Marshall University Marshall Digital Scholar The Parthenon University Archives Spring 2-14-1986 The Parthenon, February 14, 1986 Marshall University Follow this and additional works at: https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon Recommended Citation Marshall University, "The Parthenon, February 14, 1986" (1986). The Parthenon. 2312. https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon/2312 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at Marshall Digital Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Parthenon by an authorized administrator of Marshall Digital Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Pay athletes? Three Marshall stu- Sports editors Melissa dents pleaded guilty to shoplifting Thurs- 4 Huff and John Tolar- chyk debate the ethics 7 day. Two are former of paying college ath, Marshall football players. letes to play. Outside 40 18 Cloudy, with flur­ art enon ries by afternoon. Friday, Feb. 14, 1986 Marshall University's student newspaper Vol. 87, No. 62 Salary schedule, worker shortages concern staff Senate Bill 317, passed unanimously in ·By Peter W. Wilson both the Senate and the House but was Reporter vetoed by Governor Arch A. Moore last year, Rickman said. This salary sche­ Major concerns of Marshall's non­ dule compares the salaries of the ser­ faculty employees are a shortage of vice staff of the board of education in workers and increasing pay to meet Cabell and Wayne county schools. stated salary schedules, according to The schedule establishes paygrades Gloria J. Rickman, president of the of maximum and minimum amounts to Staff Council. be allotted employees according to Rickman, a payroll clerk, said when their number of years of service, Rick: one worker leaves, all other workers in man said. "Hopefully we will get the that area have to pick up the work load. schedule this year. This hurts the morale of the other "We've got to crawl before we can employees, because it takes four to six walk." months to replace the worker, she said. Funding the schedule is the next step Rickman said what takes so long is after getting it, Rickman said. "Right that the expenditure schedule must be now we have no ideas for funding." sent to Charleston and changed Rickman said Moore did not include through the governor's approval. any money for a salary schedule in his "They (the expenditure schedules) sit budget submitted to the Legislature. in the governor's office, and now and "We don't know at this point where the then, when the governor gets some fire funding will come from." under him, they move," Rickman said. But one possibility is the money will Because of the long wait for the sche­ come from a 5 percent increase for all dules to come back, applicants often state employees and a 2.5 percent merit must sit around for a year and most increase for higher education included cannot afford to do this, Rickman said. in the governor's budget. "We don't seem to get any new classi­ "We won't know until March if we fied staff at all." can use the 2.5 percent for the salary Increasing pay to meet stated salary schedule," Rickman said. "We get the schedules is another major problem for funding little pieces at a time. It takes classified staff, Rickman said. three years to get the salary schedule "A secretary in one of the area high fully funded." schools gets substantially more pay Representives of the staff council than a secretary at Marshall Univer­ will travel to Charleston Feb. 25 to sity," Rickman said. voice concerns to the Legislature about The salary schedule, represented as the salary schedule. It binds, draws and holds us together University Council making way By Marie H. Blas Reporter for 'better organized' senate Today is for celebrating love. It's Valentine's Day. But, what is love? ad hoc committee, headed by Dr. What do lovers see in each other? ' By Brent Cunningham Simon Perry, chairman of political H. Fielding Hall wrote in his poem One Immortality, "There are three Reporter science, to develop a document detail­ loves that make and keep the world - the love that binds man and woman ing their proposal. into one flesh and soul, the love that draws families into nations, the love Plans were being fine-tuned for a "The committee met every week last that bolds the world to God." faculty senate that would replace the summer and frequently this fali" Duke Students and campus workers were informally interviewed Thursday University Council and generally reor­ said. Perry presented the document to about love. ganize Marshall's system of govern­ the University Council Wednesday. People do not exist on only one form of love, said Nancy Dingess, main ment at the University Council According to Perry, the document desk attendant in MemorialStudent Center. "Love is for everybody. It is not meeting Wednesday. has several goals. The faculty senate limited to just one penon. Love your fellow man. If you don't get along with The proposal, which received favora­ would have broad legislative and the human race, you're unhappy within yourself:" ble response by council members, was administrative powers as well as Kathy Clutter, housekeeper in MSC, agreed, saying ''Love is for your developed in June of 1985 by Dr. Rai­ review powers. "We will attempt to pro­ brothen, your sisters, your family. We should all be one family. If you don't ney Duke, chairwoman for the univer­ tect the rights of all the faculty. There love the human race, you're shortchanging younelf and will lose a reward sity council. will be sufficient internal checks, ade­ (of happiness and contentment)." . "If implemented, this proposal quate linkage to concerned publics, Romantic relationships involve hard work and devotion as most Mar­ would change Marshall's government and the senate will have a memory-it shall University students perceive them. system from one which is terribly will retain all its records," Perry said. "Love is sharing, trust and respect for one another in a relationship," decentralized to one more unified and Unlike the University Council, the with greater accountability," Duke faculty senate would not have a atu­ SN LOVE, Page 4 said. - ' ' den t member, voting or otherwise. According to Duke, she organized an 8" COUNCIL, Page I .---- --------------------- - -----------------------~---~--~---------------- ------------~ I Friday, Feb. 14, 1916 The Parthenon From The Associated Press Nation State ' • World Boettn' er's DUI solution: impound cars C harleston - Senate Majority a public auction if the driver is con­ car driven by a two-time drunk.ea Committee members, however, , Leader Si Boettner urged the Senate victed of second-offense driving driver but belonging to someone else, questioned whether impounding a Judiciary Committee on Thursday to under the influence or if the motor but only if the owner did not "know­ car would prevent the person pass a bill allowing the state to vehicles commissioner determines ingly" allow the person to drive the involved from going to work and ther­ impound and sell the cars of two-time following an administrative hearing vehicle. eby hurting other family members. drunken drivers. that the person was driving while Boettner said alcohol use can be Sen. Anthony Yanero , D-Marion, Boettnerr the bill's sponsor, was the drunk a second time. traced to 60 percent of the state's traf­ also complained that drunken driv­ only speaket1o appear at Thursday's ''That may sound harsh," said fic fatalities. - ing campaigns have "affected the public hearing. Boettner, D-Kanawha. "But drunk "To what extent are we going to personal lifestyles" ofsocial drinkers, The bill would allow the state to driving is no longer a topic for saying, protect the drunk driver as opposed to who are now afraid to drive after hav­ impound for three months the car ofa 'That's too harsh.' ... Drunk driving is the 200 people killed every year and ing two drinks. motorist caught driving after having a serious problem." the 12,000 injured every year as a "I'm not talking about the abuser," a license revoked for drunken driving. Boettner said the bill would bar the result of drunk driving?" Boettner Yanero said. "I'm talking about the The car could be sold by the state at state from impounding or selling a asked. fellow who doesn't get drunk." Charleston Cape Canaveral,Fla. Washington FWODRELIEF SHUTTLE SITE INSPECTION U.S.-SOVIET FLIGHTS The Senate Finance A presidential commis­ The United States and Committee on Thursday sion arrived at the scene the Soviet Union were set passed an $8 million flood of the Challenger disaster Thursday to seal an agree­ relief package that Thursday, shifting its ment for civilian'flights includes assistance for investigation away from between the two countries people who cannot meet Washington for a first­ for the first time in more federal aid requirements. hand look at shuttle rocket than four years. The bill, first presented boosters and ground facilities used in launching A ceremony to exchange noteij was set for late last week by a special Senate Committee study­ the reusable spaceplanes. afternoon, with Ambassador Anatoly F. ing flood relief programs, commits $2 million to a Commission members have focused their inves­ Dobrynin representing the Soviet Union and "last resort" program for people who have lost tigation so far on the performance of safety seals Deputy Seretary of State John C. Whitehead their homes. on the shuttle's booster rockets. acting for the United States. "It's for everybody who has fallen through the At Kennedy Space Center, the group scheduled Flights between New York and Moscow are due cracks and aren't eligible for federal programs," two days of closed-door meetings and inspections, to begin April 27 and between Washington and said Sen.
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