UC Berkeley Green Manufacturing and Sustainable Manufacturing Partnership Title LIFE CYCLE MANAGEMENT OF ABRASIVE TOOLS AND EFFECTS ON SUSTAINABLE GRINDING Permalink https://escholarship.org/uc/item/5th4d3q7 Author Linke, Barbara Publication Date 2011-06-17 eScholarship.org Powered by the California Digital Library University of California LIFE CYCLEC MANAGEMENTG OOF ABRASIVES TOOOOLS S AND EFFECTSCSOON SUSTAINABLES GRINDINGG Dr.-Ingg. Barbara S. Linke UUniversity i ityy of f CaliforniaC lif i, Berkeley B k l MOTIVATION LbLaboratory t ffor Manufacturing M f t i and d ABRASIVE TOOL USE BY THE EXAMPLE OF GRINDING Machining with geometrically undefined cutting edges, i.e. grinding, polishing, lapping Research shows prospectivepp results and and honing amongst others, represent key technologies with high process Sustainabilityy ongoing developments to improve grinding Grinding tool Machine tool performance, high process stability, and high quality tolerances. They act also as core bbbarbaralinke@me lik@@y. berkeleybkl. edu d process sustainability, by conditioning technologies supporting the development of high-end products, energy systems, and - Coolant reduction, Grinding Energy tool efficientffi i t machineshi . NthlNevertheless, sustainabilityt i bilit aspectst iin abrasivebi machininghi i iis a - Less energy consumption , MhidMachined Material Grinding workikpiece gggrowing concern and is gggaiiining recognition in the idindus try. - HiHigher h productivity, d i i etc. process ABSTRACT: Scrap, debris, AbAbrasive i tltools are enablersbl ffor optimumti processes andd are ththe ffocus off ththe fllfollowing i The energy savingsof one machin ing worn tool, emissions The world-wide tdtrend to envitlironmental awareness is accompaniided bbyy ariiising Cooling Clean anallyyses. processprocess,p,how ev erer,, often disappearpp in the lubricant coolltant need for manufacturingg technologiesg that sparep energygy and resources. The Facility input energygy considerations of an entire factoryy. pppreparation Contaminated sustainability of products and processes becomes more and more a main coolant ((gLightin g, HVAC, etc. ) Therefore, a larger view on the production competitive edge. However, the very essential aspect of abrasive tool design chain is worthwhile (greener process and its impact on process eco-efficiency have not been examined in a holistic chain). Examples are view yet. Therefore this work evaluates the whole tool life from manufacturing to - Avoiding tool change and adding value use phaseh andd endd-off-liflife. Production Grinding Production Source: MTU, Junker, Franke, Cerobear, Walther Trowal, Siemens, Schott Glas bby ththe combinationbi ti off hdhard Abrasi ve tltools have a huge varitietyy insp,pecificati ons, manufftiacturing stepsand process X process process Y cutting, gggridiinding and hdhard roller ingredientsg . Therefore a framework has to be set upp to evaluate tool OBJECTIVES burnishingg, manufacturing with a thorough investigation of main and auxiliary For the first time a holistic view on the life cycley of abrasive tools will be done - Avoiding the hardening process by grind - Hybrid Production ingredients, emissions, waste and energy. Tool design affects the abrasive Grinding process Y encompassing manufacturing, use phase and end-of-life. Special emphasis is given to hardening, etc. process machining process in terms of productivity, workpiece quality and tool life. energy, resource efficiency, and sustainability. Leveraging abrasive processes becomes Relevant mechanisms of impact are discussed, evaluated and included into a – Productivity more and more the focus of attention, i.e. suitableibl hliiholistic liflife cyclel management off abrasivebi toolsl . NNot onlyl theh – Swarf theh traded -offsff bbetween productiondi andd Sustainability – CdiiiConditioning, ... Sus ta ina bility itimprovement of thesilinggleabibrasive pp,rocess, btbut moreover the process chihain during idimproved prodtduct performance. ElExampples diduring use manufacturing and lileveragiggng effec tsonprodtduct performance are considere d. Differen t Possibly higher Product life cycle - Shorter run-in phases of seal systems, are environmental scenarios for the end-of-life of abrasive tools conclude the life cycley - Wear decreasing tribo layers, - Speed stroke grindinggg to induce impact in the - Reduced crack propagation, ... – Energy management. Abrasive tools are not only complex products, but moreover production phase – Waste compressive stress , important enablers for green manufacturing. Grinding – Toxicity - Decreased product wear by tribo-layers, process Reduced – ... environmental Sus ta ina bility - Shorter wear-intensive run-in phases of impact in the end-of-life – Recyyyclability ABRASIVE TOOL PRODUCTION seal systems, etc . use phase – Disposal, ... Sources: after Dahmus, Gutowski, Helu, Dornfeld, Source: Rappold Winterthur, Saint-Gobain Abrasives The system boundaries are important for the quality and relevance of life Pictures from Tyrolit, Mikrosa, WZL RWTH Aachen cycle considerations. The production of abrasives and vitrified bonds is ABRASIVE TOOL END OF LIFE TdToday, abrasivebitltools are oftenft didisposed d viai hhldhousehold wastet or specialilwastet ldileading ABRASIVES TOOLOO DESIGNSG characterized by mining and processes emitting greenhouse gas; resin and to waste combtibustion or to the gggarbage dump. For differen t end of life scenarios, Abras ive tltools are comppllex prodtducts consitiisting of abibrasive grits inabdibonding or a electroplated bonds include chemical production steps. Manufacturers are energygy, emissions and toxicityy are examined and evaluated. NeverthelessNevertheless,, in the case slurryy pastep . The selection of the abrasives affects chipp formation, effective- pressedd tto substitutebtitt pore bildbuilders bdbased on naphthalenehth l . NNew of grindingggwheels with layersy the bodies are often re-plated. The potential for recyclingyg ness, process heat generation and convection. The bonding has to hold the grits until chilhemicals, however, change the manuftifacturing robtbustness. of superabrasive tools is discussed. they are blunt and relieve them to apply new sharp grits. Pores in a bonded or coated The choice of abrasivesabrasives,, e.g. CBN vs. corundumcorundum,, impliesp not onlyy different tool are important to supply cooling lubricant and remove chips from the contact zone. production chains for the abrasive tool (e( .g. abrasive layery on steel bodyy vs. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK Grinding tools with the superabrasives diamond and cubic boron nitride (CBN) consist full-body), but also an appropriate process layout for the use phase. For Abras ive tltools are comppllex prodtducts tha t enable hihighg h performance and hihighg h qqyualitlity off onlyl a thinhi abrasivebillayer on a bdbody to lilimit i theh hihigh h materialilcosts andd to utilizeili theh example, a high-speed machine and oil are needed to gain the intrinsic processes. The iir lifecycle isregarddded in terms on energy and resource effic iency hihighg her wear resitistance. advantages of superabrasives. This affects the process sustainability by includingg their productionp and end of life. Moreover, their capabilitypyto enhance greeng energy use, maintenance, worker education and health, etc. Abrasives Bonding Pores Body manufacturing itself is discussed and evaluated in this project. Future work will focus on abrasive gritsg in terms of the energygy that is consumed duringg - Steel CtilConventional Emulsion - Aluminium - Resin machine (i(maintenance ) their production related to the productivityy of the abrasive tool. The designg of the Conventional - Resin - Natural and - Ri/AlResin /Al grinding tool body (material and shape) affects process capability and machine power. - corundum (Al2O3) - Vitrified articifical pores Corundum Tool Use Phase: - CFK Disposal - SiC - … Source: Elbe Schleiftechnik, Tyrolit, Semung Diamond Tools BitBauxit e synthesis sintering Grinding process Sustainability of grinding processes will be evaluated by machine power Superabrasives - Metallic mining - CBN - sintered Conditioning Swarf measurements as well as by analysis of grinding debris, emissions to air, or cooling - diamond - electroplated lubricant. Tool conditioning leverages tool performance and tool life, which will be consideredid d. DiDiscussions i withith tltool manufacturersft willill reveall hhow muchh researchh shouldhld Tool design defines the process performance essentially through productivity and tool Hig h spee d Oil ((pfireprotection, life. Workpiece quality emerges from the chip formation mechanisms, process forces machine aerosols) be done in ftfuture on supplyppl y chihainand ppggackikaging aspects. Tool CKNOWLEDGMENTS and heat. Diamond/ CBN tools CBN TTlool UPhUse Phase: A Stone & construction segments Etching Abrasives world market 2004 [][Mio. USD] Diamond / CBN tools synthesis production Grinding process Energy sintering The work issponsored bbyy the DthDeutsche FhForschungggsgemei ihftnschaft DFG throughg h the Market volume of around $8bn Precision 718 Abrasive belts 957 2, 931 MMtateri ilal projectpj LI1939/3-1. The author would like to thank sincerelyy Prof. Klocke, RWTH Cutting and roughing 1, 316 Conditioning Swarf grinding wheels 2,154 Source: Tyrolit Body with rotating tools Aachen and Prof. Dornfeld, UC Berkeley. Thanks to the Aachen Grinders and the Conventional grinding tools Source: Werner, VDS, 2004 LMAS colleagues for valuable discussions. MSEC2011-50309.
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