CHALLENGES OF ISLAMIC BANKING ESTABLISHMENT IN RUSSIA CHALLENGES OF ISLAMIC BANKING ESTABLISHMENT IN RUSSIA Artur Gubaydullin Penerbit YPM Judul buku : CHALLENGES OF ISLAMIC BANKING ESTABLISHMENT IN RUSSIA Penulis Artur Gubaydullin Layout Juna Excel ISBN 978-602-5576-11-9 xiv+ 170 hlm .; ukuran buku 20,5 x 14,5 cm © Hak Cipta Artur Gubaydullin, Maret 2018 Hak penerbitan dimiliki Young Progressive Muslim. Dilarang mengkopi sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini dengan cara apapun, termasuk dengan cara penggunaan mesin fotokopi, tanpa izin sah dari penerbit. Young Progressive Muslim Jl. Talas II Pondok Cabe Ilir Pamulang Rt.05 Rw.01 Tangerang Selatan 15418 Acknowledgement Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Dr. Rodoni for the continuous support of my Master study, for his patience, motivation, and immense knowledge. His guidance helped me in all the time of research and writing of this thesis. Besides my supervisor, I would like to thank Prof. Suwito and Prof. Yusuf Rahman with whom I started my first steps in my Master study for always be there to listen and give advice. I am deeply grateful to them for the discussions that helped me sort out the technical details of my work. I am also thankful to them for encouraging the use of correct grammar and consistent notation in my writings and for carefully reading and commenting on revisions of this manuscript. I wish to express my sincere thanks to Prof. Dr. Masykuri Abdillah,MA. Director of Graduate School, for providing me with all the necessary facilities for the research. My sincere thanks also goes to Pak. J.M. Muslimin, for his wise advices and guidance which is helped me to safe a time and keep right direction in my thesis. I must also acknowledge the administration of Graduate School Vhemmy, Imma, Adam, Arief and other staff for their kind support and helping me for settle in this university. I would like to thank my family: my parents, my brother and relatives for supporting me spiritually throughout writing this thesis and my life in general. I thank my friends Magomed Tazhdinow, Abubakar Ibragimov and Shamil Nutsalov with whom we went through all difficulties and gain a lot of knowledge and experience during our study in i Indonesia. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my friend Any Widayatsari for her assistance and support in writing this thesis. In conclusion, I would also like to thank the Ministry of Religion of Indonesia for providing me scholarship particularly Pak Agus and Pak Sigit for their support and help. ii PEDOMAN TRANSLITERASI ARAB LATIN Pedoman transliterasi Arab-Latin yang digunakan dalam karya ilmiah ini adalah sebagai berikut: A. Konsonan f = ؼ ز = z ب = b q = ؽ س = s ت = t k = ؾ ش = sh ث = th l = ؿ ص = }s ج = j ـ = m ض = }d ح = }h ف = n ط = }t خ = kh ق = h ظ = }z د = d ك = w ع = ‘ ذ = dh م = y غ = gh ر = r iii B. Vokal 1. Vokal Tunggal Tanda Nama Huruf Nama Latin Fath}ah A A َ Kasrah I I َ ِِ D}ammah U U ُ 2. Vokal Rangkap Tanda Nama Gabungan Huruf Nama Fath}ah dan Ai a dan i ...َ ل ya Fath}ah dan Au a dan w ...َ ك wau Contoh: : H}usain : h}aul َحْول ُح َسني C. Maddah Tanda Nama Huruf Nama Latin Fathah dan alif a> a dan garis di ػػػػَا atas ػػػػ Kasrah dan ya i> i dan garis di atasِي ػػػػ D}ammah dan u> u dan garis diو wau atas ُ iv (ة) D. Ta’ Marbu>t}ah Transliterasi ta’ marbu>t}ah ditulis dengan ‚h‛ baik dirangkai dengan kata sesudahnya maupun tidak contoh )مدرسة) madrasah (مرأة) mar’ah Contoh: al-Madi>nat al-Munawwarah : املدينة املنورة E . Shaddah Shaddah/tashdi>d pada transliterasi ini dilambangkan dengan huruf, yaitu huruf yang sama dengan huruf yang bershaddah itu. Contoh: : nazzala نّزل F. Kata Sandang dilambangkan berdasarkan huruf yang ‛الـ‚ Kata sandang mengikutinya, jika diikuti huruf shamsiyah maka ditulis sesuai huruf yang bersangkutan, dan ditulis ‚al‛ jika diikuti dengan ditulis lengkap baik ا ل huruf qamariyah. Selanjutnya (القمر) menghadapi al-Qamariyah, contoh kata al-Qamar (الرجل) maupun al-Shamsiyah seperti kata al-Rajulu Contoh: al-Qalam : القلم al-Shams : الشمس G. Pengecualian Transliterasi Pedoman transliterasi ini tidak digunakan untuk kata- kata bahasa arab yang telah lazim digunakan di dalam bahasa v Indonesia dan menjadi bagian dalam bahasa Indonesia, seperti asma>’ al-h}usna> dan Ibn, Al-Quran, Hadis, kecuali ,هللا lafal menghadirkannya dalam konteks aslinya dan dengan pertimbangan konsistensi dalam penulisan. vi TABLE OF CONTENT Acknoledgment ...................................................................... i Arabic Transliteration ............................................................ iii Table of Content .................................................................... vii List of Tables and Figures...................................................... ix Chapter. I Introduction A. Background of Study .................................. 1 B. Research Problem ........................................ 16 1. Statement of the Problem .................... 16 2. Research Questions ............................... 17 3. Scope and limitation of the study ........ 17 4. Objective of the study .......................... 18 5. Significance of study ............................ 18 C. Literature Review ........................................ 19 D. Research Methodology ................................ 23 1. Type of Research .................................. 23 2. Data ....................................................... 23 E. Systematic of Writing .................................. 24 Chapter II THE DEVELOPMENT OF ISLAMIC BANKING IN MUSLIM AND NON MUSLIM COUNTRIES A. Factors Affecting the Emergence of Islamic Banking. ......................................... 25 B. Religion Factor in Development of Islamic Banking ........................................... 28 C. The Development of Islamic Banking in Muslim Countries .................................... 32 D. Islamic Banking in Non Muslim Countries ...................................................... 43 vii Chapter III RUSSIAN MUSLIMS AND SOCIO- POLITICAL CONDITION IN RUSSIA A. Ethnic Muslims in the Regions of Russia ........................................................... 59 B. The Government Attitude Toward Islam and Muslims ...................................... 71 C. Banking Demand and Financial Literacy in Russia ........................................ 76 D. Recent Economic Condition in Russia ........ 83 E. Russian Households Saving Behaviour ....... 92 CHAPTER IV THE DEVELOPMENT OF ISLAMIC BANKING IN RUSSIA A. The Demand for Islamic Banking ................ 105 B. Regulation and Political Condition ............. 118 C. Challenge for Islamic Banking and Finance in Russia ......................................... 129 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS A. Conclusion ................................................... 141 B. Suggestion ................................................... 143 BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................. 145 GLOSSARY ........................................................................... 159 INDEKS ................................................................................. 163 viii LIST OF TABLE AND FIGURES Table Description Page Tabel 1.1. Russian Muslim Population 2002 by Provinces ............................................................. 9 Tabel 1.2. Projected Growth of Muslim in Europe ............. 11 Tabel 1.3. Russian Muslim Population 2002 by Provinces with Muslim Minority ........................ 12 Tabel 3.1. Muslims in Russia ............................................... 61 Tabel 3.2. Russian Population Projection ........................... 62 Tabel 3.3. The Ethnic Muslim Population of Russia ......... 69 Tabel 4.1. GDP (Constant Price) and Gross Domestic Savings Russia 1990-2013 GDP (Constant Price) and Gross Domestic Savings Russia 1990-2013 ........................................................... 115 Tabel 4.2. Regression Output .............................................. 116 ix Figure Grafik 2.1. Total Islamic Banking Assets 2012 …… ........... 40 Grafik 3.1. The Map Russia’s Ethnics Group ..................... 66 Grafik 3.2. Russian Population 1990-2030 .......................... 67 Grafik 3.3. Russian GDP Percapita 2007-2014 .................... 85 Grafik 3.4. Russian GDP Growth, Oil Prices, Foreign Borrowing, Funds (2007-2016) ......................... 88 Grafik 3.5. Salary Index in Russia......................................... 98 Grafik 3.6 Russia and U.S Debt Burden 2009-2014 ............. 99 Grafik 4.1 Saving and Income Growth in Russia 2002- 2012. .................................................................... 112 x CHAPTER. I INTRODUCTION A. Background Of The Study Everyone in the modern world deals with banking institutions: some are paid on a plastic card, transfer money to other relatives, others open accounts at work. Most conventional banking is hardly halal under Islamic law, because they involve the use of interest1 which is prohibited for Muslim. Therefore for several decades Muslim countries are trying to create a completely interest free Islamic banks. Riba is a term equal to interest used in conventional banking operations. Riba is charging of predetermined additional amount on a loan extended based on length of credit period. Imam Abubakr Al Jassas (D.380 AH) defined riba as a loan given for stipulated period with a stipulated increase on the principal payable by the loanee.2 Charging of interest on loans had never got support in any ethics.3 In the 1In Islam interest (riba) means
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