THE LAUREL OF PHI KAPPA TAU ESOTERIC NUMBER 1933 THE LAUREL OF PH I KAPPA TAU Edtror, W~1. F. SMILEY, Box 445, Athens, Ohio Business Manager, R ICHARD J. YouNG, 15 N . Campus Ave., Oxford, Ohio VOLUME XXI jULY, 193?. NUMBf:R 4 Directing Your Attention T o: Pees Are Lowered as Grand Council Sets Example ....... ............... Official )C\velers . ....... ....... ... ....... ....... ......... .... 5 Annual Audit Shows Fraternity finances 1n Excellent Condition . .. .. .... 6 Budget for 1933-34 .. ... .. .. .... .. .. ..... .. ...... .. ..... ....... 7 Income and Expense for 1932-33 ....................... ..... ....... 8 fraternity Assets and Liabilities . .. .. ..... .... .. .... .. .... .. .. .. ... 9 Phi Kappa Tau Initiation Fee Lowest . ..... .. .. ...... .. ..... .. .. .... 10 How To Cut Costs . 12 Actives Should Know Each Rushee ............ ....... ~ . 13 P hi Kappa Tau T wentieth in Si::c . 15 Life Laurel Subscribers . 17 Your Own Page T o Edit . 18 Frank Statement A bout Each Chapter . .... .... ....... .. .... .. ..... L9 Directory . 27 The exoteric publication of The Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity. Published prior to 1917 as "Siddights." Scheduled to appear quarterly in the months of November, january, April. and July, under direction and authonty of the Grand Chapter. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917. Published four limes a year du1·ing the months of January. April, July and November, by The Lawhead J>ress. 17 West Washington Street, Athens. Ohio, otllcial printers for Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity. Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at Athens. Ohio. Additional entry at the Pon Office 11t Oxford, Ohio. Subscription price, S2.00 per year. The Purpose of This Issue T HIS number of THE LAUREL is published as an esoteric issue for distribution only among members of Phi Kappa. TatL. No copies are being exchanged with other fraternities. Members of the Frater· nity are requested to carefully gtLa1·d this number of the nwgazine and certain information here supplied. The publication of an esoteric magazine is not a. venture new to Phi Kappa Tat,. Years ago, as undoubtedly many of the older mem· bers will recall, there was printed a bulletin l{nown as SIDELIGHTS. If the practice of preparing each year one or two private bulletins of this nature is favorably received the Fraternity in the future will con· tinue to pt,blish esoteric issues. This number is being mailed to every man whose name is on the P/11 Kappa Tau roster. Comments or sug· gestions regardmg future policy will be appreciated by the Central Office. All of the matel·ial in tltis esotenc issue has been prepared by the Central Office from various records and reports received at the national headquarters. May we again say that this publication is the internal organ of the Fraterntty and its contents are deemed private, though not secret. Members of other fraternities and all other un• authorized persons should not, there{ ore, be permitted to peruse it. Your cooperatiOn will be appreciated. THE LAUREL JULY, 1933 Fees Are Lowered As Grand Council Sets Example for Active Chapters Twenn·,five Per Cent Reduction Made in 1933,34 Budge::, Other Important Actions Taken at Meeting in Oxrord ITH a determination that Phi means to reduce expenses to under· w,Kappa T au nationally shalt set the graduates in order that the Frater· example for chapters in the reduction of nity may continue to operate successfully operating expenses, the Grand Council during the coming year. Reports for at the annual meeting in the Memorial 1932·33 showed that Phi Kappa Tau Office Building in Oxford in June, re· had experienced another satisfactory duced the 1933·34 budget for the Fra· operating period. In comparison with ternity approximately twenty·five per· other fraternities Phi Kappa Tau has not cent. Most important of the reductions lost a single chapter, while many have were the lowering of Resident Council had charter withdrawals; the number of dues and Pledge Fees. withdrawn members was far below the By reason of the fact that chapters average of American college societies; had voted to hold no convention in 1933 chapters on the whole have shown a re· the Grand Council meeting was the only markable degree of business acumen and representative Phi Kappa Tau gathering give every indication of successfully to be held this year. Those present were weathering the storm of the depression. President Foley, Councilors Maxwell, Grand Council Actions T aylor, Chandler, Gantt, and Lennox, Briefly summarized Grand Council Comptroller Shideler, Scholarship Com· actions follow: missioner Brandon, Editor Smiley and Approved report showing Fraternity's Secretary-Treasurer Young. In attend· financial operations for the year 1931·33. ance for a part of the meeting were E. Adopted a rule requiring an annual T. Boles, former Grand President, and audit of the books of every chapter, the P. F. Good, of Beta Chapter. work to be done by an auditor not a Among the most important consider· member of the Resident Council, prefer· ations of the officers were ways and ably at the end of each treasurer's term -3- THE LAUREL OF PHr KAPPA T Au of office. Every auditor must have the Approved reinstatement fee of $10 approval of the Grand Comptroller be­ for members desiring to reaffiliate. fore his work can be accepted. Initia­ Directed the Grand Secretary to no­ tion permission will be denied those tify members delinquent for failure to chapters failing to comply with the regu­ pay dues that they must take immediate lation requiring an annual audit of treas­ steps to place themselves in good stand­ urer's books. ing or be expelled for delinquency. Ruled that no draduate Council Continued surety bonds of officers would be privileged to participate in the with the Ohio Casualty Company ­ partial Life LAUREL subscription plan Grand Secretary bonded for $15,000, unless arrangements for partial pay­ each of office girls for $1,000. ments had been made during the year Trial Action Approved 1932. Voted to continue Graduate Council A pproved action of Councilor Chand­ dues at $2 per man for the coming year. ler 111 appointing a trial court for one Reduced Pledge Fees from $5 to $3; William B. Fenn, of Alpha Eta Chapter, cut Resident Council dues from $12 to against whom charges had been preferred $10, with a ten percent reduction for by officers and members of the chapter. prompt payment; continued initiation After receiving the report the Grand fees at $10. Council confirmed the action of the trial Named the Grand President and court in expelling William B. Fenn from Grand Secretary delegates to the Inter­ membership in Phi Kappa T au. fraternity Conference Meeting in Chi­ Appointed Donald A. Pearce to con­ cago in October, 193 3. duct a hearing of the case of Thomas A. Directed the Grand President to ap­ Bare, Nu Chapter, suspended by the point a committee to consider plans for Grand Council in 193 2 for failure to time and place of the 1934 convention. pay an outstanding chapter obligation. Granted to chapters the privilege of The request for a review of the case initiating members of local fraternities was made by Bare. upon purchase of a badge and payment Approved plan to divert pledge fees of dues for the term in which initiated. from endowment to general income for Initiations of this kind must have the year 1933-34 because of the temporary approval of the Grand Secretary before reductions in charges to members. the ceremony is given. Instructed the Grand President to ap­ Instructed the Grand Secretary to en­ point a committee to investigate various courage initiates and members to buy the styles and designs of membership certifi­ less expensive badges. cates and report at next convention. Decreed that funds which have been Directed that chapters be notified that accumulated by the National Fraternity ]. W. Wooten, of Chi Chapter, had since 1927 to meet part of the expense given checks in Pi and Alpha Eta Chap­ of a convention on the Pacific Coast ters which had not been cashed by the shall be held intact. No additional money ban k upon which drawn. is to be placed in this account during Placed the case of Raymond Fitch 1933-34. Henderson, Delta Chapter, in the hands Instructed the Grand Secretary to of the Grand Comptroller. Henderson seek specially trained brothers for help is under temporary suspension for fail­ in emergencies. ure to meet obligations. Authorized the Grand President to Authorized the Grand President and secure the services of an auditor to make Grand Secretary to enter into contracts the usual semi-annual audit of the ac­ with jewelers; specified that all badges counts of the Grand Secretary· Treas- shall be stamped to indicate their true urer. gold content. - 4- THe LAUREL OF PHt KAPPA TAu Instructed the Grand Secretary to col­ strucnon to be issued in mimeograph lect dues from those men who are mem­ form and made available for chapters in bers of a chapter with no active Gradu­ the early fall. ate Council Secretary. Received report of the condition of Approved of plan for a preceptor, a Delta Chapter at Centre College and graduate adviser resident in the chapter empowered Domain Chief Boles and house, to take charge of Alpha Xi chap­ Secretary Young to act in any manner ter at Umversity of W est Virginia. thought best for the good of Phi Kappa Accepted report of Grand Secretary Tau. showing work of Domain Chiefs during Appointed Councilor Gantt as Phi past year and approved reappointment Kappa Tau representative to undertake of Brothers Boles, Bushey, Cromer, Eich­ solution of the difficulties in Alpha berg, Gantt, H enry, Littleton, Pearce, Omicron chapter at Lafayette College. Price and Ut4 for the coming year.
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