cobb" Clarkson rolled 220 205; .... rolled 208 ers downed the Amboy Five, a team Allen and Grace ably looked after Perth Amboy 4B 27 18 .600 JohiiHon made 210; Kreps composed of well known Middlesex Thomas and Regan, while Cantlon, Roosevelt .. 45 24 21 .53» und Γ 205. 21 are scores of the two county tossers. The score, 26 to !>, who was the name game little tossor Metuclien 42 21 .600 These the South 45 18 27 .400 matches rolled last night: does not do justice to the game, which as of the good old Riverside days, Amboy postponed * 42 14 28 .333 Hoosevelt. was a hard fought battle from the gave flashes of good floor work. In Keyport Yorke 158 minute that Van Miilchahey tossed up spite of the closeness of playing, it Tom W. 203 A the ball for the first time. Close was evident that the Amboy tossers, Yesterday morning Prophet Donnelly of called up to pre- KIcliarUson 183 playing reduced the scoring power of with the possible exception of Mc- Yorke, Roosevelt, dict that hi» team was to take 143 both teams to a minimum, and it was Creery and Allen, were out of condi- going Darlington three from Ihe Husslck 178 chiefly through fouls that the Y. M. tion, and the team was sadly lacking straight Sayrevtllans. did It! waltzed C. tossers made their big In tb essentials of team work. The They Yep, they right margin. 883 a loose up to Sayrevllle and defeated Popp's the visitors were Kt. Peter's boys, too, played Arrayed against aggregation In three gninesi. 865^ game, and the going was rough and straight Sayrevlllc. Thomas, Regan, Hornsby, "Du" And while the Roosevelt "Louies" Maxlen 192 Macan and "Bob" Macan, while the ready from the word go, with an ab- wore on their wild rampage, the Metu- Wagner 129 had in Its line sence of passing. Amboy Five Cantlon, i-ben) tes were going through the pleas- Ayres 14 6 and ! Realizing that sonus of the best Allen, McÇreery, Grace Crocker, of three in a row I'opp 196 tossers In these were competing, ing formality taking the latter a former member of the parts from the Muschick 170 hundreds of fans were drawn to the lowly Keyporters. Nicholson team in the Pennsylvania Good pinning was In evidence at game, a crowd witnessing the Inter-County League. A glimpse at capacity but the league leader* 833 836 762 interesting conflict. Roth sides were Sayreville, the score will tell the trie of the found themselves unable to cope on well after brilliant hits of game, for students of the basketball applauded Ihe with the visitors from the Sfctuchen. the house contingent be- alleys game in these parts will know that play, parish on the sound. In the first Smith 139 135 148 with the work borough the contcst was hotly played when ing especially pleased of Roosevelt, keeled Lake 18.1 148 153 of their favorites. game Donnelly they see that Such men as "Hank" over the pins to the nine of 203, and Johnson 121 153 163 The .score: Thomas and "Scrubby" McCreery, ! in tho second Yorke ran up the high ! T-ehleln 167 168 167 1 who have been shooting baskets that Amboy l ive (0) V. Y. M. 0. (20) score of the match—225. Kreps . 203 171 175 JSSJiitfiered way up in the 'teens, were Cantlon Thomas At Metuelien tho only high score held to two apiece. Regan and "Bob" McCreery, Crocker Regan wns made by President "Phllly" 813 775 806 Macan got two aniece and Crocker forward reps, who ran up a 20 3 tally. The Key port. jnade one, this being all the scoring .Crocker, McCreery Hornsby Keyport boys, bowling all seven hun- Dawson 172 done froiu. t&e court. center dred scores really handed the games 124 on a llopkins^^^^^.... (··| of the V. M. C. points were 'Allen ...H. Macan to MetuehKii silver platter. Close. scored from the foul line, "Bull" j Grace R. Macan itère Getting tfonway Hornsby doing great work whenever gun rd Roosevelt's vpumdltf victory over Vlgne 177 tho Perth the sphere was handed to him on a I Field goals, McCreery, 2; Crocker, the Sayrevllle bowlers puts ellver planter by Referee Van Miil- 1; Thomas, 2; Regan, 2; R. Macan, 2. Amboy pin knights only one game 770 745 79» leaiTers. Metuchen's win chahey. In the first half of the game Goals from foul, Cantlon. 3; Horns- behind the Berlew's fifteen fouls were called on the Am- by, 14. Score at end of first half, Y. over Keyport givee "Lorty" a little boys, while only six were registered M. C., 16; Amboy, 7. Referee, Van South Amboyans breathing the P. R. R. bowlers de- against th St. Peter's crew. Of the Mulchahey. Time of halves, twenty spell, and If the fifteen Holnsby made ten count, and minutes. feat Keyport upon South Amboy alleys tonight they may consider themselves out of danger for the time being. The Metuchenltes go to Sayre- ΓëEN^i vllle tonight with visions of repeating the trick that the Roosevelt bowlers Pugilistic experts of the west aro pound boys of Butte and the lmmcfll- ed In the copper mints of Butte. Ho pulled last night and Roosevelt Is an to take a ate vicinity. After the first of the Is the choice of the miners of this going to make endeavor* I A. ACTIVE pinging: the praises of boxer who Because this I TEAM a Saturday—the day M. row Perth TRIPLE is and In fact of the element In from the Amboy- year he going to go east, seeking city, mining three lï. has on the been "cleaning as the time for lately up" fiesh laurels and tougher opposition. throughout the west, as the man who ans. Tonight's games mean a lot to regularly designated middleweight» of that section. Ills Experts who liavo seen him in action will clean up the present muddle in the local boys, for as a result they 'the monthly handicap shoot for the board of Trade to name is Leo Benz and he la known as describe him as a two handed fighter the middleweight ranks, and a man may again grab the lead, which they Trophy—happen» who a In either hand, could not hit upon a better of for several weeks. Tom Yorke, I be Christmas, it Is announced that thle IN SPORT CIRCLES the fighting miner. Benz has been in "packs wallop" way held and they say that he resembles in committing suicide than to suggest who is the best little bowling prog- event has been postponed until the the a little over three and ring years many ways tho late Stanley Ketchel. ont in that region that Bonz Is not of nostlcator the league has developed I afternoon of New Year's day. his team The decision to the shoot BEATSJELMETTAto the EVENING NEWS. The of the in that time has beaten all the 166 Before ho entered the ring Benz work- championship caliber. as yet, again predicts that I postpone Bpecfal I process reorganizing is to "clean up." "Bill" Pem- I was reached when It was found that Helmetta, Dec. 23.—The Club senior basketball teams at the Y. M. going berton doesn't believe him, but then a number of the members of the Five went down to a three H. A. Is now under way, and fine re- Bowling no one - must be remembered that Perth Amboy Gun Club could not gel dcfrpt In.· : sults may be expected shortly with it straight . else believed Yorke yesterday when he out to the range on Christmas day. ed on alleys, New Bruns- the abundance of material that Is on Hopkins' announced that his team was going to I'lans are being laid to make the New wick, The scores: hand. Plans are under way, too, for Tuesday night. Ihreo in a row from the leaders Year's shoot an Interesting on*, und X. the development of junior teams, so take Triple THE Pem- .Is to welcome on own Anyway, club anyone 136 140 182 this progressive organization is to be GURTIS "CLEANS their alleys. ithe ready Jones ACTIVITIES IN UP" ! crew will put up a stiff who desires to indulge In the berton's flglit popular Van Doren 173 131 15S well represented on the court in the j and the match will be Interesting. I sport upon the holiday. The mern- Merritt 184 173 1!>4 near future with both senior and !! Scores. II era of this popular organization will Dlsbrow 145 156 143 junior tossers. FEATHER Sayreville-Metuchen • » » Tho scores of Tuesday night's Sayre- extend the visitors every courtesy, and Brokaw 182 169 224 vllle-Metuchen match, which were late since are all known as As soon as the first consignment of GYM AT THE ON they being show that the Sayrevllle it is a 820 769 901 apparatus is received work will be iPiUSTER ii coming in, "jolly good fellows," certainty team rolled totals of 806, 772.
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