.1950 · coNGRES~IONAL RECORD-· 'HOUSE 15995 Earl R. Fore, 02206956. Resolved; That as a further mark of respect mined to maintain their independence of David C. Gregory, 0220740f;. to the memory of the deceased Representa­ the Kremlin. They are maintaining the John R. Kenyon, 02200494. tive the Senafe do now take a recess until largest fighting force in Europe, outside Philip H. Mecom, Jr., 02206632. 12 o'clock noon, tomorrow. · John D. Nix III, 02206534. of the Soviet Union. John C. Ogilvie, 0823447. The message also announced that the The breach between Yugoslavia and Joseph D. Spinelli, 0460585. Vice President has appointed Mr. JOHN­ the Kremlin and its satellites has stead­ Ray V. Spivey, 02020688. STON of South Carolina and Mr. LANGER ily widened. The Kremlin is determined Francis G. Thomas, Jr., 02203124. members of the joint select committee on to wipe out this one successful e:xample The following-named distinguished mili­ the part of the Senate, as provided for in of a former satellite which has freed it­ tary student for appointment in the Regular the act of August 5, 1939, entitled "An self from Soviet control. Directly and Army of the United States in the grad«! of act to provide for the disposition of cer­ through its satellites, the Kremlin is try­ second lieutenant, under the provisions of tain records of. the United States Gov­ ing to destroy Yugoslav independence. section 506 of the ·..>fficer Personnel Act of 1947 (Public Law 381, 80th Cong.) , subject ernment," for the disposition of execu­ Yugoslavia is being subjected to an eco­ to designation as a distinguished military tive papers referred to in the report of nomic blockade, to propaganda, subver­ . graduate, and subject to physical quali­ the Archivist of the United states num­ sion, military pressure, and harassing fication: bered 51-8. border raids. · Raymond D. Henley, 0978755. Since the break between the Kremlin RESIGNATION OF MEMBER and Yugoslavia, it has been the policy of The SPEAKER .laid before the House this Government to assist Yugoslavia to the following resignation, .which was read maintain its independence. The con­ by the Clerk: tinued independence of Yugoslavia is of HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NOVEMBER 28, 1950. great importance to the security of the The Honorable SAM RAYBURN, . United States and its partners in the THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1950 Speaker· of the House of Representa­ tives, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and The House met at 12 o'clock noon. The Capitol, Washington, D. C. to all nations .associated with them in Dr. Bob Jones, Jr., president of the DEAR MR. SPEAKER: I have this day trans­ their common defense against the threat Bob Jones University, Greenville, S. C., mitted to the Governor of California my res­ of Soviet aggression. o:fiered the following prayer: ignation as a Representative in the Congress This past summer Yugoslavia su:fiered of the United States from the Twelfth Dis­ perhaps the worst drought in its history. God of nations and of men, in this trict of California, effective midnight Novem­ There· were severe crop failures, and the hour of crisis we intercede for our coun­ ber 30, 1950. lack of fe2d and fodder led to the ex­ try and for these men who shape her Respectfully yours, RICHARD NIXON .. tensive slaughtering of livestock. As a laws. Make our leaders strong of stature result, Yugoslavia is threatened with to wear worthily the mantle of their re­ NOTIFICATION OF ELECTION OF MR. famine this winter. This would provide spopsibilities. Give them that zeal with­ WOODROW W. JONES AS A REPRESENT­ fertile ground for the subversive activi-· out which work is but drudgery and that ATIVE IN CONGRESS ties of the Kremlin and would seriously capacity for work without which zeal is The SPEAKER laid before the House undermine the .capacity of the Yugoslav but hysteria. the following communication, which was people to resist Soviet aggression. May they have eyes that see truth, read by the Clerk: On October 20, 1950, the Yugoslav hearts that love truth, lips that speak NOVEMBER 29, 1950. Government formally requested United _ truth, and courage to contend for truth, The Honorable the SPEAKER, States assistance in averting the worst remembering that He who declared that House of Representatives. e:fiects of the disastrous crop failure. truth shall make men free, said of Him­ SIR: A certificate of election in due form This request came only after tlie Yugo­ self, "I am the truth." of law, showing the election of the Honor­ slav Government had exhausted all All our wisdom is foolishness to Thee; able WoonRow W. JONES as a Representative to the Eighty-first Congress from the Elev­ means · of meeting the situation by its all human strength, weakness before enth Congressional District of North Caro­ own e:fiorts. Thee. Grant this Congress, therefore, lina; to fill the vacancy caused by the death Immediate action was necessary to divine wisdom from above and make of the Honorable Alfred L. Bulwinkle, is nieet the situation. Shipments had to these United States a nation "Strong in on file in this office. be arranged at the earliest possible date. the Lord and the power of His might." Very truly yours, Otherwise, it would have been impossible To this end, for give America her pride, RALPH R. ROBERTS, to get food to the more remote areas of her backslidings, her sins. Lay upon our Clerk of the House of Representatives. Yugoslavia before they were isolated by people a burden of repentance and heart. SWEARING IN OF MEMBER the heavy winter snows. searching. Pour out upon the length Mr. WOODROW W. JONES appeared Accordingly, this Government has tak­ and breadth of our needy land showers at the bar of the House and took the en action to begin shipments under ex­ of spiritual revival and may those oath of office. isting authority and with funds already showers fall even upon the hearts as­ available. · The Economic Cooperation sembled here. We pray through Jesus AID TO YUGOSLAVIA-MESSAGE; FROM Administration has made arrangements Christ our Lord. Ameri. THE PRESIDENT . OF THE UNITED for the shipment of flour from Italy and STATES (H. DOC. NO. 723) The Journal of the proceedings of Germany directly to Yugoslavia. At the Monday, November 27, 1950, was read The SPEAKER laid before the House same time, with the concurrence of the and approved. the following message from the Presi­ North Atlantic Treaty countries, mutual dent of the United States, which was defense assistance funds are being made MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT read and, together with the accom­ available for procurement of food sup­ A message in writing from the Presi­ panying papers, referred to the Com­ plies equivalent to the immediate needs dent of the United States was communi­ mittee on Foreign A:fiairs and ordered of the Yugoslav armed forces. In addi­ cated to the House by Mr. Hawks, one of to be printed: tion, the Export-Import Bank is per­ his secretaries. mitting a portion of a previously nego­ MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE To the Congress of the United States: tiated Yugoslav loan to be used for the I recommend that the Congress en­ purchase and transport of foodstu:fis, A message from the Senate, by Mr. act legislation authorizing · further partly from American surplus stocks. Woodru:fI, its enrolling clerk, announced United States assistance to meet the Under present plans, the cost of this in­ that the· Senate had adopted the follow­ emergency created j)y the food shortage terim aid already under way will amount ing resolution (S. Res. 364) : in Yugoslavia. to about $30,000,000. This is sufficient Resolved, That the Senate has heard with More than 2 years ago the Government only to meet a portion of the total need. profound sorrow the announcement of the of Yugoslavia broke its association with Now that the Congress has reconvened, death of Hon. HERBERT A. MEYER, late a Rep­ resentative from the State of Kansas. the Soviet Union and its satellites. This I believe it appropriate to request a spe­ Resolved, That the Secretary communicate rift resulted primRrily from the refusal cial authorization to meet the balance of these resolutions to the House of Representa­ of the Yugoslavs to agree to the dicta­ the essential food needs of the Yugoslav tives and transmit a copy thereof to the tion of the Kremlin in the affairs of people until the next harvest. Action family of the deceased. Yugoslavia. The Yugoslavs are deter- should be taken promptly. · Shipments 15996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE NOVEMBER 30 of the remaining supplies needed must be could give the best information to the and 1940, before most Americans were started before the end of December, if gentleman from Indiana and to the awake to the danger that faced the Na­ the bulk of the food is to be available for Members of the House. tion, he spent long hours and worked late distribution in the critical winter period. Mr. DOUGHTON. We expect to make into the night on vital defense legisla­ The additional aid needed is estimated at arrangements to introduce the bill as tion. He rendered a very patriotic serv­ $38,000,000. This amount, plus the soon as possible. ice during that period of crisis. amount provided under existing author­ Mr. McCORMACK. Has the gentle­ Ed Schaefer served the people of his ity, will only be sufficient to bring the man then any idea when the bill might district, his State, and the Nation hon­ Yugoslav diet up to a bare subsistence be reported out? · estly and faithfully during his 10 years level. Mr. DOUGHTON. As early as we can in Congress.
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