LIST OF BOOKS* BIOGRAPHICAL. TITLE. AUTHOR. PRESS· MARK. Francis Bacon Lord Macaulay w. L. R. Koolemans Beynen Charles Boissevain J. Isaac Bickerstaff Steele . w. l Prince Bismarck Charles Lowe . l J. 1 Charlotte Bronte Mrs. Gaskell . o. !. Burleigh, John Hampden, and Lord Macaulay w. i: Horace Walpole. ' History of Caliph Vathek . W. Beckford . W. I•: Colin CampbeU, Lord Clyde A. Forbes E. ·,.. :.. Miguel de Cervantes . H. E. Watts L. '! Earl of Chatham Lord Macaulay w. 1 Lord Clive C. Wilson . E. I· Christopher Columbus Sir Clements R. Markham J. ' Captain Cook Walter Besant . E. I Sir Roger de Coverley R. Steele and J. Addison . W. , Oliver Cromwell Frederic Harrison J. J; ; William Dampier W. Clark Russell J. ;j ·Two Years Before the Mast R. H. Dana . o. ·d · Charles Darwin . Francis Darwin . L. John Davis, the Navigator . Sir Clements R. Markham L. Sir Francis Drake Julian Corbett. E. ;,. Dundonald Ron. J. W. Fortescue J. Edward the First T. F. Tout . J, Queen Elizabeth E. S. Beesley . J. Emin Pasha (z v<ils.) George Schweitzer E. Michael Faraday Walter Jerrold. 0. Benjamin Franklin (Autobiography) . w. Sir John Franklin . Captain A. H. Markham J. · Frederick the Great (9 vols.) Thomas Carlyle E. ·: ' Edward Gibbon . John Murray E. '1 ' Goethe.· G. H. Lewes . ;l: E. 1. ,: ;.: ; 4 L.IST OF BOOKS. TITLE. AUTHOR. PRESS· MARK. Commodore Goodenough (Edited by his Widow) J. Charles George Gordon Sir William F. Butler E. Warren Hastings Sir Alfred Lyall J. Ditto Lord Macaulay W. Havelock . Archibald Forbes J. Prince Henry the Navigator C. R. Beazley L. Henry the Second Mrs. J. R. Green J. Henry the Fifth . A. J. Church . L. Henry the Seventh James Gairdner L. Heroes of Britain in Peace and E. Hodder 0. War. Thomas Henry Huxley (2 vols.) Leonard Huxley B. Boswell's Life of Johnson J. W. Croker . E. From Howard to Nelson J. K. Laughton E. Lord Lawrence . Sir Richard Temple . A. David Livingstone . Thomas Hughes J. Ditto (Personal Life} W. G. Blaikie L. Lumsden of the Guides P. S. Lumsden, and G. R. J. Elmslie. Admiral Sir W. R. Mends B. S; Mends E. Monk Julian Corbett A. English Men of Letters (12 vols.) (Edited by John Morley.) Vol. I.-Chaucer . A. W. Ward J. Spenser R. W. Church. Dryden G. Saintsbury. Vol. III.-Byron J. Nichol. E. Shelley J. A. Symonds. Keats S. Colvin. Vol. IV.-Wordsworth F. W. H. Myers L. Southey . E. Dowden. Landor S. Colvin. Vol. V.-Lamb A. Ainger L. Addison. W. J. Courthope. Swift L. Stephen. Vol. VI.-Scott R. H. Hutton . L. Burns Principal Shairp. Coleridge H. D. Trail!. Vol. VII.-Hume T. H. Huxley . J. Locke T. Fowler. Burke J. Morley. Vol. VIII.-Defoe W. Minto J. Sterne H. D. Traill. Hawthorne H. James. BIOGR4PHICAL. 5 TITLE. AUTHOR. PRESS· MARK. Vol. IX.-Fielding. A. Dobson E. Thackeray A. Trollope. Dickens. A. W. Ward: Vol. X.-Gibbon . J. C. Morisol') . J. Carlyle . J. Nichol. Macaulay J. C. Morison. Vol. XI.-Sidney . J. A. Symonds. J. De Quincey D. Masson. Sheridan. Mrs. Oliphant. Vol. XII.--Pope L. Stephen E. Johnson. Ditto Gray E. Gosse. Vol. XIII.-Bacon R. W. Church . E. Bunyan J. A. Froude. Bentley R. C. Jebb. Montrose . Mowbray Morris A. George Muller of Bristol Arthur T. Pierson L. Fridtjof Nansen. W. C. Bragger and N. B. Rolfsen. Sir Charles Napier Sir William F. Butler A. Nelson J. K. Laughton J. Ditto Captain A. T. Mahan c. Ditto Robert Southey w. !/': John Nicholson . Captain L. J. Trotter E. Baron Ompteda . John Hill J. Sir W. Edward Parry Rev. Edward Parry . B. ;,, Peel . J. R. Thursfield ~ 11 ; J. Peterborough William Stebbing J. 1:: . Pe~fttt~e Great K. W a Iiszewski E. Oscar Browning A. Pitt . Lord Rosebery. J. ,,, Major James Rennell . Sir Clements R. Markham J. Robert the Bruce Sir Herbert Maxwell L. il' Rodney David Hannay. L. ···' · William Scoresby Rev. W. Scoresby B. 1;;. Lord Stafford H. D. Traill '·' J. •.: Admiral Sir B. J. ·Sulivan Henry N. Sulivan E. Alfred Lord Tennyson Arthur Waugh . E. Baron Trenk (z vols.) w. t::, · Walpole John Morley . L iJi · Warwick the Kingmaker C. W. Oman . L. 1:j! · General Wauchope William Baird . L. l< !i Wellington. George Hooper . I'! J. Iii! Ditto (z vols.) Sir Herbert Maxwell E. Ij!b/1 ·. ,lwr illii .f..,,,11:.:' 6 LIST OF BOOKS. TITLE. AUTHOR. PRESS­ MARK. William the Conqueror E. A. Freeman L. William the Third H. D. Traill L. Wolfe A. G. Bradley . J. Cardinal Wolsey Mandell Creighton J. ESSAYS AND PHILOSOPHICAL. Criticisms on Milton J. Addison w. Essays and Tales· Ditto W. History of John Bun Arbuthnot . w. Mixed Essays Matthew Arnold A. The Schoolmaster R. Ascham W. Sermons on Evil Speaking I. Barrow. w. Golden Book of Marcus Aurelius M. Casaubon w. Essays . Francis Bacon . w. Advancement of Learning . Ditto w. Essays Civil and Moral Ditto w Wisdom of the Ancients,· &c. Ditto w. Dawn of Modern Geography C. R. Beazley . B. Bolingbroke's Letters . W. Grace Abounding John Bunyan w. The Sublime and Beautiful. E. Burke . w. Thoughts on the Present Dis- Ditto w. contents. The Jew, the Gipsy and El Islam R. F. Burton A. Human Nature Bishop Butler . · W. Sartor Resartus . Thomas Carlyle A. Essays A. Cowley W. Consolations in Travel H. Davy. w. An Essay Upon ProjeCts D. Defoe W. Discourses on Satire, &c. J. Dryden . W. Notes from a Diary, I8SI-9I Grant Duff L. (Io vols). Essays . R. W. Emerson A­ Ditto (series I and 2) . (2 vols.) Ditto W. Discourses of Epictetus (z vols.) E. Carter w. Evelyn's Diary (4 vols.) W. Bray. D. The Existence of God Fenelon . W. Short Studies on Great Subjects J. A. Froude 0. (4 vols). Autocrat and Professor Oliver W. Holmes L. Men, Women and Books L. Hunt A. ESSAYS; PHILOSOPHICAL; HISTORICAL. 1· TITLE. AUTHOR. PRESS­ MARK. Lay Sermons, etc. T. H. Huxley . E. Method and Results, Essays Ditto A. Discoveries. Ben Jonson w. Essays of Elia and Eliana Charles Lamb . A. Actors and· Acting G. H. Lewes E. Contributions to " The Globe" R. M. Lluellyn. E. Of Civil Government and Tolera- J. Locke. w. tion. Trips to the Moon Lucian w. Dialogues of the Dead Lord Lyttleton W. Essays Lord Macaulay. o. Influence of Sea Power upon Captain A. T. Mahan c. History. Influence of Sea Power upon the Ditto c. French Revolution (z vols.). Logic Inductive and Deductive W. Minto. A. Montaigm!s Essays (6 vols.) J. Florio . w. Utopia T. More. W. Pepys' Diary (4 vols.) R. L. Braybrooke D. Plato's Works (7 vols.) D. Banquet of Plato P. R. Shelley w. Plutarch's Lives of Illustrious Men A.H. Clough A. Plutarch's Lives. (ro vols.) T. North w. Self Help S. Smiles o. Colloquies on Society . R. Southey w. Battle of the Books J. Swift w. In Tune with the Infinite Ralph W. Trine E. Letters on England Voltaire w. Letters on Sweden, etc. Mary Wollstonecroft w. The Spectator (8 vols.) D. HISTORICAL. 1 Wl::; Naval Pioneers of Australia L. Beck and W. Jeffery L. il ·;:[ Log of a Sea-Waif Frank T. Bullen 0. i'l:i! Men of the Merchant Service Ditto 0. !/ !ii Way they have in the Navy Ditto 0. j: j :; . English Colonization and Empire Alfred Caldecott ..x -:: · .;;J J. ·ij · ; French Revolution . (3 vols.) Thomas Carlyle W. Julian S. Corbett c. \ f~~~ ~~~~~:~~;;;;~:~:ttio. of the Sir Edward Creasy A. q;t a!I' '!i; li ~ .!rF · 8 LIST OF BOOKS. TITLE. AUTHOR. PRESS· MARK. Beneath the Banner F. J. Cross E. Great Bo~r War A. Conan Doyle B. How England Saved Europe W. H. Fitchett 0. (4 vols.). Fights for the Flag Ditto 0. Deeds that Won the Empire Ditto L. History of James IL . C. J. Fox W. English Seamen (r6th Century) J. A. Froude L. Story of the Armada • Ditto L. Decline and Fall of the Roman Edward Gibbon D. Empire (7 vols.). Student's Gibbon (Part rH( ) A. H. J. Greenidge . L. 1 1 Ditto (Part z). 5 vo · J. G. C. Anderson. Deeds of Naval Daring Edward Giffard 0. London in 1731 D. M. Gonzales W. History of the English People John R. Green. 0 . French Soldiers in German E. Guers. L. Prisons. Walks in London (z vols.) Augustus J. C. Ha:re. L. Herodotzts (z vols.) A. J. Grant E. History of England David Hume E. Century of our Sea Story Walter Jeffery . B. History of England (r8th Cent.) William E. H . Lecky D. (7 vols.). History of Ireland (r8th Cent.) Ditto D. (5 vols.). Lost Empires of Modern World Walter F. Lord D. British Dominion in India . Sir Alfred Lyall J. Age of Blake L. W. Lyde L. Age of Drake Ditto E. Age of Hawke Ditto L. History of Englaud (6 vols.) Lord Macaulay D. History of our Own Times (5 vo!s.) Justin McCarthy D. At School and at Sea . "Martello Tower" E. A Middy's Recollections Victor A. Montagu L. Rise of Dutch Republic (3 vols.) John L. Motley D. My Ten Years' Imprisonment S. Pellico W. Conquest of Mexico William H. Prescott. J. Under the Red Crescent C. S. Ryan and J. Sandes L. Age of Richelieu A. J. Smith L. Tacitus' Works (z vols.) J. Thucydides . (2 vols.) H. Dale A. Story of the Sea . (z vols.) Cassell 0. Peril and Patriotism Ditto 0. TRAVEL. 9 TRAVEL. TITLE. PRESS· MARK. Bosnia and Herzegovina J. de Asboth . • B. Voyages of William Baffin. Sir Clements R. Markham B. Naturalist on River Amazons Henry W. Ba.tes B. Sperm Whale and South Sea Thomas Beale .
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