![ATOM-BOMB on Tag Day in Order ' That the M Anehma^R-^A City of V^Hago Charm ■1 • P](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
i. ,i / X •I. 'v7 -" 7 7 7 X. /• /• Tjll , I . ■; - V- • V if- . -■ :.y- y w y- '' Iw'V*' WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY iQ Average Daily Net Prcaa Run 1 iW atKlifatfr X KUrtka Week Ended ^ “ - ' 8, 1854 AMta. _ 11,164 •»ii tP IR T o m i operation ______________ _____ CeOuyrt O&scs hearts and asking for donatkas to Fork' tr .gosmiij'.).!., of\ thethtt districtdlfltrtet tfrArtArdirector, nfof <ntArn*linternal iGirWtoHold1 thetumL Meauber at Um Audllr . George C BnuMrIiaf. a mess- large number of gli^ who en Berea* of Clrculatteas the A m u to r the revenue eaM with SUtlon WKNB* thusinsUcaily volunteered to work I .4 Children win he TV, New Britain, -will presoni a Tag Day for ber of the faculty of Maneheater ATOM-BOMB on Tag Day In order ' that the M anehma^r-^A City of V^hago Charm ■1 • p. m. «t the telecaat an the *T95S Federal In* High School and who la In charga a> ‘ . « • - • Amal Chvtvh. D river Fine 4 $35 of Tag Day, haa been aariated by Heart IMva might banefit : come Tax,” Saturday, from diSO to Dcaff Don’t let the other nuclear phjrkieists know you VOL. LXXm, NO. 112 gnest ap«eker 4:45 p. m. • * ' the following faculty advisers of A t'• o'clock, tha plaatlo hearts (Claakllei Advarllalag m Page 18) O n Recldess Cofint Heart Fund the Y-Teena; MISS Mary Mc» nro having henring trouble. Find Qut to d ^ about the nev^ MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY U , J»54 eanitla, epeech will bs eoUseted and takan to ths (TW ENTY B c h ^ wMA Sunset Relwkah l,odge members Adama Miss Anne Beephlef. iMIse Dnbiberg with the really Incpnapletioua XV-lOO ra c e lt^ Tomorrow will be Tag Day for First Natlbnal Bank wbsre Wil­ - ____ Bed hjr th e A u u of con- will enjoy a Valentine potluck sup­ Nancy Evans and Mlaa Isdbsl liam Knight, trsasurer of the Phone, writ<, or come in . , Wetiiartetilanelleld,11ie meeting I, Finney, IS. of Bast the benefit Of the Heart Drive and Regan. per Monday, Feb- IS, a t d:SO, pre­ Manchester Rdart Aakn:., will Uke Caution Failed Here li .«pep p i att interested, |md per- ceding their, busineas meeting. ** 1 to a pretty high school The girls win work as teaika up charge ’of the money. X «lth «d cMdren with ape««h de- Mrs. Francis 'Contois and Mrs. and down Main Street and It is D em ocrats 'Xeote M* eepecUdly Invited. Cleon Chapman, co-chairmen, will aito'ttJH,S"S^rinlr‘ •sr- Help your Heart Fund — Help PERSONAL HEARING SE|m CE planned to relieve each team at Tour Heart, give generously when be assisted by a committee. Mem­ y was arrested Thursday the end of one hour. 8D8 M AIN S T R S E T - ^ I I cIm U * - m i after a chase touched off by Sattonii^iSoM M ^r approached by the T-Tama on Tag Xr. and Mn. Hugh Pagan! and bers vdio have not been contacted Bight of a young woman hang- ■*»«»» Street car­ According to Emmerting, the tu M y have moved from Charter -l^uld get in touch with'Mrd- Cr Voice Fear Ibis, Mrs. ChMman or Past Nol ing half out of the door of the fiak JR. to their now home on moving car. TTr •nwHiar im. ^M d. G rsi^ Mrs. Edwin Palmer, expebted that Clinton Keene; In court this morning, Finney About W ar " ' 'itlr. aid Xra. liei^e Wobtra, of show wtotitrsa of his said the young woman, who was T t. Xowaen, Okie., announce the not identified, "does things like -hnUt-ecHt dughter, Kathy Staa* The .Bci^Mtloh Dept/innounesea that Just .to atUsCt-SdteiiUotL!*__ Washington, Feb. 11 (/P)— hath, on Jan. 20- They have two a meeting oPparents/u handicap- Alao this morning, Peter Kos- Sena. Russell (D^Ga) and e. -Otbsr ***^^^**^1. ISbeUsy JUm* tf^il ped children of Muicheater jihis tek, 42, of South Windsor,. was Mansfield (D>Mont)7«aid to­ Chailsa Blvln. Mrs. Wooten is the evening at the IViat Side tlecrea- nn<^ flS 1^ kpt^iiigr JatA W^ day they fear the United fanner BUsabeth Shelton of this tion Center at t^ .m . The meeting Christenaen, 17,- of Wap;dim, g5 •» “ r->T^ -•» o f •• • ' »-»,■, ■• -IT 1 ■ « .<-r« -rv ' A*., UIWAe M to''^dfiw(HSf;>^(r newly ptsaima for'pahshig a Tcd HghrmnrDHni» ,Stataa. < tnay-- be .haeked-~.^io> . _ . ireatloii Swimnilng J. McCarthy. Jr., 50, of Hartford. war in Indochina. for the hapolcappod. 13 for a parking violation. They called upon President Els- eahowsr to eonsult -Congress be­ The Cosmopolitan Club will meet ' fore taking any further steps to Held aa Bodenheim Slayer f, Feb. 12.' at 2 p. m. for its help thp French agaihst renewed ers bustneiM meeting in Center W om en Set Date (fommunisG stteicks. Eisenhower 3Uiiity > / ; J/ — h House. A Valentine party told his news conference yesterday —11 follow in charge of Mrs. Er­ For Card Party there is no attempt to carry on win Whitham and members the any policy in the dark. W ar Disibus^ program committee. It will i in­ .. The. President, said every .mdve ■' ^ ■ ■/' ' clude h'ihbrt ehtbriabsmeht, cafds AB four groups of the Women’s the government lakes to aid anti- and refreshments. League of the Second Congrega­ CommunUt fOrces in Indochina is ^ Washington, Feb. 11 (/P)—South Korea was reportedly of­ tional Church are combining on a fered to send at least one and possibly two army divisions Com large card party, the date of which carefully cslcuhlted to keep the was set for Thursday, Feh. IS. at United States from getting in­ to Indochina to help battle CommUnist-1^ Rebels. Inform ^ 0:: C 0 0. De!>yofies a meeting of rroup leaders and volved in a hot war there. diplomatic officials said Souths Korean President Syngman Berlin, Feb. 11 (fIV-Th* H O T I C f ■ msmbers last adsning. ■"What I apf apprehensive Rhee perao^Iy mads the offer tpr ^ - |> e n c h delegation h ere iff naysra may choosa thsfo'^dwn — ^ remavo a treek rruBB Cedar Lake at MbUte- about,” Russell said In an inter­ Oen. John E. Hull. American Far; thinking in terms of a breffE- card or table games, bridlgs, set­ view, "is getUng backed into war East Commander who arrived here ^ A ____■ _ _ • , A'*" BARBER HILL ^ ^ r o k e a thraugfc tka thia lea. Do* a<uria waa through the cbtpstone assignment up of th e B erlin CkmfbreijME in back. Canaata or Scimbble, with Msiag tlw tr i^ aad Me brother, Jereme, waa walMag ahead to teat t^ a y for conferences at Lis ^*ri \ / ± n t B r t C € i n 8 a week, it was learned ttidiY.' griam for the winners at .each of personnel." tagon. .4;,1^.44 GUN CLUB ' the Iw. which M beea thinned a wan* epelL . JerUine’a Judgmeat Russell, a member of the Armed TOele French Embassy said it —'J:. Western ministers ii| tha Big 1 *•*’*’ **“ *” *•' through lata 18 feet of vrater. Dc^ ' M ri L .'j. T^U e and Mrs. Nel­ I -'■’if'l Services Committee, said the com­ knows "absolutely nothing what- Four meeting have said .thg RANGE & FUEL Oil All bills or claUu ont- too much faith In the seature, waa driving with Oie door mittee was not told about the as­ svsr about any such offer,’’ sUndiitf most be presented son Smith wiU have charge of the open and oae font an the running board. He nraa able fo Jnmp to \Kept Back subject of German uninmi£|d& dCriributlon of tickets. - safely. jn e A Telephoto). signment of 200 American aerial An embassy spoksseuui ^ indi­ for settlement before March technicians until they were on cated France probebly Would re­ and E uropean sectnUaK; ,{ ia 1» 1954 to ■U U MEET TONIGHT .their way to Indochina. He said ject. any ei-ch South Korean bid been exhaustively dle&ffiML'^ / by then it was too late for the for fear of causing Communist West Btoshs Matotev Ine BOLAND OIL CO. Manriiester Lodge of Elks will comntlttee to do anything. China to intervene openly in the The gensral.-Assumption is that KARL KELLER; TVcok meet at the American Legion 'There are plenty bf mechanics 8-yeer old war. r « • ---- Soviet Foreign Mtoiater V. M. Home a t 8 o'clock tonight. Re- GOP May Not Heed they could have gotten to go with­ Molptov’syptoposal yesterday for 857 Main SL Mandtteter frcahmenU wiU be aerved after the Some info'rmanta claimed Rhee! Indochina, Feb. 11 TEL MHdMl 34320 meeting. out sending servicemen.’’ Russell offered the troope in answer to aii I —The number of Ameri- I AlGEbropean ascurtty tibaty, added. 'Thera are plenty of me­ ei^eei for aid from the Commun-1 cans in Indochina is climbing to Western Airop* ftna too United States, is his last major chanics in France," ist-threatened .Indochina................................ state ofrapidly towards the 1,000 Ike’s ‘Go Easy’ Plea The .President said there appear­ Laoa Other offieiala aaid they pfonoqpceineat on- toe tasog, re­ ed to be some misimderstanding know Aothlng about any such ap­ mark, but rarely do any of gardless of how much more talk­ about notifying the committee in peal and that the Schith Korean them get to see what French ing is dime. Tha West njscteff regard to the technicians. He add-, offer was TBiide Independently......... Union' forces are doing with the Molotov plan. Washington, Feb.
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