Slow moving titles for sale in IHC Library S. no. Accn No. Title Details 1 B8914 Service-oriented architecture: a planning and implementation / Marks, Eric A., 2006 004.068 MARK 2 B5668 India: e-readiness assessment report 2003 004.0954 INDI 3 B9487 Digital review of Asia Pacific 2007-2008 / Librero, Felix, ed., 2008 004.165 DIGI 4 B6990 Webs of history: information, communication and technology / Bagchi, Amiya Kumar, ed., 2005 004.62 WEBS 5 B488 Doing business on the internet / Collin, Simon, 1998 004.678 COLL 6 B2199 Web.studies: rewriting media studies for the digital age / Gauntlett, David, ed., 2000 004.678 WEBS 7 B7422 Information security policies and actions in modern integrat / Fugini, Mariagrazia, 2004 005.8 FUGI 8 B2435 Effective literature searching for research / Gash, Sarah, 2000 020.72 GASH 9 B5340 Implementing digital reference service: setting standards / Lankes, R. David, ed., 2003 025.52 IMPL 10 B8259 Encyclopaedia Britannica almanac 2006 030 ENCY 11 B8563 Guinness world records 2007 / Freshfield, Jackie, ed., 2007 030 GUIN 12 B11815 Limca book of records 2012: India at her best / Ghose, Vijaya, ed., 2012 030 LIMC 13 B9473 Time almanac 2008 / Britannica, 2008 030 TIME 14 B9241 Whitaker's almanac 2007 030 WHIT 15 B8843 The World Almanac and book of facts 2007 030 WORL Page 1 of 46 16 B8419 Indiastat top 10 of India 2006: a year book / Thukral, R. K., ed., 2006 030.954 INDI 17 B9552 Indiastat India top 10 yearbook 2008: key statistics / Thukral, R. K, ed., 2008 030.954 INDI 18 B11026 India 2010: a reference annual / India. Ministry of Information, 2010 030.954 INDI 19 B11358 India 2011: a reference annual / India. Ministry of Information, 2011 030.954 INDI 20 B11774 Indiastat India top 10 yearbook 2012: key statistics / Thukral, R. K, ed., 2012 030.954 INDI 21 B11773 India 2012: a reference annual / India. Ministry of Information, 2012 030.954 INDI 22 B8212 The Penguin India reference year book 2006 / O'Brien, Derek, ed., 2006 030.954 PENG 23 B8211 Manorama yearbook 2006 / Mathew, Mammen, ed., 2006 050.954 MANO 24 B7804 International organizations: the politics and processes / Karns, Margaret P., 2005 060 KARN 25 B5788 Museums: a place to work:planning museum careers / Glaser, Jane R., 1996 069.023 GLAS 26 B4896 Making histories in museums / Kavanagh, Gaynor, ed., 1996 069.09 MAKE 27 B7326 Writer's handbook 2004 / Turner, Barry, ed., 2003 070 WRIT 28 B9370 The special correspondent: a handbook for reporters / Awasthi, Dilip, 2007 070.43 AWAS 29 B3600 Knowledge management in the digital newsroom / Quinn, Stephen, 2002 070.43 QUIN 30 B5116 The Blackwell guide to philosophy of mind / Stich, Stephen P., ed., 2003 128.2 BLAC 31 B9423 The Secret / Byrne, Rhonda, 2006 131 BYRN Page 2 of 46 32 B4889 Positive living: the complete guide to positive thinking and personal success / Peiffer, Vera, 2001 155.2 PEIF 33 B5110 Managing your image in a week / Herman, Laurel, 2002 158 HERM 34 B2256 Calm at work / Wilson, Paul, 2000 158.1 WILS 35 B5429 Towards global togetherness / Singhvi, L. M., 2002 170 SING 36 B9402 The Moral leader: challenges, insights, and tools / Sucher, Sandra J., 2007 174.4 SUCH 37 B9847 Communication ethics literacy: dialogue and difference / Arnett, Ronald C., 2008 175 ARNE 38 B9752 Savage humans and stray dogs: a study in aggression / Karlekar, Hiranmay, 2008 179.30954 KARL 39 B6642 Rethinking R. G. Collingwood: philosophy, politics and the unity of theory and practice / Browning, Gary K., 2004 192 BROW 40 B9570 Jesus lived in India: his unknown life before and after the the crucifixion / Kersten, Holger, 2001 232.954 KERS 41 B1791 World religions: an introduction for students / Fowler, Jeaneane, 1997 291 FOWL 42 B8980 Pascal's fire: scientific faith and religious understanding / Ward, Keith, 2006 291.175 WARD 43 B2212 Hinduism and ecology: seeds of truth / Prime, Ranchor, 1996 291.178362 PRIM 44 B3121 The Unknown Hsuan-Tsang / Devahuti, D., ed., 2001 294.3923 UNKN 45 B1686 The Indian epics retold: the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, Gods / Narayan, R. K., 2000 294.592 NARA 46 B6473 Civil society measurement, evaluation, policy / Anheier, Helmut K., 2004 300 ANHE 47 B8351 Constructing global civil society: morality and power / Chandler, David, 2005 300 CHAN Page 3 of 46 48 B8950 Civil Society, religion and Global governance: paradigms / James, Helen, ed., 2007 300 CIVI 49 B11379 World social science report 2010: knowledge divides / United Nations Educational, Sc, 2010 300.02105 WORL 50 B716 Savaging the civilized: Verrier Elwin, his tribals, and India / Guha, Ramachandra, 1999 301.092 GUHA 51 B9204 The Mediation of power: a critical introduction / Davis, Aeron, 2007 302.23 DAVI 52 B9813 Mass media in India 2008: focus on information technology / National Documentation Centre, 2008 302.23 MASS 53 B9533 Media directory 2007: the essential handbook / Gibson, Janine, 2007 302.23025 GIBS 54 B7817 An Ordinary person's guide to empire / Roy, Arundhati, 2005 302.230973 ROYA 55 B9870 Tracking the media: interpretations of mass media discourses / Chattarji, Subarno, 2008 302.232 CHAT 56 B9972 Global bollywood / Kavoori, Anandam P, ed., 2009 302.2343 GLOB 57 B8964 The Starfish and the spider: the unstoppable power of leader / Brafman, Ori, 2006 302.35 BRAF 58 B6934 Ambedkar on law, constitution and social justice / Shabbir, Mohammad, ed., 2005 303.372 AMBE 59 B9916 Fairness, responsibility and welfare / Fleurbaey, Marc, 2008 303.372 FLEU 60 B7020 Tamil Nadu human development report / Government of Tamil Nadu, 2003 303.44 GOVE 61 B8527 Human development in South Asia 2005/ Mahbub ul Haq Human Development Centre, 2006 303.44 HUMA 62 B9902 Human development in South Asia 2007: a ten year review / Mahbub ul Haq Human Development Centre, 2008 303.44 HUMA 63 B10066 Human development in South Asia 2008: technology and human development / Mahbub ul Haq Human Development Centre, 2009 303.44 HUMA Page 4 of 46 64 B11609 India human development report 2011: towards social inclusio / Institute of Applied Manpower, 2011 303.44 INDI 65 B11003 Mumbai human development report 2009, 2010 303.44 MUMB 66 B3611 West and Central India: human development report / National Council of Applied Economic Research, 2002 303.44 NATI 67 B4977 North India human development report / National Council of Applied Economic Research, 2003 303.44 NATI 68 B11632 Human development report 2011: sustainability and equity / United Nations Development Programme, 2011 303.44 UNIT 69 B8269 West Bengal human development report, 2004 303.44 WEST 70 B9234 Human development in South Asia 2006: poverty in South Asia:, 2000 303.44 HUMA 71 B11225 Human development in South Asia 2009: trade and human development / Mahbub ul Haq Human Development, 2010 303.44 HUMA 72 B808 The China human development report / United Nations Development Programme, 1999 303.44 UNIT 73 B10056 Human development report 2009: overcoming barriers / United Nations Development Programme, 2009 303.44 UNIT 74 B11306 Human development report 2010: the real wealth of nations / United Nations Development Pro, 2010 303.44 UNIT 75 B10047 Human development in the Indian context: a socio-cultural focus / Khalakadina, Margaret, 2008 303.440954 KHAL 76 B9296 Globalization: the key concepts / Mooney, Annabelle, ed., 2007 303.48 GLOB 77 B8140 Women, security, South Asia: a clearing in the thicket / Faizal, Farah, ed., 2005 303.482082 WOME 78 B6654 Information revolution and India: a critique / Gill, S. S., 2004 303.483 GILL 79 B9461 ICT Infrastructure in emerging Asia/ Samarajiva, Rohan, ed., 2008 303.4833 ICT Page 5 of 46 80 B8199 Information economy report 2005 / United Nations Confrence on Trade and Development, 2005 303.4833 UNIT 81 B11155 Groundswell: winning in a world transformed by social technologies / Li, Charlene, 2008 303.4833 LICH 82 B5635 The Information society : an introduction / Matterlart, Armand, 2003 303.4833 MATT 83 B11142 Born digital: understanding the first generation of digital natives/ Palfrey, John, 2008 303.4833 PALF 84 B2437 India's communication revolution: from bullock carts to cyber marts / Singhall, Arvind, 2001 303.4833 SING 85 B6822 The Bhopal saga: causes and consequences of the world's largest industrial disaster / Eckerman, Ingrid, 2005 303.485 ECKE 86 B8026 Vital signs 2005-2006: the trends that are shaping our future, 2005 303.49 VITA 87 B5132 World on fire: how exporting free market democracy breeds ethnic hatred and global instability / Chua, Amy, 2003 303.6 CHUA 88 B8949 City of fear / David, Robin, 2007 303.603 DAVI 89 B11291 Decoding intolerance / Lahiri, Prateep K., 2009 303.625 LAHI 90 B1700 Flight into fear : the captain's story / Sharan, Devi, 2000 303.625 SHAR 91 B9983 Piercing the heart: unheard voices of 26/11 / Sodhi, Simran, 2009 303.625 SODH 92 B9801 The Identity politics of peace-building: civil society in wa / Orjuela, Camilla, 2008 303.66 ORJU 93 B2893 Cities and natural process / Hough, Michael, 1995 304.2 HOUG 94 B11590 Cities and climate change: global report on human settlement / United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2011 304.25 UNIT 95 B9113 Gender justice, citizenship and development / Mukhopadhyay, Maitrayee, ed., 2007 304.5 GEND Page 6 of 46 96 B9904 Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2008 / Asian Development Bank, 2008 304.6 ASIA 97 B11041 State of world population 2009: facing a changing world / United Nations Population Fund, 2009 304.6 UNIT 98 B9734 India: the state of population 2007 / Chaurasia, Alok Ranjan, 2008 304.66 CHAU 99 B9732 Transnational South Asians: the making of a neo-diaspora / Koshy, Susan, ed., 2008 304.8095 TRAN 100 B9553 Local initiatives in relocation the state and NGOs as partne / Eerd, Maartje van, 2008 304.80954 EERD 101 B8523 Global South Asians: introducing the modern diaspora / Brown, Judith M, 2007 304.82 BROW 102 B9669 World youth report 2007: young people's transition to adulthood: progress and challenges / United Nations.
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