/ol. 69, No. 143 |!iiii!m< : .iiiiiiiiiiiiiii associated press m mmmmmii'. Letters Sent; Temp le University Announces $70 Increase MewScope Nixon Spsaks to Infant rymen in Vietnam ... BANGKOK — President Nixon swept in and out of South Walker Announces Poss ible Vicl 'iam y.?.-.terda.v , say i ng: "We have gone as far as we car or should so in opening the door of negotiations which will bri"S pea'.':' .' Nixon made his statement at independence Palace in Sai=>"-' •>' re 'e he con ferred with President Nguyen Van Thieu. Recounting the peace offers made by ' the allies at the Pari? ;aH-s. Increas e Nixon =aid it >s row time lor the North Viet- Fall Term Tuition tuition increase for This amount is needed to support an increase in namese and the Vict Cong "to sit down with us and talk Students and their parents were warneci ment beyond Walker's statement and refused asked for. Rhoades said the our enrollment of 2.000 students (already an ac- seriTsiy abort ways to stop the .killing." this week of the possibility of a tuition increase to speculate on the amount of .the possible in- Fall Semester would just about make up the Later at a combat base near Saigon, he told U.S. in- beginning Fall Term. crease. difference between the S41.7 million and the re- complished fact), to provide for much-needed fantrymen: "Out here in this dreary, difficult war, I think University President Eric A. Walker sent a Another school has already decided that the quested S43 million. salary increases for faculty and staff , and to history will record that this may have been one of America' s letter to all students Monday advising that, "II state legislature is going to give it less ap- support new and expanding programs and fif-pst hours,' because we took a difficult task and we succeed- Following is the full text of Walker's letter: ed." a tuition increase is necessary for the 1969 Fall propriations than it can get by with. According facilities throughout our ninetcen-campus Nixon dashed to nearby Vietnam and back before heading Term, the increase probably will be reflected in to The Temple News. Temple University's stu- "I must notify you that there is a real system. In addition , I requested a supplemental for India today on his round-the-world tour. your August billing." dent newspaper, Fall Semester tuition will be possibility of a tuition increase for all students appropriation of 51,000,000 to finance a program 's call at Di An H' , a small base in scrub country some 12 Walker said the possibility is because "all increased by S70. The News said that the se- of the University beginning this Fall. While it is for 500 additional disadvantaged students so •niles north of Saigon, was the first presidential trip into a not possible to determine the amount of in- that Pcnn State could better meet its combat operations area in Vietnam—though mMitary officers legislative budget consideration falls seriously cond semester tuition could go higher or lower, reported Di An had not come under any enemy attack for short of our demonstrated need." Walker said depending on how much the legislature actually crease at this time. I thought you and your educational obligation to all the people of the nearly a year. ' that the University must prepare to receive an gives the University. parents should be alerted to be prepared to pay Commonwealth. your education. amount smaller than requested and-that "at The News quoted John Rhoades, vice presi- a larger share of the cost of "Regrettably, all Legislative budget con- Offi cials See Second* *Withdrawal • of Troops least part of the deficiency must be made up by dent for planning and budget at Temple, who "As you must know, the State Legislature siderations for Pcnn State fall seriously short increasing tuition." said that the state should grant them between is faced with a difficult budget crisis. Demands that WASHINGTON — U.S. officials appear increasingly confi- of our demonstrated need. While we hope dent that President Nixon will be able to order next month a University officials were reluctant to com- $34.5 million and S41.7 million of the S43 million upon them for increased State services are the Legislature in its final deliberations will in- substantial second withdrawal of American combat troops being strongly opposed by many citizens who crease the appropriation , as we have requested , from Vietnam. are against tax increases necessary to support we must realistically prepare to receive a The reason is that the relative lull in ground fighting has the programs. smaller amount. At least part of the deficiency now continued for six weeks and they believe it may go on in- definitely. Some authorities are beginning to think that the "In my budget request to the Legislature I must be made up by increasing tuition. If a lower level of enemy operations, indeed, may result from a indicated that Penn State would need tuition increase is necessary for the 1969 Fall basic decision in Hanoi to de-escalate the war. Senate To Consider 567,412,241 for fiscal 1969-1970. an increase of 13 Term , the increase probably will be reflected in If the present scale of combat continues for at least per cent ($8 million) over last year's budget. your August billing." another three weeks, officials say, it is certain to be one of the key considerations in Nixon's next decision on reducing the size of the American force in South Vietnam. The other major consideration will be the readiness of the South Vietnamese to replace Americans with their own forces . Disci plinary Rules • * ' * Proposals for the • establish- Judiciary Board, with mem- presidents of the Un- Astronauts ' Bl ood Reveals No . Ill Effec ts ment of a University Judiciary bership of two undergraduate dergraduate Student Govern- SPACE CENTER , Houston — Doctors testing the blood of Board and a Board of Appeals students, one graduate student, m e n t, the Association of Apollo 11 astronauts yesterday said they could find no will be presented ' Tuesday to two faculty members and one Women Students. the evidence the spacemen suffered ill-effects from their exposure the University' Senate. Administration representative, Organization of Student to moon dust. The proposals are included in be established to hear major Government Associations and Blood was taken from astronauts Neil A. Armstrong. Ed- the report of the Senate Ad cases of alleged misconduct the Graduate Student win E. Aldrin Jr. and Michael Collins early yesterday and a Hoc Committee on Special "involving the University com- Association. doctor reported later that preliminary analysis shows "no Judiciary Boards. They will be munity at large." blasted off The report also recommends changes" from what it was before the spacemen voted on at the September It also proposes the for the moon. meeting. the establishment of an office, establishment of a Board of other than the Office of Stu- Blood also was taken from Dr. William Carpentier and At the March meeting, who are in quarantine with the Appeals to hear appeals from dent Affairs, to receive com ? engineer John Hirasaki University President Eric A. the entire disciplinary system. astronauts. plaints of alleged misconduct Walker charged the Senate to Membership,.as proposed, and prepare charges: and the Another physician in quarantine,, Dr. Craig Fischer, said consider the need for a blood testing completed, "they are would include an Ad- development of a mechanism that with 90 per cent of the mechanism to replace the m i n istration representative quite normal." for the adjudication and appeal Special Judiciary Board and the vice chairmen of the of cases involving alleged Meanwhile, an Australian scientist said tests of moon established to deal with the material "indicate that the geochemistry of the moonr shows Senate Committees on Un- misconduct of faculty or ad- February c a m'p u s distur- dergraduate Student Affairs, ministrators which involved interesting differences from that of earth ." bances. Dr. S. K. Taylor of the Australian National University said Research and Graduate Study, the University at large. t$&&& chemical tests of the moon dust show it has about 40 chemical The committee's report pro- and Faculty Affairs. Student marked degree of poses that a Un iversity members would be the vice The Senate will also receive elements, a low alkali- content and has no an evaluative report on the lE*£^-= iron or meteorites. s a t i s f a ctory-unsatisfactory •p •x * _, NEXT YEAR COULD become a long hard year for the These are characteristics-frequently found in hardened I UlTlOn/% InCreaSe.XnrraMcaD lava and the findings add weight to the theory of volcanic ac- grading system which went in- lame Squirrels on campus if the possibility of increased tion existing on the moon. to effect Fall Term, 1968. tuition becomes a reality Fall Term. The squirrels at Tem- ¦ ¦ JllSt PeanUfS ¦ --- -*. -• •- - -*-• c- - ->- - SDS Members Arres ted / -The-.evahiation; prepared "by - — pie University began.slocking up immediately when they Senate Passes Bill; Higher Taxes Likel the Office of the Vice Presi- fO SOfTI© heard of the 570 tuition increase for their Fall Semester. y Two University students the following days with many dent for Resident Instruction, HARRISBURG — The Senate passed and sent to Gov. have been arrested on charges arrests resulting. is based on statistics on thp Shafer yesterday a massive $2.057-billion general spending bill of incitement to riot in Colum- use of the S-U option, opinion * of higher taxes and the Columbus is one of the four surveys of students that carries with it the likelihood Ohio for their actions as using the possible imposition of a personal income tax.
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