CTHE TUFTS DAILY] Medford, MA 02155 Thursday, March 15,1990 Vol XX, Number 37 Students disciplined Tufts corporation proposing a following altercation $700 million research complex A ~ by STEPHEN NEWMAN of each student were called to by CHRISTOPHER BALL Murnane said that heandother Tufts would earn an estimated Daily Editorial Board testify. Daily Editorial Board University officials hope that the $10 to $15 million per year when One student was suspended for In addition to Reitman, Direc- Tufts University Development project will help create apharma- the center opens in 1996 from committing assault and battery, tor of Housing John Darcey, Stu- Corporation, a year-old corpora- ceutical and biotechnology indus- sales of real-estaterights and rents, and another student was placed dent Activities Director Marcia tion owned by Tufts University, try in Massachusetts. The indus- according to Murnane. on Disciplinary Probation Level I Kelly and two members from the has proposed constructing a $700 try could draw on graduates from Mumane said that having a for assault following an alterca- TCUJ sat on the panel which heard million biomedical research, hotel, Tufts health sciences schools and for-profit corporation owned by tion that occurred at 163 College testimony from 9 a.m -- 2 p.m. and office complex at Boston’s other area universities. “We’re the University would not threaten Ave. on Feb. 17. Monday. After an hour of delib- South Station. creating an economy,” Murnane Tufts’ tax exempt status. He Associate Dean of Students eration on Monday and several TUDC submitted a proposal said. compared TUDC to Walnut Hill, Bruce Reitman said that two stu- hours on Tuesday, the panel found to the Boston Redevelopment The project is expected to create a small realestate company owned dents wereinvolved in thedistur- the injured student guilty of as- Authority on Feb. 14 to construct 6,000 permanent jobs in the Bos- by Tufts that owns properties bance in which one student struck sault and the second student guilty the two-million-square-footTufts ton area, according to the pro- around the Medford Campus. the other with a drinking glass of assault and battery. International Research Center in posal submitted to the BRA. The Tufts proposal calls for at following a heated verbal ex- The student who physically the air rights over South Station. Murnane said that a third of the least 100,000 square feet of re- change. The student hit received assaulted the other student was Two other prominent real estate positions would be professional search labs for Tufts and 600,000 extensive facial damage. “guilty of assault and battery fol- groups also have submitted pro- posts. to 800,000 square feet of space Reitman said that the injured lowing provocation” and was posals. The BRA will announce TUDC was formed a year ago for corporate research and devel- student filed a complaint through issued a suspension from the which group will receive the by the Board of Trustees to gain opment. A 6OO-room hotel and his office charging the second University to be effective imme- development rights in six weeks new research facilities and fund- convention center to be built by student with assault and battery. diately, according to Reitman. to two months. ing for the University’s health Hilton Hotels and a 35-story of- Reitman said the second student According to Reitman, this Tufts’ Senior Vice President sciences schools, Murnane said. fice building with 700,000square subsequently filed an assault and student’s ‘‘behavior was viewed Thomas Murnane outlined the The Trustees have funded feet of office space are also in- battery charge against the first as being more serious” than the TUDC’s development project at TUDC one million dollars. Mur- cluded in the proposal. student. other student’s action. “The panel a briefing for the campus press nane said that the Trustees’ Ex- The project would occupy 5.5 A Tufts Community Union decided that the appropriate con- yesterday. Mumane is the presi- ecutive Committee told TUDC, acres of land, about the size of ludic* Deans Hearing convened sequence for [the “more serious” dent of TUDC and a member of “You can spend up to this and see COMPLEX, page 13 Monday in an open session to action] is suspension from the its board of directors. after that you’re out of business.” hear the students’cases. Reitman univenitv. effective immediatelv. said that neutral witnesses as well ,I see ASSAULT, page lo 1s witnesses testifying on behalf I Myra Frazier receives Wendell Phillips~ Award by CONSTANTINE ATMANAS Jacobson, and Frazier as finalists. Daily Editorial Board “All four finalists have given a MyraFrazier has’been selected lot to the Tufts community... all by thecommitteeon StudentLife of them were really-- impressive,” to receive the Wendell Phillips Kelly said. Memorial Scholarship for excel- Finalists were asked to submit lence in community service and a copy of their transcript, prepare public speaking. a three to five minute speech on “I’m very, very honored... It’s two ethical questions,and be able been a great experience the last toanswer questions from the CSL four years,” said Frazier, a senior. members. The CSL chose the The award is given to a stu- student that was the most skilled dent at Tufts and a student at speaker and contributed most to Harvard University in memory of the Tufts community. great orator and Boston aboli- “We judged each aspect 50- tionist Wendell Phillips. Frazier 50,” Kelly said. will speak at Commencement in During Frazier’s four years at An architectural sketch of the proposed office building, hotel, and research labs at South Station. May and will also receive a cash Tufts, she was a membe; of the prize at the awards ceremony on Tufts Community Union Senate April 20. for two years, an exploration t on fire Any student in the Tufts com- leader, and a peer advisor for the Libvan.I chemical DlanI WASHINGTON -- A “We have no information to plant was designed to produce munity is eligible to be nomi- African American Center. She is (AP) pharmaceuticals. nated for the award and the CSL currently the Senate Trustee Libyan chemical weapons plant indicate that,” said Roman Popa- branded a major threat by the diuk, a White House deputy press Fitzwater said last week that selects the winner after declaring Representative for Development, availableevidence suggested that four finalists, according to Stu- president of the Ronald Black- United States was reported on secretary, about the ABS report. fire Wednesday, according to The plant is located about a the plant “is dangerous and be- dent Activities Director Marcia burn Scholarship Committee, and coming more He refused then Kelly. diplomatic sources quoted by the mile fcom Rabta, in a new indus- so.” a founding member of Students to say what action the United Kelly said that the CSL re- Organized For Awareness. White House. trial complex abut 60 miles south- President Bush said the United southwest of Tripoli. States might take to halt the plant’s ceived 25 applications out of 36 Frazier is also a finalist for the operation. nominations for the award. The Fulbright Scholarship and plans States had heard rumors that the Fitzwater said the fire was plant was on fire. However, Bush apparent from sightings of smoke “We aren’t willing to specu- committee chose seniors Vikram on pursuing an advanced degree late, but nothing is ruled OW,”he Akula, Suzanne Cornfeld, Billy in political economies. told reporters in a hallway at the from the plant. White House “we didn’t know” “We just dare not speculateon said, repeating that answer when what had happened. the cause,” he said. asked whethsr military action was White House press secretary A week ago, the White House under consideration. Marlin Fitzwater said the United said it was seriously concerned see LIBYA, page 10 States could not confirm the re- by evidence that the plant was port, which also said Libya had producing chemical weapons af- sealed its borders. ter a year of little activity. I Inside Fitzwater said, “We deny we An editor with the Libyan news had any involvement” in the re- agency JANA in Tripoli said in a telephone interview from Rome Jumbo is not only the beloved ported fire. mascot, but a source of inspirati A diplomatic source said the late Wednesday that he knew more than 500 people nationwide. United States learned of the fire nothing of a fire at the plant. Eron Tunisia, which borders Libya. There was no answer at Libyan Arts .................................. It relayed its information to Italy ministries in Tripoli. All the newest news from th and the United States, the source US officials have said the plant Screen -- Jason George tells all said. has been producing limited quan- ABC News quoted unidenti- tities of mustard and nerve gases. fied Libyan security sources as Libya has denied that the plant is Sports ............................ claiming that the plant was burned producing chemical weapons. In Lighting up Division 111, the men Myra Frazier, shown next to University President Jean Mayer at to the ground by the action of the past, .Libyan dictator Col. track team finishes 16-2 and women the recent Trustees meeting, has been awarded the Wendell swimmine ulaces 16th at Nationals. U.S. and Israeli agents. Moammar Gadhafi has said the PhilliDs Memorial Scholarship. Page two THE TUFFS DAILY Thursday, March 15,1990 THE TUFTSDAIL~ Editorial Bob Goodman Settle the MASSPIRG issue and move on Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor: Lauren Keefe The controversy over the funding of the Tufts the Elections Board to be the final arbitrator of TCU Associate Editors: Anna George, Geoff Lepper chapter of the Massachusetts Public Interest Research elections, and the TCUJ’s action may have intruded Editorial Page Editor: Christopher Ball Group and the results of its March 6 referendum has upon the Elections Board’s authority.
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